spring DefaultFormattingConversionService 源码

  • 2022-08-08
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spring DefaultFormattingConversionService 代码


 * Copyright 2002-2021 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.format.support;

import org.springframework.core.convert.support.DefaultConversionService;
import org.springframework.format.FormatterRegistry;
import org.springframework.format.datetime.DateFormatterRegistrar;
import org.springframework.format.datetime.standard.DateTimeFormatterRegistrar;
import org.springframework.format.number.NumberFormatAnnotationFormatterFactory;
import org.springframework.format.number.money.CurrencyUnitFormatter;
import org.springframework.format.number.money.Jsr354NumberFormatAnnotationFormatterFactory;
import org.springframework.format.number.money.MonetaryAmountFormatter;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringValueResolver;

 * A specialization of {@link FormattingConversionService} configured by default with
 * converters and formatters appropriate for most applications.
 * <p>Designed for direct instantiation but also exposes the static {@link #addDefaultFormatters}
 * utility method for ad hoc use against any {@code FormatterRegistry} instance, just
 * as {@code DefaultConversionService} exposes its own
 * {@link DefaultConversionService#addDefaultConverters addDefaultConverters} method.
 * <p>Automatically registers formatters for JSR-354 Money &amp; Currency, JSR-310 Date-Time
 * and/or Joda-Time 2.x, depending on the presence of the corresponding API on the classpath.
 * @author Chris Beams
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 3.1
public class DefaultFormattingConversionService extends FormattingConversionService {

	private static final boolean jsr354Present;

	static {
		ClassLoader classLoader = DefaultFormattingConversionService.class.getClassLoader();
		jsr354Present = ClassUtils.isPresent("javax.money.MonetaryAmount", classLoader);

	 * Create a new {@code DefaultFormattingConversionService} with the set of
	 * {@linkplain DefaultConversionService#addDefaultConverters default converters} and
	 * {@linkplain #addDefaultFormatters default formatters}.
	public DefaultFormattingConversionService() {
		this(null, true);

	 * Create a new {@code DefaultFormattingConversionService} with the set of
	 * {@linkplain DefaultConversionService#addDefaultConverters default converters} and,
	 * based on the value of {@code registerDefaultFormatters}, the set of
	 * {@linkplain #addDefaultFormatters default formatters}.
	 * @param registerDefaultFormatters whether to register default formatters
	public DefaultFormattingConversionService(boolean registerDefaultFormatters) {
		this(null, registerDefaultFormatters);

	 * Create a new {@code DefaultFormattingConversionService} with the set of
	 * {@linkplain DefaultConversionService#addDefaultConverters default converters} and,
	 * based on the value of {@code registerDefaultFormatters}, the set of
	 * {@linkplain #addDefaultFormatters default formatters}.
	 * @param embeddedValueResolver delegated to {@link #setEmbeddedValueResolver(StringValueResolver)}
	 * prior to calling {@link #addDefaultFormatters}.
	 * @param registerDefaultFormatters whether to register default formatters
	public DefaultFormattingConversionService(
			@Nullable StringValueResolver embeddedValueResolver, boolean registerDefaultFormatters) {

		if (embeddedValueResolver != null) {
		if (registerDefaultFormatters) {

	 * Add formatters appropriate for most environments: including number formatters,
	 * JSR-354 Money &amp; Currency formatters, JSR-310 Date-Time and/or Joda-Time formatters,
	 * depending on the presence of the corresponding API on the classpath.
	 * @param formatterRegistry the service to register default formatters with
	public static void addDefaultFormatters(FormatterRegistry formatterRegistry) {
		// Default handling of number values
		formatterRegistry.addFormatterForFieldAnnotation(new NumberFormatAnnotationFormatterFactory());

		// Default handling of monetary values
		if (jsr354Present) {
			formatterRegistry.addFormatter(new CurrencyUnitFormatter());
			formatterRegistry.addFormatter(new MonetaryAmountFormatter());
			formatterRegistry.addFormatterForFieldAnnotation(new Jsr354NumberFormatAnnotationFormatterFactory());

		// Default handling of date-time values

		// just handling JSR-310 specific date and time types
		new DateTimeFormatterRegistrar().registerFormatters(formatterRegistry);

		// regular DateFormat-based Date, Calendar, Long converters
		new DateFormatterRegistrar().registerFormatters(formatterRegistry);



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