spring DateTimeFormatterFactory 源码
spring DateTimeFormatterFactory 代码
* Copyright 2002-2022 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.format.datetime.standard;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.FormatStyle;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat.ISO;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* Factory that creates a JSR-310 {@link java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter}.
* <p>Formatters will be created using the defined {@link #setPattern pattern},
* {@link #setIso ISO}, and <code>xxxStyle</code> methods (considered in that order).
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @author Phillip Webb
* @author Sam Brannen
* @since 4.0
* @see #createDateTimeFormatter()
* @see #createDateTimeFormatter(DateTimeFormatter)
* @see #setPattern
* @see #setIso
* @see #setDateStyle
* @see #setTimeStyle
* @see #setDateTimeStyle
* @see DateTimeFormatterFactoryBean
public class DateTimeFormatterFactory {
private String pattern;
private ISO iso;
private FormatStyle dateStyle;
private FormatStyle timeStyle;
private TimeZone timeZone;
* Create a new {@code DateTimeFormatterFactory} instance.
public DateTimeFormatterFactory() {
* Create a new {@code DateTimeFormatterFactory} instance.
* @param pattern the pattern to use to format date values
public DateTimeFormatterFactory(String pattern) {
this.pattern = pattern;
* Set the pattern to use to format date values.
* @param pattern the format pattern
public void setPattern(String pattern) {
this.pattern = pattern;
* Set the ISO format used to format date values.
* @param iso the ISO format
public void setIso(ISO iso) {
this.iso = iso;
* Set the style to use for date types.
public void setDateStyle(FormatStyle dateStyle) {
this.dateStyle = dateStyle;
* Set the style to use for time types.
public void setTimeStyle(FormatStyle timeStyle) {
this.timeStyle = timeStyle;
* Set the style to use for date and time types.
public void setDateTimeStyle(FormatStyle dateTimeStyle) {
this.dateStyle = dateTimeStyle;
this.timeStyle = dateTimeStyle;
* Set the two characters to use to format date values, in Joda-Time style.
* <p>The first character is used for the date style; the second is for
* the time style. Supported characters are:
* <ul>
* <li>'S' = Small</li>
* <li>'M' = Medium</li>
* <li>'L' = Long</li>
* <li>'F' = Full</li>
* <li>'-' = Omitted</li>
* </ul>
* <p>This method mimics the styles supported by Joda-Time. Note that
* JSR-310 natively favors {@link java.time.format.FormatStyle} as used for
* {@link #setDateStyle}, {@link #setTimeStyle} and {@link #setDateTimeStyle}.
* @param style two characters from the set {"S", "M", "L", "F", "-"}
public void setStylePattern(String style) {
Assert.isTrue(style.length() == 2, "Style pattern must consist of two characters");
this.dateStyle = convertStyleCharacter(style.charAt(0));
this.timeStyle = convertStyleCharacter(style.charAt(1));
private FormatStyle convertStyleCharacter(char c) {
return switch (c) {
case 'S' -> FormatStyle.SHORT;
case 'M' -> FormatStyle.MEDIUM;
case 'L' -> FormatStyle.LONG;
case 'F' -> FormatStyle.FULL;
case '-' -> null;
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid style character '" + c + "'");
* Set the {@code TimeZone} to normalize the date values into, if any.
* @param timeZone the time zone
public void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone) {
this.timeZone = timeZone;
* Create a new {@code DateTimeFormatter} using this factory.
* <p>If no specific pattern or style has been defined,
* {@link FormatStyle#MEDIUM medium date time format} will be used.
* @return a new date time formatter
* @see #createDateTimeFormatter(DateTimeFormatter)
public DateTimeFormatter createDateTimeFormatter() {
return createDateTimeFormatter(DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(FormatStyle.MEDIUM));
* Create a new {@code DateTimeFormatter} using this factory.
* <p>If no specific pattern or style has been defined,
* the supplied {@code fallbackFormatter} will be used.
* @param fallbackFormatter the fall-back formatter to use
* when no specific factory properties have been set
* @return a new date time formatter
public DateTimeFormatter createDateTimeFormatter(DateTimeFormatter fallbackFormatter) {
DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = null;
if (StringUtils.hasLength(this.pattern)) {
dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatterUtils.createStrictDateTimeFormatter(this.pattern);
else if (this.iso != null && this.iso != ISO.NONE) {
dateTimeFormatter = switch (this.iso) {
case DATE -> DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE;
case TIME -> DateTimeFormatter.ISO_TIME;
case DATE_TIME -> DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME;
default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported ISO format: " + this.iso);
else if (this.dateStyle != null && this.timeStyle != null) {
dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime(this.dateStyle, this.timeStyle);
else if (this.dateStyle != null) {
dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate(this.dateStyle);
else if (this.timeStyle != null) {
dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(this.timeStyle);
if (dateTimeFormatter != null && this.timeZone != null) {
dateTimeFormatter = dateTimeFormatter.withZone(this.timeZone.toZoneId());
return (dateTimeFormatter != null ? dateTimeFormatter : fallbackFormatter);
spring DateTimeContextHolder 源码
spring DateTimeFormatterFactoryBean 源码
spring DateTimeFormatterRegistrar 源码
spring DateTimeFormatterUtils 源码
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