spring-batch StepExecution 源码

  • 2022-08-16
  • 浏览 (479)

spring-batch StepExecution 代码


 * Copyright 2006-2022 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.batch.core;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

import org.springframework.batch.item.ExecutionContext;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

 * Batch domain object representation for the execution of a step. Unlike
 * {@link JobExecution}, additional properties are related to the processing of items,
 * such as commit count and others.
 * @author Lucas Ward
 * @author Dave Syer
 * @author Mahmoud Ben Hassine
 * @author Taeik Lim
public class StepExecution extends Entity {

	private final JobExecution jobExecution;

	private final String stepName;

	private volatile BatchStatus status = BatchStatus.STARTING;

	private volatile long readCount = 0;

	private volatile long writeCount = 0;

	private volatile long commitCount = 0;

	private volatile long rollbackCount = 0;

	private volatile long readSkipCount = 0;

	private volatile long processSkipCount = 0;

	private volatile long writeSkipCount = 0;

	private volatile Date startTime = null;

	private volatile Date createTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());

	private volatile Date endTime = null;

	private volatile Date lastUpdated = null;

	private volatile ExecutionContext executionContext = new ExecutionContext();

	private volatile ExitStatus exitStatus = ExitStatus.EXECUTING;

	private volatile boolean terminateOnly;

	private volatile long filterCount;

	private transient volatile List<Throwable> failureExceptions = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

	 * Constructor with mandatory properties.
	 * @param stepName The step to which this execution belongs.
	 * @param jobExecution The current job execution.
	 * @param id The ID of this execution.
	public StepExecution(String stepName, JobExecution jobExecution, Long id) {
		this(stepName, jobExecution);
		Assert.notNull(jobExecution, "JobExecution must be provided to re-hydrate an existing StepExecution");
		Assert.notNull(id, "The entity Id must be provided to re-hydrate an existing StepExecution");

	 * Constructor that substitutes null for the execution ID.
	 * @param stepName The step to which this execution belongs.
	 * @param jobExecution The current job execution.
	public StepExecution(String stepName, JobExecution jobExecution) {
		Assert.hasLength(stepName, "A stepName is required");
		this.stepName = stepName;
		this.jobExecution = jobExecution;

	 * Constructor that requires only a stepName. Intended only to be used over
	 * serialization libraries to address the circular reference between
	 * {@link JobExecution} and StepExecution.
	 * @param stepName The name of the executed step.
	private StepExecution(String stepName) {
		Assert.hasLength(stepName, "A stepName is required");
		this.stepName = stepName;
		this.jobExecution = null;

	 * Returns the {@link ExecutionContext} for this execution.
	 * @return the attributes.
	public ExecutionContext getExecutionContext() {
		return executionContext;

	 * Sets the {@link ExecutionContext} for this execution.
	 * @param executionContext The attributes.
	public void setExecutionContext(ExecutionContext executionContext) {
		this.executionContext = executionContext;

	 * Returns the current number of commits for this execution.
	 * @return the current number of commits.
	public long getCommitCount() {
		return commitCount;

	 * Sets the current number of commits for this execution.
	 * @param commitCount The current number of commits.
	public void setCommitCount(long commitCount) {
		this.commitCount = commitCount;

	 * Returns the time when this execution ended or {@code null} if the step is running.
	 * @return the time when this execution ended or {@code null} if the step is running.
	public Date getEndTime() {
		return endTime;

	 * Sets the time when this execution ended.
	 * @param endTime The time when this execution ended.
	public void setEndTime(Date endTime) {
		this.endTime = endTime;

	 * Returns the current number of items read for this execution.
	 * @return the current number of items read for this execution.
	public long getReadCount() {
		return readCount;

	 * Sets the current number of read items for this execution.
	 * @param readCount The current number of read items for this execution.
	public void setReadCount(long readCount) {
		this.readCount = readCount;

	 * Returns the current number of items written for this execution.
	 * @return The current number of items written for this execution.
	public long getWriteCount() {
		return writeCount;

	 * Sets the current number of written items for this execution.
	 * @param writeCount The current number of written items for this execution.
	public void setWriteCount(long writeCount) {
		this.writeCount = writeCount;

	 * Returns the current number of rollbacks for this execution.
	 * @return the current number of rollbacks for this execution.
	public long getRollbackCount() {
		return rollbackCount;

	 * Returns the current number of items filtered out of this execution.
	 * @return the current number of items filtered out of this execution.
	public long getFilterCount() {
		return filterCount;

	 * Sets the number of items filtered out of this execution.
	 * @param filterCount The number of items filtered out of this execution to set.
	public void setFilterCount(long filterCount) {
		this.filterCount = filterCount;

	 * Sets the number of rollbacks for this execution.
	 * @param rollbackCount {@code long} the number of rollbacks.
	public void setRollbackCount(long rollbackCount) {
		this.rollbackCount = rollbackCount;

	 * Gets the time this execution was created
	 * @return the time when this execution was created.
	public Date getCreateTime() {
		return createTime;

	 * Sets the time this execution was created
	 * @param createTime creation time of this execution.
	public void setCreateTime(Date createTime) {
		this.createTime = createTime;

	 * Gets the time when this execution started.
	 * @return the time when this execution started.
	public Date getStartTime() {
		return startTime;

	 * Sets the time when this execution started.
	 * @param startTime The time when this execution started.
	public void setStartTime(Date startTime) {
		this.startTime = startTime;

	 * Returns the current status of this step.
	 * @return the current status of this step.
	public BatchStatus getStatus() {
		return status;

	 * Sets the current status of this step.
	 * @param status The current status of this step.
	public void setStatus(BatchStatus status) {
		this.status = status;

	 * Upgrade the status field if the provided value is greater than the existing one.
	 * Clients using this method to set the status can be sure that they do not overwrite
	 * a failed status with a successful one.
	 * @param status The new status value,
	public void upgradeStatus(BatchStatus status) {
		this.status = this.status.upgradeTo(status);

	 * @return the name of the step.
	public String getStepName() {
		return stepName;

	 * Accessor for the job execution ID.
	 * @return the {@code jobExecutionId}.
	public Long getJobExecutionId() {
		if (jobExecution != null) {
			return jobExecution.getId();
		return null;

	 * @param exitStatus The {@link ExitStatus} instance used to establish the exit
	 * status.
	public void setExitStatus(ExitStatus exitStatus) {
		this.exitStatus = exitStatus;

	 * @return the {@code ExitStatus}.
	public ExitStatus getExitStatus() {
		return exitStatus;

	 * Accessor for the execution context information of the enclosing job.
	 * @return the {@link JobExecution} that was used to start this step execution.
	public JobExecution getJobExecution() {
		return jobExecution;

	 * Factory method for {@link StepContribution}.
	 * @return a new {@link StepContribution}
	public StepContribution createStepContribution() {
		return new StepContribution(this);

	 * This method should be called on successful execution just before a chunk commit.
	 * Synchronizes access to the {@link StepExecution} so that changes are atomic.
	 * @param contribution The {@link StepContribution} instance used to update the
	 * {@code StepExecution} state.
	public synchronized void apply(StepContribution contribution) {
		readSkipCount += contribution.getReadSkipCount();
		writeSkipCount += contribution.getWriteSkipCount();
		processSkipCount += contribution.getProcessSkipCount();
		filterCount += contribution.getFilterCount();
		readCount += contribution.getReadCount();
		writeCount += contribution.getWriteCount();
		exitStatus = exitStatus.and(contribution.getExitStatus());

	 * Increments the rollback count. Should be used on unsuccessful execution after a
	 * chunk has rolled back.
	public synchronized void incrementRollbackCount() {

	 * @return flag to indicate that an execution should halt.
	public boolean isTerminateOnly() {
		return this.terminateOnly;

	 * Sets a flag that signals to an execution environment that this execution (and its
	 * surrounding job) wishes to exit.
	public void setTerminateOnly() {
		this.terminateOnly = true;

	 * @return the total number of items skipped.
	public long getSkipCount() {
		return readSkipCount + processSkipCount + writeSkipCount;

	 * Increment the number of commits.
	public void incrementCommitCount() {

	 * Convenience method to get the current job parameters.
	 * @return the {@link JobParameters} from the enclosing job or empty if that is
	 * {@code null}.
	public JobParameters getJobParameters() {
		if (jobExecution == null) {
			return new JobParameters();
		return jobExecution.getJobParameters();

	 * @return the number of records skipped on read.
	public long getReadSkipCount() {
		return readSkipCount;

	 * @return the number of records skipped on write.
	public long getWriteSkipCount() {
		return writeSkipCount;

	 * Set the number of records skipped on read.
	 * @param readSkipCount A {@code long} containing the read skip count to be used for
	 * the step execution.
	public void setReadSkipCount(long readSkipCount) {
		this.readSkipCount = readSkipCount;

	 * Set the number of records skipped on write.
	 * @param writeSkipCount A {@code long} containing write skip count to be used for the
	 * step execution.
	public void setWriteSkipCount(long writeSkipCount) {
		this.writeSkipCount = writeSkipCount;

	 * @return the number of records skipped during processing
	public long getProcessSkipCount() {
		return processSkipCount;

	 * Sets the number of records skipped during processing.
	 * @param processSkipCount A {@code long} containing the process skip count to be used
	 * for the step execution.
	public void setProcessSkipCount(long processSkipCount) {
		this.processSkipCount = processSkipCount;

	 * @return the Date representing the last time this execution was persisted.
	public Date getLastUpdated() {
		return lastUpdated;

	 * Sets the time when the {@code StepExecution} was last updated before persisting.
	 * @param lastUpdated the {@link Date} instance used to establish the last updated
	 * date for the {@code StepExecution}.
	public void setLastUpdated(Date lastUpdated) {
		this.lastUpdated = lastUpdated;

	 * @return the {@link List} of {@link Throwable} objects.
	public List<Throwable> getFailureExceptions() {
		return failureExceptions;

	 * Add a {@link Throwable} to failure exceptions.
	 * @param throwable The {@link Throwable} to add to failure exceptions.
	public void addFailureException(Throwable throwable) {

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.springframework.batch.container.common.domain.Entity#equals(java.
	 * lang.Object)
	public boolean equals(Object obj) {

		Object jobExecutionId = getJobExecutionId();
		if (jobExecutionId == null || !(obj instanceof StepExecution) || getId() == null) {
			return super.equals(obj);
		StepExecution other = (StepExecution) obj;

		return stepName.equals(other.getStepName()) && (jobExecutionId.equals(other.getJobExecutionId()))
				&& getId().equals(other.getId());

	 * Deserialize and ensure transient fields are re-instantiated when read back.
	 * @param stream An instance of {@link ObjectInputStream}.
	 * @throws IOException If an error occurs during read.
	 * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the class is not found.
	private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
		failureExceptions = new ArrayList<>();

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.springframework.batch.container.common.domain.Entity#hashCode()
	public int hashCode() {
		Object jobExecutionId = getJobExecutionId();
		Long id = getId();
		return super.hashCode() + 31 * (stepName != null ? stepName.hashCode() : 0)
				+ 91 * (jobExecutionId != null ? jobExecutionId.hashCode() : 0) + 59 * (id != null ? id.hashCode() : 0);

	public String toString() {
		return String.format(getSummary() + ", exitDescription=%s", exitStatus.getExitDescription());

	 * @return The {@link String} containing a summary of the step execution.
	public String getSummary() {
		return super.toString() + String.format(
				", name=%s, status=%s, exitStatus=%s, readCount=%d, filterCount=%d, writeCount=%d readSkipCount=%d, writeSkipCount=%d"
						+ ", processSkipCount=%d, commitCount=%d, rollbackCount=%d",
				stepName, status, exitStatus.getExitCode(), readCount, filterCount, writeCount, readSkipCount,
				writeSkipCount, processSkipCount, commitCount, rollbackCount);



spring-batch 源码目录


spring-batch BatchStatus 源码

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spring-batch Entity 源码

spring-batch ExitStatus 源码

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spring-batch ItemReadListener 源码

spring-batch ItemWriteListener 源码

spring-batch Job 源码

spring-batch JobExecution 源码

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