harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.app.form.formBindingData (formBindingData)

  • 2022-12-22
  • 浏览 (644)

@ohos.app.form.formBindingData (formBindingData)

The FormBindingData module provides APIs for widget data binding. You can use the APIs to create a FormBindingData object and obtain related information.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import formBindingData from '@ohos.app.form.formBindingData';


Defines the subscription information about the widget update by proxy.

Model restriction: This API can be used only in the stage model.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form

Name Type Mandatory Description
key10+ string Yes Subscriber ID of the widget update by proxy. The value is the same as that of the data publisher.
subscriberId10+ string No Subscription condition of the widget update by proxy. The default value is the current widget ID (specified by formId).


Describes a FormBindingData object.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form

Name Type Mandatory Description
data Object Yes Data to be displayed on the JS widget. The value can be an object containing multiple key-value pairs or a string in JSON format.
proxies10+ Array<ProxyData> No Subscription information of the widget update by proxy. The default value is an empty array.
Model restriction: This API can be used only in the stage model.


createFormBindingData(obj?: Object|string): FormBindingData

Creates a FormBindingData object.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
obj Object|string No Data to be displayed on the JS widget. The value can be an object containing multiple key-value pairs or a string in JSON format. The image data is identified by ‘formImages’, and the content is multiple key-value pairs, each of which consists of an image identifier and image file descriptor. The final format is {‘formImages’: {‘key1’: fd1, ‘key2’: fd2}}.

Return value

Type Description
FormBindingData FormBindingData object created based on the passed data.


import formBindingData from '@ohos.app.form.formBindingData';
import fs from '@ohos.file.fs';
import Base from '@ohos.base';

try {
  let fd = fs.openSync('/path/to/form.png');

  let createFormBindingDataParam = new Map<string, string|Object>();
  let formImagesParam = new Map<string, Object>();
  formImagesParam.set('image', fd);
  createFormBindingDataParam.set("name", '21°');
  createFormBindingDataParam.set('formImages', formImagesParam);

} catch (error) {
  let code = (error as Base.BusinessError).code;
  let message = (error as Base.BusinessError).message;
  console.error(`catch error, code: ${code}, message: ${message}`);


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