greenplumn vacuum 源码

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greenplumn vacuum 代码


 * vacuum.h
 *	  header file for postgres vacuum cleaner and statistics analyzer
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 * src/include/commands/vacuum.h
#ifndef VACUUM_H
#define VACUUM_H

#include "access/htup.h"
#include "catalog/pg_class.h"
#include "catalog/pg_statistic.h"
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "nodes/parsenodes.h"
#include "storage/buf.h"
#include "storage/lock.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
#include "utils/snapshot.h"

 * ANALYZE builds one of these structs for each attribute (column) that is
 * to be analyzed.  The struct and subsidiary data are in anl_context,
 * so they live until the end of the ANALYZE operation.
 * The type-specific typanalyze function is passed a pointer to this struct
 * and must return true to continue analysis, false to skip analysis of this
 * column.  In the true case it must set the compute_stats and minrows fields,
 * and can optionally set extra_data to pass additional info to compute_stats.
 * minrows is its request for the minimum number of sample rows to be gathered
 * (but note this request might not be honored, eg if there are fewer rows
 * than that in the table).
 * The compute_stats routine will be called after sample rows have been
 * gathered.  Aside from this struct, it is passed:
 *		fetchfunc: a function for accessing the column values from the
 *				   sample rows
 *		samplerows: the number of sample tuples
 *		totalrows: estimated total number of rows in relation
 * The fetchfunc may be called with rownum running from 0 to samplerows-1.
 * It returns a Datum and an isNull flag.
 * compute_stats should set stats_valid true if it is able to compute
 * any useful statistics.  If it does, the remainder of the struct holds
 * the information to be stored in a pg_statistic row for the column.  Be
 * careful to allocate any pointed-to data in anl_context, which will NOT
 * be CurrentMemoryContext when compute_stats is called.
 * Note: all comparisons done for statistical purposes should use the
 * underlying column's collation (attcollation), except in situations
 * where a noncollatable container type contains a collatable type;
 * in that case use the type's default collation.  Be sure to record
 * the appropriate collation in stacoll.
typedef struct VacAttrStats *VacAttrStatsP;

typedef Datum (*AnalyzeAttrFetchFunc) (VacAttrStatsP stats, int rownum,
									   bool *isNull);

typedef void (*AnalyzeAttrComputeStatsFunc) (VacAttrStatsP stats,
											 AnalyzeAttrFetchFunc fetchfunc,
											 int samplerows,
											 double totalrows);

typedef struct VacAttrStats
	 * These fields are set up by the main ANALYZE code before invoking the
	 * type-specific typanalyze function.
	 * Note: do not assume that the data being analyzed has the same datatype
	 * shown in attr, ie do not trust attr->atttypid, attlen, etc.  This is
	 * because some index opclasses store a different type than the underlying
	 * column/expression.  Instead use attrtypid, attrtypmod, and attrtype for
	 * information about the datatype being fed to the typanalyze function.
	 * Likewise, use attrcollid not attr->attcollation.
	Form_pg_attribute attr;		/* copy of pg_attribute row for column */
	Oid			attrtypid;		/* type of data being analyzed */
	int32		attrtypmod;		/* typmod of data being analyzed */
	Form_pg_type attrtype;		/* copy of pg_type row for attrtypid */
	Oid			attrcollid;		/* collation of data being analyzed */
	MemoryContext anl_context;	/* where to save long-lived data */
	int16		elevel;			/* set to LOG for ANALYZE VERBOSE */

	 * These fields must be filled in by the typanalyze routine, unless it
	 * returns false.
	AnalyzeAttrComputeStatsFunc compute_stats;	/* function pointer */
	int			minrows;		/* Minimum # of rows wanted for stats */
	void	   *extra_data;		/* for extra type-specific data */

	 * These fields are to be filled in by the compute_stats routine. (They
	 * are initialized to zero when the struct is created.)
	bool		stats_valid;
	float4		stanullfrac;	/* fraction of entries that are NULL */
	int32		stawidth;		/* average width of column values */
	float4		stadistinct;	/* # distinct values */
	int16		stakind[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS];
	Oid			stacoll[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS];
	int			numnumbers[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS];
	float4	   *stanumbers[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS];
	int			numvalues[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS];
	Datum	   *stavalues[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS];

	bytea *stahll;			/* storing hyperloglog counter for sampled data */
	bytea *stahll_full;			/* storing hyperloglog counter for entire table scan */
	 * These fields describe the stavalues[n] element types. They will be
	 * initialized to match attrtypid, but a custom typanalyze function might
	 * want to store an array of something other than the analyzed column's
	 * elements. It should then overwrite these fields.
	Oid			statypid[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS];
	int16		statyplen[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS];
	bool		statypbyval[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS];
	char		statypalign[STATISTIC_NUM_SLOTS];

	 * These fields are private to the main ANALYZE code and should not be
	 * looked at by type-specific functions.
	int			tupattnum;		/* attribute number within tuples */
	HeapTuple  *rows;			/* access info for std fetch function */
	TupleDesc	tupDesc;
	Datum	   *exprvals;		/* access info for index fetch function */
	bool	   *exprnulls;
	int			rowstride;
	bool		merge_stats;
} VacAttrStats;

typedef enum VacuumOption
	VACOPT_VACUUM = 1 << 0,		/* do VACUUM */
	VACOPT_ANALYZE = 1 << 1,	/* do ANALYZE */
	VACOPT_VERBOSE = 1 << 2,	/* print progress info */
	VACOPT_FREEZE = 1 << 3,		/* FREEZE option */
	VACOPT_FULL = 1 << 4,		/* FULL (non-concurrent) vacuum */
	VACOPT_SKIP_LOCKED = 1 << 5,	/* skip if cannot get lock */
	VACOPT_SKIPTOAST = 1 << 6,	/* don't process the TOAST table, if any */
	VACOPT_DISABLE_PAGE_SKIPPING = 1 << 7	/* don't skip any pages */

	/* Extra GPDB options */

	/* AO vacuum phases. Mutually exclusive */
} VacuumOption;


 * A ternary value used by vacuum parameters.
 * DEFAULT value is used to determine the value based on other
 * configurations, e.g. reloptions.
typedef enum VacOptTernaryValue
} VacOptTernaryValue;

 * To avoid consuming too much memory during analysis and/or too much space
 * in the resulting pg_statistic rows, ANALYZE ignores varlena datums that are wider
 * than WIDTH_THRESHOLD (after detoasting!).  This is legitimate for MCV
 * and distinct-value calculations since a wide value is unlikely to be
 * duplicated at all, much less be a most-common value.  For the same reason,
 * ignoring wide values will not affect our estimates of histogram bin
 * boundaries very much.
 * NOTE: In upstream, this is private to analyze.c, but GPDB needs it in
 * analyzefuncs.c
#define WIDTH_THRESHOLD  1024

 * VPgClassStats is used to hold the stats information that are stored in
 * pg_class. It is sent from QE to QD in a special libpq message , when a
 * QE runs VACUUM on a table.
typedef struct VPgClassStats
	Oid			relid;
	BlockNumber rel_pages;
	double		rel_tuples;
	BlockNumber relallvisible;
} VPgClassStats;

 * Parameters customizing behavior of VACUUM and ANALYZE.
 * Note that at least one of VACOPT_VACUUM and VACOPT_ANALYZE must be set
 * in options.
typedef struct VacuumParams
	int			options;		/* bitmask of VacuumOption */
	int			freeze_min_age; /* min freeze age, -1 to use default */
	int			freeze_table_age;	/* age at which to scan whole table */
	int			multixact_freeze_min_age;	/* min multixact freeze age, -1 to
											 * use default */
	int			multixact_freeze_table_age; /* multixact age at which to scan
											 * whole table */
	bool		is_wraparound;	/* force a for-wraparound vacuum */
	int			log_min_duration;	/* minimum execution threshold in ms at
									 * which  verbose logs are activated, -1
									 * to use default */
	VacOptTernaryValue index_cleanup;	/* Do index vacuum and cleanup,
										 * default value depends on reloptions */
	VacOptTernaryValue truncate;	/* Truncate empty pages at the end,
									 * default value depends on reloptions */
	bool auto_stats;      /* invoked via automatic statistic collection */
} VacuumParams;

typedef struct
	/* Table being sampled */
	Relation	onerel;
	int32		targrows;

	/* whether acquire inherited sample rows */
	bool        inherited;

	/* Sampled rows and estimated total number of rows in the table. */
	HeapTuple  *sample_rows;
	int			num_sample_rows;
	double		totalrows;
	double		totaldeadrows;

	 * Result tuple descriptor. Each returned row consists of three "fixed"
	 * columns, plus all the columns of the sampled table (excluding dropped
	 * columns).
	TupleDesc	outDesc;

	/* SRF state, to track which rows have already been returned. */
	int			index;
	bool		summary_sent;
} gp_acquire_sample_rows_context;

/* GUC parameters */
extern PGDLLIMPORT int default_statistics_target;	/* PGDLLIMPORT for PostGIS */
extern int	vacuum_freeze_min_age;
extern int	vacuum_freeze_table_age;
extern int	vacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age;
extern int	vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age;

/* in commands/vacuum.c */
extern void ExecVacuum(ParseState *pstate, VacuumStmt *vacstmt, bool isTopLevel, bool auto_stats);
extern void vacuum(List *relations, VacuumParams *params,
				   BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy, bool isTopLevel);
extern void vac_open_indexes(Relation relation, LOCKMODE lockmode,
							 int *nindexes, Relation **Irel);
extern void vac_close_indexes(int nindexes, Relation *Irel, LOCKMODE lockmode);
extern double vac_estimate_reltuples(Relation relation,
									 BlockNumber total_pages,
									 BlockNumber scanned_pages,
									 double scanned_tuples);
extern void vac_send_relstats_to_qd(Relation relation,
						BlockNumber num_pages,
						double num_tuples,
						BlockNumber num_all_visible_pages);
extern void vac_update_relstats(Relation relation,
								BlockNumber num_pages,
								double num_tuples,
								BlockNumber num_all_visible_pages,
								bool hasindex,
								TransactionId frozenxid,
								MultiXactId minmulti,
								bool in_outer_xact,
								bool isvacuum);
extern void vacuum_set_xid_limits(Relation rel,
								  int freeze_min_age, int freeze_table_age,
								  int multixact_freeze_min_age,
								  int multixact_freeze_table_age,
								  TransactionId *oldestXmin,
								  TransactionId *freezeLimit,
								  TransactionId *xidFullScanLimit,
								  MultiXactId *multiXactCutoff,
								  MultiXactId *mxactFullScanLimit);
extern void vac_update_datfrozenxid(void);
extern void vacuum_delay_point(void);
extern bool vacuum_is_relation_owner(Oid relid, Form_pg_class reltuple,
									 int options);
extern Relation vacuum_open_relation(Oid relid, RangeVar *relation,
									 int options, bool verbose, LOCKMODE lmode);

extern bool vacuumStatement_IsTemporary(Relation onerel);

/* in commands/analyze.c */
extern void analyze_rel(Oid relid, RangeVar *relation,
						VacuumParams *params, List *va_cols, bool in_outer_xact,
						BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy, gp_acquire_sample_rows_context *ctx);

/* in commands/vacuumlazy.c */
extern void lazy_vacuum_rel_heap(Relation onerel,
							VacuumParams *params, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy);
extern void scan_index(Relation indrel, int elevel, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy);

/* in commands/vacuum_ao.c */
extern void ao_vacuum_rel(Relation rel, VacuumParams *params, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy);

extern bool std_typanalyze(VacAttrStats *stats);

/* in utils/misc/sampling.c --- duplicate of declarations in utils/sampling.h */
extern double anl_random_fract(void);
extern double anl_init_selection_state(int n);
extern double anl_get_next_S(double t, int n, double *stateptr);

extern int acquire_sample_rows(Relation onerel, int elevel,
							   HeapTuple *rows, int targrows,
							   double *totalrows, double *totaldeadrows);
extern int acquire_inherited_sample_rows(Relation onerel, int elevel,
							  HeapTuple *rows, int targrows,
							  double *totalrows, double *totaldeadrows);

/* in commands/analyzefuncs.c */
extern Datum gp_acquire_sample_rows(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
extern Oid gp_acquire_sample_rows_col_type(Oid typid);

#endif							/* VACUUM_H */


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