harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.deviceInfo (Device Information)

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (1188)

@ohos.deviceInfo (Device Information)

The deviceInfo module provides product information.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 6. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import deviceInfo from '@ohos.deviceInfo'


System capability: SystemCapability.Startup.SystemInfo

Name Type Readable Writable Description
deviceType string Yes No Device type.
manufacture string Yes No Device manufacturer.
brand string Yes No Device brand.
marketName string Yes No Marketing name.
productSeries string Yes No Product series.
productModel string Yes No Product model.
softwareModel string Yes No Software model.
hardwareModel string Yes No Hardware model.
hardwareProfile string Yes No Hardware profile.
serial string Yes No Device serial number.
Required permissions: ohos.permission.sec.ACCESS_UDID
bootloaderVersion string Yes No Bootloader version.
abiList string Yes No Application binary interface (Abi) list.
securityPatchTag string Yes No Security patch tag.
displayVersion string Yes No Product version.
incrementalVersion string Yes No Incremental version.
osReleaseType string Yes No OS release type. The options are as follows:
- Canary: Preliminary release open only to specific developers. This release does not promise API stability and may require tolerance of instability.
- Beta: Release open to all developers. This release does not promise API stability and may require tolerance of instability.
- Release: Official release open to all developers. This release promises that all APIs are stable.
osFullName string Yes No OS version.
majorVersion number Yes No Major version, incrementing along with OS version updates.
seniorVersion number Yes No Senior version, incrementing along with architecture and feature updates.
featureVersion number Yes No Feature version.
buildVersion number Yes No Build version.
sdkApiVersion number Yes No SDK API version.
firstApiVersion number Yes No First API version.
versionId string Yes No Version ID.
buildType string Yes No Build type.
buildUser string Yes No Build user.
buildHost string Yes No Build host.
buildTime string Yes No Build time.
buildRootHash string Yes No Build root hash.
udid7+ string Yes No Device UDID.
Required permissions: ohos.permission.sec.ACCESS_UDID
distributionOSName10+ String Yes No Name of the distribution OS.
distributionOSVersion10+ String Yes No Version number of the distribution OS.
distributionOSApiVersion10+ number Yes No API version of the distribution OS.
distributionOSReleaseType10+ String Yes No Type of the distribution OS.


    import deviceinfo from '@ohos.deviceInfo'

    let deviceTypeInfo: string = deviceinfo.deviceType;
    console.info('the value of the deviceType is :' + deviceTypeInfo);

    let manufactureInfo: string = deviceinfo.manufacture;
    console.info('the value of the manufactureInfo is :' + manufactureInfo);

    let brandInfo: string = deviceinfo.brand;
    console.info('the value of the device brand is :' + brandInfo);

    let marketNameInfo: string = deviceinfo.marketName;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo marketName is :' + marketNameInfo);

    let productSeriesInfo: string = deviceinfo.productSeries;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo productSeries is :' + productSeriesInfo);

    let productModelInfo: string = deviceinfo.productModel;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo productModel is :' + productModelInfo);

    let softwareModelInfo: string = deviceinfo.softwareModel;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo softwareModel is :' + softwareModelInfo);

    let hardwareModelInfo: string = deviceinfo.hardwareModel;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo hardwareModel is :' + hardwareModelInfo);

    let hardwareProfileInfo: string = deviceinfo.hardwareProfile;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo hardwareProfile is :' + hardwareProfileInfo);

    let serialInfo: string = deviceinfo.serial;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo serial is :' + serialInfo);

    let bootloaderVersionInfo: string = deviceinfo.bootloaderVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo bootloaderVersion is :' + bootloaderVersionInfo);

    let abiListInfo: string = deviceinfo.abiList;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo abiList is :' + abiListInfo);

    let securityPatchTagInfo: string = deviceinfo.securityPatchTag;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo securityPatchTag is :' + securityPatchTagInfo);

    let displayVersionInfo: string = deviceinfo.displayVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo displayVersion is :' + displayVersionInfo);

    let incrementalVersionInfo: string = deviceinfo.incrementalVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo incrementalVersion is :' + incrementalVersionInfo);

    let osReleaseTypeInfo: string = deviceinfo.osReleaseType;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo osReleaseType is :' + osReleaseTypeInfo);

    let osFullNameInfo: string = deviceinfo.osFullName;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo osFullName is :' + osFullNameInfo);

    let majorVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.majorVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo majorVersion is :' + majorVersionInfo);

    let seniorVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.seniorVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo seniorVersion is :' + seniorVersionInfo);

    let featureVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.featureVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo featureVersion is :' + featureVersionInfo);

    let buildVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.buildVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildVersion is :' + buildVersionInfo);

    let sdkApiVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.sdkApiVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo sdkApiVersion is :' + sdkApiVersionInfo);

    let firstApiVersionInfo: number = deviceinfo.firstApiVersion;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo firstApiVersion is :' + firstApiVersionInfo);

    let versionIdInfo: string = deviceinfo.versionId;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo versionId is :' + versionIdInfo);

    let buildTypeInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildType;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildType is :' + buildTypeInfo);

    let buildUserInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildUser;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildUser is :' + buildUserInfo);

    let buildHostInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildHost;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildHost is :' + buildHostInfo);

    let buildTimeInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildTime;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildTime is :' + buildTimeInfo);

    let buildRootHashInfo: string = deviceinfo.buildRootHash;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo buildRootHash is :' + buildRootHashInfo);

    let udid: string = deviceinfo.udid;
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo udid is :' + udid);

    let distributionOSName: string = deviceinfo.distributionOSName
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo distributionOSName is :' + distributionOSName);

    let distributionOSVersion: string = deviceinfo.distributionOSVersion
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo distributionOSVersion is :' + distributionOSVersion);

    let distributionOSApiVersion: number = deviceinfo.distributionOSApiVersion
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo distributionOSApiVersion is :' + distributionOSApiVersion);

    let distributionOSReleaseType: string = deviceinfo.distributionOSReleaseType
    console.info('the value of the deviceinfo distributionOSReleaseType is :' + distributionOSReleaseType);


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