harmony 鸿蒙HuksKeyApi

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (595)



Describes the OpenHarmony Universal KeyStore (HUKS) capabilities, including key management and cryptography operations, provided for applications. The keys managed by HUKS can be imported by applications or generated by calling the HUKS APIs.

\@syscap SystemCapability.Security.Huks

Since: 9



Name Description
native_huks_api.h Declares the APIs used to access the HUKS.
File to include:
Library: libhuks_ndk.z.so


Name Description
OH_Huks_GetSdkVersion (struct OH_Huks_Blob *sdkVersion) Obtains the current HUKS SDK version.
OH_Huks_GenerateKeyItem (const struct OH_Huks_Blob *keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSetIn, struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSetOut) Generates a key.
OH_Huks_ImportKeyItem (const struct OH_Huks_Blob *keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet, const struct OH_Huks_Blob *key) Imports a key in plaintext.
OH_Huks_ImportWrappedKeyItem (const struct OH_Huks_Blob *keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_Blob *wrappingKeyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet, const struct OH_Huks_Blob *wrappedKeyData) Imports a wrapped (encrypted) key.
OH_Huks_ExportPublicKeyItem (const struct OH_Huks_Blob *keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet, struct OH_Huks_Blob *key) Exports a public key.
OH_Huks_DeleteKeyItem (const struct OH_Huks_Blob *keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet) Deletes a key.
OH_Huks_GetKeyItemParamSet (const struct OH_Huks_Blob *keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSetIn, struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSetOut) Obtains the properties of a key.
OH_Huks_IsKeyItemExist (const struct OH_Huks_Blob *keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet) Checks whether a key exists.
OH_Huks_AttestKeyItem (const struct OH_Huks_Blob *keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet, struct OH_Huks_CertChain *certChain) Obtains the certificate chain of a key.
OH_Huks_InitSession (const struct OH_Huks_Blob *keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet, struct OH_Huks_Blob *handle, struct OH_Huks_Blob *token) Initializes a key session to obtain a handle (mandatory) and a token (optional).
OH_Huks_UpdateSession (const struct OH_Huks_Blob *handle, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet, const struct OH_Huks_Blob *inData, struct OH_Huks_Blob *outData) Adds data by segment for the key operation, performs the related key operation, and outputs the processed data.
OH_Huks_FinishSession (const struct OH_Huks_Blob *handle, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet, const struct OH_Huks_Blob *inData, struct OH_Huks_Blob *outData) Finishes a key session.
OH_Huks_AbortSession (const struct OH_Huks_Blob *handle, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet *paramSet) Aborts a key session.

Function Description


struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_AbortSession (const struct OH_Huks_Blob * handle, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSet )

Description Aborts a key session.


Name Description
handle Indicates the pointer to the key session handle, which is generated by OH_Huks_InitSession.
paramSet Indicates the pointer to the parameters required for aborting the key session. By default, this parameter is a null pointer.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.






struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_AttestKeyItem (const struct OH_Huks_Blob * keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSet, struct OH_Huks_CertChain * certChain )

Description Obtains the certificate chain of a key.


Name Description
keyAlias Indicates the pointer to the alias of the target key.
paramSet Indicates the pointer to the parameters required for obtaining the certificate chain.
certChain Indicates the pointer to the certificate chain obtained.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.


struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_DeleteKeyItem (const struct OH_Huks_Blob * keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSet )

Description Deletes a key.


Name Description
keyAlias Indicates the pointer to the alias of the key to delete. It must be the same as the alias used for generating the key.
paramSet Indicates the pointer to the parameters required for deleting the key. By default, this parameter is a null pointer.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.


struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_ExportPublicKeyItem (const struct OH_Huks_Blob * keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSet, struct OH_Huks_Blob * key )

Description Exports a public key.


Name Description
keyAlias Indicates the pointer to the alias of the public key to export. It must be the same as the alias used for generating the key.
paramSet Indicates the pointer to the parameters required for exporting the public key.
key Indicates the pointer to the public key exported.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.


struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_FinishSession (const struct OH_Huks_Blob * handle, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSet, const struct OH_Huks_Blob * inData, struct OH_Huks_Blob * outData )

Description Finishes a key session.


Name Description
handle Indicates the pointer to the key session handle, which is generated by OH_Huks_InitSession.
paramSet Indicates the pointer to the parameters required for the key operation.
inData Indicates the pointer to the data to be passed in.
outData Indicates the pointer to the output data.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.






struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_GenerateKeyItem (const struct OH_Huks_Blob * keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSetIn, struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSetOut )

Description Generates a key.


Name Description
keyAlias Indicates the pointer to the alias of the key to generate. The alias must be unique in the process of the service.
paramSetIn Indicates the pointer to the parameters for generating the key.
paramSetOut Indicates the pointer to a temporary key generated. If the generated key is not of a temporary type, this parameter is a null pointer.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.


struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_GetKeyItemParamSet (const struct OH_Huks_Blob * keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSetIn, struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSetOut )

Description Obtains the properties of a key.


Name Description
keyAlias Indicates the pointer to the alias of the target key.
paramSetIn Indicates the pointer to the tag required for obtaining the properties. By default, this parameter is a null pointer.
paramSetOut Indicates the pointer to the key properties obtained.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.


struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_GetSdkVersion (struct OH_Huks_Blob * sdkVersion)

Description Obtains the current HUKS SDK version.


Name Description
sdkVersion Indicates the pointer to the SDK version (string) obtained.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.


struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_ImportKeyItem (const struct OH_Huks_Blob * keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSet, const struct OH_Huks_Blob * key )

Description Imports a key in plaintext.


Name Description
keyAlias Indicates the pointer to the alias of the key to import. The alias must be unique in the process of the service.
paramSet Indicates the pointer to the properties of the key to import.
key Indicates the pointer to the key to import. The key data must be in format defined in HuksTypeApi.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.


struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_ImportWrappedKeyItem (const struct OH_Huks_Blob * keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_Blob * wrappingKeyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSet, const struct OH_Huks_Blob * wrappedKeyData )

Description Imports a wrapped (encrypted) key.


Name Description
keyAlias Indicates the pointer to the alias of the key to import. The alias must be unique in the process of the service.
wrappingKeyAlias Indicates the pointer to the alias of the wrapping key, which is obtained through key agreement and used to decrypt the key to import.
paramSet Indicates the pointer to the parameters for importing the wrapped key.
wrappedKeyData Indicates the pointer to the wrapped key to import. The data must be in the format defined in OH_Huks_AlgSuite.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.


struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_InitSession (const struct OH_Huks_Blob * keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSet, struct OH_Huks_Blob * handle, struct OH_Huks_Blob * token )

Description Initializes a key session to obtain a handle (mandatory) and a token (optional).


Name Description
keyAlias Indicates the pointer to the alias of the target key.
paramSet Indicates the pointer to the parameters for the initialization operation.
handle Indicates the pointer to the handle of the key session. This handle is required for subsequent operations of the same key, including OH_Huks_UpdateSession, OH_Huks_FinishSession, and OH_Huks_AbortSession.
token Indicates the pointer to the token used for key access control.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.






struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_IsKeyItemExist (const struct OH_Huks_Blob * keyAlias, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSet )

Description Checks whether a key exists.


Name Description
keyAlias Indicates the pointer to the alias of the key to check.
paramSet Indicates the pointer to the parameters required for checking the key. By default, this parameter is a null pointer.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the key exists.
Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_ERR_CODE_ITEM_NOT_EXIST if the key does not exist.
Returns any other error code for other cases.


struct OH_Huks_Result OH_Huks_UpdateSession (const struct OH_Huks_Blob * handle, const struct OH_Huks_ParamSet * paramSet, const struct OH_Huks_Blob * inData, struct OH_Huks_Blob * outData )

Description Adds data by segment for the key operation, performs the related key operation, and outputs the processed data.


Name Description
handle Indicates the pointer to the key session handle, which is generated by OH_Huks_InitSession.
paramSet Indicates the pointer to the parameters required for the key operation.
inData Indicates the pointer to the data to be processed. This API can be called multiple times to process large data by segment.
outData Indicates the pointer to the output data.


Returns OH_Huks_ErrCode#OH_HUKS_SUCCESS if the operation is successful; returns an error code otherwise.






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