harmony 鸿蒙ipdebug

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (698)


Command Function

ipdebug is a console command and is used for IPv6 debugging. It can display IPv6 address prefixes, neighbor entries, destination entries, and default route entries.




Run the ipdebug command.


ipdebug command output:

OHOS # ipdebug
||Prefix List||
Prefix validLifetime Flags
2001:: 86384 1
||Neighbor Cache Entries||
2001::1 dev eth0 lladr 44:39:C4:94:5D:44 STALE Router
FE80::4639:C4FF:FE94:5D44 dev eth0 lladr 44:39:C4:94:5D:44 REACHABLE Router
||Destination Cache Entries||
2001::1 2001::1 pmtu 1500 age 152
FE80::4639:C4FF:FE94:5D44 FE80::4639:C4FF:FE94:5D44 pmtu 1500 age 6
2002::1 FE80::4639:C4FF:FE94:5D44 pmtu 1500 age 17
:: :: pmtu 0 age 219
:: :: pmtu 0 age 219
:: :: pmtu 0 age 219
:: :: pmtu 0 age 219
:: :: pmtu 0 age 219
:: :: pmtu 0 age 219
:: :: pmtu 0 age 219
||Default Router Entries||
FE80::4639:C4FF:FE94:5D44 invalidation_timer 1784 flags 0


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