harmony 鸿蒙JS API Differences

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (544)

JS API Differences

This document describes the changes of APIs in OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS when compared with OpenHarmony 2.2 Beta2.

Standard System API Changes

Module API Change Type Change Description
Multi - language Runtime - worker postMessage(obj):void Added Used by the host thread to transfer data to the worker.
Multi - language Runtime - worker postMessage(message: Object, options?: PostMessageOptions):void Added Used by the host thread to transfer the data control permission of the array buffer to the worker.
Multi - language Runtime - worker terminate():void Added Used by the host thread to proactively terminate the worker.
Multi - language Runtime - worker on(type: string, listener: EventListener): void Added Adds a callback for the worker.
Multi - language Runtime - worker once(type: string, listener: EventListener): void Added Adds a one - shot callback for the worker.
Multi - language Runtime - worker off(type: string, listener?: EventListener): void Added Deletes a callback added for the worker.
Multi - language Runtime - worker addEventListener(type: string, listener: EventListener): void Added Adds a callback for the worker.
Multi - language Runtime - worker removeEventListener(type: string, listener?: EventListener): void Added Deletes a callback added for the worker.
Multi - language Runtime - worker removeAllListener(): void Added Deletes all callbacks added for the worker.
Multi - language Runtime - worker dispatchEvent(event: Event): boolean Added Dispatches a specific event to the worker.
Multi - language Runtime - parentPort postMessage(obj):void Added Used by the worker to transfer data to the host thread.
Multi - language Runtime - parentPort postMessage(message: Object, options?: PostMessageOptions):void Added Used by the worker to transfer the data control permission of the array buffer to the host thread.
Multi - language Runtime - parentPort close(): void Added Used by the worker to proactively terminate itself.
Multi - language Runtime - Util printf(format: string, …args: Object[]): string Added -
Multi - language Runtime - Util getErrorString(errno: number): string Added -
Multi - language Runtime - Util callbackWrapper(original: Function): (err: Object, value: Object) => void Added -
Multi - language Runtime - Util promiseWrapper(original: (err: Object, value: Object) => void): Object Added -
Multi - language Runtime - Util new TextDecoder([encoding[, options]]) Added -
Multi - language Runtime - Util decode([input[, options]]):string Added -
Multi - language Runtime - Util new TextEncoder() Added -
Multi - language Runtime - Util encode(input?: string): Uint8Array; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - Util “encodeInto(input: string,dest: Uint8Array,): { read: number; written: number };” Added -
Multi - language Runtime - Util readonly encoding: string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - Util readonly fatal: boolean; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - Util readonly ignoreBOM = false; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - Util readonly encoding = “utf-8”; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL new URL(url: string, base?: string/URL) Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL toString(): string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL toJSON(): string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL new URSearchParams() Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL new URSearchParams(string) Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL new URSearchParams(obj) Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL new URSearchParams(iterable) Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL append(name: string, value: string): void; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL delete(name: string): void; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL entries(): IterableIterator<[string, string]>; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL forEach(callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: this) => void, thisArg?: any,): void; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL get(name: string): string / null; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL getAll(name: string): string[]; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL has(name: string): boolean; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL keys(): IterableIterator<string>; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL set(name: string, value: string): void; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL sort():void; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL toString():string Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL values(): IterableIterator<string>; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL URSearchParams[Symbol.iterator]() Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL hash: string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL host: string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL hostname: string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL href: string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL readonly origin: string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL password: string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL pathname: string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL port: string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL protocol: string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL search: string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL readonly searchParams: URLSearchParams; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - URL username: string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - ChildProcess readonly pid: number; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - ChildProcess readonly ppid: number; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - ChildProcess readonly exitCode: number; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - ChildProcess readonly killed: boolean; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - ChildProcess wait(): Promise<number>; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - ChildProcess getOutput(): Promise<Uint8Array>; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - ChildProcess getErrorOutput(): Promise<Uint8Array>; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - ChildProcess close(): void; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - ChildProcess kill(signal: number): void; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process runCmd(command: string,options?: { timeout : number, killSignal : number string, maxBuffer : number }): ChildProcess; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process getPid(): number; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process getPpid(): number; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process abort(): void; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process on(type: string, listener: EventListener): void; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process exit(code?:number): void; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process cwd(): string; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process chdir(dir: string): void; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process getEgid(): number; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process getEuid(): number; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process getGid(): number Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process getUid(): number; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process uptime(): number; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process getGroups(): number[]; Added -
Multi - language Runtime - process kill(signal?: number, pid?: number): boolean; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater checkNewVersion(): Promise<NewVersionInfo>; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater rebootAndCleanUserData(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater rebootAndCleanCache(): Promise<number>; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater getUpdaterFromOther(device: string, updateType?: UpdateTypes): Updater; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater cancel(): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater upgrade(): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater off(eventType: ‘downloadProgress’, callback?: UpdateProgressCallback): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater getUpdatePolicy(callback: AsyncCallback<UpdatePolicy>): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater getUpdaterForOther(device: string, updateType?: UpdateTypes): Updater; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater setUpdatePolicy(policy: UpdatePolicy, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater getNewVersionInfo(): Promise<NewVersionInfo>; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater getUpdater(updateType?: UpdateTypes): Updater; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater applyNewVersion(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater rebootAndCleanUserData(): Promise<number>; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater off(eventType: ‘verifyProgress’, callback?: UpdateProgressCallback): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater on(eventType: ‘upgradeProgress’, callback: UpdateProgressCallback): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater checkNewVersion(callback: AsyncCallback<NewVersionInfo>): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater on(eventType: ‘downloadProgress’, callback: UpdateProgressCallback): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater getUpdatePolicy(): Promise<UpdatePolicy>; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater download(): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater off(eventType: ‘upgradeProgress’, callback?: UpdateProgressCallback): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater getNewVersionInfo(callback: AsyncCallback<NewVersionInfo>): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater on(eventType: ‘verifyProgress’, callback: UpdateProgressCallback): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater verifyUpdatePackage(upgradeFile: string, certsFile: string): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater setUpdatePolicy(policy: UpdatePolicy): Promise<number>; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater rebootAndCleanCache(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; Added -
Update Subsystem - Updater applyNewVersion(): Promise<number>; Added -
Globalization Subsystem - I18n getSystemLanguages(): Array<string>; Added -
Globalization Subsystem - I18n getSystemCountries(language: string): Array<string>; Added -
Globalization Subsystem - I18n isSuggested(language: string, region?: string): boolean; Added -
Globalization Subsystem - I18n getSystemLanguage(): string; Added -
Globalization Subsystem - I18n setSystemLanguage(language: string); Added -
Globalization Subsystem - I18n getSystemRegion(): string; Added -
Globalization Subsystem - I18n setSystemRegion(region: string); Added -
Globalization Subsystem - I18n “getDisplayCountry(locale: string, displayLocale: string,sentenceCase?: boolean): string;” Added -
Globalization Subsystem - I18n getSystemLocale(): string; Added -
Globalization Subsystem - I18n setSystemLocale(locale: string); Added -
Globalization Subsystem - I18n “getDisplayLanguage(locale: string, displayLocale: string,sentenceCase?: boolean): string;” Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio getNetworkState(callback: AsyncCallback<NetworkState>): void;
getNetworkState(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<NetworkState>): void;
getNetworkState(slotId?: number): Promise<NetworkState>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getSimAccountInfo(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<IccAccountInfo>): void;
getSimAccountInfo(slotId: number): Promise<IccAccountInfo>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getDefaultVoiceSlotId(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
getDefaultVoiceSlotId(): Promise<number>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getSimSpn(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getSimSpn(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getISOCountryCodeForSim(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getISOCountryCodeForSim(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getSimIccId(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getSimIccId(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getSimGid1(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getSimGid1(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getISOCountryCodeForSim(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getISOCountryCodeForSim(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getSimOperatorNumeric(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getSimOperatorNumeric(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getSimSpn(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getSimSpn(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getSimIccId(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getSimIccId(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getIMSI(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getIMSI(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call combineConference(callId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
combineConference(callId: number): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call startDTMF(callId: number, character: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
startDTMF(callId: number, character: string): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call stopDTMF(callId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
stopDTMF(callId: number): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim setDefaultVoiceSlotId(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
setDefaultVoiceSlotId(slotId: number): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim unlockPin(slotId: number, pin: string, callback: AsyncCallback<LockStatusResponse>): void;
unlockPin(slotId: number, pin: string): Promise<LockStatusResponse>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim alterPin(slotId: number, newPin: string, oldPin: string, callback: AsyncCallback<LockStatusResponse>): void;
alterPin(slotId: number, newPin: string, oldPin: string): Promise<LockStatusResponse>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim setLockState(slotId: number, pin: string, enable: number, callback: AsyncCallback<LockStatusResponse>): void;
setLockState(slotId: number, pin: string, enable: number): Promise<LockStatusResponse>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getSimState(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<SimState>): void;
getSimState(slotId: number): Promise<SimState>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getSimState(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<SimState>): void;
getSimState(slotId: number): Promise<SimState>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getSimState(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<SimState>): void;
getSimState(slotId: number): Promise<SimState>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sim getSimState(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<SimState>): void;
getSimState(slotId: number): Promise<SimState>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call isEmergencyPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
isEmergencyPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string, options: EmergencyNumberOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
isEmergencyPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string, options?: EmergencyNumberOptions): Promise<boolean>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sms createMessage(pdu: Array<number>, specification: string, callback: AsyncCallback<ShortMessage>): void;
createMessage(pdu: Array<number>, specification: string): Promise<ShortMessage>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call hasCall(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
hasCall(): Promise<boolean>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sms sendMessage(options: SendMessageOptions): void; Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call dial(phoneNumber: string, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
dial(phoneNumber: string, options: DialOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
dial(phoneNumber: string, options?: DialOptions): Promise<boolean>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call interface DialOptions {extras?: boolean; } Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sms sendMessage(options: SendMessageOptions): void; Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sms getDefaultSmsSlotId(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
getDefaultSmsSlotId(): Promise<number>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string, options: NumberFormatOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string, options?: NumberFormatOptions): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string, options: NumberFormatOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string, options?: NumberFormatOptions): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call formatPhoneNumberToE164(phoneNumber: string, countryCode: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
formatPhoneNumberToE164(phoneNumber: string, countryCode: string): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sms setDefaultSmsSlotId(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
setDefaultSmsSlotId(slotId: number): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call getCallState(callback: AsyncCallback<CallState>): void;
getCallState(): Promise<CallState>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sms setSmscAddr(slotId: number, smscAddr: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
setSmscAddr(slotId: number, smscAddr: string): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sms getSmscAddr(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getSmscAddr(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sms addSimMessage(options: SimMessageOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
addSimMessage(options: SimMessageOptions): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sms delSimMessage(slotId: number, msgIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
delSimMessage(slotId: number, msgIndex: number): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio getISOCountryCodeForNetwork(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getISOCountryCodeForNetwork(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sms updateSimMessage(options: UpdateSimMessageOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
updateSimMessage(options: UpdateSimMessageOptions): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio getISOCountryCodeForNetwork(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getISOCountryCodeForNetwork(slotId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sms getAllSimMessages(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<SimShortMessage>>): void;
getAllSimMessages(slotId: number): Promise<Array<SimShortMessage>>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call isInEmergencyCall(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
isInEmergencyCall(): Promise<boolean>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - sms setCBConfig(options: CBConfigOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
setCBConfig(options: CBConfigOptions): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call answer(callId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
answer(callId: number): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call hangup(callId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
hangup(callId: number): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call reject(callId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
reject(callId: number, options: RejectMessageOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
reject(callId: number, options?: RejectMessageOptions): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call holdCall(callId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
holdCall(callId: number): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call unHoldCall(callId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
unHoldCall(callId: number): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - call switchCall(callId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
switchCall(callId: number): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio setNetworkSelectionMode(options: NetworkSelectionModeOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
setNetworkSelectionMode(options: NetworkSelectionModeOptions): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio getNetworkSearchInformation(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<NetworkSearchResult>): void;
getNetworkSearchInformation(slotId: number): Promise<NetworkSearchResult>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio getNetworkSelectionMode(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<NetworkSelectionMode>): void;
getNetworkSelectionMode(slotId: number): Promise<NetworkSelectionMode>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio isRadioOn(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
isRadioOn(): Promise<boolean>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio turnOnRadio(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
turnOnRadio(): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio turnOffRadio(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
turnOffRadio(): Promise<void>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio getSignalInformation(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<SignalInformation>>): void;
getSignalInformation(slotId: number): Promise<Array<SignalInformation>>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio getRadioTech(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<{psRadioTech: RadioTechnology, csRadioTech: RadioTechnology}>): void;
getRadioTech(slotId: number): Promise<{psRadioTech: RadioTechnology, csRadioTech: RadioTechnology}>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio getRadioTech(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<{psRadioTech: RadioTechnology, csRadioTech: RadioTechnology}>): void;
getRadioTech(slotId: number): Promise<{psRadioTech: RadioTechnology, csRadioTech: RadioTechnology}>;
Added -
Telephony Subsystem - radio getRadioTech(slotId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<{psRadioTech: RadioTechnology, csRadioTech: RadioTechnology}>): void;
getRadioTech(slotId: number): Promise<{psRadioTech: RadioTechnology, csRadioTech: RadioTechnology}>;
Added -
Data Management - distributeddata put(key:string, value:Uint8Array / string / boolean / number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>):void put(key:string, value:Uint8Array / string / boolean / number):Promise<void> Added -
Data Management - distributeddata delete(key: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void delete(key: string): Promise<void> Added -
Data Management - distributeddata on(event:‘dataChange’, subType: SubscribeType, observer: Callback<ChangeNotification>): void Added -
Data Management - distributeddata get(key:string, callback:AsyncCallback<Uint8Array / string / boolean / number>):void get(key:string):Promise<Uint8Array / string / boolean / number> Added -
Data Management - distributeddata sync(deviceIdList:string[], mode:SyncMode, allowedDelayMs?:number):void Added -
Data Management - distributeddata createKVManager(config: KVManagerConfig, callback: AsyncCallback<KVManager>): void;
createKVManager(config: KVManagerConfig): Promise<KVManager>;
Added -
Data Management - distributeddata getKVStore<T extends KVStore>(options: Options, storeId: string): Promise<T>;
getKVStore<T extends KVStore>(options: Options, storeId: string, callback: AsyncCallback<T>): void;
Added -
Data Management - distributeddata on(event:‘syncComplete’, syncCallback: Callback<Array<[string, number]>>):void Added -
Data Management - rdb type ValueType = number / string / boolean; Added -
Data Management - rdb type ValuesBucket = { [key: string]: ValueType / Uint8Array / null; } Added -
Data Management - rdb name: string; Added -
Data Management - rdb constructor(name: string) Added -
Data Management - rdb equalTo(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb notEqualTo(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb beginWrap(): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb endWrap(): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb getRdbStore(config: StoreConfig, version: number, callback: AsyncCallback<RdbStore>): void;
getRdbStore(config: StoreConfig, version: number): Promise<RdbStore>;
Added -
Data Management - rdb deleteRdbStore(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
deleteRdbStore(name: string): Promise<void>;
Added -
Data Management - rdb insert(name: string, values: ValuesBucket, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
insert(name: string, values: ValuesBucket): Promise<number>;
Added -
Data Management - rdb update(values: ValuesBucket, rdbPredicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
update(values: ValuesBucket, rdbPredicates: RdbPredicates): Promise<number>;
Added -
Data Management - rdb delete(rdbPredicates: RdbPredicates, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
delete(rdbPredicates: RdbPredicates): Promise<number>;
Added -
Data Management - rdb query(rdbPredicates: RdbPredicates, columns: Array<string>, callback: AsyncCallback<ResultSet>): void;
query(rdbPredicates: RdbPredicates, columns: Array<string>): Promise<ResultSet>;
Added -
Data Management - rdb executeSql(sql: string, bindArgs: Array<ValueType>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
executeSql(sql: string, bindArgs: Array<ValueType>): Promise<void>;
Added -
Data Management - rdb like(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb glob(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb between(field: string, low: ValueType, high: ValueType): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb notBetween(field: string, low: ValueType, high: ValueType): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb greaterThan(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb lessThan(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb greaterThanOrEqualTo(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb lessThanOrEqualTo(field: string, value: ValueType): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb or(): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb and(): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb contains(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb beginsWith(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb endsWith(field: string, value: string): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb isNull(field: string): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb isNotNull(field: string): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb isEnded: boolean; Added -
Data Management - rdb isStarted: boolean; Added -
Data Management - rdb isClosed: boolean; Added -
Data Management - rdb getColumnIndex(columnName: string): number; Added -
Data Management - rdb getColumnName(columnIndex: number): string; Added -
Data Management - rdb goTo(offset: number): boolean; Added -
Data Management - rdb goToRow(position: number): boolean; Added -
Data Management - rdb goToFirstRow(): boolean; Added -
Data Management - rdb goToLastRow(): boolean; Added -
Data Management - rdb goToNextRow(): boolean; Added -
Data Management - rdb goToPreviousRow(): boolean; Added -
Data Management - rdb getBlob(columnIndex: number): Uint8Array; Added -
Data Management - rdb getString(columnIndex: number): string; Added -
Data Management - rdb getLong(columnIndex: number): number; Added -
Data Management - rdb getDouble(columnIndex: number): number; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility orderByDesc(field: string): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility distinct(): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility limitAs(value: number): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility offsetAs(rowOffset: number): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility groupBy(fields: Array<string>): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility indexedBy(field: string): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility in(field: string, value: Array<ValueType>): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility notIn(field: string, value: Array<ValueType>): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility glob(field: string, value: string): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility between(field: string, low: ValueType, high: ValueType): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility notBetween(field: string, low: ValueType, high: ValueType): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility greaterThan(field: string, value: ValueType): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility lessThan(field: string, value: ValueType): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility greaterThanOrEqualTo(field: string, value: ValueType): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility lessThanOrEqualTo(field: string, value: ValueType): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility orderByAsc(field: string): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb isColumnNull(columnIndex: number): boolean; Added -
Data Management - rdb close(): void; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility createRdbPredicates(name: string, dataAbilityPredicates: DataAbilityPredicates): rdb.RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility equalTo(field: string, value: ValueType): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility notEqualTo(field: string, value: ValueType): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility beginWrap():DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility endWrap(): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb orderByAsc(field: string): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb orderByDesc(field: string): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb distinct(): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb limitAs(value: number): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb offsetAs(rowOffset: number): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb groupBy(fields: Array<string>): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb indexedBy(field: string): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility or(): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility and(): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility contains(field: string, value: string): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility beginsWith(field: string, value: string): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility endsWith(field: string, value: string): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility isNull(field: string): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility isNotNull(field: string): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - dataAbility like(field: string, value: string): DataAbilityPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb in(field: string, value: Array<ValueType>): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb notIn(field: string, value: Array<ValueType>): RdbPredicates; Added -
Data Management - rdb columnNames: Array<string>; Added -
Data Management - rdb columnCount: number; Added -
Data Management - rdb rowCount: number; Added -
Data Management - rdb rowIndex: number; Added -
Data Management - rdb isAtFirstRow: boolean; Added -
Data Management - rdb isAtLastRow: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification title: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification sound?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification text: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification vibrationValues?: Array<number>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - wantAgent want?: Want; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification vibrationEnabled?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification badgeFlag?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification type: notification.SlotType; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - wantAgent code: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification contentType: ContentType; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification picture: image.PixelMap; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification briefText: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification briefText: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification briefText: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification bypassDnd?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification additionalText?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - wantAgent cancel(info: WantAgentInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - wantAgent enum OperationType Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - wantAgent enum WantAgentFlags Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - wantAgent permission?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification picture?: NotificationPictureContent; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification normal?: NotificationBasicContent; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification expandedTitle: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification expandedTitle: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - wantAgent trigger(info: WantAgentInfo, triggerInfo: TriggerInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<CompleteData>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - wantAgent extraInfo?: {[key: string]: any}; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification multiLine?: NotificationMultiLineContent; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification level?: notification.SlotLevel; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification lightColor?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification lightEnabled?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification lines: Array<string>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification lockscreenVisibility?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification longText: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - wantAgent getBundleName(info: WantAgentInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification longText?: NotificationLongTextContent; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification longTitle: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - wantAgent judgeEquality(info: WantAgentInfo, info2: WantAgentInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - wantAgent getUid(info: WantAgentInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_IVI_TEMPERATURE_ABNORMAL = common.event.IVI_TEMPERATURE_ABNORMAL, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_IVI_VOLTAGE_RECOVERY = common.event.IVI_VOLTAGE_RECOVERY, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_IVI_TEMPERATURE_RECOVERY = common.event.IVI_TEMPERATURE_RECOVERY, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_IVI_ACTIVE = common.event.IVI_ACTIVE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED = usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED = usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_DETACHED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_IVI_PAUSE = common.event.IVI_PAUSE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_IVI_STANDBY = common.event.IVI_STANDBY, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_IVI_LASTMODE_SAVE = common.event.IVI_LASTMODE_SAVE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_IVI_VOLTAGE_ABNORMAL = common.event.IVI_VOLTAGE_ABNORMAL, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_IVI_HIGH_TEMPERATURE = common.event.IVI_HIGH_TEMPERATURE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_IVI_EXTREME_TEMPERATURE = common.event.IVI_EXTREME_TEMPERATURE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_DISK_UNMOUNTABLE = usual.event.data.DISK_UNMOUNTABLE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_DISK_EJECT = usual.event.data.DISK_EJECT, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_VISIBLE_ACCOUNTS_UPDATED = usual.event.data.VISIBLE_ACCOUNTS_UPDATED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_ACCOUNT_DELETED = usual.event.data.ACCOUNT_DELETED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_FOUNDATION_READY = common.event.FOUNDATION_READY, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED = usual.event.AIRPLANE_MODE Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USB_ACCESSORY_ATTACHED = usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_ACCESSORY_ATTACHED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USB_ACCESSORY_DETACHED = usual.event.hardware.usb.action.USB_ACCESSORY_DETACHED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_DISK_REMOVED = usual.event.data.DISK_REMOVED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_DISK_UNMOUNTED = usual.event.data.DISK_UNMOUNTED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_DISK_MOUNTED = usual.event.data.DISK_MOUNTED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_DISK_BAD_REMOVAL = usual.event.data.DISK_BAD_REMOVAL, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_NFC_ACTION_RF_FIELD_OFF_DETECTED = usual.event.nfc.action.RF_FIELD_OFF_DETECTED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_DISCHARGING = usual.event.DISCHARGING, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_CHARGING = usual.event.CHARGING, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED = usual.event.DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_POWER_SAVE_MODE_CHANGED = usual.event.POWER_SAVE_MODE_CHANGED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USER_ADDED = usual.event.USER_ADDED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USER_REMOVED = usual.event.USER_REMOVED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_ABILITY_ADDED = common.event.ABILITY_ADDED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_ABILITY_REMOVED = common.event.ABILITY_REMOVED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_ABILITY_UPDATED = common.event.ABILITY_UPDATED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_LOCATION_MODE_STATE_CHANGED = usual.event.location.MODE_STATE_CHANGED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_IVI_SLEEP = common.event.IVI_SLEEP, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_NAME_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.host.NAME_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSINK_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsink.CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSINK_PLAYING_STATE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsink.PLAYING_STATE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSINK_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsink.AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_NFC_ACTION_ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED = usual.event.nfc.action.ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_NFC_ACTION_RF_FIELD_ON_DETECTED = usual.event.nfc.action.RF_FIELD_ON_DETECTED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_REQ_ENABLE = usual.event.bluetooth.host.REQ_ENABLE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_REQ_DISABLE = usual.event.bluetooth.host.REQ_DISABLE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_SCAN_MODE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.host.SCAN_MODE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_DISCOVERY_STARTED = usual.event.bluetooth.host.DISCOVERY_STARTED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_DISCOVERY_FINISHED = usual.event.bluetooth.host.DISCOVERY_FINISHED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_CONN_STATE = usual.event.wifi.p2p.CONN_STATE_CHANGE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_STATE_CHANGED = usual.event.wifi.p2p.STATE_CHANGE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_PEERS_STATE_CHANGED = usual.event.wifi.p2p.DEVICES_CHANGE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_CURRENT_DEVICE_STATE_CHANGED = usual.event.wifi.p2p.CURRENT_DEVICE_CHANGE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_GROUP_STATE_CHANGED = usual.event.wifi.p2p.GROUP_STATE_CHANGED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREE_AG_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.handsfree.ag.CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREE_AG_CURRENT_DEVICE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.handsfree.ag.CURRENT_DEVICE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREE_AG_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.handsfree.ag.AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_CURRENT_DEVICE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.CURRENT_DEVICE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_RSSI_VALUE = usual.event.wifi.RSSI_VALUE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_CONN_STATE = usual.event.wifi.CONN_STATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_HOTSPOT_STATE = usual.event.wifi.HOTSPOT_STATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STA_JOIN = usual.event.wifi.WIFI_HS_STA_JOIN, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STA_LEAVE = usual.event.wifi.WIFI_HS_STA_LEAVE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_MPLINK_STATE_CHANGE = usual.event.wifi.mplink.STATE_CHANGE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_HWID_LOGOUT = common.event.HWID_LOGOUT, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_HWID_TOKEN_INVALID = common.event.HWID_TOKEN_INVALID, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_HWID_LOGOFF = common.event.HWID_LOGOFF, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_POWER_STATE = usual.event.wifi.POWER_STATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_SCAN_FINISHED = usual.event.wifi.SCAN_FINISHED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent clearAbortCommonEvent(): Promise<void>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent bundleName?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent code?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent data?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent subscriberPermissions?: Array<string>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent isOrdered?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent isSticky?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent abortCommonEvent(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent abortCommonEvent(): Promise<void>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent createSubscriber(subscribeInfo: CommonEventSubscribeInfo): Promise<CommonEventSubscriber>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent createSubscriber(subscribeInfo: CommonEventSubscribeInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<CommonEventSubscriber>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent subscribe(subscriber: CommonEventSubscriber, callback: AsyncCallback<CommonEventData>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent publish(event: string, options: CommonEventPublishData, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent isOrderedCommonEvent(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent isOrderedCommonEvent(): Promise<boolean>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BOOT_COMPLETED = usual.event.BOOT_COMPLETED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED = usual.event.LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_SHUTDOWN = usual.event.SHUTDOWN, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent isStickyCommonEvent(): Promise<boolean>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent getData(callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent getData(): Promise<string>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent getSubscribeInfo(callback: AsyncCallback<CommonEventSubscribeInfo>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent getSubscribeInfo(): Promise<CommonEventSubscribeInfo>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent publish(event: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent event: string Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent bundleName?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent code?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent data?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent setCode(code: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_DRIVE_MODE = common.event.DRIVE_MODE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_HOME_MODE = common.event.HOME_MODE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_OFFICE_MODE = common.event.OFFICE_MODE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USER_STARTED = usual.event.USER_STARTED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USER_BACKGROUND = usual.event.USER_BACKGROUND, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USER_FOREGROUND = usual.event.USER_FOREGROUND, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USER_SWITCHED = usual.event.USER_SWITCHED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USER_STARTING = usual.event.USER_STARTING, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USER_UNLOCKED = usual.event.USER_UNLOCKED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USER_STOPPING = usual.event.USER_STOPPING, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USER_STOPPED = usual.event.USER_STOPPED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_HWID_LOGIN = common.event.HWID_LOGIN, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_VERIFIED = usual.event.PACKAGE_VERIFIED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE = usual.event.EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED = usual.event.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_LOCALE_CHANGED = usual.event.LOCALE_CHANGED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_MANAGE_PACKAGE_STORAGE = usual.event.MANAGE_PACKAGE_STORAGE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGES_UNSUSPENDED = usual.event.PACKAGES_UNSUSPENDED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_MY_PACKAGE_SUSPENDED = usual.event.MY_PACKAGE_SUSPENDED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_MY_PACKAGE_UNSUSPENDED = usual.event.MY_PACKAGE_UNSUSPENDED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_UID_REMOVED = usual.event.UID_REMOVED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH = usual.event.PACKAGE_FIRST_LAUNCH, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION = usual.event.PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_SCREEN_OFF = usual.event.SCREEN_OFF, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_SCREEN_ON = usual.event.SCREEN_ON, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_USER_PRESENT = usual.event.USER_PRESENT, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_TIME_TICK = usual.event.TIME_TICK, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_TIME_CHANGED = usual.event.TIME_CHANGED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_DATE_CHANGED = usual.event.DATE_CHANGED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BATTERY_CHANGED = usual.event.BATTERY_CHANGED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BATTERY_LOW = usual.event.BATTERY_LOW, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BATTERY_OKAY = usual.event.BATTERY_OKAY, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_POWER_CONNECTED = usual.event.POWER_CONNECTED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_POWER_DISCONNECTED = usual.event.POWER_DISCONNECTED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent unsubscribe(subscriber: CommonEventSubscriber, callback?: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_ACL_CONNECTED = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.ACL_CONNECTED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_ACL_DISCONNECTED = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.ACL_DISCONNECTED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent getAbortCommonEvent(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_NAME_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.NAME_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent getAbortCommonEvent(): Promise<boolean>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREEUNIT_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.handsfreeunit.CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_PAIR_STATE = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.PAIR_STATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent getCode(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent setCode(code: number): Promise<void>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREEUNIT_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.handsfreeunit.AUDIO_STATE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_BATTERY_VALUE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.BATTERY_VALUE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent getCode(): Promise<number>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREEUNIT_AG_COMMON_EVENT = usual.event.bluetooth.handsfreeunit.AG_COMMON_EVENT, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent setCodeAndData(code: number, data: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_SDP_RESULT = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.SDP_RESULT, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent isStickyCommonEvent(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HANDSFREEUNIT_AG_CALL_STATE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.handsfreeunit.AG_CALL_STATE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent setCodeAndData(code: number, data: string): Promise<void>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent events: Array<string>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_STATE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.host.STATE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_PLAYING_STATE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.PLAYING_STATE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent setData(data: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_AVRCP_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.AVRCP_CONNECT_STATE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_HOST_REQ_DISCOVERABLE = usual.event.bluetooth.host.REQ_DISCOVERABLE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent publisherPermission?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent setData(data: string): Promise<void>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_UUID_VALUE = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.UUID_VALUE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent publisherDeviceId?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent clearAbortCommonEvent(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent userId?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_TIMEZONE_CHANGED = usual.event.TIMEZONE_CHANGED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_PAIRING_REQ = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.PAIRING_REQ, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_DISCOVERED = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.DISCOVERED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent priority?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BUNDLE_REMOVED = usual.event.BUNDLE_REMOVED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_CLASS_VALUE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.CLASS_VALUE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_PAIRING_CANCEL = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.PAIRING_CANCEL, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS = usual.event.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_ADDED = usual.event.PACKAGE_ADDED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_CONNECT_REQ = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.CONNECT_REQ, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_FULLY_REMOVED = usual.event.PACKAGE_FULLY_REMOVED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_REPLACED = usual.event.PACKAGE_REPLACED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_CONNECT_REPLY = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.CONNECT_REPLY, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED = usual.event.MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_CHANGED = usual.event.PACKAGE_CHANGED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_REMOTEDEVICE_CONNECT_CANCEL = usual.event.bluetooth.remotedevice.CONNECT_CANCEL, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_REMOVED = usual.event.PACKAGE_REMOVED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_RESTARTED = usual.event.PACKAGE_RESTARTED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED = usual.event.PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_PACKAGES_SUSPENDED = usual.event.PACKAGES_SUSPENDED, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_BLUETOOTH_A2DPSOURCE_CODEC_VALUE_UPDATE = usual.event.bluetooth.a2dpsource.CODEC_VALUE_UPDATE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - commonEvent COMMON_EVENT_WIFI_P2P_PEERS_DISCOVERY_STATE_CHANGED = usual.event.wifi.p2p.PEER_DISCOVERY_STATE_CHANGE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification LEVEL_NONE = 0, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification LEVEL_MIN = 1, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification LEVEL_LOW = 2, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification LEVEL_DEFAULT = 3, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification label?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification bundle: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification uid?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_MULTILINE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification UNKNOWN_TYPE = 0, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification SOCIAL_COMMUNICATION = 1, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification LEVEL_HIGH = 4, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_BASIC_TEXT, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_LONG_TEXT, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification NOTIFICATION_CONTENT_PICTURE, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification isFloatingIcon?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification label?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification badgeIconStyle?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification showDeliveryTime?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification isAlertOnce?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification getActiveNotifications(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<NotificationRequest>>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification isStopwatch?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification isCountDown?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification getActiveNotifications(): Promise<Array<NotificationRequest>>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification getActiveNotificationCount(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification readonly creatorUid?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification getActiveNotificationCount(): Promise<number>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification readonly creatorPid?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification cancel(id: number, label?: string): Promise<void>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification classification?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification readonly hashCode?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification cancelAll(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification actionButtons?: Array<NotificationActionButton>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification cancelAll(): Promise<void>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification smallIcon?: image.PixelMap; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification isUnremovable?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification largeIcon?: image.PixelMap; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification deliveryTime?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification readonly creatorBundleName?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification tapDismissed?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification publish(request: NotificationRequest): Promise<void>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification autoDeletedTime?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification cancel(id: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification content: NotificationContent; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification wantAgent?: WantAgentInfo; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification cancel(id: number, label: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification getSlot(slotType: SlotType, callback: AsyncCallback<NotificationSlot>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification extraInfo?: {[key: string]: any}; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification getSlot(slotType: SlotType): Promise<NotificationSlot>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification SERVICE_INFORMATION = 2, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification color?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification id?: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification getSlots(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<NotificationSlot>>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification CONTENT_INFORMATION = 3, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification slotType?: notification.SlotType; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification colorEnabled?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification OTHER_TYPES = 0xFFFF, Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification isOngoing?: boolean; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification addSlot(type: SlotType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification id: number; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification addSlot(type: SlotType): Promise<void>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification desc?: string; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification publish(request: NotificationRequest, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification removeAllSlots(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification removeAllSlots(): Promise<void>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification getSlots(): Promise<Array<NotificationSlot>>; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification removeSlot(slotType: SlotType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void; Added -
Common Event and Notification Subsystem - notification removeSlot(slotType: SlotType): Promise<void>; Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager getString(resId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>);
getString(resId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager getStringArray(resId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<string>>);
getStringArray(resId: number): Promise<Array<string>>;
Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager getConfiguration(callback: AsyncCallback<Configuration>);
getConfiguration(): Promise<Configuration>;
Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager getDeviceCapability(callback: AsyncCallback<DeviceCapability>);
getDeviceCapability(): Promise<DeviceCapability>;
Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager getMedia(resId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Uint8Array>);
getMedia(resId: number): Promise<Uint8Array>;
getMediaBase64(resId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>);
getMediaBase64(resId: number): Promise<string>;
Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager “getPluralString(resId: number, num: number, callback: AsyncCallback<string>);
getPluralString(resId: number, num: number): Promise<string>;”
Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager DeviceCapability Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager “getMediaBase64(resId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Uint8Array>);
getMediaBase64(resId: number): Promise<Uint9Array>;”
Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager “getResourceManager(callback: AsyncCallback<ResourceManager>);
getResourceManager(bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<ResourceManager>);
getResourceManager(): Promise<ResourceManager>;
getResourceManager(bundleName: string): Promise<ResourceManager>;”
Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager DeviceType Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager Direction Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager Configuration Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager ScreenDensity Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager deviceType Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager locale Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager direction Added -
Globalization Subsystem - resourceManager screenDensity Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo batteryInfo:const batterySOC: number; Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo batteryInfo:const technology: string; Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo batteryInfo:const isBatteryPresent: boolean; Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo batteryInfo:const batteryTemperature: number; Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo batteryInfo:const pluggedType: BatteryPluggedType; Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo batteryInfo:const chargingStatus: BatteryChargeState; Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo batteryInfo:const healthStatus: BatteryHealthState; Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo batteryInfo:const voltage: number; Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryChargeState:NONE Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryChargeState:DISABLE Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryChargeState:ENABLE, Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryChargeState:FULL Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryHealthState:COLD Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryHealthState:OVERHEAT Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryHealthState:OVERVOLTAGE Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryHealthState:DEAD Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryHealthState:UNKNOWN Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryHealthState:GOOD Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryPluggedType:WIRELESS Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryPluggedType:NONE Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryPluggedType:AC Added -
Power Management Subsystem - batteryInfo BatteryPluggedType:USB Added -
Power Management Subsystem - runningLock RunningLock:unlock() Added -
Power Management Subsystem - runningLock runningLock:isRunningLockTypeSupported(type: RunningLockType, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void; Added -
Power Management Subsystem - runningLock runningLock:createRunningLock(name: string, type: runningLockType): RunningLock Added -
Power Management Subsystem - runningLock RunningLock:lock(timeout: number) Added -
Power Management Subsystem - runningLock RunningLock:isUsed(): boolean Added -
Power Management Subsystem - runningLock RunningLockType:BACKGROUND Added -
Power Management Subsystem - runningLock RunningLockType:PROXIMITY_SCREEN_CONTROL Added -
Power Management Subsystem - power power:rebootDevice(reason ?: string) Added -
Power Management Subsystem - power power:isScreenOn(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void; Added -


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harmony 鸿蒙1.0.0 (2022/03/09)

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