harmony 鸿蒙@system.geolocation (Geolocation)

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (845)

@system.geolocation (Geolocation)

The geolocation module provides only basic functions such as GNSS positioning and network positioning.

NOTE - The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 3. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. - The APIs provided by this module are no longer maintained since API version 9. You are advised to use geoLocationManager instead.

Modules to Import

import geolocation from '@system.geolocation';

Required Permissions



getLocation(options?: GetLocationOption): void

Obtains the geographic location.

NOTE This API is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use geoLocationManager.getCurrentLocation.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.LOCATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Location.Location.Lite


Name Type Mandatory Description
options GetLocationOption No Options of a single location request.


export default {    
  getLocation() {        
      success: function(data) {                
        console.log('success get location data. latitude:' + data.latitude);            
      fail: function(data, code) {                
        console.log('fail to get location. code:' + code + ', data:' + data);            


getLocationType(options?: GetLocationTypeOption): void

Obtains the supported location types.

NOTE This API is deprecated since API version 9. The location subsystem supports only two location types: GNSS positioning and network positioning. No APIs will be provided to query the supported location types.

System capability: SystemCapability.Location.Location.Lite


Name Type Mandatory Description
options GetLocationTypeOption No Callback used to return the result.


export default {    
  getLocationType() {        
      success: function(data) {                
        console.log('success get location type:' + data.types[0]);            
      fail: function(data, code) {                
        console.log('fail to get location. code:' + code + ', data:' + data);            


subscribe(options: SubscribeLocationOption): void

Listens to the geographic location. If this method is called multiple times, the last call takes effect.

NOTE This API is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use geoLocationManager.on(‘locationChange’).

Required permissions: ohos.permission.LOCATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Location.Location.Lite


Name Type Mandatory Description
options SubscribeLocationOption Yes Options for continuous location.


export default {    
  subscribe() {        
      success: function(data) {                
        console.log('get location. latitude:' + data.latitude);            
      fail: function(data, code) {                
        console.log('fail to get location. code:' + code + ', data:' + data);            


unsubscribe(): void

Cancels listening to the geographic location.

NOTE This API is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use geoLocationManager.off(‘locationChange’).

Required permissions: ohos.permission.LOCATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Location.Location.Lite


export default {    
  unsubscribe() {        


getSupportedCoordTypes(): Array<string>

Obtains coordinate system types supported by the device.

NOTE This API is deprecated since API version 9. The location subsystem supports only the wgs84 coordinate system. No APIs will be provided to query the supported coordinate system types.

System capability: SystemCapability.Location.Location.Lite

Return value

Type Not empty Description
Array<string> Yes Coordinate system types, for example, [wgs84, gcj02].


export default {    
  getSupportedCoordTypes() {       
    var types = geolocation.getSupportedCoordTypes();    


Defines the options of a single location request.

NOTE This API is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use geoLocationManager.CurrentLocationRequest.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.LOCATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Location.Location.Lite

Name Type Mandatory Description
timeout number No Timeout duration, in ms. The default value is 30000.
The timeout duration is necessary in case the request to obtain the geographic location is rejected for the lack of the required permission, weak positioning signal, or incorrect location settings. After the timeout duration expires, the fail function will be called.
The value is a 32-digit positive integer. If the specified value is less than or equal to 0, the default value will be used.
coordType string No Coordinate system type. Available types can be obtained by getSupportedCoordTypes. The default type is wgs84.
success (data: GeolocationResponse) => void No Called when API call is successful.
fail (data: string, code: number) => void No Called when API call has failed. data indicates the error information, and code indicates the error code.
complete () => void No Called when API call is complete.

Return value of fail()

Error Code Description
601 Failed to obtain the required permission because the user rejected the request.
602 Permission not declared.
800 Operation times out due to a poor network condition or GNSS unavailability.
801 System location disabled.
802 API called again while the previous execution result is not returned yet.


Defines the location information, including the longitude, latitude, and location precision.

NOTE This API is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use geoLocationManager.Location.

System capability: SystemCapability.Location.Location.Lite

Name Type Readable Writable Description
longitude number Yes No Longitude.
latitude number Yes No Latitude.
altitude number Yes No Altitude.
accuracy number Yes No Location accuracy.
time number Yes No Time when the location is obtained.


Defines the location type option, which holds the callback function used to return the query result.

NOTE This API is deprecated since API version 9.

System capability: SystemCapability.Location.Location.Lite

Name Type Mandatory Description
success (data: GetLocationTypeResponse) => void No Called when API call is successful.
fail (data: string, code: number) => void No Called when API call has failed.
complete () => void No Called when API call is complete.


Defines the list of location types supported by the current device

NOTE This API is deprecated since API version 9.

System capability: SystemCapability.Location.Location.Lite

Name Type Readable Writable Description
types Array<string> Yes No Available location types, [‘gps’, ‘network’]


Defines the options for continuous location.

NOTE This API is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use geoLocationManager.CurrentLocationRequest.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.LOCATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Location.Location.Lite

Name Type Mandatory Description
coordType string No Coordinate system type. Available types can be obtained by getSupportedCoordTypes. The default type is wgs84.
success (data: GeolocationResponse) => void Yes Called when the geographic location changes.
fail (data: string, code: number) => void No Called when API call has failed.

Return value of fail()

Error Code Description
601 Failed to obtain the required permission because the user rejected the request.
602 Permission not declared.
801 System location disabled.


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