harmony 鸿蒙ArkUI Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (569)

ArkUI Subsystem Changelog

cl.arkui.1 Restrictions on Data Type Declarations of State Variables

The data types of state variables decorated by state decorators must be explicitly declared. They cannot be declared as any.


// xxx.ets
struct DatePickerExample {
  // Incorrect: @State isLunar: any = false
  @State isLunar: boolean = false

  build() {

Change Impacts

If the data type of a state variable decorated by a state decorator is declared as any, a WARN-level (previously ERROR-level) build error will occur.

// ArkTS:ERROR Please define an explicit type, not any.
@State isLunar: any = false

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

Explicitly declare the data type for state variables decorated by state decorators.

cl.arkui.2 Initialization Rules and Restrictions of Custom Components’ Member Variables

@LocalStorageLink and @LocalStorageProp variables cannot be initialized from the parent component.


let NextID: number = 0;

class ClassA {
  public id: number;
  public c: number;

  constructor(c: number) {
    this.id = NextID++;
    this.c = c;

struct LocalStorageComponent {
  build() {
    Column() {
        /* ArkTS:ERROR Property 'simpleVarName' in the custom component 'Child' cannot
          initialize here (forbidden to specify). */
        simpleVarName: 1,
        /* ArkTS:ERROR Property 'objectName' in the custom component 'Child' cannot
          initialize here (forbidden to specify). */
        objectName: new ClassA(1)

struct Child {
  @LocalStorageLink("storageSimpleProp") simpleVarName: number = 0;
  @LocalStorageProp("storageObjectProp") objectName: ClassA = new ClassA(1);

  build() {

Change Impacts

If @LocalStorageLink and @LocalStorageProp variables are initialized from the parent component, a WARN-level (previously ERROR-level) build error will occur.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

When building a child component, do not assign values to the variables by @LocalStorageLink and @LocalStorageProp in the child component.

To change these variables from the parent component, use the API provided by the LocalStorage (such as the set API) to assign values to them.

cl.arkui.3 Change of the bottom Definition in Toast Options in the PromptAction Module

Changed the definition of the bottom attribute in toast options from distance between the top of the toast and the bottom of the screen to distance between the bottom of the toast and the bottom of the screen.


import promptAction from '@ohos.promptAction';
struct Index {
  build() {
    Row() {
      .onClick(() => {
        try {
            message: 'Message Info',
            duration: 2000
        } catch (error) {
          console.error(`showToast args error code is ${error.code}, message is ${error.message}`);

Change Impacts

In the PromptAction module, the same value for the bottom attribute may result in different toast appearances, depending on whether the API version used by the compiler is earlier than 10 or not.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

When setting the bottom attribute, account for the definition change.

cl.arkui.4 Content Layout Change of AlertDialog

The content layout of the alert dialog box varies according to the following conditions: 1. whether there is a title. 2. whether the text is on a single line.

Currently, only the single-line text without a title is centered. In other cases, the text is left-aligned.


// xxx.ets
struct AlertDialogExample {
  build() {
    Column({ space: 5 }) {
      Button('one button dialog')
        .onClick(() => {
              title: 'title',
              message: 'text'.repeat(20),
              autoCancel: true,
              alignment: DialogAlignment.Bottom,
              offset: { dx: 0, dy: -20 },
              gridCount: 3,
              confirm: {
                value: 'button',
                action: () => {
                  console.info('Button-clicking callback')
              cancel: () => {
                console.info('Closed callbacks')
    }.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })

Change Impacts

The layout for the text specified by the message attribute of the alert dialog box is subject to the title and number of lines of the text.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

No proactive adaptation is required. You can also use customDialog for related implementation.

cl.arkui.5 Avoidance Behavior Optimization of Popup

Before the change, the popup preferentially uses the lower area for avoidance. As a result, it cannot be displayed in the upper area even if the space is sufficient.

After the change: The popup preferentially uses the upper area for avoidance when it is configured to show above the target component; it preferentially uses the upper or lower area for avoidance when it is configured to show below the target component.

Change Impacts

The optimized popup avoidance behavior occurs when the bindpopup attribute is used.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

If the popup position is not as expected, you can adjust the placement settings.


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