harmony 鸿蒙dhclient

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (719)


Command Function

This command is used to set and query dhclient parameters.


  • dhclient <netif name>

  • dhclient -x <netif name>


Table 1 Parameter description

Parameter Description Value Range
-h | –help Displays parameters supported by the dhclient command and their usage. N/A
<netif name> Enables Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for a network interface card (NIC). NIC name, eth0
-x <netif name> Disables DHCP for a NIC. NIC name, eth0

Usage Guidelines

Run the following commands:

  • dhclient eth0

  • dhclient -x eth0


Currently, the shell does not support this command.


Example 1: Enable DHCP for eth0.

OHOS:/$ dhclient eth0
OHOS:/$ ifconfig
lo      ip: netmask: gateway:
        ip6: ::1/64
        HWaddr 00 MTU:0 Running Link UP
eth0    ip: netmask: gateway:
        HWaddr 42:da:81:bc:58:94 MTU:1500 Running Default Link UP

Example 2: Disable DHCP for eth0.

OHOS:/$ dhclient -x eth0
NetifStatusCallback(eth0): nsc event: 0xf0
OHOS:/$ ifconfig
lo      ip: netmask: gateway:
        ip6: ::1/64
        HWaddr 00 MTU:0 Running Link UP
eth0    ip: netmask: gateway:
        HWaddr 42:da:81:bc:58:94 MTU:1500 Running Default Link UP


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