harmony 鸿蒙Application Configuration File Overview (FA Model)

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (784)

Application Configuration File Overview (FA Model)

Each application project must have configuration files in its code directory. These configuration files provide basic application information for OpenHarmony build tools, the operating system, and application markets.

The application configuration file must contain the following information:

  • Basic information of the application, including the bundle name, vendor, and version number. Such information must be set under the app tag.

  • Component information of the application, including all abilities, device types, component types, and syntax types in use.

  • Device-specific information of the application. Such information affects the functioning of the application on the device.

When developing an application in the Feature Ability (FA) model, you must declare the package structure of the application in the config.json file.

Configuration File Internal Structure

The config.json file consists of three mandatory tags, namely, app, deviceConfig, and module.

Name Description Data Type Initial Value Allowed
app Application-wide configuration. Different HAP files of an application must use the same app configuration. Object No
deviceConfig Device-specific configuration. Object No
module HAP configuration. It is valid only for the current HAP file. Object No

Example of the config.json file:

  "app": {
    "vendor": "example",
    "bundleName": "com.example.demo",
    "version": {
      "code": 1000000,
      "name": "1.0.0"
  "deviceConfig": {
  "module": {
    "mainAbility": ".MainAbility_entry",
    "deviceType": [
    "commonEvents": [
        "name": ".EntryAbility",
        "permission": "ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO",
        "data": [
        "events": [
    "abilities": [
        "skills": [
            "entities": [
            "actions": [
        "orientation": "unspecified",
        "visible": true,
        "srcPath": "MainAbility_entry",
        "name": ".MainAbility_entry",
        "srcLanguage": "ets",
        "icon": "$media:icon",
        // $string:MainAbility_entry_desc is a resource index.
        "description": "$string:MainAbility_entry_desc",
        "formsEnabled": false,
        // $string:MainAbility_entry_label is a resource index.
        "label": "$string:MainAbility_entry_label",
        "type": "page",
        "launchType": "standard"
    "distro": {
      "moduleType": "entry",
      "installationFree": false,
      "deliveryWithInstall": true,
      "moduleName": "myapplication"
    "package": "com.example.myapplication",
    "srcPath": "",
    "name": ".myapplication",
    "js": [
        "mode": {
          "syntax": "ets",
          "type": "pageAbility"
        "pages": [
        "name": ".MainAbility_entry",
        "window": {
          "designWidth": 720,
          "autoDesignWidth": false


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