tidb group 源码
tidb group 代码
// Copyright 2018 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package memo
import (
plannercore "github.com/pingcap/tidb/planner/core"
// EngineType is determined by whether it's above or below `Gather`s.
// Plan will choose the different engine to be implemented/executed on according to its EngineType.
// Different engine may support different operators with different cost, so we should design
// different transformation and implementation rules for each engine.
type EngineType uint
const (
// EngineTiDB stands for groups which is above `Gather`s and will be executed in TiDB layer.
EngineTiDB EngineType = 1 << iota
// EngineTiKV stands for groups which is below `Gather`s and will be executed in TiKV layer.
// EngineTiFlash stands for groups which is below `Gather`s and will be executed in TiFlash layer.
// EngineTypeSet is the bit set of EngineTypes.
type EngineTypeSet uint
const (
// EngineTiDBOnly is the EngineTypeSet for EngineTiDB only.
EngineTiDBOnly = EngineTypeSet(EngineTiDB)
// EngineTiKVOnly is the EngineTypeSet for EngineTiKV only.
EngineTiKVOnly = EngineTypeSet(EngineTiKV)
// EngineTiFlashOnly is the EngineTypeSet for EngineTiFlash only.
EngineTiFlashOnly = EngineTypeSet(EngineTiFlash)
// EngineTiKVOrTiFlash is the EngineTypeSet for (EngineTiKV | EngineTiFlash).
EngineTiKVOrTiFlash = EngineTypeSet(EngineTiKV | EngineTiFlash)
// EngineAll is the EngineTypeSet for all of the EngineTypes.
EngineAll = EngineTypeSet(EngineTiDB | EngineTiKV | EngineTiFlash)
// Contains checks whether the EngineTypeSet contains the EngineType.
func (e EngineTypeSet) Contains(tp EngineType) bool {
return uint(e)&uint(tp) != 0
// String implements fmt.Stringer interface.
func (e EngineType) String() string {
switch e {
case EngineTiDB:
return "EngineTiDB"
case EngineTiKV:
return "EngineTiKV"
case EngineTiFlash:
return "EngineTiFlash"
return "UnknownEngineType"
// ExploreMark is uses to mark whether a Group or GroupExpr has
// been fully explored by a transformation rule batch.
type ExploreMark int
// SetExplored sets the roundth bit.
func (m *ExploreMark) SetExplored(round int) {
*m |= 1 << round
// SetUnexplored unsets the roundth bit.
func (m *ExploreMark) SetUnexplored(round int) {
*m &= ^(1 << round)
// Explored returns whether the roundth bit has been set.
func (m *ExploreMark) Explored(round int) bool {
return *m&(1<<round) != 0
// Group is short for expression Group, which is used to store all the
// logically equivalent expressions. It's a set of GroupExpr.
type Group struct {
Equivalents *list.List
FirstExpr map[Operand]*list.Element
Fingerprints map[string]*list.Element
ImplMap map[string]Implementation
Prop *property.LogicalProperty
EngineType EngineType
SelfFingerprint string
// ExploreMark is uses to mark whether this Group has been explored
// by a transformation rule batch in a certain round.
// hasBuiltKeyInfo indicates whether this group has called `BuildKeyInfo`.
// BuildKeyInfo is lazily called when a rule needs information of
// unique key or maxOneRow (in LogicalProp). For each Group, we only need
// to collect these information once.
hasBuiltKeyInfo bool
// NewGroupWithSchema creates a new Group with given schema.
func NewGroupWithSchema(e *GroupExpr, s *expression.Schema) *Group {
prop := &property.LogicalProperty{Schema: expression.NewSchema(s.Columns...)}
g := &Group{
Equivalents: list.New(),
Fingerprints: make(map[string]*list.Element),
FirstExpr: make(map[Operand]*list.Element),
ImplMap: make(map[string]Implementation),
Prop: prop,
EngineType: EngineTiDB,
return g
// SetEngineType sets the engine type of the group.
func (g *Group) SetEngineType(e EngineType) *Group {
g.EngineType = e
return g
// FingerPrint returns the unique fingerprint of the Group.
func (g *Group) FingerPrint() string {
if g.SelfFingerprint == "" {
g.SelfFingerprint = fmt.Sprintf("%p", g)
return g.SelfFingerprint
// Insert a nonexistent Group expression.
func (g *Group) Insert(e *GroupExpr) bool {
if e == nil || g.Exists(e) {
return false
operand := GetOperand(e.ExprNode)
var newEquiv *list.Element
mark, hasMark := g.FirstExpr[operand]
if hasMark {
newEquiv = g.Equivalents.InsertAfter(e, mark)
} else {
newEquiv = g.Equivalents.PushBack(e)
g.FirstExpr[operand] = newEquiv
g.Fingerprints[e.FingerPrint()] = newEquiv
e.Group = g
return true
// Delete an existing Group expression.
func (g *Group) Delete(e *GroupExpr) {
fingerprint := e.FingerPrint()
equiv, ok := g.Fingerprints[fingerprint]
if !ok {
return // Can not find the target GroupExpr.
operand := GetOperand(equiv.Value.(*GroupExpr).ExprNode)
if g.FirstExpr[operand] == equiv {
// The target GroupExpr is the first Element of the same Operand.
// We need to change the FirstExpr to the next Expr, or delete the FirstExpr.
nextElem := equiv.Next()
if nextElem != nil && GetOperand(nextElem.Value.(*GroupExpr).ExprNode) == operand {
g.FirstExpr[operand] = nextElem
} else {
// There is no more GroupExpr of the Operand, so we should
// delete the FirstExpr of this Operand.
delete(g.FirstExpr, operand)
delete(g.Fingerprints, fingerprint)
e.Group = nil
// DeleteAll deletes all of the GroupExprs in the Group.
func (g *Group) DeleteAll() {
g.Equivalents = list.New()
g.Fingerprints = make(map[string]*list.Element)
g.FirstExpr = make(map[Operand]*list.Element)
g.SelfFingerprint = ""
// Exists checks whether a Group expression existed in a Group.
func (g *Group) Exists(e *GroupExpr) bool {
_, ok := g.Fingerprints[e.FingerPrint()]
return ok
// GetFirstElem returns the first Group expression which matches the Operand.
// Return a nil pointer if there isn't.
func (g *Group) GetFirstElem(operand Operand) *list.Element {
if operand == OperandAny {
return g.Equivalents.Front()
return g.FirstExpr[operand]
// GetImpl returns the best Implementation satisfy the physical property.
func (g *Group) GetImpl(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) Implementation {
key := prop.HashCode()
return g.ImplMap[string(key)]
// InsertImpl inserts the best Implementation satisfy the physical property.
func (g *Group) InsertImpl(prop *property.PhysicalProperty, impl Implementation) {
key := prop.HashCode()
g.ImplMap[string(key)] = impl
// Convert2GroupExpr converts a logical plan to a GroupExpr.
func Convert2GroupExpr(node plannercore.LogicalPlan) *GroupExpr {
e := NewGroupExpr(node)
e.Children = make([]*Group, 0, len(node.Children()))
for _, child := range node.Children() {
childGroup := Convert2Group(child)
e.Children = append(e.Children, childGroup)
return e
// Convert2Group converts a logical plan to a Group.
func Convert2Group(node plannercore.LogicalPlan) *Group {
e := Convert2GroupExpr(node)
g := NewGroupWithSchema(e, node.Schema())
// Stats property for `Group` would be computed after exploration phase.
return g
// BuildKeyInfo recursively builds UniqueKey and MaxOneRow info in the LogicalProperty.
func (g *Group) BuildKeyInfo() {
if g.hasBuiltKeyInfo {
g.hasBuiltKeyInfo = true
e := g.Equivalents.Front().Value.(*GroupExpr)
childSchema := make([]*expression.Schema, len(e.Children))
childMaxOneRow := make([]bool, len(e.Children))
for i := range e.Children {
childSchema[i] = e.Children[i].Prop.Schema
childMaxOneRow[i] = e.Children[i].Prop.MaxOneRow
if len(childSchema) == 1 {
// For UnaryPlan(such as Selection, Limit ...), we can set the child's unique key as its unique key.
// If the GroupExpr is a schemaProducer, schema.Keys will be reset below in `BuildKeyInfo()`.
g.Prop.Schema.Keys = childSchema[0].Keys
e.ExprNode.BuildKeyInfo(g.Prop.Schema, childSchema)
g.Prop.MaxOneRow = e.ExprNode.MaxOneRow() || plannercore.HasMaxOneRow(e.ExprNode, childMaxOneRow)
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