kubernetes cache 源码
kubernetes cache 代码
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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limitations under the License.
package metrics
import (
endpointutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/controller/util/endpoint"
// NewCache returns a new Cache with the specified endpointsPerSlice.
func NewCache(endpointsPerSlice int32) *Cache {
return &Cache{
maxEndpointsPerSlice: endpointsPerSlice,
cache: map[types.NamespacedName]*ServicePortCache{},
// Cache tracks values for total numbers of desired endpoints as well as the
// efficiency of EndpointSlice endpoints distribution.
type Cache struct {
// maxEndpointsPerSlice references the maximum number of endpoints that
// should be added to an EndpointSlice.
maxEndpointsPerSlice int32
// lock protects changes to numEndpoints, numSlicesActual, numSlicesDesired,
// and cache.
lock sync.Mutex
// numEndpoints represents the total number of endpoints stored in
// EndpointSlices.
numEndpoints int
// numSlicesActual represents the total number of EndpointSlices.
numSlicesActual int
// numSlicesDesired represents the desired number of EndpointSlices.
numSlicesDesired int
// cache stores a ServicePortCache grouped by NamespacedNames representing
// Services.
cache map[types.NamespacedName]*ServicePortCache
// ServicePortCache tracks values for total numbers of desired endpoints as well
// as the efficiency of EndpointSlice endpoints distribution for each unique
// Service Port combination.
type ServicePortCache struct {
items map[endpointutil.PortMapKey]EfficiencyInfo
// EfficiencyInfo stores the number of Endpoints and Slices for calculating
// total numbers of desired endpoints and the efficiency of EndpointSlice
// endpoints distribution.
type EfficiencyInfo struct {
Endpoints int
Slices int
// NewServicePortCache initializes and returns a new ServicePortCache.
func NewServicePortCache() *ServicePortCache {
return &ServicePortCache{
items: map[endpointutil.PortMapKey]EfficiencyInfo{},
// Set updates the ServicePortCache to contain the provided EfficiencyInfo
// for the provided PortMapKey.
func (spc *ServicePortCache) Set(pmKey endpointutil.PortMapKey, eInfo EfficiencyInfo) {
spc.items[pmKey] = eInfo
// totals returns the total number of endpoints and slices represented by a
// ServicePortCache.
func (spc *ServicePortCache) totals(maxEndpointsPerSlice int) (int, int, int) {
var actualSlices, desiredSlices, endpoints int
for _, eInfo := range spc.items {
endpoints += eInfo.Endpoints
actualSlices += eInfo.Slices
desiredSlices += numDesiredSlices(eInfo.Endpoints, maxEndpointsPerSlice)
// there is always a placeholder slice
if desiredSlices == 0 {
desiredSlices = 1
return actualSlices, desiredSlices, endpoints
// UpdateServicePortCache updates a ServicePortCache in the global cache for a
// given Service and updates the corresponding metrics.
// Parameters:
// * serviceNN refers to a NamespacedName representing the Service.
// * spCache refers to a ServicePortCache for the specified Service.
func (c *Cache) UpdateServicePortCache(serviceNN types.NamespacedName, spCache *ServicePortCache) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
var prevActualSlices, prevDesiredSlices, prevEndpoints int
if existingSPCache, ok := c.cache[serviceNN]; ok {
prevActualSlices, prevDesiredSlices, prevEndpoints = existingSPCache.totals(int(c.maxEndpointsPerSlice))
currActualSlices, currDesiredSlices, currEndpoints := spCache.totals(int(c.maxEndpointsPerSlice))
// To keep numEndpoints up to date, add the difference between the number of
// endpoints in the provided spCache and any spCache it might be replacing.
c.numEndpoints = c.numEndpoints + currEndpoints - prevEndpoints
c.numSlicesDesired += currDesiredSlices - prevDesiredSlices
c.numSlicesActual += currActualSlices - prevActualSlices
c.cache[serviceNN] = spCache
// DeleteService removes references of a Service from the global cache and
// updates the corresponding metrics.
func (c *Cache) DeleteService(serviceNN types.NamespacedName) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
if spCache, ok := c.cache[serviceNN]; ok {
actualSlices, desiredSlices, endpoints := spCache.totals(int(c.maxEndpointsPerSlice))
c.numEndpoints = c.numEndpoints - endpoints
c.numSlicesDesired -= desiredSlices
c.numSlicesActual -= actualSlices
delete(c.cache, serviceNN)
// updateMetrics updates metrics with the values from this Cache.
// Must be called holding lock.
func (c *Cache) updateMetrics() {
// numDesiredSlices calculates the number of EndpointSlices that would exist
// with ideal endpoint distribution.
func numDesiredSlices(numEndpoints, maxEndpointsPerSlice int) int {
if numEndpoints == 0 {
return 0
if numEndpoints <= maxEndpointsPerSlice {
return 1
return int(math.Ceil(float64(numEndpoints) / float64(maxEndpointsPerSlice)))
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