harmony 鸿蒙C Coding Style Guide

  • 2022-08-09
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C Coding Style Guide


Rules are not perfect. They might disable useful features in specific situations and therefore affect code implementation. However, the purpose of developing rules is to get more benefits for most programmers. If a rule cannot be followed in your team operation, we can improve the rule together. Before referring to this coding style guide, you are expected to have the following basic capabilities of the C programming language:

  1. Understand the ISO standard of C.
  2. Be familiar with the basic features of C.
  3. Understand the standard library of C.

General Principles

Code must meet the requirements for readability, maintainability, security, reliability, testability, efficiency, and portability while ensuring functionality correctness.


Rule: Conventions that must be followed during programming.

Rec: Conventions that must be considered during programming.

It is necessary to understand the reason for these conventions and try to comply with them, no matter if they are rules or recommendations.


The only acceptable exceptions are those that do not violate the general principles and provide appropriate reasons for their existence.

Try to avoid exceptions because they affect the code consistency. Exceptions to ‘Rules’ should be very rare.

The style consistency principle is preferred in the following case:

When you modify open-source or third-party code, comply with their respective code specifications.

1 Naming

Names include file, function, variable, type, and macro names.

Naming is considered the most difficult and important thing in software development.

The name of an identifier must be clear, well defined, easy to understand, and accounting for reading habits.

The unified naming style is the most direct expression of the consistency principle.

General Conventions


CamelCase is the practice of writing compound words or phrases so that each word or abbreviation in the phrase begins with a capital letter, and with no intervening spaces or punctuation.

There are two conventions: UpperCamelCase and lowerCamelCase.


Unix_like is also known as the snake style. In the Unix_like style, words contain only lowercase letters and are separated by underscores (_).

Example: ‘test_result’

Rule 1.1 Name identifiers in the CamelCase style.

Type Naming Style
Function, struct, enum, union UpperCamelCase
Variable, function parameter, macro parameter, struct body, union member lowerCamelCase
Macro, constant, enumerated value, goto tag All capitalized, separated by underscores (_)


Constant in the above table refers to the variable that is of the basic data type, enum type, and string type and modified by const under the global scope, excluding arrays, structs, and unions.

Variable indicates the variables excluding those defined in Constant. These variables use the lowerCamelCase style.

Unix_like can be used for Linux or Unix friendly code.

For code that is using the Unix_like style, you can continue using this style.

The same naming style must be used for the same function, struct, or union.

Rec 1.1 Use more accurate names for identifiers with a large scope.

Different from C++, C does not have namespace or class. Therefore, the names of identifiers in the global scope must not conflict with each other.

Names of global functions, global variables, macros, types, and enums must be accurately described and unique in the global scope.


int GetCount(void);                 // Bad: inaccurate description
int GetActiveConnectCount(void);    // Good

For purposes of accurate naming, a module prefix can be added if necessary.

The module prefix and the naming body can be connected by following the CamelCase style.


int PrefixFuncName(void);   // OK: CamelCase, a prefix in the content, but not in the format

enum XxxMyEnum {            // OK

File Naming

Rec 1.2 Use lowercase file names.

Only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores (_) are allowed in file names.

File names should be as short, accurate, and unambiguous as possible.

The reason for using lowercase file names is that different systems process file names in different ways. (For example, file names in MS-DOS and Windows are not case sensitive, but those in Unix/Linux and macOS are case sensitive by default).

Good example:


Bad examples:

dhcp_user-log.c: It is not recommended that you separate words with the hyphen (-). dhcpuserlog.c: The words are not separated, causing poor readability.

Function Naming

Functions are named in the UpperCamelCase style.

Rec 1.3 Name functions to comply with reading habits.

The “verb + object” structure can be used for action related function names. Example:

AddTableEntry() // OK 
DeleteUser()    // OK
GetUserInfo()   // OK

An adjective or a prefix “is” can be used in a function returning a Boolean value. Example:

DataReady()     // OK
IsRunning()     // OK
JobDone()       // OK

Data or Getter function:

TotalCount()    // OK
GetTotalCount() // OK

Variable Naming

Variables are named in the lowerCamelCase style. This includes global variables, local variables, parameters in the function declaration or definition as well as parameters in function-like macro.

Rule 1.2 Add the ‘g_’ prefix to global variables, but not to static variables in a function.

Global variables should be used as little as possible, and special attention should be paid to their use. This prefix highlights global variables so that developers can be more careful when handling them.

Global static variables and global variables are named in the same way. Static variables in functions and common local variables are named in the same way.

int g_activeConnectCount;

void Func(void)
    static int pktCount = 0;  

Notes: Constants are also global variables in essence. However, if constants are named using uppercase letters separated by underscores (_), the current rule does not apply.

Rec 1.4 Keep local variables short and to the point.

The name of a local variable should be short on the premise that meanings can be expressed through context.


int Func(...)
    enum PowerBoardStatus powerBoardStatusOfSlot; // Not good: Long redundant local variable
    powerBoardStatusOfSlot = GetPowerBoardStatus(slot);
    if (powerBoardStatusOfSlot == POWER_OFF) {

Better writing style:

int Func(...)
    enum PowerBoardStatus status;   // Good: The status can be clearly expressed in context.
    status = GetPowerBoardStatus(slot);
    if (status == POWER_OFF) {

Similarly, “tmp” can be used to address any type of temporary variable.

A short variable name should be used with caution, but sometimes a single-character variable is allowed, for example, a counter variable in a loop statement.

int i; 
for (i = 0; i < COUNTER_RANGE; i++) {

Or, variables in simple math functions:

int Mul(int a, int b)
	return a * b;

Type Naming

Types are named in the UpperCamelCase style.

The type can be a struct, a union, or an enum.


struct MsgHead {
    enum MsgType type;
    int msgLen;
    char *msgBuf;

union Packet {
    struct SendPacket send;
    struct RecvPacket recv;

enum BaseColor {
    RED,    // Note: The enum is in the UpperCamelCase style whereas the enumerated values adopt the macro naming style.

typedef int (*NodeCmpFunc)(struct Node *a, struct Node *b);

When you use typedef to set an alias for a struct, a union, or an enum, try to use the anonymous type. If you need self-nesting pointers, you can add a ‘tag’ prefix or an underscore suffix.

typedef struct {    // Good: The anonymous struct is used because self-nesting is not required.
    int a;
    int b;
} MyType;           // The struct alias uses the UpperCamelCase style.
typedef struct tagNode {    // Good: Add the 'tag' prefix or use 'Node_'.
    struct tagNode *prev;
    struct tagNode *next;
} Node;             // UpperCamelCase.

Macro, Constant, and Enum Naming

Use uppercase letters separated by underscores (_) for macro names and enumerated values.

You are advised to use uppercase letters separated with underscores (_) for constant names. Global const variables can be named with the same style of global variables.

The constants here are defined as global const variables of the basic data type, enum type, or string type.

Use uppercase letters separated by underscores (_) for function-like macros.


  1. Functions that use macros to implement generic functions, for example, macros that implement functions such as list and map, can be named in the same way as functions, using the UpperCamelCase style.
  2. A function-like macro that is used to replace a function in the earlier version can be named in the same way as functions, using the UpperCamelCase style.
  3. Macros for printing logs can be named in the same way as functions, using the UpperCamelCase style. Note: Function-like macros named in the UpperCamelCase style must be marked as macros in the API description.

Macro example:

#define PI 3.14
#define MAX(a, b)   (((a) < (b)) ? (b) : (a))
void Bar(int);
#define Foo(a) Bar(a)   // The function-like macro is named in the same way as a function.
void Foo(int);

Constant example:

const int VERSION = 200;    // OK.

const enum Color DEFAULT_COLOR = BLUE; // OK

const char PATH_SEP = '/';  // OK

const char * const GREETINGS = "Hello, World!"; // OK

Non-constant example:

// A struct that does not meet the definition of constants
const struct MyType g_myData = { ... };     // OK: Name it in lowerCamelCase style.

// An array that does not meet the definition of constants
const int g_xxxBaseValue[4] = { 1, 2, 4, 8 };   // OK: Name it in lowerCamelCase style.

int Foo(...)
    // A local const variable that does not meet the definition of constants
    const int bufSize = 100;    // OK: Name it in lowerCamelCase style.

Enum example:

// Note: The enum type name is in the UpperCamelCase style, whereas the enumerated value is in uppercase letters separated by underscores (\_).
enum BaseColor {

Rec 1.5 Avoid temporary variables in function-like macros from polluting external scopes.

If possible, use a function instead of a function-like macro. Define a function-like macro only when necessary.

When defining local variables for a function-like macro, use double underscores at the end to avoid name conflicts with local variables in external functions. Example:

#define SWAP_INT(a, b) do { \
    int tmp__ = a; \
    a = b; \
    b = tmp__; \
} while (0)

2 Formatting

Line Length

Rule 2.1 Include 120 characters or less in each line.

A longer line makes it more difficult for reading.

To meet the line length requirement, you can shorten the names of functions and variables and reduce the number of nesting layers. This improves code readability.

Unless a long line is necessary to maintain readability and present complete information, steer your document clear of long lines.

Even on a high-resolution monitor, a long line increases the difficulty of reading. Strive for clearness and conciseness.


  • For code lines or comments, the use of the line feed causes content truncation and increases the search difficulty (grep).
  • The #include and #error statements are allowed to exceed the line length requirement. However, you should try to avoid this.


#ifndef XXX_YYY_ZZZ
#error Header aaaa/bbbb/cccc/abc.h must only be included after xxxx/yyyy/zzzz/xyz.h


Rule 2.2 Use spaces to indent and indent four spaces at a time.

Only spaces can be used for indentation. Four spaces are indented each time. Do not use the Tab character to indent.

Currently, almost all integrated development environments (IDEs) and code editors support automatic conversion of a Tab input to fours spaces. Configure your code editor to support indentation with spaces.


Rule 2.3 Use the K&R indentation style.

K&R style

While wrapping a line, the left brace of the function starts a new line and takes a single line. Other left braces are placed at the end of the line along with the statement.

The right brace takes a single line, unless it is followed by the rest of the same statement, such as while in the do statement, else or else if in the if statement, a comma, or a semicolon.


struct MyType {     // Good: The left brace is placed at the end of the line along with the statement, and one space is used for indentation.
};                  // Good: The right brace is followed by the semicolon.

int Foo(int a)
{                   // Good: The left brace of the function starts a new line, and nothing else is placed on the line.
    if (...) {
    } else {        // Good: The right brace is followed by the `else` statement.
    }               // Good: The right brace takes a single line.

Function Declaration and Definition

Rule 2.4 Keep the return type and function name of the function declaration or definition in the same line, and align the function parameter list appropriately if it needs to be wrapped.

When a function is declared and defined, the return value type of the function should be in the same line as the function name.

When the function parameter list is wrapped, it should be aligned appropriately.
The left parenthesis of a parameter list is always in the same line as the function name. The right parenthesis always follows the last parameter.


ReturnType FunctionName(ArgType paramName1, ArgType paramName2)   // Good: All in one line

ReturnType VeryVeryVeryLongFunctionName(ArgType paramName1,     // Each added parameter starts on a new line because the line length limit is exceeded.
                                        ArgType paramName2,     // Good: Aligned with the previous line
                                        ArgType paramName3)

ReturnType LongFunctionName(ArgType paramName1, ArgType paramName2, // Parameters are wrapped because the line length limit is exceeded.
    ArgType paramName3, ArgType paramName4, ArgType paramName5)     // Good: 4 spaces are used for indentation.

ReturnType ReallyReallyReallyReallyLongFunctionName(            // The line length cannot accommodate even the first parameter, and a line break is required.
    ArgType paramName1, ArgType paramName2, ArgType paramName3) // Good: 4 spaces are used for indentation.

Function Calls

Rule 2.5 Align the parameter list appropriately if it needs to be wrapped.

In a function call, if the function parameter list is wrapped, it should be aligned appropriately.

The left parenthesis is always followed by a function name, and the right parenthesis always follows the last parameter.


ReturnType result = FunctionName(paramName1, paramName2);   // Good: Function parameters are placed in one line.

ReturnType result = FunctionName(paramName1,
                                 paramName2,                // Good: Aligned with the above parameters

ReturnType result = FunctionName(paramName1, paramName2, 
    paramName3, paramName4, paramName5);                    // Good: 4 spaces are used for indentation.

ReturnType result = VeryVeryVeryLongFunctionName(           // The line length cannot accommodate the first parameter, and therefore line feed is used.
    paramName1, paramName2, paramName3);                    // 4 spaces are used for indentation.

If the parameters in a function call are associated with each other, you can group the parameters for better understanding, rather than strictly adhering to the formatting requirements.

// Good: The parameters in each line represent a group of data structures with a strong correlation.They are placed on one line for ease of understanding.
int result = DealWithStructureLikeParams(left.x, left.y,     // Indicates a group of parameters.
                                         right.x, right.y);  // Indicates another group of related parameters.

Conditional Statements

Rule 2.6 Use braces for conditional statements.

Use braces to enclose conditional statements, even if there is only one statement.


  • Logic is intuitive and easy to read.
  • It is not easy to make mistakes when adding new code to the existing conditional statement.
  • Function-like macros without braces are used in conditional statements, can be error prone if braces do not surround the conditional statement.
if (objectIsNotExist) {         // Good: Braces are added to a single-line conditional statement.
    return CreateNewObject();

Rule 2.7 Do not place if, else, and else if in the same line.

In a conditional statement, branches, if any, should be written in different lines.

Good example:

if (someConditions) {
} else {    // Good: The `else` statement is in a different line of `if`.

Bad example:

if (someConditions) { ... } else { ... } // Bad: They are in the same line.


Rule 2.8 Use braces for loop statements.

Use braces to enclose the for and while statements, even if there is only one loop.

for (int i = 0; i < someRange; i++) {   // Good: Braces are used.
while (condition) { }   // Good: The entire loop body is empty. And braces are used.
while (condition) { 
    continue;           // Good: The continue keyword highlights the end of the empty loop. And braces are used.

Bad example:

for (int i = 0; i < someRange; i++)
    DoSomething();      // Bad: Braces should be added.
while (condition);      // Bad: The semicolon may be treated as part of the `while` statement.

switch Statements

Rule 2.9 Indent the case or default statement in a switch statement block.

Use the following indentation style for the switch statement:

switch (var) {
    case 0:             // Good: Indented
        DoSomething1(); // Good: Indented
    case 1: {           // Good: Braces are added.
switch (var) {
case 0:                 // Bad: 'case' not indented
default:                // Bad: 'default' not indented


Rec 2.1 Keep a consistent line break style for expressions and ensure that operators are placed at the end of the line.

A long expression that does not meet the line length requirement must be wrapped appropriately. Generally, the expression is wrapped after a lower-priority operator or a hyphen, and the operator or hyphen is placed at the end of the line, indicating that the operation is to be continued.


// Assume that the first line does not meet the line length requirement.
if ((currentValue > MIN) &&  // Good: The Boolean operator is placed at the end of the line.
    (currentValue < MAX)) {    

int result = reallyReallyLongVariableName1 +    // Good: The plus sign is placed at the end of the line.

After an expression is wrapped, ensure that the lines are properly aligned or indented by 4 spaces. Example:

int sum = longVariableName1 + longVariableName2 + longVariableName3 +
    longVariableName4 + longVariableName5 + longVariableName6;         // OK: indented with 4 spaces

int sum = longVariableName1 + longVariableName2 + longVariableName3 +
          longVariableName4 + longVariableName5 + longVariableName6;   // OK: aligned

Variable Assignment

Rule 2.10 Do not write multiple variable definitions or assignment statements in one line.

It is recommended that each line contain only one variable initialization statement, which is easier to read and understand.

int maxCount = 10;
bool isCompleted = false;

Bad example:

int maxCount = 10; bool isCompleted = false; // Bad: Multiple initialization statements are placed in one line.
int x, y = 0;  // Bad: Multiple variable definitions are placed in one line.Each definition occupies one line.

int pointX;
int pointY;
pointX = 1; pointY = 2;  // Bad: Multiple variable assignment statements are placed in one line.

Exceptions: If multiple variable definitions have strong correlation and do not need to be initialized, you can define the variables in a line for code compactness.

int i, j;  // Good: Multiple variable definitions that do not need to be initialized are written in one line.
for (i = 0; i < row; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < col; j++) {


Initialization is applicable to structs, unions, and arrays.

Rule 2.11 Use indentation or make a reasonable alignment for a new line.

For the struct or array initialization, use 4 spaces for indentation if a line break is made.

From better readability, make a reasonable alignment.

// Good: No line break for a short line.
int arr[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

// Good: A line break makes better readability.
const int rank[] = { 
    16, 16, 16, 16, 32, 32, 32, 32,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 32, 32, 32, 32

For complex data, the initialization should be clear and compact.
Refer to the following format:

int a[][4] = {
    { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, { 2, 2, 3, 4 }, // OK
    { 3, 2, 3, 4 }, { 4, 2, 3, 4 }

int b[][8] = {
    { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 },     // OK
    { 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }
int c[][8] = {
        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8      // OK
    }, {
        2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


  • If the left brace is placed at the end of the line, the corresponding right brace should be placed into a new line.
  • If the left brace is followed by the content, the corresponding right brace should also follow the content.

Rule 2.12 Initialize each member in a separate line during struct and union member initialization.

The C99 standard supports the initialization of the struct and union members in their definition. This is called the designated initializer. In such a way, each member should be initialized in a separate line.

struct Date {
    int year;
    int month;
    int day;

struct Date date = {    // Good: When the designated initializer is used, each member is initialized in a separate line.
    .year   = 2000,
    .month  = 1,
    .day    = 1 


Rec 2.2 Ensure that the asterisk (*) in the pointer type is followed by the variable name or follows the type. There must be a space before or after the asterisk.

When you declare or define a pointer variable or return a pointer type function, the asterisk can be placed on the left (following the type) or right (followed by the variable name). There must be only one space before or after the asterisk.

int *p1;    // OK
int* p2;    // OK

int*p3;     // Bad: No space
int * p4;   // Bad: Space on both sides

Choose a style and stay consistent.

If you use the asterisk to follow the type, do not declare multiple variables with pointers in a line.

int* a, b;  // Bad: b may be treated as a pointer.

Do not use the asterisk followed by the variable name if this style is not suitable in all cases. Keep style consistency first.

char * const VERSION = "V100";      // OK
int Foo(const char * restrict p);   // OK

Do not use the asterisk to follow the const or restrict keywords.

Compilation Preprocessing

Rule 2.13 Place the number sign (#) at the beginning of a line for compilation preprocessing. In nested compilation preprocessing, the number sign (#) can be indented.

The number sign (#) must be placed at the beginning of a line for compilation preprocessing, even if the code is embedded in the function body.

Try your best not to use compilation preprocessing macros. If they are needed in deed, they should be managed by dedicated personnel in a unified manner.


Rule 2.14 Use horizontal whitespaces to highlight keywords and important information, and avoid unnecessary whitespaces.

Horizontal spaces should be used to highlight keywords and important information. Do not add spaces at the end of each line of code. The general rules are as follows:

  • Add spaces after keywords such as if, switch, case, do, while, and for.
  • Do not add spaces after the left parenthesis or before the right parenthesis.
  • Add a space before and after each binary operator (= + - < > * / % |& \^ <= >= == !=).
  • Do not add a space after any unary operator (& * + - ~!).
  • Add a space before and after each ternary operator (? :).
  • Add spaces before and after the colon of bit field description.
  • Do not add spaces between ++/– and variables.
  • Do not add spaces before and after the struct member operator (. ->).
  • Adding or not adding spaces inside the brace must be consistent.
  • Do not add spaces before commas, semicolons, or colons (excluding the colon in the ternary operator or the bit field description). Add spaces after them.
  • Do not add spaces between the parentheses of the function parameter list and the function name.
  • Do not add spaces between the parenthesis of the type cast and the object being converted.
  • Do not add spaces between the square bracket of the array and the array name.
  • Spaces at the end of the line can be omitted.

For spaces inside the braces, the following recommendations are available:

  • It is recommended that spaces be added after the left brace and before the right brace.
  • For an empty constant or a constant with a single identifier or a single word, spaces are not required, for example, ‘{}’, ‘{0}’, ‘{NULL}’, ‘{“hi”}’.
  • Spaces between consecutively nested multiple parentheses are not required, for example, ‘{{0}}’, ‘{{ 1, 2 }}’. ‘{ 0, {1}}’ is a bad example, since it is not a consecutively nested scene and the spaces inside the outermost braces are inconsistent.

In normal cases:

int i = 0;                  // Good: When the variable is initialized, there should be spaces before and after the =. Do not leave a space before the semicolon.
int buf[BUF_SIZE] = {0};    // Good: For array initialization, spaces in curly braces are optional.
int arr[] = { 10, 20 };     // Good: A space is added before and after the brace.

Function definition and call:

int result = Foo(arg1,arg2); 
                      ^         // Bad: There is no space after the comma.

int result = Foo( arg1, arg2 );
                 ^          ^   // Bad: No space should be added to either side in the parentheses.

Pointer and address-of operator:

x = *p;     // Good: There is no space between the operator (*) and the pointer p.
p = &x;     // Good: There is no space between the operator (&) and the variable x.
x = r.y;    // Good: When a member variable is accessed through the operator (.), no space is added.
x = r->y;   // Good: When a member variable is accessed through the operator (->), no space is added.


x = 0;    // Good: There is a space before and after the assignment operator (=).
x = -5;   // Good: There is no space between the minus sign (-) and the number.
++++x; // Good: There is no space between ++/-- and the variable.
if (x && !y)        // Good: There is a space before and after the Boolean operator, and there is no space between the operator (!) and variable.
v = w * x + y / z;  // Good: There is a space before and after binary operators.
v = w * (x + z);    // Good: There is no space before and after the expression in the parentheses.

Loops and conditional statements:

if (condition) {    // Good: A space is added between the `if` keyword and the parenthesis, and no space is added before or after the conditional statement inside the parentheses.
} else {            // Good: A space is added between the `else` keyword and the curly brace.

while (condition) {}    // Good: A space is added between the `while` keyword and the parenthesis, and no space is added before or after the conditional statement inside the parentheses.

for (int i = 0; i < someRange; ++i) {  // Good: A space is added between the `for` keyword and the parenthesis, and after the semicolons (;).

switch (var) {  // Good: A space is added after the `switch` keyword.
    case 0:     // Good: No space is added between the `case` conditional statement and the colon (:).

Note: The current IDE and code editor can be set to delete spaces at the end of a line. Configure your editor correctly.

Rec 2.3 Arrange blank lines reasonably to keep the code compact.

Reduce unnecessary blank lines so that more code can be displayed for easy reading. The following rules are recommended:

  • Make a reasonable arrangement of blank lines according to the degree of relevance of neighboring content.
  • Do not put two or more consecutive blank lines inside a function, a type definition, a macro, or an initialization expression.
  • Do not use three or more consecutive blank lines.
  • Do not add blank lines at the start and end of a code block defined by braces.
ret = DoSomething();

if (ret != OK) {    // Bad: Return value judgment should follow the function call.
    return -1;
int Foo(void)

int Bar(void)       // Bad: Use no more than two continuous blank lines.
int Foo(void)
    DoSomething();  // Bad: The blank lines above and below are unnecessary.



Generally, clear architecture and good symbol naming are recommended to improve code readability, and comments are provided only when necessary.

Comments help readers quickly understand code. Therefore, comments should be provided when necessary for the sake of readers.

The comments must be concise, clear, and unambiguous, ensuring that the information is complete and not redundant.

Comments are as important as code.

When writing a comment, you need to step into the reader’s shoes and use comments to express what the reader really needs. Comments are used to express the code functionality and intention, rather than repeating code.

When modifying the code, ensure that the comments are consistent. It is impolite to only modify code and not update the comments. This destroys the consistency between code and comments, and may cause confusion or even misleading.

Comment code in fluent English.

Comments must be added in the following scenarios (including but not limited to the listed scenarios): 1. Functions in the external interface header file provided by the module 2. Global variables being defined 3. Core algorithms 4. A function that contains more than 50 lines

Comment Style

In C code, both /* */ and // can be used.

Comments can be classified into different types depending on the purpose and position, such as file header comments, function header comments, and general comments.

Comments of the same type must keep a consistent style.

Note: The sample code used in this article sees extensive use of the ‘//’ post-comment. This is only for better understanding, and does not mean that this comment style is better.

File Header Comments

Rule 3.1 Include the copyright license in the file header comments.


  • Copyright © 2020 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);
  • you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  • You may obtain a copy of the License at
  • http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  • distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS,
  • WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  • See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  • limitations under the License. */

Function Header Comments

Rule 3.2 Do not use empty function header comments with no content.

Not all functions need function header comments.

Function header comments must be added for any information that cannot be expressed just with function prototype.

Function header comments are placed above the function declaration or definition.

Select and use one of the following styles:

Use ‘//’ to start the function header.

// Single-line function header
int Func1(void);

// Multi-line function header
// Second line
int Func2(void);

Use ‘/*’ ‘*/’ to start the function header.

/* Single-line function header */
int Func1(void);

 * Single-line or multi-line function header
 * Second line
int Func2(void);

Use function names to describe functions, and only add function header comments if necessary.

Do not write useless or redundant function headers. Do not write empty function headers with no content.

The following content is optional in the function header comment: function description, return value, performance constraint, usage, memory convention, algorithm implementation, and reentering requirement.

In the function interface declaration in the external header file of the module, the function header comment should clearly describe important and useful information.


 * The number of written bytes is returned. If -1 is returned, the write operation fails.
 * Note that the memory buffer is released by the caller.
int WriteString(char *buf, int len);

Bad example:

 * Function name: WriteString
 * Function: Write a character string.
 * Parameter:
 * Return value:
int WriteString(char *buf, int len);

Problems in the preceding example are as follows:

  • The ‘Parameter’ and ‘Return value’ headings have no content.
  • The function name has redundant information.
  • It does not clearly state the party that should release the buffer.

Code Comments

Rule 3.3 Place code comments above or to the right of the code.

Rule 3.4 Add a space between the comment character and the comment content, and one space between the comment and code if the comment is placed to the right of the code.

Comments placed above code should be indented to the same level as the code.

Select and use one of the following styles:

Use ‘//’ to start the comment.

// Single-line comment

// Multi-line comment
// Second line

Use ‘/*’ ‘*/’ to start the comment.

/* Single-line comment */

 * Single-/Multi-line comment
 * Second line

Leave at least one space between the code and the comment on the right. No more than four spaces are recommended.

You can use the extended Tab key to indent 1-4 spaces.

Select and use one of the following styles:

int foo = 100;  // Comment on the right
int bar = 200;  /* Comment on the right */

It is more appealing sometimes when the comment is placed to the right of code and the comments and code are aligned vertically.

After the alignment, ensure that the comment is 1–4 spaces separated from the closest code line on the left.


#define A_CONST 100         /* Related comments of the same type can be aligned vertically. */
#define ANOTHER_CONST 200   /* Leave spaces after code to align comments vertically. */

If the comment on the right exceeds the permitted line length, the comment can be placed above the code.

Rule 3.5 Delete unused code segments. Do not comment them out.

Code that is commented out cannot be maintained. If you attempt to restore the code, it is very likely to introduce ignorable defects.

The correct method is to delete unnecessary code. If necessary, consider porting or rewriting the code.

Here, commenting out refers to the removal of code from compilation without actually deleting it. This is done by using /* */, //, #if 0, #ifdef NEVER_DEFINED, and so on.

Rec 3.1 Provide comments if break or return is not added to the end of the case statement block (fall-through).

Sometimes, the same thing is needed for multiple case tags. When a case statement ends without break or return, the statement in the next case tag will be executed. This is called “fall-through”.

In this case, add comments for the “fall-through” to clearly express your intention, or at least explicitly specify the “fall-through”.

For example, to explicitly specify the “fall-through”:

switch (var) {
    case 0:
        /* fall-through */
    case 1:

If the case statement is empty, no comment is required to explain the “fall-through”.

switch (var) {
    case 0:
    case 1:

4 Header Files

For the C programming language, the design of the header file reflects most of the system design.

The correct use of the header file makes code more readable, reduces file size, and speeds up compilation and build performance.

The following programming specifications aim to help you properly plan header files.

Header File Responsibility

A header file is an external interface of a module or file.

The interface declaration for most functions (except inline functions) is suitable in the header file. Interface implementations are not allowed in the header file.

Header responsibility should be simple. A complex header file will make dependencies complex and cause a long compilation time.

Rec 4.1 For each .c file, provide a corresponding .h file, which is used to declare the interfaces that need to be provided externally.

Generally, each .c file has a corresponding .h file (not necessarily with the same name), which is used to store the function declarations, macro definitions, and type definitions that are to be exposed externally. If a .c file does not need to open any interface externally, it should not exist.

Exceptions: the entry point of the program (for example, the file where the main function is located), unit test code, and dynamic library code.


Content of foo.h:

#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H

int Foo(void);  // Good: Declare an external interface in the header file.


Content of foo.c:

static void Bar(void);  // Good: The declaration of the internal function is placed in the header of the .c file, declaring its static scope.

void Foo(void)

static void Bar(void)
    // Do something;

Internally used functions declarations, macros, enums, structs, and others should not be placed in header files.

In some products, one .c file corresponds to two .h files. One is used to store external public interfaces, and the other is used to store definitions and declarations among others for internal use to limit the number of code lines in the .c file.

This style is not recommended. It is used only because the .c file is too large. You should consider splitting the .c file first. In addition, if private definitions and declarations are placed in independent header files, they technically cannot avoid inclusion.

This rule, in turn, is not necessarily correct. Example: Some simple header files, such as the command ID definition header file, do not need to have the corresponding .c file.

If a set of interface protocols has multiple instances and the interface is fixed, one .h file can have multiple .c files.

Rec 4.2 Use .h as the extension of the header file, rather than other unconventional extensions, for example, .inc.

Some products use .inc as the header file name extension, which does not comply with the C programming language. A header file using .inc as the file name extension usually indicates a private header file.

However, in practice, this recommendation is not followed properly. An .inc file is generally contained in multiple .c files. It is not recommended that private definitions be stored in header files. For details, see Rec 4.1.

Header File Dependency

The header file contains a dependency, and the dependency should be stable.

Generally, an unstable module depends on a stable module. When the unstable module changes, the build of the stable module is not affected.

Dependency direction is as follows: Products depend on the platform, and the platform depends on the standard library.

In addition to unstable modules depending on stable modules, each module depends on the interface. In this way, in case of any internal implementation changes to one module, users do not need to recompile another module.

It is assumed that the interface is the most stable.

Rule 4.1 Forbid cyclic dependency of header files.

Cyclic dependency (also known as a circular dependency) of header files means that a.h contains b.h, b.h contains c.h, and c.h contains a.h. If any header file is modified, all code containing a.h, b.h, and c.h needs to be recompiled.

For a unidirectional dependency: a.h contains b.h, b.h contains c.h, and c.h does not contain any header file, modifying a.h does not mean a need to recompile the source code for b.h or c.h.

The cyclic dependency of header files reflects an obviously unreasonable architecture design, which can be avoided through optimization.

Rule 4.2 Include the internal #include protection character (#define protection) in the header file.

To prevent header files from being included multiple times, all header files should be protected by #define. Do not use #pragma once.

When defining a protection character, comply with the following rules:

  • Use a unique name for the protection character in the format of subsystem_component_file.
  • Do not place code or comments before or after the protected part, except for file header comments.

Assume that the timer.h file of the timer component of the util subsystem is stored in the timer/include/timer.h directory. If TIME_H is used as the protection character, name conflicts may occur. Use the following protection characters instead:




Rule 4.3 Do not reference external function interfaces and variables by using declaration.

You can use the interfaces provided by other modules or files only by using header files.

Using external function interfaces and variables with an extern declaration may cause inconsistency between declarations and definitions when external interfaces are changed.

In addition, this kind of implicit dependency may cause architecture corruption.

Cases that do not comply with specifications:

Content of a.c:

extern int Foo(void);   // Bad: Reference external functions by using the extern declaration.
void Bar(void)
    int i = Foo();  // Here, the external interface Foo is used.

It should be changed to:
Content of a.c:

#include "b.h"      // Good: Use the interfaces provided by another .c file by including the header file.
void Bar(void)
    int i = Foo();

Content of b.h:

int Foo(void);

Content of b.c:

int Foo(void)
    // Do something

In some scenarios, if internal functions need to be referenced with no intrusion to the code, the extern declaration mode can be used.


When performing unit testing on an internal function, you can use the extern declaration to reference the tested function.

When a function needs to be stubbed or patched, the function can be declared using extern.

Rule 4.4 Do not include header files in extern “C”.

If a header file is included in extern “C”, extern “C” may be nested. Some compilers restrict the number of nesting layers of extern “C”. Too many nesting layers may cause compilation errors.

extern “C” usually occurs in mixed programming using both C and C++. If extern “C” includes a header file, the original intent behind the header file may be hindered, for example, when linkage specifications are changed incorrectly.

Assume that there are two header files: a.h and b.h. Content of a.h:

#ifdef __cplusplus
void Foo(int);
#define A(value) Foo(value)
void A(int)

Content of b.h:

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "a.h"
void B(void);

#ifdef __cplusplus

When you use the C++ preprocessor to expand b.h, the following information is displayed:

extern "C" {
    void Foo(int);
    void B(void);

In the a.h file, the Foo function is intended to be a C++ free function following the C++ specifications.

However, in the b.h file, because #include "a.h" is placed inside extern "C", the linking specification of the Foo function is changed incorrectly.

Exceptions: In the C++ compilation environment, if you want to reference a header file written in pure C, a non-intrusive approach is to exclude the C header file from extern "C".

5 Functions

Functions help avoid repeated code and increase reusability. Functions are layered to reduce complexity and hide implementation details, making programs more modular and facilitating code reading and maintenance.

Functions should be concise and short.

One function completes only one thing.

Function Design

The essence of function design is to write clean functions and organize code effectively. The code should be simple and not conceal the designer’s intention, using clean abstractions and straightforward control statements to organize the function naturally.

Rule 5.1 Avoid long functions and ensure that functions contain no more than 50 lines (excluding blank lines and comments).

A function should be able to be displayed on one screen (fewer than 50 lines). It does only one thing and does it well.

A long function usually means that it aims to implement complex functionalities or contains excess details.


Considering the code’s aggregation and functionality, some functions may exceed 50 lines, but only if the code is readable and concise.

These exceptions should be minimal, such as specific algorithm processing.

Even if a large function works well in the moment, once someone modifies it, new problems may occur. It may even cause bugs that are difficult to discover.

It is recommended that you split the code into several functions that are simpler and easier to manage so that others can easily read and modify the code.

Rule 5.2 Avoid nesting a code block more than four times within a function.

The nested code block depth of a function refers to the layered depth of a code control block (created by statements such as if, for, while, and switch).

Each layer of nesting increases the difficulty in reading the code.

Further functional decomposition should be done for better understanding.

Using guard clauses can effectively reduce the nesting layers of the if statements. Example: Three nesting layers are used originally:

int Foo(...)
    if (received) {
        type = GetMsgType(msg);
        if (type != UNKNOWN) {
            return DealMsg(...);
    return -1;

Two nesting layers after code reconstruction using guard clauses:

int Foo(...)
    if (!received) {    // Good: Use the 'guardian statement'.
        return -1;
    type = GetMsgType(msg);
    if (type == UNKNOWN) {
        return -1;
    return DealMsg(..);


Considering the code’s aggregation and functionality, some functions may contain 4 or more nesting layers, but only if the code is readable and concise.

These exceptions should be rare.

Rec 5.1 Process all returned error codes.

A function (in a standard library, a third-party library, or a user-defined function) must be able to indicate errors. This can be done by using error tags, special return data, or other means. No matter when a function provides such a mechanism, the caller should immediately check the error indication after the function returns.


char fileHead[128];
ReadFileHead(fileName, fileHead, sizeof(fileHead)); // Bad: The return value is not checked.

DealWithFileHead(fileHead, sizeof(fileHead));       // The 'fileHead' is possibly invalid.

The correct format is as follows:

char fileHead[128];
ret = ReadFileHead(fileName, fileHead, sizeof(fileHead));
if (ret != OK) {                // Good: Ensure that the 'fileHead' is written.
    return ERROR;

DealWithFileHead(fileHead, sizeof(fileHead));       // Process the file header.

If the return value of a function is ignored and void is returned frequently, check whether the return value of the function is designed properly.

Only if the caller of a function really doesn’t need a return value, should you design the function to return void.

Function Parameters

Rec 5.2 Use the return value instead of the output parameter when designing a function.

Using return values rather than output parameters improves readability and usually provides the same or better performance.

Readability can be improved by naming functions such as GetXxx, FindXxx, IsXxx, OnXxx, or directly using a single noun, to directly return the corresponding object.

Exceptions: 1. When multiple values are returned, you can design an output parameter for the function. 2. If memory allocation is involved, you can design an output parameter. The caller passes the allocated memory as an output parameter, and memory allocation is not performed in the function.

Rec 5.3 Define function parameters in the sequence of input, output, and input/output parameters.

You are advised to define function parameters in the sequence of input, output, and input/output parameters.

Rule 5.3 Provide a release function if allocation of resources, such as memory, locks, and queues, is involved.

Resources should be released from where they are applied for. If a function applies for resources, the module must provide resource functions.

Rec 5.4 Use strongly typed parameters. Do not use void*.

While different languages have their own views on strong typing and weak typing, it is generally believed that C/C++ is a strongly typed language. Since we use such a strongly typed language, we should keep this style.

The advantage of this strongly typed style is to prevent evasive errors by catching errors at the compilation stage.

Strong types help the compiler find more errors.Pay attention to the usage of the FooListAddNode function in the following code:

struct FooNode {
    struct List link;
    int foo;

struct BarNode {
    struct List link;
    int bar;

void FooListAddNode(void *node) // Bad: Here, the void * type is used to pass parameters.
    FooNode *foo = (FooNode *)node;
    ListAppend(&g_fooList, &foo->link);

void MakeTheList(...)
    FooNode *foo;
    BarNode *bar;

    FooListAddNode(bar);        // Wrong: In this example, the bar parameter rather than the foo parameter is passed.No error is reported immediately and issues may occur as a result.

The preceding problems may be difficult to expose and are more destructive than compiler errors.
If the parameter type of FooListAddNode is specified clearly, instead of with the void * type, the preceding problem can be detected during compilation.

void FooListAddNode(FooNode *foo)
    ListAppend(&g_fooList, &foo->link);

Exceptions: For some generic interfaces, you can use the input parameter void * to pass different types of pointers.

Rec 5.5 It is the caller’s responsibility to check the validity of internal function parameters of a module.

Validity check must be performed on parameters passed from external modules to protect programs from being damaged by invalid input data.

When calling internal functions, by default, the caller is responsible for ensuring the validity of any returned data. If the callee takes responsibility for checking data validity, checks may be performed multiple times and redundant code is generated. This is not concise.

When the caller ensures the validity of any received data, this contractual programming makes logic simpler and code more readable.


int SomeProc(...)
    int data;
    bool dataOK = GetData(&data);       // Get data.
    if (!dataOK) {                      // Check the result of the previous step to ensure data validity.
        return -1;

    DealWithData(data);                 // Call the data processing function.

void DealWithData(int data)
    if (data < MIN||data > MAX) {     // Bad: The caller has already ensured data validity.


Rec 5.5 Declare the pointer argument of a function as ‘const’ if it is not used to modify the pointed object.

The const pointer argument, which restricts the function from modifying the object through the pointer, makes code stronger and safer.

Example: In the example of the strncmp in the of the C99 standard, the invariant parameter is declared as const.

int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n); // Good: The invariant parameter is declared as const.

Note: Whether to declare the pointer parameter as const depends on the function design, but not on whether there is a “modify object” action in the function entity.

Rec 5.6 Include no more than 5 parameters in a function.

If a function has too many parameters, the function is easy to be affected by changes in external code, hindering maintenance. Too many function parameters will also increase the workload for testing.

The number of parameters in a function must not exceed 5. If the number of parameters exceeds 5, consider the following:

  • Check whether the function can be split.
  • Check whether any related parameters can be combined and defined as a struct.

Inline Functions

An inline function is a function optimization method introduced by C99. Function inlining can eliminate the overhead of function calls; thanks to inlining, combination with the called code is implemented, so that the compiler can achieve further code optimization from a larger perspective. The inline function is similar to a function-like macro. For details, see Rec 6.1.

Rec 5.7 Include no more than 10 lines in an inline function (excluding blank lines and comments).

Defining a function as an inline function generally aims to improve performance, though it may fail to do so.If the function body is short, function inlining can effectively reduce the size of the target code and improve the function execution efficiency.

Vice versa, if the function body is large, inlining will cause expansion of the target code, especially when there are many call points.

It is recommended that inline functions be controlled to within 10 lines.

Do not abuse inline functions to improve performance. Avoid premature optimization. In general, a function can be defined as an inline function only when actual test data proves that the inlining achieves higher performance. Functions such as setter and getter functions, which are short and called frequently, can be defined as inline functions.

Rule 5.3 Define inline functions that will be called by multiple source files in the header file.

Inline functions are unfolded in compilation. Therefore, the inline function definition must be visible in each source file that calls this function.

As shown in the following code, inline.h contains the declaration of the SomeInlineFunc function but not the definition. The other.c file includes inline.h. As a result, inlining fails when SomeInlineFunc is called.


inline int SomeInlineFunc(void);


inline int SomeInlineFunc(void)
    // Implementation code


#include "inline.h"
int OtherFunc(void)
    int ret = SomeInlineFunc();

Due to this restriction, if multiple source files need to call the same inline function, the definition of the inline function must be placed in the header file.

The inline function implementation in gnu89 differs from that in the C99 standard. For compatibility, you can declare the function as static inline.

6 Macros

Function-like Macros

A function-like macro is a macro (as shown in the following example) similar to a function. It contains several statements to implement a specific function.

#define ASSERT(x) do { \
    if (!(x)) { \
        printk(KERN_EMERG "assertion failed %s: %d: %s\n", \
              __FILE__, __LINE__, #x); \
        BUG(); \
    } \
} while (0)

Rec 6.1 Use functions instead of function-like macros.

Before defining a function-like macro, consider whether it can be replaced with a function. If yes, you are advised to use a function for replacement.

The disadvantages of the function-like macro are as follows:

  • Function-like macros haves no type check, which is not as strict as the function call check. For the example code, see Below.
  • If macro parameters are not calculated during macro expansion, unexpected results may be generated. For details, see Rule 6.1 and Rule 6.3.
  • A macro has no independent scope. When it is used together with control flow statements, unexpected results described in Rule 6.2 may be generated.
  • There are high skill requirements on the proper use of macros (for example, the usage of # and wide use of parentheses), which reduces readability.
  • Extensions of some macros can only be implemented by specific compilers in specific scenarios, such as statement expression of gcc, reducing the portability.
  • After the macro is expanded during precompilation, it is invisible during subsequent compilation, linking, and debugging. Besides, macros that contain multiple lines are expanded into a line.
  • Macros containing a large number of statements must be expanded at each call point. If there are many call points, the code will be expanded.

Example code of a function-like macro lacking type check:

#define MAX(a, b)   (((a) < (b)) ? (b) : (a))

int Max(int a, int b)
    return (a < b) ? b : a;

int TestMacro(void)
    unsigned int a = 1;
    int b = -1;

    (void)printf("MACRO: max of a(%u) and b(%d) is %d\n", a, b, MAX(a, b));
    (void)printf("FUNC : max of a(%u) and b(%d) is %d\n", a, b, Max(a, b));
    return 0;

Due to the lack of type check, the comparison between a and b in MAX is changed to a comparison ignoring the sign status. The result is a < b. The output is as follows:

MACRO: max of a(1) and b(-1) is -1
FUNC : max of a(1) and b(-1) is 1

The function does not have the preceding macro disadvantages. However, compared with macros, the biggest disadvantage of functions is its low execution efficiency (increasing the overhead of function calls and the difficulty of compiler optimization). Therefore, the C99 standard introduces inline functions (gcc introduces inline functions ahead of this standard).

The inline function is similar to the macro, as it is also expanded at the call point. The difference is that inline functions are expanded during compilation.
Inline functions have the advantages of both functions and macros:

  • Strict type checking is performed for inline functions and functions.
  • Each input parameter of an inline function or function is calculated only once.
  • Inline functions are unfolded in place and there is no overhead for function calls.
  • Inline functions are better optimized than standard functions.

For performance-sensitive code, consider using inline functions instead of function-like macros.
Functions and inline functions cannot completely replace function-like macros, since function-like macros are more suitable for certain scenarios. For example, in a log scenario, using a function-like macro with variable parameters and default parameters is more convenient.

int ErrLog(const char *file, unsigned long line, const char *fmt, ...);
#define ERR_LOG(fmt, ...) ErrLog(__FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)

Rule 6.1 Use complete parentheses for macro parameters when defining a macro.

The macro parameter is replaced by text only when the macro is expanded. The value is calculated when the macro is compiled. After the text replacement, the statements contained in the macro are combined with called code.

The expression after combination may result in a different result than expected, especially when the macro parameter is in an expression.

The following is an incorrect format:

#define SUM(a, b) a + b         // Bad

When the macro is used, the execution result is inconsistent with the expected result.

100 / SUM(2, 8) is expanded to (100 / 2) + 8. The expected result is 100 / (2 + 8).

This problem can be solved by adding parentheses to the entire expression, as shown in the following:

#define SUM(a, b) (a + b)       // Bad

However, this method has the following problems:

SUM(1 << 2, 8) is extended to 1 << (2 + 8) (because the priority of << is lower than that of +), which is inconsistent with the expected result (1 << 2) + 8.

To solve this problem, add parentheses to each macro parameter, as shown in the following:

#define SUM(a, b) (a) + (b)     // Bad

The third scenario is as follows: SUM(2, 8) * 10 . The result after the extension is (2) + ((8) * 10), which is inconsistent with the expected result (2 + 8) * 10.

In conclusion, the correct format is as follows:

#define SUM(a, b) ((a) + (b))   // Good.

Avoid abusing parentheses. As shown in the following, adding parentheses to a single identifier or a positive number is meaningless.

#define SOME_CONST      100     // Good: No parentheses needed for a single positive number.
#define ANOTHER_CONST   (-1)    // Good: Parentheses needed for a negative number.

#define THE_CONST SOME_CONST    // Good: No parentheses needed for a single identifier.


  • Do not add parentheses to macro parameters when they are involved in the ‘#’ or ‘##’ operation.
  • Do not add parentheses to macro parameters when they are used for string concatenation.
  • If a macro parameter is used as a separate part in one side of an assignment expression (including +=, -=, etc.), parentheses are not required.
  • If a macro parameter is used as a separate part in comma expressions, functions or macro call lists, parentheses are not required.


#define MAKE_STR(x) #x                  // No parentheses for 'x'

#define HELLO_STR(obj) "Hello, " obj    // No parentheses for 'obj'

#define ADD_3(sum, a, b, c) (sum = (a) + (b) + (c)) // 'a', 'b', and 'c' need parentheses, whereas 'sum' does not.

#define FOO(a, b) Bar((a) + 1, b)       // 'a' needs parentheses, whereas 'b' does not.

Rule 6.2 Place implementation statements of function-like macros that contain multiple statements in a do-while(0).

Macros do not have code blocks. When a macro is expanded at the call point, the expressions and variables defined in the macro are integrated into the calling code. As a result, variable name conflict and segmentation of macro statements may occur. Use do-while(0) to add a boundary to the macro so that the macro has an independent scope. In addition, a single statement can be formed by combining the macro with a semicolon (;) to avoid this problem.

Incorrect example:

// Not Good
#define FOO(x) \
    (void)printf("arg is %d\n", (x)); \

When the macro is called as shown in the following example code, the for loop only executes the first statement of the macro, and the next statement of the macro is executed only after the loop ends.

for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)

To solve the preceding problem, use braces to enclose the statements defined by FOO.

#define FOO(x) { \
    (void)printf("arg is %d\n", (x)); \
    DoSomething((x)); \

The brackets are not associated with semicolons (;). The semicolon following the braces is another statement.

In the following code example, the “suspended else’ compilation error message is displayed.

if (condition)

The correct format is to wrap the executed body using a do-while(0), as shown in the following:

// Good
#define FOO(x) do { \
    (void)printf("arg is %d\n", (x)); \
    DoSomething((x)); \
} while (0)


  • Macros that contain ‘break’ or ‘continue’ statements can be treated as exceptions. Do use these macros carefully.
  • An exception can be made when the macro contains an incomplete statement. For example, use a macro to encapsulate the conditional part of the for loop.
  • An exception can be a non-multiple statement, or a single if, for, while, or switch statement.

Rule 6.3 Do not pass expressions with side effects to a function-like macro.

Since macros are replaced by text, if a function-like macro uses the same macro parameter multiple times and transfers expressions with side effects as macro parameters, unexpected results may occur.

As shown in the following example, the macro SQUARE is normal, but the a++ expression with side effects is passed to the macro. As a result, the value of a is different from the expected value after the SQUARE macro is executed.

#define SQUARE(a) ((a) * (a))

int a = 5;
int b;
b = SQUARE(a++);    // Bad: 'a' is added twice.

SQUARE(a++) is expanded to ((a++) * (a++)) the variable a is added twice, and its value is 7 instead of the expected 6.

The correct format is as follows:

b = SQUARE(a);
a++; // Result: a = 6, which is added only once.

In addition, if the macro parameter contains a function call, the function may be called repeatedly after the macro is expanded.

If the function execution results are the same, it is a waste; if the results are different, the execution result may not meet the expected value.

Rec 6.2 Exercise caution when you use the statements such as return, goto, continue, and break in a function-like macro definition.

Although process changing statements, such as return, goto, continue, and break, in a macro can simplify the code, they hide the real process, which hinders understanding and easily causes resource leakage.

First, the macro encapsulation of the return statement can easily lead to excessive encapsulation and use. As shown in the following code, the judgment of status is a part of the main process. After being encapsulated in macros, the purpose is not intuitive. The RETURN_IF macro is ignored, causing a confused understanding.

#define LOG_AND_RETURN_IF_FAIL(ret, fmt, ...) do { \
    if ((ret) != OK) {                             \
        (void)ErrLog(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);          \
        return (ret);                              \
    }                                              \
} while (0)

#define RETURN_IF(cond, ret) do {                  \
    if (cond) {                                    \
        return (ret);                              \
    }                                              \
} while (0)

ret = InitModuleA(a, b, &status);
LOG_AND_RETURN_IF_FAIL(ret, "Init module A failed!"); // OK

RETURN_IF(status != READY, ERR_NOT_READY);  // Bad: The most important logic is not obvious.

ret = InitModuleB(c);
LOG_AND_RETURN_IF_FAIL(ret, "Init module B failed!"); // OK

Second, if return is encapsulated in a macro, it may also cause a memory leak. Example:

#define CHECK_PTR(ptr, ret) do { \
    if ((ptr) == NULL) { \
        return (ret); \
    } \
} while (0)


mem1 = MemAlloc(...);

mem2 = MemAlloc(...);
CHECK_PTR(mem2, ERR_CODE_XXX);  // Wrong: Memory leak.

If mem2 fails to apply for memory, CHECK_PTR will return a message instead of releasing mem1.

Besides, the name of the CHECK_PTR macro is not good. The macro name only reflects the check action and does not specify the result. Readers can see that a failure is returned when the pointer is null only after viewing the macro implementation. It’s not inherently obvious.

In summary, it is not recommended to encapsulate process changing statements, such as return, goto, continue, and break, in macro definitions.

However, these macros can be used in special scenarios, such as return value judgment.

Note: Macro names must contain descriptive keywords if process changing statements, such as return, goto, continue, and break, are used.

Rec 6.3 Include no more than 10 lines in a function-like macro (excluding blank lines and comments).

A function-like macro is more difficult to debug and locate than a function, especially when the macro is too long. Macro expansion will also lead to more compiled code. It is recommended that function-like macros contain no more than 10 lines.

7 Variables

In C language coding, variables are the most important except for functions.

When using a variable, you should always follow the principle of “single responsibility”.

By scope, variables can be classified into global variables and local variables.

Global Variables

Do not use or avoid using global variables.

In program design, global variables are variables that are accessible to all scopes. Using unnecessary global variables is generally considered a bad habit.

Disadvantages of global variables:

  • Destroys the independence and portability of a function. Functions can be dependent on global variables and increased coupling results.
  • Reduces readability and maintainability. When multiple functions read and write to global variables, their values may not be determinate, which is unfavorable for comprehension and maintenance.
  • In a concurrent programming environment, global variables will hinder reentry of functions. Additional synchronization protection must be added to ensure data security.

If unavoidable, the read and write of global variables should be encapsulated in a centralized manner.

Rule 7.1 Do not use global variables as interfaces between modules.

Global variables are for the internal implementation of modules and should not be exposed as interfaces.

Global variables should be as centralized as possible. If the data of this module needs to be disclosed to external modules, a function as an interface to this data should be provided.

Local Variables

Rule 7.2 Do not use uninitialized variables as rvalues.

The variable here refers to a local dynamic variable, and also includes a memory block obtained on a memory heap.

Because their initial values are unpredictable, it is prohibited to use them directly as rvalues without effective initialization.

void Foo(...)
    int data;
    Bar(data);  // Bad: Uninitialized variables are used as rvalues.

If there are different branches, ensure that all branches are initialized before being used as rvalues.

void Foo(...)
    int data;
    if (...) {
        data = 100;
    Bar(data);  // Bad: This value is not initialized in some branches.

Uninitialized rvalues can be found by generic static check tools.

For example, the PCLint tool reports a warning for the following two examples.

Warning 530: Symbol ‘data’ (line …) not initialized

Warning 644: Variable ‘data’ (line …) may not have been initialized

Rule 7.3 Forbid invalid and redundant variable initialization.

If the initial value is not determined before initialization is performed, it is not concise or secure and may cause problems that are more difficult to discover.

Common redundant initialization:

int cnt = 0;    // Bad: Redundant initialization. It will be overwritten by later initialization.
cnt = GetXxxCnt();

Variables with conditional values can be initialized to default values during definition.

char *buf = NULL;   // Good: NULL as the default value
if (condition) {
    buf = malloc(MEM_SIZE);
if (buf != NULL) {  // Check whether memory has been allocated.

Even worse, redundant clearing for arrays may affect the performance.

char buf[VERY_BIG_SIZE] = {0};  
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));    // Bad: Redundant clearing

Invalid initialization, which hides a more severe problem:

void Foo(...)
    int data = 0;   // Bad: regular initialization

    UseData(data);          // UseData should be placed after GetData.
    data = GetData(...);    // Get data.

In the preceding code, if 0 is not assigned before initialization, the static check tool can help find the problem of “direct use without being initialized”.

However, due to invalid initialization, the defect of placing “UseData” before “GetData” cannot be easily found.

Therefore, simple code should be written to initialize variables or memory blocks as required.

The C99 does not limit the definition position of local variables before the first statement in a function. That is, a variable can now be defined close to a variable.

This concise approach not only limits the scope of the variable scope, but also solves the problem of how to initialize the variable when it is defined.

If this compilation environment is supported, you are advised to define local variables in this way.


As ‘Secure Coding Standard’ required, pointers, resource variables, and boolean variables can be treated as exceptions of this rule.

Rule 7.4 Do not use magic numbers.

The so-called magic numbers are the numbers that are unintelligible and difficult to understand.

The magic number is not a concept that can be defined literally. It varies depending on context and service knowledge.

For example, the number 12 varies in different contexts.

type = 12; is not intelligible, but month = year * 12; can be understood.

The number 0 is sometimes seen as a magic number. For example, the status = 0; cannot truly express any status information.


Comments can be added for numbers that are used only once.

For numbers that are used multiple times, macro or const variables must be defined and self-commented with symbolic naming.

The following cases are forbidden:

The name is not used to explain the meaning of a number, for example, #define ZERO 0.

The value is limited by the name, for example, #define XX_TIMER_INTERVAL_300MS 300.

8 Programming Practice


Rec 8.1 When comparing expressions, follow the principle that the left side tends to change and the right side tends to remain unchanged.

When a variable is compared with a constant, placing the constant on the left, for example, if (MAX == v) does not read naturally, and if (MAX > v) is more difficult to understand.

The constant should be placed on the right according to the normal reading order and habit. The expression is written as follows:

if (v == MAX) ...
if (v < MAX) ...

There are special cases: for example, the expression if (MIN < v && v < MAX) is used to check for a range. This first constant should be placed on the left.

You do not need to worry about accidentally writing ‘==’ as ‘=’ because a compilation alarm will be generated for if (v = MAX) and an error will be reported by other static check tools. Use these tools to solve such writing errors and ensure that code is readable.

Do not reference a variable again in an expression containing an increment (++) or decrement (–) operator.

In an expression containing a variable increment or decrement operator, if the variable is referenced again, the result is not explicitly defined in the C standard, which may vary between compilers or different compiler versions.

For better portability, you should not make any assumptions about the operation sequence not defined in any standards.

Note that this problem cannot be solved by using parentheses because it is not a problem of priority.


x = b[i] + i++; // Bad: b[i] operation and i++, the order is not clear.

The correct way is to add a separate line of increment or decrement:

x = b[i] + i;
i++;            // Good: Single line.

Function parameter:

Func(i++, i);   // Bad: When passing the second parameter, it is not sure whether the increment operation has occurred.

The correct way:

i++;            // Good: Single line.
x = Func(i, i);

Rec 8.2 Use parentheses to specify the sequence of expressions, instead of using the default priority.

Parentheses can be used to better emphasize the purpose of used operators. This will prevent program errors due to the inconsistency between default priority and the intended design.

However, too many parentheses muddy the code, reducing readability. Use them moderately.

Parentheses are recommended when expressions contain operators that are not commonly used and are confusing, such as bitwise operators.

c = (a & 0xFF) + b;     /* Parentheses are required while using bit operators. */


Rule 8.2 Provide a ‘default’ branch for the switch statement.

In most cases, the ‘default’ branch exists in the switch statement to ensure that there is a default processing action when the case tag is missing.


If the switch condition variable is of the enum type and the case branches cover all values, then the default branch is redundant.

A modern compiler can check whether the case branch of some enumerated values is missing in the switch statement. A warning will be displayed.

enum Color {

// The switch condition variable is an enumerated value. Therefore, you do not need to add the 'default' processing branch.
switch (color) {
    case RED:
    case BLUE:

Rec 8.3 Exercise caution when using the goto statement.

The goto statement destroys the program. Avoid using it if possible. You can only jump to statements following the goto statement, and only within the one function.

The goto statement is used to implement function return to a single point within a function.

If a function has a large number of identical logics that cannot be encapsulated, for example, repeated file execution, the processed part of code after the file operation failure (for example, closing the file handle and releasing memory that is dynamically applied for) is usually placed in the last part of the function body. And the goto statement is placed right before these. In this way, the code becomes clear and concise. It can also be encapsulated in functions or macros, but doing so makes code less straightforward.


// Good: Use a goto statement to implement function return at a single point.
int SomeInitFunc(void)
    void *p1;
    void *p2 = NULL;
    void *p3 = NULL;

    p1 = malloc(MEM_LEN);
    if (p1 == NULL) {
        goto EXIT;

    p2 = malloc(MEM_LEN);
    if (p2 == NULL) {
        goto EXIT;

    p3 = malloc(MEM_LEN);
    if (p3 == NULL) {
        goto EXIT;

    DoSomething(p1, p2, p3);
    return 0;   // OK.

    if (p3 != NULL) {
    if (p2 != NULL) {
    if (p1 != NULL) {
    return -1;  // Failed!

Type Conversion

Rec 8.4 Minimize unnecessary type conversion and forced conversion.

When the data type is forcibly changed, the meaning of the data and the value after conversion may change. If details are not considered, potential risks may be generated.

In the following assignment, most compilers do not generate warnings, but the values are slightly changed.

char ch;
unsigned short int exam;

ch = -1;
exam = ch; // Bad: Compilers does not generate any warnings. In this case, the value of exam is 0xFFFF.


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