harmony 鸿蒙cd

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (677)


Command Function

This command is used to change the current working directory.


cd [path]


Table 1 Parameter description

Parameter Description Value Range
path Specifies the path of the new directory. You must have the execution (search) permission on the specified directory.

Usage Guidelines

  • If path is not specified, this command switches to the root directory.

  • If path is specified, this command switches to the specified directory.

  • The path value starting with a slash (/) represents the root directory.

  • The path value starting with a dot (.) represents the current directory.

  • The path value starting with two dots (..) represents the parent directory.

  • You can run cd - to alternate between two directories that are recently accessed.


Run cd ...


Parent directory information:

OHOS:/nfs$ cd ../
OHOS:/$ ls
bin  etc  nfs   sdcard   system  tmp  vendor
dev  lib  proc  storage  test    usr


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