harmony 鸿蒙nfctech (Standard NFC Technologies)

  • 2022-10-28
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nfctech (Standard NFC Technologies)

The nfctech module provides APIs for reading and writing tags that use different Near-Field Communication (NFC) technologies.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';


Provides APIs to access NFC-A (ISO 14443-3A) properties and perform I/O operations on a tag. This class inherits from TagSession.

TagSession is the base class of all NFC tag technologies. It provides common interfaces for establishing connections and transferring data. For more details, see TagSession.

The following describes the unique APIs of NfcATag.


getSak(): number

Obtains the SAK value of this NFC-A tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
number SAK value obtained. The SAK is a hexadecimal number ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'nfcA' correctly.
let sak : number = nfcA.getSak();
console.log("nfcA sak: " + sak);


getAtqa(): number[]

Obtains the ATQA value of this NFC-A tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
number[] ATQA value obtained. Each number of the ATQA is a hexadecimal number ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'nfcA' correctly.
let atqa : number[] = nfcA.getAtqa();
console.log("nfcA atqa: " + atqa);


Provides APIs to access NFC-B (ISO 14443-3B) properties and perform I/O operations on a tag. This class inherits from TagSession.

TagSession is the base class of all NFC tag technologies. It provides common interfaces for establishing connections and transferring data. For more details, see TagSession.

The following describes the unique APIs of NfcBTag.


getRespAppData(): number[]

Obtains the application data of this NFC-B tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
number[] Application data obtained, which consists of hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'nfcB' correctly.
let respAppData : number[] = nfcB.getRespAppData();
console.log("nfcB respAppData: " + respAppData);


getRespProtocol(): number[]

Obtains the protocol information of this NFC-B tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
number[] Protocol information obtained, which consists of hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'nfcB' correctly.
let respProtocol : number[] = nfcB.getRespProtocol();
console.log("nfcB respProtocol: " + respProtocol);


Provides APIs to access NFC-F (JIS 6319-4) properties and perform I/O operations on a tag. This class inherits from TagSession.

TagSession is the base class of all NFC tag technologies. It provides common interfaces for establishing connections and transferring data. For more details, see TagSession.

The following describes the unique APIs of NfcFTag.


getSystemCode(): number[]

Obtains the system code from this NFC-F tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
number[] System code obtained, which consists of hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'nfcF' correctly.
let systemCode : number[] = nfcF.getSystemCode();
console.log("nfcF systemCode: " + systemCode);


getPmm(): number[]

Obtains the PMm (consisting of the IC code and manufacturer parameters) information from this NFC-F tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
number[] PMm information obtained, which consists of hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'nfcF' correctly.
let pmm : number[] = nfcF.getPmm();
console.log("nfcF pmm: " + pmm);


Provides APIs to access NFC-V (ISO 15693) properties and perform I/O operations on a tag. This class inherits from TagSession.

TagSession is the base class of all NFC tag technologies. It provides common interfaces for establishing connections and transferring data. For more details, see TagSession.

The following describes the unique APIs of NfcVTag.


getResponseFlags(): number

Obtains the response flags from this NFC-V tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
number Response flags obtained, which consist of hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'nfcV' correctly.
let responseFlags : number = nfcV.getResponseFlags();
console.log("nfcV responseFlags: " + responseFlags);


getDsfId(): number

Obtains the data storage format identifier (DSFID) from this NFC-V tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
number DSFID obtained, which consists of hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'nfcV' correctly.
let dsfId : number = nfcV.getDsfId();
console.log("nfcV dsfId: " + dsfId);


Provides APIs to access ISO-DEP (ISO 14443-4) properties and I/O operations on a tag. This class inherits from TagSession.

TagSession is the base class of all NFC tag technologies. It provides common interfaces for establishing connections and transferring data. For more details, see TagSession.

The following describes the unique APIs of IsoDepTag.


getHistoricalBytes(): number[]

Obtains the historical bytes for the given tag. This API applies only to the IsoDep cards that use the NFC-A technology.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
number[] Historical bytes obtained, which consist of hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF. If the IsoDep tag uses the NFC-B technology, null will be returned.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'isoDep' correctly.
let historicalBytes : number[] = isoDep.getHistoricalBytes();
console.log("isoDep historicalBytes: " + historicalBytes);


getHiLayerResponse(): number[]

Obtains the higher-layer response bytes for the given tag. This API applies only to the IsoDep cards that use the NFC-B technology.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
number[] Higher-layer response bytes obtained, which consist of hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF. If the IsoDep tag uses the NFC-A technology, null will be returned.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'isoDep' correctly.
let hiLayerResponse : number[] = isoDep.getHiLayerResponse();
console.log("isoDep hiLayerResponse: " + hiLayerResponse);


isExtendedApduSupported(): Promise<boolean>

Checks whether an extended application protocol data unit (APDU) is supported. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
Promise<boolean> Promise used to return the result. If the extended APDU is supported, true is returned; otherwise, false is returned.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BussinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'isoDep' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!isoDep.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!isoDep.connectTag()) {
        console.log("isoDep connectTag failed.");

try {
    isoDep.isExtendedApduSupported().then((response: boolean) => {
        console.log("isoDep isExtendedApduSupported Promise response: " + response);
    }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
        console.log("isoDep isExtendedApduSupported Promise Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("isoDep isExtendedApduSupported Promise Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


isExtendedApduSupported(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void

Checks whether an extended APDU is supported. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback<boolean> Yes Callback invoked to return the result. If the extended APDU is supported, true is returned; otherwise, false is returned.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'isoDep' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!isoDep.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!isoDep.connectTag()) {
        console.log("isoDep connectTag failed.");

try {
    isoDep.isExtendedApduSupported((err: BusinessError, response: boolean) => {
        if (err) {
            console.log("isoDep isExtendedApduSupported AsyncCallback Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
            console.log("isoDep isExtendedApduSupported AsyncCallback response: " + response);
} catch (busiErr) {
    console.log("isoDep isExtendedApduSupported AsyncCallback Code: ${(busiError as Business).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Business).message}");



getNdefRecords(): tag.NdefRecord[]

Obtains all NDEF records.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
tag.NdefRecord[] List of NDEF records obtained. For details, see NFCForum-TS-NDEF_1.0.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Obtain ndefMessage from tag.ndef.createNdefMessage or ndefTag.getNdefMessage.
// let ndefMessage : tag.NdefMessage = tag.ndef.createNdefMessage(...);
// let ndefMessage : tag.NdefMessage = ndefTag.getNdefMessage();

let ndefRecords : tag.NdefRecord[] = ndefMessage.getNdefRecords();
console.log("ndef ndefRecords number: " + ndefRecords.length);


Provides APIs to access the tags in the NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF). This class inherits from TagSession.

TagSession is the base class of all NFC tag technologies. It provides common interfaces for establishing connections and transferring data. For more details, see TagSession.

The following describes the unique APIs of NdefTag.


getNdefTagType(): tag.NfcForumType

Obtains the NDEF tag type.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
tag.NfcForumType NDEF tag type obtained. It can be NFC FORUM TYPE 1, 2, 3, or 4.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefTag' correctly.
let ndefTagType : tag.NfcForumType = ndefTag.getNdefTagType();
console.log("ndef ndefTagType: " + ndefTagType);


getNdefMessage(): NdefMessage

Obtains the NDEF message from this NDEF tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
NdefMessage NDEF message created. For details, see NFCForum-TS-NDEF_1.0.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefTag' correctly.
let ndefMessage : tag.NdefMessage = ndefTag.getNdefMessage();
console.log("ndef ndefMessage: " + ndefMessage);


isNdefWritable(): boolean;

Check whether this NDEF tag is writable. Before calling the data write API, check whether the write operation is supported.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
boolean Promise used to return the result. If the tag is writable, true is returned; otherwise, false is returned.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefTag' correctly.
let isWritable : boolean = ndefTag.isNdefWritable();
console.log("ndef isNdefWritable: " + isWritable);


readNdef(): Promise<NdefMessage>

Reads the NDEF message from this tag. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
Promise<NdefMessage> Promise used to return the message read.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefTag' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!ndefTag.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!ndefTag.connectTag()) {
        console.log("ndefTag connectTag failed.");

try {
    ndefTag.readNdef().then((ndefmessage : tag.NdefMessage) => {
        console.log("ndef readNdef Promise ndefmessage: " + ndefmessage);
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("ndef readNdef Promise err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("ndef readNdef Promise catched busiError Code: ${(busiError as BusinessError).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as BusinessError).message}");


readNdef(callback: AsyncCallback<NdefMessage>): void

Reads the NDEF message from this tag. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback<NdefMessage> Yes Callback invoked to return the NDEF message read.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefTag' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!ndefTag.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!ndefTag.connectTag()) {
        console.log("ndefTag connectTag failed.");

try {
    ndefTag.readNdef((err : BusinessError, ndefmessage : tag.NdefMessage)=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("ndef readNdef AsyncCallback err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
          console.log("ndef readNdef AsyncCallback ndefmessage: " + ndefmessage);
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("ndef readNdef AsyncCallback catched Code: ${(busiError : BusinessError).code}," +
      " message: ${(busiError : BusinessError).message}");


writeNdef(msg: NdefMessage): Promise<void>;

Writes an NDEF message to this tag. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
msg NdefMessage Yes NDEF message to write.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefTag' correctly.
// NDEF message created from raw data, such as:
let ndefMessage : tag.NdefMessage =
    tag.ndef.createNdefMessage([0xD1, 0x01, 0x03, 0x54, 0x4E, 0x46, 0x43]);  // It must be parsed as NDEF Record.
// or ndefMessage created from tag.ndef.createNdefMessage(ndefRecords: NdefRecord[])

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!ndefTag.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!ndefTag.connectTag()) {
        console.log("ndefTag connectTag failed.");

try {
    ndefTag.writeNdef(ndefMessage).then(() => {
        console.log("ndef writeNdef Promise success.");
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("ndef writeNdef err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("ndef writeNdef Promise catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


writeNdef(msg: NdefMessage, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Writes an NDEF message to this tag. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
msg NdefMessage Yes NDEF message to write.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback invoked to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefTag' correctly.
// NDEF message created from raw data, such as:
let ndefMessage : tag.NdefMessage = 
    tag.ndef.createNdefMessage([0xD1, 0x01, 0x03, 0x54, 0x4E, 0x46, 0x43]);  // It must be parsed as NDEF Record.
// or ndefMessage created from tag.ndef.createNdefMessage(ndefRecords: NdefRecord[])

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!ndefTag.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!ndefTag.connectTag()) {
        console.log("ndefTag connectTag failed.");

try {
    ndefTag.writeNdef(ndefMessage, (err : BusinessError)=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("ndef writeNdef AsyncCallback Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
            console.log("ndef writeNdef AsyncCallback success.");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("ndef writeNdef AsyncCallback catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}," +
        " message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


canSetReadOnly(): boolean

Checks whether this NDEF tag can be set to read-only.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the tag can be set to read-only; returns false otherwise.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefTag' correctly.
let canSetReadOnly : boolean = ndefTag.canSetReadOnly();
console.log("ndef canSetReadOnly: " + canSetReadOnly);


setReadOnly(): Promise<void>

Sets this NDEF tag to read-only. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefTag' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!ndefTag.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!ndefTag.connectTag()) {
        console.log("ndefTag connectTag failed.");

try {
    ndefTag.setReadOnly().then(() => {
        console.log("ndef setReadOnly Promise success.");
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("ndef setReadOnly Promise err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("ndef setReadOnly Promise catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


setReadOnly(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Sets this NDEF tag to read-only. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback invoked to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefTag' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!ndefTag.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!ndefTag.connectTag()) {
        console.log("ndefTag connectTag failed.");

try {
    ndefTag.setReadOnly((err : BusinessError)=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("ndef setReadOnly AsyncCallback err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
            console.log("ndef setReadOnly AsyncCallback success.");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("ndef setReadOnly AsyncCallback catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


getNdefTagTypeString(type: tag.NfcForumType): string

Converts an NFC Forum Type tag to a string defined in the NFC Forum.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
type tag.NfcForumType Yes NDEF tag type. It can be NFC FORUM type 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Return value

Type Description
string Byte array obtained.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefTag' correctly.

try {
    let ndefTypeString : tag.NfcForumType = ndefTag.getNdefTagTypeString(tag.NfcForumType.NFC_FORUM_TYPE_1);
    console.log("ndef ndefTypeString: " + ndefTypeString);
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("ndef getNdefTagTypeString catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


Provides APIs to access MIFARE Classic properties and perform I/O operations on a tag. This class inherits from TagSession.

TagSession is the base class of all NFC tag technologies. It provides common interfaces for establishing connections and transferring data. For more details, see TagSession.

The following describes the unique APIs of MifareClassicTag.


authenticateSector(sectorIndex: number, key: number[], isKeyA: boolean): Promise<void>

Authenticates a sector using a key. The sector can be accessed only after the authentication is successful. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
sectorIndex number Yes Index of the sector to authenticate. The sector indexes start from 0.
key number[] Yes Key (6 bytes) used for sector authentication.
isKeyA boolean Yes Whether the key is key A. The value true indicates key A, and false indicates key B.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let sectorIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let key = [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06]  // The key must be of 6 bytes.
    mifareClassic.authenticateSector(sectorIndex, key, true).then(() => {
        console.log("mifareClassic authenticateSector Promise success.");
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("mifareClassic authenticateSector Promise errCode: ${err.code}, " + "message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic authenticateSector Promise catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


authenticateSector(sectorIndex: number, key: number[], isKeyA: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Authenticates a sector using a key. The sector can be accessed only after the authentication is successful. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
sectorIndex number Yes Index of the sector to authenticate. The sector indexes start from 0.
key number[] Yes Key (6 bytes) used for sector authentication.
isKeyA boolean Yes Whether the key is key A. The value true indicates key A, and false indicates key B.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback invoked to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let sectorIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let key = [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06]  // The key must be of 6 bytes.
    mifareClassic.authenticateSector(sectorIndex, key, true, (err : BusinessError)=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("mifareClassic authenticateSector AsyncCallback errCode: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
            console.log("mifareClassic authenticateSector AsyncCallback success.");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic authenticateSector AsyncCallback catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


readSingleBlock(blockIndex: number): Promise<number[]>

Reads a block (16 bytes) on this tag. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the block to read. The block indexes start from 0.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<number[]> Promise used to return the block data read.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    mifareClassic.readSingleBlock(blockIndex).then((data : number[]) => {
        console.log("mifareClassic readSingleBlock Promise data: " + data);
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("mifareClassic readSingleBlock Promise errCode: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic readSingleBlock Promise catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


readSingleBlock(blockIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void

Reads a block (16 bytes) on this tag. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the block to read. The block indexes start from 0.
callback AsyncCallback<number[]> Yes Callback invoked to return the data read.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    mifareClassic.readSingleBlock(blockIndex, (err : BusinessError, data : number[])=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("mifareClassic readSingleBlock AsyncCallback err: " + err);
        } else {
            console.log("mifareClassic readSingleBlock AsyncCallback data: " + data);
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic readSingleBlock AsyncCallback catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


writeSingleBlock(blockIndex: number, data: number[]): Promise<void>

Writes data to a block on this tag. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the target block. The block indexes start from 0.
data number[] Yes 16-byte data to write.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let rawData = [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A,
        0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10]; // It must be 16 bytes.
    mifareClassic.writeSingleBlock(blockIndex, rawData).then(() => {
        console.log("mifareClassic writeSingleBlock Promise success.");
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("mifareClassic writeSingleBlock Promise errCode: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic writeSingleBlock Promise catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


writeSingleBlock(blockIndex: number, data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Writes data to a block on this tag. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the target block. The block indexes start from 0.
data number[] Yes 16-byte data to write.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback invoked to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let rawData = [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A,
        0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10]; // It must be 16 bytes.
    mifareClassic.writeSingleBlock(blockIndex, rawData, (err : BusinessError)=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("mifareClassic writeSingleBlock AsyncCallback err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
            console.log("mifareClassic writeSingleBlock AsyncCallback success.");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic writeSingleBlock AsyncCallback catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


incrementBlock(blockIndex: number, value: number): Promise<void>

Increments a block with data. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the block to increment. The block indexes start from 0.
value number Yes Block data to increment. The value cannot be a negative number.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let value = 0x20; // Change it as required.
    mifareClassic.incrementBlock(blockIndex, value).then(() => {
        console.log("mifareClassic incrementBlock Promise success.");
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("mifareClassic incrementBlock Promise err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic incrementBlock Promise catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
       "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


incrementBlock(blockIndex: number, value: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Increments a block with data. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the block to increment. The block indexes start from 0.
value number Yes Block data to increment. The value cannot be a negative number.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback invoked to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let value = 0x20; // Change it as required.
    mifareClassic.incrementBlock(blockIndex, value, (err : BusinessError)=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("mifareClassic incrementBlock AsyncCallback err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
            console.log("mifareClassic incrementBlock AsyncCallback success.");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic incrementBlock AsyncCallback catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


decrementBlock(blockIndex: number, value: number): Promise<void>

Decrements a block. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the block to decrement. The block indexes start from 0.
value number Yes Block data to decrement. The value cannot be a negative number.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let value = 0x20; // Change it as required.
    mifareClassic.decrementBlock(blockIndex, value).then(() => {
        console.log("mifareClassic decrementBlock Promise success.");
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("mifareClassic decrementBlock Promise errCode: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic decrementBlock Promise catch busiError: Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


decrementBlock(blockIndex: number, value: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Decrements a block. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the block to decrement. The block indexes start from 0.
value number Yes Block data to decrement. The value cannot be a negative number.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback invoked to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let value = 0x20; // Change it as required.
    mifareClassic.decrementBlock(blockIndex, value, (err : BusinessError)=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("mifareClassic decrementBlock AsyncCallback errCode: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
            console.log("mifareClassic decrementBlock AsyncCallback success.");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic decrementBlock AsyncCallback catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
      "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


transferToBlock(blockIndex: number): Promise<void>

Transfers data from the temporary register to a block. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the destination block. The value starts form 0.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    mifareClassic.transferToBlock(blockIndex).then(() => {
        console.log("mifareClassic transferToBlock Promise success.");
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("mifareClassic transferToBlock Promise err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic transferToBlock Promise catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


transferToBlock(blockIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Transfers data from the temporary register to a block. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the destination block. The value starts form 0.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback invoked to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    mifareClassic.transferToBlock(blockIndex, (err : BusinessError)=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("mifareClassic transferToBlock AsyncCallback errCode: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
            console.log("mifareClassic transferToBlock AsyncCallback success.");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic transferToBlock AsyncCallback catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


restoreFromBlock(blockIndex: number): Promise<void>

Restores data in the temporary register from a block. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the target block. The value starts form 0.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    mifareClassic.restoreFromBlock(blockIndex).then(() => {
        console.log("mifareClassic restoreFromBlock Promise success.");
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("mifareClassic restoreFromBlock Promise errCode: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic restoreFromBlock Promise catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


restoreFromBlock(blockIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Restores data in the temporary register from a block. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the target block. The value starts form 0.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback invoked to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareClassic.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareClassic.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareClassic connectTag failed.");

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    mifareClassic.restoreFromBlock(blockIndex, (err : BusinessError)=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("mifareClassic restoreFromBlock AsyncCallback err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
            console.log("mifareClassic restoreFromBlock AsyncCallback success.");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic restoreFromBlock AsyncCallback catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


getSectorCount(): number

Obtains the number of sectors in this MIFARE Classic tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
number Number of sectors obtained.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.
let sectorCount : number = mifareClassic.getSectorCount();
console.log("mifareClassic sectorCount: " + sectorCount);


getBlockCountInSector(sectorIndex: number): number

Obtains the number of blocks in a sector.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
sectorIndex number Yes Index of the target sector. The sector indexes start from 0.

Return value

Type Description
number Number of blocks obtained.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

try {
    let sectorIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let blockCnt : number = mifareClassic.getBlockCountInSector(sectorIndex);
    console.log("mifareClassic blockCnt: " + blockCnt);
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic getBlockCountInSector catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


getType(): tag.MifareClassicType

Obtains the type of this MIFARE Classic tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
tag.MifareClassicType Type of the MIFARE Classic tag obtained.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.
let getType : tag.MifareClassicType = mifareClassic.getType();
console.log("mifareClassic getType: " + getType);


getTagSize(): number

Obtains the size of this tag. For details, see MifareClassicSize.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
number Tag size obtained, in bytes. For details, see MifareClassicSize.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.
let tagSize : number = mifareClassic.getTagSize();
console.log("mifareClassic tagSize: " + tagSize);


isEmulatedTag(): boolean

Checks whether it is an emulated tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the tag is an emulated tag; returns false otherwise.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.
let isEmulatedTag : boolean = mifareClassic.isEmulatedTag();
console.log("mifareClassic isEmulatedTag: " + isEmulatedTag);


getBlockIndex(sectorIndex: number): number

Obtains the index of the first block in a sector.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
sectorIndex number Yes Index of the target sector. The sector indexes start from 0.

Return value

Type Description
number Index of the first block obtained.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

try {
    let sectorIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let blockIndex : number = mifareClassic.getBlockIndex(sectorIndex);
    console.log("mifareClassic blockIndex: " + blockIndex);
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic getBlockIndex catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


getSectorIndex(blockIndex: number): number

Obtains the index of the sector that holds the specified block.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
blockIndex number Yes Index of the block. The block indexes start from 0.

Return value

Type Description
number Index of the sector obtained.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareClassic' correctly.

try {
    let blockIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let sectorIndex : number = mifareClassic.getSectorIndex(blockIndex);
    console.log("mifareClassic sectorIndex: " + sectorIndex);
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareClassic getSectorIndex catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
       "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


Provides APIs to access MIFARE Ultralight properties and perform I/O operations on a tag. This class inherits from TagSession.

TagSession is the base class of all NFC tag technologies. It provides common interfaces for establishing connections and transferring data. For more details, see TagSession.

The following describes the unique APIs of MifareUltralightTag.


readMultiplePages(pageIndex: number): Promise<number[]>

Reads four pages of data (4 bytes per page) from this tag. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
pageIndex number Yes Index of the first page to read. The page indexes start from 0.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<number[]> Promise used to return the data read, which is 16 bytes in total.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareUltralight' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareUltralight.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareUltralight.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareUltralight connectTag failed.");

try {
    let pageIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    mifareUltralight.readMultiplePages(pageIndex).then((data : number[]) => {
        console.log("mifareUltralight readMultiplePages Promise data = " + data);
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("mifareUltralight readMultiplePages Promise Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareUltralight readMultiplePages Promise catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


readMultiplePages(pageIndex: number, callback: AsyncCallback<number[]>): void

Reads four pages of data (4 bytes per page) from this tag. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
pageIndex number Yes Index of the first page to read. The page indexes start from 0.
callback AsyncCallback<number[]> Yes Callback invoked to return the data read, which is 16 bytes in total.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareUltralight' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareUltralight.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareUltralight.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareUltralight connectTag failed.");

try {
    let pageIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    mifareUltralight.readMultiplePages(pageIndex, (err : BusinessError, data : number[])=> {
        if (err) {
          console.log("mifareUltralight readMultiplePages AsyncCallback Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
          console.log("mifareUltralight readMultiplePages AsyncCallback data: " + data);
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareUltralight readMultiplePages AsyncCallback catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


writeSinglePage(pageIndex: number, data: number[]): Promise<void>

Writes one page (4 bytes) of data to this tag. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
pageIndex number Yes Index of the page to write. The page indexes start from 0.
data number[] Yes 4-byte data to write.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareUltralight' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareUltralight.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareUltralight.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareUltralight connectTag failed.");

try {
    let pageIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let rawData = [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04]; // MUST be 4 bytes, change it to be correct raw data.
    mifareUltralight.writeSinglePage(pageIndex, rawData).then(() => {
        console.log("mifareUltralight writeSinglePage Promise success.");
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("mifareUltralight writeSinglePage Promise err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareUltralight writeSinglePage Promise catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


writeSinglePage(pageIndex: number, data: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Writes one page (4 bytes) of data to this tag. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
pageIndex number Yes Index of the page to write. The page indexes start from 0.
data number[] Yes 4-byte data to write.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback invoked to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareUltralight' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!mifareUltralight.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!mifareUltralight.connectTag()) {
        console.log("mifareUltralight connectTag failed.");

try {
    let pageIndex = 1; // Change it as required.
    let rawData = [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04]; // MUST be 4 bytes, change it to be correct raw data.
    mifareUltralight.writeSinglePage(pageIndex, rawData, (err : BusinessError)=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("mifareUltralight writeSinglePage AsyncCallback Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
            console.log("mifareUltralight writeSinglePage AsyncCallback success.");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("mifareUltralight writeSinglePage AsyncCallback catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


getType(): tag.MifareUltralightType

Obtains the type of this MIFARE Ultralight tag.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag

Return value

Type Description
tag.MifareUltralightType Type of the MIFARE Ultralight tag obtained.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'mifareUltralight' correctly.
let getType : tag.MifareUltralightType = mifareClassic.getType();
console.log("mifareUltralight getType: " + getType);


Provides APIs for formatting NDEF formattable tags. This class inherits from TagSession.

TagSession is the base class of all NFC tag technologies. It provides common interfaces for establishing connections and transferring data. For more details, see TagSession.

The following describes the unique APIs of NdefFormatableTag.


format(message: NdefMessage): Promise<void>

Formats this tag as an NDEF tag, and writes an NDEF message to it. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
message NdefMessage Yes NDEF message to write. If this parameter is null, the tag is formatted only (no data will be written).

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefFormatable' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!ndefFormatable.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!ndefFormatable.connectTag()) {
        console.log("ndefFormatable connectTag failed.");

try {
    // NDEF message created from raw data, such as:
    let ndefMessage = tag.ndef.createNdefMessage([0xD1, 0x01, 0x03, 0x54, 0x4E, 0x46, 0x43]);  // It must be parsed as NDEF Record.
    // or ndefMessage created from tag.ndef.createNdefMessage(ndefRecords: NdefRecord[])

    ndefFormatable.format(ndefMessage).then(() => {
        console.log("ndefFormatable format Promise success.");
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("ndefFormatable format Promise err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("ndefFormatable format Promise catch busiError Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


format(message: NdefMessage, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Formats this tag as an NDEF tag, and writes an NDEF message to it. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
message NdefMessage Yes NDEF message to write when the formatting is successful. If this parameter is null, the tag is formatted only (no data will be written).

Return value

Type Description
callback: AsyncCallback<void> Callback invoked to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefFormatable' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!ndefFormatable.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!ndefFormatable.connectTag()) {
        console.log("ndefFormatable connectTag failed.");

try {
    // NDEF message created from raw data, such as:
    let ndefMessage = tag.ndef.createNdefMessage([0xD1, 0x01, 0x03, 0x54, 0x4E, 0x46, 0x43]);  // It must be parsed as NDEF Record.
    // or ndefMessage created from tag.ndef.createNdefMessage(ndefRecords: NdefRecord[])

    ndefFormatable.format(ndefMessage, (err : BusinessError)=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("ndefFormatable format AsyncCallback Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
            console.log("ndefFormatable format AsyncCallback success.");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("ndefFormatable format AsyncCallback catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


formatReadOnly(message: NdefMessage): Promise<void>

Formats this tag as an NDEF tag, writes an NDEF message to it, and then sets the tag to read-only. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
message NdefMessage Yes NDEF message to write. If this parameter is null, the tag is formatted only (no data will be written).

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefFormatable' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!ndefFormatable.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!ndefFormatable.connectTag()) {
        console.log("ndefFormatable connectTag failed.");

try {
    // NDEF message created from raw data, such as:
    let ndefMessage = tag.ndef.createNdefMessage([0xD1, 0x01, 0x03, 0x54, 0x4E, 0x46, 0x43]);  // It must be parsed as NDEF Record.
    // or ndefMessage created from tag.ndef.createNdefMessage(ndefRecords: NdefRecord[])

    ndefFormatable.formatReadOnly(ndefMessage).then(() => {
        console.log("ndefFormatable formatReadOnly Promise success.");
    }).catch((err : BusinessError)=> {
        console.log("ndefFormatable formatReadOnly Promise Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("ndefFormatable formatReadOnly Promise catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


formatReadOnly(message: NdefMessage, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Formats this tag as an NDEF tag, writes an NDEF message to the NDEF tag, and then sets the tag to read-only. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_TAG

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.Tag


Name Type Mandatory Description
message NdefMessage Yes NDEF message to write. If this parameter is null, the tag is formatted only (no data will be written).

Return value

Type Description
callback: AsyncCallback<void> Callback invoked to return the result.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100201 Tag running state is abnormal in service.


import tag from '@ohos.nfc.tag';
import {BusinessError} from '@ohos.base';

// Check whether 'tag.TagInfo' in 'js-apis-nfcTag.md' has obtained 'ndefFormatable' correctly.

// Connect to the tag if it is not connected.
if (!ndefFormatable.isTagConnected()) {
    if (!ndefFormatable.connectTag()) {
        console.log("ndefFormatable connectTag failed.");

try {
    // NDEF message created from raw data, such as:
    let ndefMessage = tag.ndef.createNdefMessage([0xD1, 0x01, 0x03, 0x54, 0x4E, 0x46, 0x43]);  // It must be parsed as NDEF Record.
    // or ndefMessage created from tag.ndef.createNdefMessage(ndefRecords: NdefRecord[])

    ndefFormatable.formatReadOnly(ndefMessage, (err : BusinessError)=> {
        if (err) {
            console.log("ndefFormatable formatReadOnly AsyncCallback err Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}");
        } else {
            console.log("ndefFormatable formatReadOnly AsyncCallback success.");
} catch (busiError) {
    console.log("ndefFormatable formatReadOnly AsyncCallback catch Code: ${(busiError as Businsess).code}, " +
        "message: ${(busiError as Businsess).message}");


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