echarts KDTree 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (548)

echarts KDTree 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import quickSelect from './quickSelect';
import { VectorArray } from 'zrender/src/core/vector';

type KDTreePoint = {
    array: VectorArray

class KDTreeNode<T> {

    left: KDTreeNode<T>;
    right: KDTreeNode<T>;

    axis: number;
    data: T;

    constructor(axis: number, data: T) {
        this.axis = axis; = data;

 * @constructor
 * @alias module:echarts/data/KDTree
 * @param {Array} points List of points.
 * each point needs an array property to repesent the actual data
 * @param {Number} [dimension]
 *        Point dimension.
 *        Default will use the first point's length as dimensiont

class KDTree<T extends KDTreePoint> {

    dimension: number;
    root: KDTreeNode<T>;

    // Use one stack to avoid allocation
    // each time searching the nearest point
    private _stack: KDTreeNode<T>[] = [];
    // Again avoid allocating a new array
    // each time searching nearest N points
    private _nearstNList: {
        dist: number,
        node: KDTreeNode<T>
    }[] = [];

    constructor(points: T[], dimension?: number) {
        if (!points.length) {

        if (!dimension) {
            dimension = points[0].array.length;
        this.dimension = dimension;
        this.root = this._buildTree(points, 0, points.length - 1, 0);

     * Resursively build the tree
    private _buildTree(points: T[], left: number, right: number, axis: number): KDTreeNode<T> {
        if (right < left) {
            return null;

        let medianIndex = Math.floor((left + right) / 2);
        medianIndex = quickSelect(
            points, left, right, medianIndex,
            function (a: T, b: T) {
                return a.array[axis] - b.array[axis];
        const median = points[medianIndex];

        const node = new KDTreeNode(axis, median);

        axis = (axis + 1) % this.dimension;
        if (right > left) {
            node.left = this._buildTree(points, left, medianIndex - 1, axis);
            node.right = this._buildTree(points, medianIndex + 1, right, axis);

        return node;

     * Find nearest point
     * @param  target Target point
     * @param  squaredDistance Squared distance function
     * @return Nearest point
    nearest(target: T, squaredDistance: (a: T, b: T) => number) {
        let curr = this.root;
        const stack = this._stack;
        let idx = 0;
        let minDist = Infinity;
        let nearestNode = null;
        if ( !== target) {
            minDist = squaredDistance(, target);
            nearestNode = curr;

        if (target.array[curr.axis] <[curr.axis]) {
            // Left first
            curr.right && (stack[idx++] = curr.right);
            curr.left && (stack[idx++] = curr.left);
        else {
            // Right first
            curr.left && (stack[idx++] = curr.left);
            curr.right && (stack[idx++] = curr.right);

        while (idx--) {
            curr = stack[idx];
            let currDist = target.array[curr.axis] -[curr.axis];
            const isLeft = currDist < 0;
            let needsCheckOtherSide = false;
            currDist = currDist * currDist;
            // Intersecting right hyperplane with minDist hypersphere
            if (currDist < minDist) {
                currDist = squaredDistance(, target);
                if (currDist < minDist && !== target) {
                    minDist = currDist;
                    nearestNode = curr;
                needsCheckOtherSide = true;
            if (isLeft) {
                if (needsCheckOtherSide) {
                    curr.right && (stack[idx++] = curr.right);
                // Search in the left area
                curr.left && (stack[idx++] = curr.left);
            else {
                if (needsCheckOtherSide) {
                    curr.left && (stack[idx++] = curr.left);
                // Search the right area
                curr.right && (stack[idx++] = curr.right);


    _addNearest(found: number, dist: number, node: KDTreeNode<T>) {
        const nearestNList = this._nearstNList;
        let i = found - 1;
        // Insert to the right position
        // Sort from small to large
        for (; i > 0; i--) {
            if (dist >= nearestNList[i - 1].dist) {
            else {
                nearestNList[i].dist = nearestNList[i - 1].dist;
                nearestNList[i].node = nearestNList[i - 1].node;

        nearestNList[i].dist = dist;
        nearestNList[i].node = node;

     * Find nearest N points
     * @param  target Target point
     * @param  N
     * @param  squaredDistance Squared distance function
     * @param  output Output nearest N points
        target: T,
        N: number,
        squaredDistance: (a: T, b: T) => number,
        output: T[]
    ) {
        if (N <= 0) {
            output.length = 0;
            return output;

        let curr = this.root;
        const stack = this._stack;
        let idx = 0;

        const nearestNList = this._nearstNList;
        for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            // Allocate
            if (!nearestNList[i]) {
                nearestNList[i] = {
                    dist: 0, node: null
            nearestNList[i].dist = 0;
            nearestNList[i].node = null;
        const currDist = squaredDistance(, target);

        let found = 0;
        if ( !== target) {
            this._addNearest(found, currDist, curr);

        if (target.array[curr.axis] <[curr.axis]) {
            // Left first
            curr.right && (stack[idx++] = curr.right);
            curr.left && (stack[idx++] = curr.left);
        else {
            // Right first
            curr.left && (stack[idx++] = curr.left);
            curr.right && (stack[idx++] = curr.right);

        while (idx--) {
            curr = stack[idx];
            let currDist = target.array[curr.axis] -[curr.axis];
            const isLeft = currDist < 0;
            let needsCheckOtherSide = false;
            currDist = currDist * currDist;
            // Intersecting right hyperplane with minDist hypersphere
            if (found < N || currDist < nearestNList[found - 1].dist) {
                currDist = squaredDistance(, target);
                if (
                    (found < N || currDist < nearestNList[found - 1].dist)
                    && !== target
                ) {
                    if (found < N) {
                    this._addNearest(found, currDist, curr);
                needsCheckOtherSide = true;
            if (isLeft) {
                if (needsCheckOtherSide) {
                    curr.right && (stack[idx++] = curr.right);
                // Search in the left area
                curr.left && (stack[idx++] = curr.left);
            else {
                if (needsCheckOtherSide) {
                    curr.left && (stack[idx++] = curr.left);
                // Search the right area
                curr.right && (stack[idx++] = curr.right);

        // Copy to output
        for (let i = 0; i < found; i++) {
            output[i] = nearestNList[i];
        output.length = found;

        return output;


export default KDTree;


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