harmony 鸿蒙Application Permission List

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (1442)

Application Permission List

Before applying for required permissions, read and understand the permission workflows. Then, determine the permissions required for your application.

For details about how to apply for required permissions, see Permission Application Guide.


Allows an application to access Bluetooth configurations.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to configure Bluetooth on a device, initiate or cancel a scan for Bluetooth devices, and pair with Bluetooth devices.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to pair with a Bluetooth device and access the Contacts or messages of the device.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to access Bluetooth and use Bluetooth capabilities, such as pairing and connecting to peripheral devices.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to access the Internet.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to modify audio settings.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to access the notification policy on the device.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to read telephony information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to obtain the phone numbers of the device.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to obtain the Ability Form.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to obtain network information.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to make calls without starting the dialer.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to set data network information.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows the cache of the specified application to be cleared.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to restart the device.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to obtain a running lock.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to set the system time.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to set the system time zone.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to manage the download sessions.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to publish sticky common events.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to be displayed in a floating window on top of other applications.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to set screens that cannot be captured or recorded.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to hibernate or wake up the device by calling an API.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to reset the screen timeout counter when a user input event occurs, such as pressing a key or touching the screen.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to set power saving mode, obtain configuration of the power saving mode, and receive notifications of the configuration changes.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to restart the device and enter Recovery mode.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to manage local user accounts.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows access between multiple OS accounts.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to control vibration.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to bind the InputMethodAbility.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to bind the ScreenSaverAbility.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to read the screen saver information, such as the list of screen savers that have been installed and the activated one.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to modify the screen saver information, such as activating and previewing a screen saver.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to set wallpapers.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to read wallpaper files.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to enable or disable an application or component.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to obtain information about running processes and mission in a mission stack.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7

Deprecated version: 9


Allows an application to clear background processes based on their bundle names.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows a Service ability to keep running in the background.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to modify system settings.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to call the update APIs.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows data migration during the update process.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to call the API for restoring factory settings.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to grant sensitive permissions to other applications.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to revoke sensitive permissions granted to other applications.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to obtain the sensitive permissions that have been granted to other applications.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to set the attributes of applications of other users.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to listen for changes in other applications, when they are installed, updated, or uninstalled.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to obtain basic information about another application.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to obtain basic information and sensitive information about another application.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to read data from an acceleration sensor, uncalibrated acceleration sensor, or linear acceleration sensor.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to read data from a gyroscope sensor or uncalibrated gyroscope sensor.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to install and uninstall other applications except enterprise applications, including enterprise InHouse, mobile device management (MDM), and Normal applications.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to query and start shortcuts of other applications.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to access radio services.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to change the telephone state.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to start or access other components from the background.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to obtain how long other applications have been running in the foreground or background.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to start an invisible ability.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to obtain the Unified Device ID (UDID).

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to switch from its privacy statement page to the Data & privacy page.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to obtain and manage the media resources that are being played on the device.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to use agent-powered reminders.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to use sync task animations.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to listen for input events. Only the system signed applications can apply for this permission.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to manage missions in the system.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to manage and subscribe to notifications.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to obtain network information or modify network settings.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to start or stop the VPN.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to obtain network strategy information or modify network strategy settings.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to obtain historical traffic information and listen for traffic changes.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 10


Allows an SA to call the network management, Wi-Fi, network adapter listening, and iptables setting APIs of netsys.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to intercept the startup of the Ability component. This permission is used for testing, such as the stability test.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to access the system identity credential information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to enroll and manage user identity authentication credentials.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to use biometric recognition for identity authentication.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 6


Allows an application to call internal system interfaces of IAM.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to register the callback for obtaining the PIN during the PIN authentication process.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to obtain running status information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to clear application data.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to listen for its status.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to take screenshots.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to obtain Wi-Fi information.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows a system application to obtain Wi-Fi parameters.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to set a Wi-Fi device.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to obtain the MAC address of the peer Wi-Fi device.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to obtain the MAC address of the local Wi-Fi device.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to obtain the Wi-Fi configuration.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to configure Wi-Fi information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to manage Wi-Fi connections.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to enable or disable Wi-Fi hotspots.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to obtain all application account information.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to modify security settings.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to access system event logging data.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to activate a device administrator application.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows a device administrator application to set enterprise information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows a device administrator application to subscribe to management events.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows a device administrator application to set the system time.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows a device administrator application to read device information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to restore devices’ factory settings.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to set and query Wi-Fi information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to query network information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to set account management policies.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to set bundle installation policies.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to set network information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to set application running policies.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to set the screen-off time.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to set security policies for devices.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows a device administrator application to install and uninstall applications.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to query the Settings application data.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to manage certificates.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to deliver and obtain restriction policies.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to manage settings.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows a device administrator application to manage the USB.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to manage the network.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to set or delete browser policies.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a device administrator application to manage system parameters.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to read NFC tag information.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to implement card emulation.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 8


Allows a system application to access the permission usage records.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to send agent-powered notifications.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to answer incoming calls.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to read Calendar data.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to read call logs.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to read cell broadcast messages received by the device.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to read the Contacts.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to read messages.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to receive and process MMS messages.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to receive and process SMS messages.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to receive and process WAP messages.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to access the microphone.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to send messages.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to add, remove, and modify Calendar events.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to add, remove, and modify call logs.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to add, remove, and modify the Contacts.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application to exchange data with other devices.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to leave messages in the voice mailbox.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 8


Allows an application running in the background to obtain the device location.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to obtain the device location.

Application conditions: The applications developed using the SDK earlier than API version 9 can directly apply for this permission. For the applications developed using the SDK of API version 9 or later, you need to apply for ohos.permission.APPROXIMATELY_LOCATION before applying for this permission.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to obtain the approximate location information of a device.

Application conditions: Only applications developed using the SDK of API version 9 or later can apply for this permission.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to access geographical locations in the user’s media file.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to use the camera.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to read media files from the user’s external storage.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to read media files from and write media files into the user’s external storage.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to read the current workout status of the user.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to read the health data of the user.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 7


Allows an application to query default applications.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to set and reset default applications.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to set and query the application handling state.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to query the unique identifier of a device.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows the basic system information and SA service information to be exported.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows networking between different devices.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 9


Allows configuration and management of the permissions on .dlp files.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows the Super Device Manager application to be activated.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to access or start system Settings.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows access to the images or video files in a user’s directory.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows access to the audio files in a user directory.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows access to the files in a user directory.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows modification to the images or video files in a user’s directory.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows modification to the audio files in a user directory.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows modification to the files in a user’s directory.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to start the Ability component in the background and establish a connection with it.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to report risk data for security guard.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to obtain the device risk status.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to obtain detailed risk data.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to read the accessibility configuration.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to set the accessibility configuration.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to install, uninstall, enable, and disable certificates and credentials.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to query certificates and private credentials.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to access the Ability of the push service.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows the push service to read data from an application.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 10


Allows the push service to write data to an application.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to subscribe to the startup broadcast.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to enable or disable cameras globally.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to read all Calendar information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to add, remove, or change all Calendar events.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an SA to delete the IAM user information without a token.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an SA to register the executor.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to mount and unmount external cards.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to format external cards.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to call the interfaces of the Storage Manager service to query space statistics and volume information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to have backup and restore capabilities.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to obtain the device-cloud synchronization management capability.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to perform device-cloud synchronization.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a file management application to access user data files through the FAF.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to mute microphones globally.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows a system application to obtain the authentication and networking capability of distributed devices.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10+


Allows an application to read the open anonymous device identifier (OAID).

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to run unsigned code.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to publish system common events.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to use the lock screen service to lock the screen, send a screen lock event, and invoke the system event callback.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to obtain the print framework capability.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to obtain the capability of managing print tasks.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a system application to disable the application with the overlay feature enabled.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a system service to access the cellular call SA.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 10


Allows a system service to access the IMS SA.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to use ultrasonic sensing.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to install enterprise InHouse applications.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows the application proxy to authorize the URI.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to obtain the list of installed applications.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to manage distributed account information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to obtain distributed account information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to obtain local account information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to access HiView data.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to modify HiView data.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to use the mirror projection capability.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to invoke the system resource projection capability.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to obtain the device-cloud information of the configuration database.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application that cannot directly use the sensor to turn on and off the sensor.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to use resources when the system is in standby mode.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows a standby component to publish a customized network limit event.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to manage the upload sessions.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to perform customized actions before being terminated.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows the rules for generating the scene code and the matching experience to be set for the manager service.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to obtain the scene code of the specified application.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to scan user directories and set file extended properties.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to update the file guard policy.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to control the SecurityGuard model switch.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to access OpenHarmony Security Detection and Response Framework.

Permission level: normal

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to interact with the user authentication framework and register ExtensionAbilities.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to access the installation directory of another application.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 9


Allows an application to capture the downlink voice audio.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to access the intelligent voice service interfaces.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an enterprise MDM bundle to be installed on enterprise devices.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an enterprise Normal bundle to be installed on enterprise devices.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows automatic updates of the enterprise MDM applications on enterprise devices.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to listen for the card running status.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to call interfaces of the DeviceAuthCredMgr application.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to uninstall applications.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to restore pre-installed applications.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to obtain domain account information.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 10


Allows an application to publish unremovable notifications.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to query accessibility elements in batches.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows a system application to set themes, including wallpapers, icons, skins, Always On Display (AOD), and fonts.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to obtain the certificate chain that attests the key validity.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to access the AI Voice wakeup component.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows the application agent to request widgets.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to access the AI Voice vision component.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows a system service to enable distributed hardware resources.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: FALSE

Start version: 11


Allows a system application to set whether an application can start the permission dialog box.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows a system service or system application to access distributed hardware resources.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows a system service or system application to change the instantshare switch state.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows a system service or system application to access the instantshare service.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows a system service or system application to use the instantshare private ability.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows the MCP host application to perform user account authorization and login for its sub-applications.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to obtain resource information of another application.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows a system application to set the public key and working secret ciphertext in the cloud and agrees on a key for code protection.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to read the pasteboard via silent access.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to read the pasteboard.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: user_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to set the advanced security mode configuration.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to set the developer mode configuration.

Permission level: system_core

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows a system application to enable the ScreenHop feature, which allows the user to use a mouse across multiple devices.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows a system application to use the Multimodal Sensor Data Platform (MSDP) trail perception function.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows a system application to execute intent calls.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to manage the activation lock of a device.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


Allows an application to verify the validity of activation lock credentials.

Permission level: system_basic

Authorization mode: system_grant

Enable via ACL: TRUE

Start version: 11


harmony 鸿蒙Security

harmony 鸿蒙Applying for Permissions

harmony 鸿蒙Access Control (Permission) Overview

harmony 鸿蒙HarmonyAppProvision Configuration File

harmony 鸿蒙Certificate Development

harmony 鸿蒙Certificate Overview

harmony 鸿蒙Crypto Framework Development

harmony 鸿蒙Crypto Framework Overview

harmony 鸿蒙DLP Development

harmony 鸿蒙DLP Overview

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