go AMD64Ops 源码

  • 2022-07-15
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golang AMD64Ops 代码


// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

//go:build ignore
// +build ignore

package main

import "strings"

// Notes:
//  - Integer types live in the low portion of registers. Upper portions are junk.
//  - Boolean types use the low-order byte of a register. 0=false, 1=true.
//    Upper bytes are junk.
//  - Floating-point types live in the low natural slot of an sse2 register.
//    Unused portions are junk.
//  - We do not use AH,BH,CH,DH registers.
//  - When doing sub-register operations, we try to write the whole
//    destination register to avoid a partial-register write.
//  - Unused portions of AuxInt (or the Val portion of ValAndOff) are
//    filled by sign-extending the used portion.  Users of AuxInt which interpret
//    AuxInt as unsigned (e.g. shifts) must be careful.
//  - All SymOff opcodes require their offset to fit in an int32.

// Suffixes encode the bit width of various instructions.
// Q (quad word) = 64 bit
// L (long word) = 32 bit
// W (word)      = 16 bit
// B (byte)      = 8 bit

// copied from ../../amd64/reg.go
var regNamesAMD64 = []string{
	"g", // a.k.a. R14
	"X15", // constant 0 in ABIInternal

	// If you add registers, update asyncPreempt in runtime

	// pseudo-registers

func init() {
	// Make map from reg names to reg integers.
	if len(regNamesAMD64) > 64 {
		panic("too many registers")
	num := map[string]int{}
	for i, name := range regNamesAMD64 {
		num[name] = i
	buildReg := func(s string) regMask {
		m := regMask(0)
		for _, r := range strings.Split(s, " ") {
			if n, ok := num[r]; ok {
				m |= regMask(1) << uint(n)
			panic("register " + r + " not found")
		return m

	// Common individual register masks
	var (
		ax         = buildReg("AX")
		cx         = buildReg("CX")
		dx         = buildReg("DX")
		bx         = buildReg("BX")
		gp         = buildReg("AX CX DX BX BP SI DI R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R15")
		g          = buildReg("g")
		fp         = buildReg("X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14")
		x15        = buildReg("X15")
		gpsp       = gp | buildReg("SP")
		gpspsb     = gpsp | buildReg("SB")
		gpspsbg    = gpspsb | g
		callerSave = gp | fp | g // runtime.setg (and anything calling it) may clobber g
	// Common slices of register masks
	var (
		gponly = []regMask{gp}
		fponly = []regMask{fp}

	// Common regInfo
	var (
		gp01           = regInfo{inputs: nil, outputs: gponly}
		gp11           = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp}, outputs: gponly}
		gp11sp         = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpsp}, outputs: gponly}
		gp11sb         = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg}, outputs: gponly}
		gp21           = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, gp}, outputs: gponly}
		gp21sp         = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpsp, gp}, outputs: gponly}
		gp21sb         = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg, gpsp}, outputs: gponly}
		gp21shift      = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, cx}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}
		gp31shift      = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, gp, cx}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}
		gp11div        = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{ax, gpsp &^ dx}, outputs: []regMask{ax, dx}}
		gp21hmul       = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{ax, gpsp}, outputs: []regMask{dx}, clobbers: ax}
		gp21flags      = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, gp}, outputs: []regMask{gp, 0}}
		gp2flags1flags = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, gp, 0}, outputs: []regMask{gp, 0}}

		gp2flags     = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpsp, gpsp}}
		gp1flags     = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpsp}}
		gp0flagsLoad = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg, 0}}
		gp1flagsLoad = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg, gpsp, 0}}
		gp2flagsLoad = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg, gpsp, gpsp, 0}}
		flagsgp      = regInfo{inputs: nil, outputs: gponly}

		gp11flags      = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp}, outputs: []regMask{gp, 0}}
		gp1flags1flags = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, 0}, outputs: []regMask{gp, 0}}

		readflags = regInfo{inputs: nil, outputs: gponly}
		flagsgpax = regInfo{inputs: nil, clobbers: ax, outputs: []regMask{gp &^ ax}}

		gpload         = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg, 0}, outputs: gponly}
		gp21load       = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, gpspsbg, 0}, outputs: gponly}
		gploadidx      = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg, gpsp, 0}, outputs: gponly}
		gp21loadidx    = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, gpspsbg, gpsp, 0}, outputs: gponly}
		gp21pax        = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp &^ ax, gp}, outputs: []regMask{gp &^ ax}, clobbers: ax}
		gp21shxload    = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg, gp, 0}, outputs: gponly}
		gp21shxloadidx = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg, gpsp, gp, 0}, outputs: gponly}

		gpstore         = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg, gpsp, 0}}
		gpstoreconst    = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg, 0}}
		gpstoreidx      = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg, gpsp, gpsp, 0}}
		gpstoreconstidx = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg, gpsp, 0}}
		gpstorexchg     = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, gpspsbg, 0}, outputs: []regMask{gp}}
		cmpxchg         = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp, ax, gp, 0}, outputs: []regMask{gp, 0}, clobbers: ax}

		fp01        = regInfo{inputs: nil, outputs: fponly}
		fp21        = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp, fp}, outputs: fponly}
		fp31        = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp, fp, fp}, outputs: fponly}
		fp21load    = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp, gpspsbg, 0}, outputs: fponly}
		fp21loadidx = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp, gpspsbg, gpspsb, 0}, outputs: fponly}
		fpgp        = regInfo{inputs: fponly, outputs: gponly}
		gpfp        = regInfo{inputs: gponly, outputs: fponly}
		fp11        = regInfo{inputs: fponly, outputs: fponly}
		fp2flags    = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{fp, fp}}

		fpload    = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, 0}, outputs: fponly}
		fploadidx = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, gpsp, 0}, outputs: fponly}

		fpstore    = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, fp, 0}}
		fpstoreidx = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsb, gpsp, fp, 0}}

		prefreg = regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpspsbg}}

	var AMD64ops = []opData{
		// fp ops
		{name: "ADDSS", argLength: 2, reg: fp21, asm: "ADDSS", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true}, // fp32 add
		{name: "ADDSD", argLength: 2, reg: fp21, asm: "ADDSD", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true}, // fp64 add
		{name: "SUBSS", argLength: 2, reg: fp21, asm: "SUBSS", resultInArg0: true},                    // fp32 sub
		{name: "SUBSD", argLength: 2, reg: fp21, asm: "SUBSD", resultInArg0: true},                    // fp64 sub
		{name: "MULSS", argLength: 2, reg: fp21, asm: "MULSS", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true}, // fp32 mul
		{name: "MULSD", argLength: 2, reg: fp21, asm: "MULSD", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true}, // fp64 mul
		{name: "DIVSS", argLength: 2, reg: fp21, asm: "DIVSS", resultInArg0: true},                    // fp32 div
		{name: "DIVSD", argLength: 2, reg: fp21, asm: "DIVSD", resultInArg0: true},                    // fp64 div

		{name: "MOVSSload", argLength: 2, reg: fpload, asm: "MOVSS", aux: "SymOff", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 load
		{name: "MOVSDload", argLength: 2, reg: fpload, asm: "MOVSD", aux: "SymOff", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 load
		{name: "MOVSSconst", reg: fp01, asm: "MOVSS", aux: "Float32", rematerializeable: true},                               // fp32 constant
		{name: "MOVSDconst", reg: fp01, asm: "MOVSD", aux: "Float64", rematerializeable: true},                               // fp64 constant
		{name: "MOVSSloadidx1", argLength: 3, reg: fploadidx, asm: "MOVSS", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Read"},      // fp32 load indexed by i
		{name: "MOVSSloadidx4", argLength: 3, reg: fploadidx, asm: "MOVSS", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Read"},      // fp32 load indexed by 4*i
		{name: "MOVSDloadidx1", argLength: 3, reg: fploadidx, asm: "MOVSD", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Read"},      // fp64 load indexed by i
		{name: "MOVSDloadidx8", argLength: 3, reg: fploadidx, asm: "MOVSD", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Read"},      // fp64 load indexed by 8*i

		{name: "MOVSSstore", argLength: 3, reg: fpstore, asm: "MOVSS", aux: "SymOff", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"}, // fp32 store
		{name: "MOVSDstore", argLength: 3, reg: fpstore, asm: "MOVSD", aux: "SymOff", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"}, // fp64 store
		{name: "MOVSSstoreidx1", argLength: 4, reg: fpstoreidx, asm: "MOVSS", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"},      // fp32 indexed by i store
		{name: "MOVSSstoreidx4", argLength: 4, reg: fpstoreidx, asm: "MOVSS", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"},      // fp32 indexed by 4i store
		{name: "MOVSDstoreidx1", argLength: 4, reg: fpstoreidx, asm: "MOVSD", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"},      // fp64 indexed by i store
		{name: "MOVSDstoreidx8", argLength: 4, reg: fpstoreidx, asm: "MOVSD", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"},      // fp64 indexed by 8i store

		{name: "ADDSSload", argLength: 3, reg: fp21load, asm: "ADDSS", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "ADDSDload", argLength: 3, reg: fp21load, asm: "ADDSD", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "SUBSSload", argLength: 3, reg: fp21load, asm: "SUBSS", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "SUBSDload", argLength: 3, reg: fp21load, asm: "SUBSD", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "MULSSload", argLength: 3, reg: fp21load, asm: "MULSS", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 arg0 * tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "MULSDload", argLength: 3, reg: fp21load, asm: "MULSD", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 arg0 * tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "DIVSSload", argLength: 3, reg: fp21load, asm: "DIVSS", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 arg0 / tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "DIVSDload", argLength: 3, reg: fp21load, asm: "DIVSD", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 arg0 / tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem

		{name: "ADDSSloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "ADDSS", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ADDSSloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "ADDSS", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+4*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ADDSDloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "ADDSD", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ADDSDloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "ADDSD", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "SUBSSloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "SUBSS", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "SUBSSloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "SUBSS", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+4*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "SUBSDloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "SUBSD", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "SUBSDloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "SUBSD", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "MULSSloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "MULSS", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 arg0 * tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "MULSSloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "MULSS", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 arg0 * tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+4*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "MULSDloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "MULSD", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 arg0 * tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "MULSDloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "MULSD", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 arg0 * tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "DIVSSloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "DIVSS", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 arg0 / tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "DIVSSloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "DIVSS", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp32 arg0 / tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+4*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "DIVSDloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "DIVSD", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 arg0 / tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "DIVSDloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: fp21loadidx, asm: "DIVSD", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // fp64 arg0 / tmp, tmp loaded from arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem

		// binary ops
		{name: "ADDQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sp, asm: "ADDQ", commutative: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                                   // arg0 + arg1
		{name: "ADDL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sp, asm: "ADDL", commutative: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                                   // arg0 + arg1
		{name: "ADDQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11sp, asm: "ADDQ", aux: "Int32", typ: "UInt64", clobberFlags: true},                                                    // arg0 + auxint
		{name: "ADDLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11sp, asm: "ADDL", aux: "Int32", clobberFlags: true},                                                                   // arg0 + auxint
		{name: "ADDQconstmodify", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "ADDQ", aux: "SymValAndOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // add ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val() to arg0+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "ADDLconstmodify", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "ADDL", aux: "SymValAndOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // add ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val() to arg0+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux, arg1=mem

		{name: "SUBQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "SUBQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                    // arg0 - arg1
		{name: "SUBL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "SUBL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                    // arg0 - arg1
		{name: "SUBQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SUBQ", aux: "Int32", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 - auxint
		{name: "SUBLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SUBL", aux: "Int32", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 - auxint

		{name: "MULQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "IMULQ", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 * arg1
		{name: "MULL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "IMULL", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 * arg1
		{name: "MULQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "IMUL3Q", aux: "Int32", clobberFlags: true},                    // arg0 * auxint
		{name: "MULLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "IMUL3L", aux: "Int32", clobberFlags: true},                    // arg0 * auxint

		{name: "MULLU", argLength: 2, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{ax, gpsp}, outputs: []regMask{ax, 0}, clobbers: dx}, typ: "(UInt32,Flags)", asm: "MULL", commutative: true, clobberFlags: true}, // Let x = arg0*arg1 (full 32x32->64  unsigned multiply). Returns uint32(x), and flags set to overflow if uint32(x) != x.
		{name: "MULQU", argLength: 2, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{ax, gpsp}, outputs: []regMask{ax, 0}, clobbers: dx}, typ: "(UInt64,Flags)", asm: "MULQ", commutative: true, clobberFlags: true}, // Let x = arg0*arg1 (full 64x64->128 unsigned multiply). Returns uint64(x), and flags set to overflow if uint64(x) != x.

		// HMULx[U] are intentionally not marked as commutative, even though they are.
		// This is because they have asymmetric register requirements.
		// There are rewrite rules to try to place arguments in preferable slots.
		{name: "HMULQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21hmul, asm: "IMULQ", clobberFlags: true}, // (arg0 * arg1) >> width
		{name: "HMULL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21hmul, asm: "IMULL", clobberFlags: true}, // (arg0 * arg1) >> width
		{name: "HMULQU", argLength: 2, reg: gp21hmul, asm: "MULQ", clobberFlags: true}, // (arg0 * arg1) >> width
		{name: "HMULLU", argLength: 2, reg: gp21hmul, asm: "MULL", clobberFlags: true}, // (arg0 * arg1) >> width

		{name: "AVGQU", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, commutative: true, resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // (arg0 + arg1) / 2 as unsigned, all 64 result bits

		// For DIVQ, DIVL and DIVW, AuxInt non-zero means that the divisor has been proved to be not -1.
		{name: "DIVQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp11div, typ: "(Int64,Int64)", asm: "IDIVQ", aux: "Bool", clobberFlags: true}, // [arg0 / arg1, arg0 % arg1]
		{name: "DIVL", argLength: 2, reg: gp11div, typ: "(Int32,Int32)", asm: "IDIVL", aux: "Bool", clobberFlags: true}, // [arg0 / arg1, arg0 % arg1]
		{name: "DIVW", argLength: 2, reg: gp11div, typ: "(Int16,Int16)", asm: "IDIVW", aux: "Bool", clobberFlags: true}, // [arg0 / arg1, arg0 % arg1]

		{name: "DIVQU", argLength: 2, reg: gp11div, typ: "(UInt64,UInt64)", asm: "DIVQ", clobberFlags: true}, // [arg0 / arg1, arg0 % arg1]
		{name: "DIVLU", argLength: 2, reg: gp11div, typ: "(UInt32,UInt32)", asm: "DIVL", clobberFlags: true}, // [arg0 / arg1, arg0 % arg1]
		{name: "DIVWU", argLength: 2, reg: gp11div, typ: "(UInt16,UInt16)", asm: "DIVW", clobberFlags: true}, // [arg0 / arg1, arg0 % arg1]

		{name: "NEGLflags", argLength: 1, reg: gp11flags, typ: "(UInt32,Flags)", asm: "NEGL", resultInArg0: true}, // -arg0, flags set for 0-arg0.
		// The following 4 add opcodes return the low 64 bits of the sum in the first result and
		// the carry (the 65th bit) in the carry flag.
		{name: "ADDQcarry", argLength: 2, reg: gp21flags, typ: "(UInt64,Flags)", asm: "ADDQ", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true}, // r = arg0+arg1
		{name: "ADCQ", argLength: 3, reg: gp2flags1flags, typ: "(UInt64,Flags)", asm: "ADCQ", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true}, // r = arg0+arg1+carry(arg2)
		{name: "ADDQconstcarry", argLength: 1, reg: gp11flags, typ: "(UInt64,Flags)", asm: "ADDQ", aux: "Int32", resultInArg0: true}, // r = arg0+auxint
		{name: "ADCQconst", argLength: 2, reg: gp1flags1flags, typ: "(UInt64,Flags)", asm: "ADCQ", aux: "Int32", resultInArg0: true}, // r = arg0+auxint+carry(arg1)

		// The following 4 add opcodes return the low 64 bits of the difference in the first result and
		// the borrow (if the result is negative) in the carry flag.
		{name: "SUBQborrow", argLength: 2, reg: gp21flags, typ: "(UInt64,Flags)", asm: "SUBQ", resultInArg0: true},                    // r = arg0-arg1
		{name: "SBBQ", argLength: 3, reg: gp2flags1flags, typ: "(UInt64,Flags)", asm: "SBBQ", resultInArg0: true},                     // r = arg0-(arg1+carry(arg2))
		{name: "SUBQconstborrow", argLength: 1, reg: gp11flags, typ: "(UInt64,Flags)", asm: "SUBQ", aux: "Int32", resultInArg0: true}, // r = arg0-auxint
		{name: "SBBQconst", argLength: 2, reg: gp1flags1flags, typ: "(UInt64,Flags)", asm: "SBBQ", aux: "Int32", resultInArg0: true},  // r = arg0-(auxint+carry(arg1))

		{name: "MULQU2", argLength: 2, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{ax, gpsp}, outputs: []regMask{dx, ax}}, commutative: true, asm: "MULQ", clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 * arg1, returns (hi, lo)
		{name: "DIVQU2", argLength: 3, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{dx, ax, gpsp}, outputs: []regMask{ax, dx}}, asm: "DIVQ", clobberFlags: true},                // arg0:arg1 / arg2 (128-bit divided by 64-bit), returns (q, r)

		{name: "ANDQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "ANDQ", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                 // arg0 & arg1
		{name: "ANDL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "ANDL", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                 // arg0 & arg1
		{name: "ANDQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "ANDQ", aux: "Int32", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                 // arg0 & auxint
		{name: "ANDLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "ANDL", aux: "Int32", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                 // arg0 & auxint
		{name: "ANDQconstmodify", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "ANDQ", aux: "SymValAndOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // and ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val() to arg0+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "ANDLconstmodify", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "ANDL", aux: "SymValAndOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // and ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val() to arg0+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux, arg1=mem

		{name: "ORQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "ORQ", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                 // arg0 | arg1
		{name: "ORL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "ORL", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                 // arg0 | arg1
		{name: "ORQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "ORQ", aux: "Int32", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                 // arg0 | auxint
		{name: "ORLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "ORL", aux: "Int32", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                 // arg0 | auxint
		{name: "ORQconstmodify", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "ORQ", aux: "SymValAndOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // or ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val() to arg0+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "ORLconstmodify", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "ORL", aux: "SymValAndOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // or ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val() to arg0+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux, arg1=mem

		{name: "XORQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "XORQ", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                 // arg0 ^ arg1
		{name: "XORL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "XORL", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                 // arg0 ^ arg1
		{name: "XORQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "XORQ", aux: "Int32", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                 // arg0 ^ auxint
		{name: "XORLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "XORL", aux: "Int32", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                                                 // arg0 ^ auxint
		{name: "XORQconstmodify", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "XORQ", aux: "SymValAndOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // xor ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val() to arg0+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux, arg1=mem
		{name: "XORLconstmodify", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "XORL", aux: "SymValAndOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // xor ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val() to arg0+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux, arg1=mem

		{name: "CMPQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp2flags, asm: "CMPQ", typ: "Flags"},                    // arg0 compare to arg1
		{name: "CMPL", argLength: 2, reg: gp2flags, asm: "CMPL", typ: "Flags"},                    // arg0 compare to arg1
		{name: "CMPW", argLength: 2, reg: gp2flags, asm: "CMPW", typ: "Flags"},                    // arg0 compare to arg1
		{name: "CMPB", argLength: 2, reg: gp2flags, asm: "CMPB", typ: "Flags"},                    // arg0 compare to arg1
		{name: "CMPQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp1flags, asm: "CMPQ", typ: "Flags", aux: "Int32"}, // arg0 compare to auxint
		{name: "CMPLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp1flags, asm: "CMPL", typ: "Flags", aux: "Int32"}, // arg0 compare to auxint
		{name: "CMPWconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp1flags, asm: "CMPW", typ: "Flags", aux: "Int16"}, // arg0 compare to auxint
		{name: "CMPBconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp1flags, asm: "CMPB", typ: "Flags", aux: "Int8"},  // arg0 compare to auxint

		// compare *(arg0+auxint+aux) to arg1 (in that order). arg2=mem.
		{name: "CMPQload", argLength: 3, reg: gp1flagsLoad, asm: "CMPQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read", faultOnNilArg0: true},
		{name: "CMPLload", argLength: 3, reg: gp1flagsLoad, asm: "CMPL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read", faultOnNilArg0: true},
		{name: "CMPWload", argLength: 3, reg: gp1flagsLoad, asm: "CMPW", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read", faultOnNilArg0: true},
		{name: "CMPBload", argLength: 3, reg: gp1flagsLoad, asm: "CMPB", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read", faultOnNilArg0: true},

		// compare *(arg0+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) to ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val() (in that order). arg1=mem.
		{name: "CMPQconstload", argLength: 2, reg: gp0flagsLoad, asm: "CMPQ", aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read", faultOnNilArg0: true},
		{name: "CMPLconstload", argLength: 2, reg: gp0flagsLoad, asm: "CMPL", aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read", faultOnNilArg0: true},
		{name: "CMPWconstload", argLength: 2, reg: gp0flagsLoad, asm: "CMPW", aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read", faultOnNilArg0: true},
		{name: "CMPBconstload", argLength: 2, reg: gp0flagsLoad, asm: "CMPB", aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read", faultOnNilArg0: true},

		// compare *(arg0+N*arg1+auxint+aux) to arg2 (in that order). arg3=mem.
		{name: "CMPQloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp2flagsLoad, asm: "CMPQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "CMPQloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp2flagsLoad, asm: "CMPQ", scale: 1, commutative: true, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "CMPLloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gp2flagsLoad, asm: "CMPL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "CMPLloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp2flagsLoad, asm: "CMPL", scale: 1, commutative: true, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "CMPWloadidx2", argLength: 4, reg: gp2flagsLoad, asm: "CMPW", scale: 2, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "CMPWloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp2flagsLoad, asm: "CMPW", scale: 1, commutative: true, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "CMPBloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp2flagsLoad, asm: "CMPB", scale: 1, commutative: true, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},

		// compare *(arg0+N*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) to ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val() (in that order). arg2=mem.
		{name: "CMPQconstloadidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gp1flagsLoad, asm: "CMPQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "CMPQconstloadidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gp1flagsLoad, asm: "CMPQ", scale: 1, commutative: true, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "CMPLconstloadidx4", argLength: 3, reg: gp1flagsLoad, asm: "CMPL", scale: 4, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "CMPLconstloadidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gp1flagsLoad, asm: "CMPL", scale: 1, commutative: true, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "CMPWconstloadidx2", argLength: 3, reg: gp1flagsLoad, asm: "CMPW", scale: 2, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "CMPWconstloadidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gp1flagsLoad, asm: "CMPW", scale: 1, commutative: true, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "CMPBconstloadidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gp1flagsLoad, asm: "CMPB", scale: 1, commutative: true, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Flags", symEffect: "Read"},

		{name: "UCOMISS", argLength: 2, reg: fp2flags, asm: "UCOMISS", typ: "Flags"}, // arg0 compare to arg1, f32
		{name: "UCOMISD", argLength: 2, reg: fp2flags, asm: "UCOMISD", typ: "Flags"}, // arg0 compare to arg1, f64

		{name: "BTL", argLength: 2, reg: gp2flags, asm: "BTL", typ: "Flags"},                                           // test whether bit arg0%32 in arg1 is set
		{name: "BTQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp2flags, asm: "BTQ", typ: "Flags"},                                           // test whether bit arg0%64 in arg1 is set
		{name: "BTCL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "BTCL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                   // complement bit arg1%32 in arg0
		{name: "BTCQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "BTCQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                   // complement bit arg1%64 in arg0
		{name: "BTRL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "BTRL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                   // reset bit arg1%32 in arg0
		{name: "BTRQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "BTRQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                   // reset bit arg1%64 in arg0
		{name: "BTSL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "BTSL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                   // set bit arg1%32 in arg0
		{name: "BTSQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "BTSQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},                   // set bit arg1%64 in arg0
		{name: "BTLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp1flags, asm: "BTL", typ: "Flags", aux: "Int8"},                         // test whether bit auxint in arg0 is set, 0 <= auxint < 32
		{name: "BTQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp1flags, asm: "BTQ", typ: "Flags", aux: "Int8"},                         // test whether bit auxint in arg0 is set, 0 <= auxint < 64
		{name: "BTCLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BTCL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, aux: "Int8"}, // complement bit auxint in arg0, 0 <= auxint < 32
		{name: "BTCQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BTCQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, aux: "Int8"}, // complement bit auxint in arg0, 0 <= auxint < 64
		{name: "BTRLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BTRL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, aux: "Int8"}, // reset bit auxint in arg0, 0 <= auxint < 32
		{name: "BTRQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BTRQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, aux: "Int8"}, // reset bit auxint in arg0, 0 <= auxint < 64
		{name: "BTSLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BTSL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, aux: "Int8"}, // set bit auxint in arg0, 0 <= auxint < 32
		{name: "BTSQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BTSQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, aux: "Int8"}, // set bit auxint in arg0, 0 <= auxint < 64

		{name: "TESTQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp2flags, commutative: true, asm: "TESTQ", typ: "Flags"}, // (arg0 & arg1) compare to 0
		{name: "TESTL", argLength: 2, reg: gp2flags, commutative: true, asm: "TESTL", typ: "Flags"}, // (arg0 & arg1) compare to 0
		{name: "TESTW", argLength: 2, reg: gp2flags, commutative: true, asm: "TESTW", typ: "Flags"}, // (arg0 & arg1) compare to 0
		{name: "TESTB", argLength: 2, reg: gp2flags, commutative: true, asm: "TESTB", typ: "Flags"}, // (arg0 & arg1) compare to 0
		{name: "TESTQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp1flags, asm: "TESTQ", typ: "Flags", aux: "Int32"}, // (arg0 & auxint) compare to 0
		{name: "TESTLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp1flags, asm: "TESTL", typ: "Flags", aux: "Int32"}, // (arg0 & auxint) compare to 0
		{name: "TESTWconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp1flags, asm: "TESTW", typ: "Flags", aux: "Int16"}, // (arg0 & auxint) compare to 0
		{name: "TESTBconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp1flags, asm: "TESTB", typ: "Flags", aux: "Int8"},  // (arg0 & auxint) compare to 0

		{name: "SHLQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "SHLQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // arg0 << arg1, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SHLL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "SHLL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // arg0 << arg1, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHLQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SHLQ", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 << auxint, shift amount 0-63
		{name: "SHLLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SHLL", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 << auxint, shift amount 0-31
		// Note: x86 is weird, the 16 and 8 byte shifts still use all 5 bits of shift amount!

		{name: "SHRQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "SHRQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // unsigned arg0 >> arg1, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SHRL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "SHRL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // unsigned uint32(arg0) >> arg1, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHRW", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "SHRW", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // unsigned uint16(arg0) >> arg1, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHRB", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "SHRB", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // unsigned uint8(arg0) >> arg1, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHRQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SHRQ", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // unsigned arg0 >> auxint, shift amount 0-63
		{name: "SHRLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SHRL", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // unsigned uint32(arg0) >> auxint, shift amount 0-31
		{name: "SHRWconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SHRW", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // unsigned uint16(arg0) >> auxint, shift amount 0-15
		{name: "SHRBconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SHRB", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // unsigned uint8(arg0) >> auxint, shift amount 0-7

		{name: "SARQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "SARQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // signed arg0 >> arg1, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SARL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "SARL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // signed int32(arg0) >> arg1, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SARW", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "SARW", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // signed int16(arg0) >> arg1, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SARB", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "SARB", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // signed int8(arg0) >> arg1, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SARQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SARQ", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // signed arg0 >> auxint, shift amount 0-63
		{name: "SARLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SARL", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // signed int32(arg0) >> auxint, shift amount 0-31
		{name: "SARWconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SARW", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // signed int16(arg0) >> auxint, shift amount 0-15
		{name: "SARBconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SARB", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // signed int8(arg0) >> auxint, shift amount 0-7

		{name: "SHRDQ", argLength: 3, reg: gp31shift, asm: "SHRQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // unsigned arg0 >> arg2, shifting in bits from arg1 (==(arg1<<64+arg0)>>arg2, keeping low 64 bits), shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SHLDQ", argLength: 3, reg: gp31shift, asm: "SHLQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // unsigned arg0 << arg2, shifting in bits from arg1 (==(arg0<<64+arg1)<<arg2, keeping high 64 bits), shift amount is mod 64

		{name: "ROLQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "ROLQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // arg0 rotate left arg1 bits.
		{name: "ROLL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "ROLL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // arg0 rotate left arg1 bits.
		{name: "ROLW", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "ROLW", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // arg0 rotate left arg1 bits.
		{name: "ROLB", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "ROLB", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // arg0 rotate left arg1 bits.
		{name: "RORQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "RORQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // arg0 rotate right arg1 bits.
		{name: "RORL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "RORL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // arg0 rotate right arg1 bits.
		{name: "RORW", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "RORW", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // arg0 rotate right arg1 bits.
		{name: "RORB", argLength: 2, reg: gp21shift, asm: "RORB", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true},              // arg0 rotate right arg1 bits.
		{name: "ROLQconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "ROLQ", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 rotate left auxint, rotate amount 0-63
		{name: "ROLLconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "ROLL", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 rotate left auxint, rotate amount 0-31
		{name: "ROLWconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "ROLW", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 rotate left auxint, rotate amount 0-15
		{name: "ROLBconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "ROLB", aux: "Int8", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 rotate left auxint, rotate amount 0-7

		{name: "ADDLload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21load, asm: "ADDL", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "ADDQload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21load, asm: "ADDQ", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "SUBQload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21load, asm: "SUBQ", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "SUBLload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21load, asm: "SUBL", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "ANDLload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21load, asm: "ANDL", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 & tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "ANDQload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21load, asm: "ANDQ", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 & tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "ORQload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21load, asm: "ORQ", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"},   // arg0 | tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "ORLload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21load, asm: "ORL", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"},   // arg0 | tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "XORQload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21load, asm: "XORQ", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 ^ tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem
		{name: "XORLload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21load, asm: "XORL", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 ^ tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+auxint+aux, arg2 = mem

		{name: "ADDLloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ADDL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+  arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ADDLloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ADDL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+4*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ADDLloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ADDL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ADDQloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ADDQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+  arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ADDQloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ADDQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 + tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "SUBLloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "SUBL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+  arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "SUBLloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "SUBL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+4*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "SUBLloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "SUBL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "SUBQloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "SUBQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+  arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "SUBQloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "SUBQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 - tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ANDLloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ANDL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 & tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+  arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ANDLloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ANDL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 & tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+4*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ANDLloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ANDL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 & tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ANDQloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ANDQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 & tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+  arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ANDQloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ANDQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 & tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ORLloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ORL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"},   // arg0 | tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+  arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ORLloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ORL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"},   // arg0 | tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+4*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ORLloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ORL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"},   // arg0 | tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ORQloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ORQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"},   // arg0 | tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+  arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "ORQloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "ORQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"},   // arg0 | tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "XORLloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "XORL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 ^ tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+  arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "XORLloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "XORL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 ^ tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+4*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "XORLloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "XORL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 ^ tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "XORQloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "XORQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 ^ tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+  arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem
		{name: "XORQloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21loadidx, asm: "XORQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // arg0 ^ tmp, tmp loaded from  arg1+8*arg2+auxint+aux, arg3 = mem

		// direct binary-op on memory (read-modify-write)
		{name: "ADDQmodify", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "ADDQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+auxint+aux) += arg1, arg2=mem
		{name: "SUBQmodify", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "SUBQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+auxint+aux) -= arg1, arg2=mem
		{name: "ANDQmodify", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "ANDQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+auxint+aux) &= arg1, arg2=mem
		{name: "ORQmodify", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "ORQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"},   // *(arg0+auxint+aux) |= arg1, arg2=mem
		{name: "XORQmodify", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "XORQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+auxint+aux) ^= arg1, arg2=mem
		{name: "ADDLmodify", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "ADDL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+auxint+aux) += arg1, arg2=mem
		{name: "SUBLmodify", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "SUBL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+auxint+aux) -= arg1, arg2=mem
		{name: "ANDLmodify", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "ANDL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+auxint+aux) &= arg1, arg2=mem
		{name: "ORLmodify", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "ORL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"},   // *(arg0+auxint+aux) |= arg1, arg2=mem
		{name: "XORLmodify", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "XORL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+auxint+aux) ^= arg1, arg2=mem

		{name: "ADDQmodifyidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ADDQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) += arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ADDQmodifyidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ADDQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) += arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "SUBQmodifyidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "SUBQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) -= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "SUBQmodifyidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "SUBQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) -= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ANDQmodifyidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ANDQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) &= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ANDQmodifyidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ANDQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) &= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ORQmodifyidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ORQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"},   // *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) |= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ORQmodifyidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ORQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"},   // *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) |= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "XORQmodifyidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "XORQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) ^= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "XORQmodifyidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "XORQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) ^= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ADDLmodifyidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ADDL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) += arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ADDLmodifyidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ADDL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+4*arg1+auxint+aux) += arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ADDLmodifyidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ADDL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) += arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "SUBLmodifyidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "SUBL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) -= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "SUBLmodifyidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "SUBL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+4*arg1+auxint+aux) -= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "SUBLmodifyidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "SUBL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) -= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ANDLmodifyidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ANDL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) &= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ANDLmodifyidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ANDL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+4*arg1+auxint+aux) &= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ANDLmodifyidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ANDL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) &= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ORLmodifyidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ORL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"},   // *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) |= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ORLmodifyidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ORL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"},   // *(arg0+4*arg1+auxint+aux) |= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "ORLmodifyidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "ORL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"},   // *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) |= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "XORLmodifyidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "XORL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) ^= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "XORLmodifyidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "XORL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+4*arg1+auxint+aux) ^= arg2, arg3=mem
		{name: "XORLmodifyidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "XORL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) ^= arg2, arg3=mem

		{name: "ADDQconstmodifyidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ADDQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) += ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ADDQconstmodifyidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ADDQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) += ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ANDQconstmodifyidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ANDQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) &= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ANDQconstmodifyidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ANDQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) &= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ORQconstmodifyidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ORQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"},   // *(arg0+1*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) |= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ORQconstmodifyidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ORQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"},   // *(arg0+8*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) |= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "XORQconstmodifyidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "XORQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) ^= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "XORQconstmodifyidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "XORQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) ^= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ADDLconstmodifyidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ADDL", scale: 1, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) += ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ADDLconstmodifyidx4", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ADDL", scale: 4, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+4*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) += ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ADDLconstmodifyidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ADDL", scale: 8, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) += ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ANDLconstmodifyidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ANDL", scale: 1, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) &= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ANDLconstmodifyidx4", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ANDL", scale: 4, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+4*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) &= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ANDLconstmodifyidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ANDL", scale: 8, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) &= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ORLconstmodifyidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ORL", scale: 1, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"},   // *(arg0+1*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) |= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ORLconstmodifyidx4", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ORL", scale: 4, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"},   // *(arg0+4*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) |= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "ORLconstmodifyidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "ORL", scale: 8, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"},   // *(arg0+8*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) |= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "XORLconstmodifyidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "XORL", scale: 1, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) ^= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "XORLconstmodifyidx4", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "XORL", scale: 4, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+4*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) ^= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem
		{name: "XORLconstmodifyidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "XORL", scale: 8, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", clobberFlags: true, symEffect: "Read,Write"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux) ^= ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val(), arg2=mem

		// unary ops
		{name: "NEGQ", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "NEGQ", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // -arg0
		{name: "NEGL", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "NEGL", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true}, // -arg0

		{name: "NOTQ", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "NOTQ", resultInArg0: true}, // ^arg0
		{name: "NOTL", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "NOTL", resultInArg0: true}, // ^arg0

		// BS{F,R}Q returns a tuple [result, flags]
		// result is undefined if the input is zero.
		// flags are set to "equal" if the input is zero, "not equal" otherwise.
		// BS{F,R}L returns only the result.
		{name: "BSFQ", argLength: 1, reg: gp11flags, asm: "BSFQ", typ: "(UInt64,Flags)"},        // # of low-order zeroes in 64-bit arg
		{name: "BSFL", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BSFL", typ: "UInt32", clobberFlags: true}, // # of low-order zeroes in 32-bit arg
		{name: "BSRQ", argLength: 1, reg: gp11flags, asm: "BSRQ", typ: "(UInt64,Flags)"},        // # of high-order zeroes in 64-bit arg
		{name: "BSRL", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BSRL", typ: "UInt32", clobberFlags: true}, // # of high-order zeroes in 32-bit arg

		// CMOV instructions: 64, 32 and 16-bit sizes.
		// if arg2 encodes a true result, return arg1, else arg0
		{name: "CMOVQEQ", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQEQ", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVQNE", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQNE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVQLT", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQLT", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVQGT", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQGT", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVQLE", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQLE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVQGE", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQGE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVQLS", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQLS", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVQHI", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQHI", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVQCC", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQCC", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVQCS", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQCS", resultInArg0: true},

		{name: "CMOVLEQ", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLEQ", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLNE", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLNE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLLT", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLLT", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLGT", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLGT", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLLE", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLLE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLGE", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLGE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLLS", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLLS", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLHI", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLHI", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLCC", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLCC", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLCS", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLCS", resultInArg0: true},

		{name: "CMOVWEQ", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWEQ", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWNE", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWNE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWLT", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWLT", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWGT", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWGT", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWLE", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWLE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWGE", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWGE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWLS", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWLS", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWHI", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWHI", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWCC", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWCC", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWCS", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWCS", resultInArg0: true},

		// CMOV with floating point instructions. We need separate pseudo-op to handle
		// InvertFlags correctly, and to generate special code that handles NaN (unordered flag).
		// NOTE: the fact that CMOV*EQF here is marked to generate CMOV*NE is not a bug. See
		// code generation in amd64/ssa.go.
		{name: "CMOVQEQF", argLength: 3, reg: gp21pax, asm: "CMOVQNE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVQNEF", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQNE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVQGTF", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQHI", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVQGEF", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVQCC", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLEQF", argLength: 3, reg: gp21pax, asm: "CMOVLNE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLNEF", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLNE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLGTF", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLHI", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVLGEF", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVLCC", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWEQF", argLength: 3, reg: gp21pax, asm: "CMOVWNE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWNEF", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWNE", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWGTF", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWHI", resultInArg0: true},
		{name: "CMOVWGEF", argLength: 3, reg: gp21, asm: "CMOVWCC", resultInArg0: true},

		{name: "BSWAPQ", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BSWAPQ", resultInArg0: true}, // arg0 swap bytes
		{name: "BSWAPL", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BSWAPL", resultInArg0: true}, // arg0 swap bytes

		// POPCNT instructions aren't guaranteed to be on the target platform (they are SSE4).
		// Any use must be preceded by a successful check of runtime.x86HasPOPCNT.
		{name: "POPCNTQ", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "POPCNTQ", clobberFlags: true}, // count number of set bits in arg0
		{name: "POPCNTL", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "POPCNTL", clobberFlags: true}, // count number of set bits in arg0

		{name: "SQRTSD", argLength: 1, reg: fp11, asm: "SQRTSD"}, // sqrt(arg0)
		{name: "SQRTSS", argLength: 1, reg: fp11, asm: "SQRTSS"}, // sqrt(arg0), float32

		// ROUNDSD instruction isn't guaranteed to be on the target platform (it is SSE4.1)
		// Any use must be preceded by a successful check of runtime.x86HasSSE41.
		{name: "ROUNDSD", argLength: 1, reg: fp11, aux: "Int8", asm: "ROUNDSD"}, // rounds arg0 depending on auxint, 1 means math.Floor, 2 Ceil, 3 Trunc

		// VFMADD231SD only exists on platforms with the FMA3 instruction set.
		// Any use must be preceded by a successful check of runtime.support_fma.
		{name: "VFMADD231SD", argLength: 3, reg: fp31, resultInArg0: true, asm: "VFMADD231SD"},

		{name: "SBBQcarrymask", argLength: 1, reg: flagsgp, asm: "SBBQ"}, // (int64)(-1) if carry is set, 0 if carry is clear.
		{name: "SBBLcarrymask", argLength: 1, reg: flagsgp, asm: "SBBL"}, // (int32)(-1) if carry is set, 0 if carry is clear.
		// Note: SBBW and SBBB are subsumed by SBBL

		{name: "SETEQ", argLength: 1, reg: readflags, asm: "SETEQ"}, // extract == condition from arg0
		{name: "SETNE", argLength: 1, reg: readflags, asm: "SETNE"}, // extract != condition from arg0
		{name: "SETL", argLength: 1, reg: readflags, asm: "SETLT"},  // extract signed < condition from arg0
		{name: "SETLE", argLength: 1, reg: readflags, asm: "SETLE"}, // extract signed <= condition from arg0
		{name: "SETG", argLength: 1, reg: readflags, asm: "SETGT"},  // extract signed > condition from arg0
		{name: "SETGE", argLength: 1, reg: readflags, asm: "SETGE"}, // extract signed >= condition from arg0
		{name: "SETB", argLength: 1, reg: readflags, asm: "SETCS"},  // extract unsigned < condition from arg0
		{name: "SETBE", argLength: 1, reg: readflags, asm: "SETLS"}, // extract unsigned <= condition from arg0
		{name: "SETA", argLength: 1, reg: readflags, asm: "SETHI"},  // extract unsigned > condition from arg0
		{name: "SETAE", argLength: 1, reg: readflags, asm: "SETCC"}, // extract unsigned >= condition from arg0
		{name: "SETO", argLength: 1, reg: readflags, asm: "SETOS"},  // extract if overflow flag is set from arg0
		// Variants that store result to memory
		{name: "SETEQstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "SETEQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"}, // extract == condition from arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux, arg2=mem
		{name: "SETNEstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "SETNE", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"}, // extract != condition from arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux, arg2=mem
		{name: "SETLstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "SETLT", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},  // extract signed < condition from arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux, arg2=mem
		{name: "SETLEstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "SETLE", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"}, // extract signed <= condition from arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux, arg2=mem
		{name: "SETGstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "SETGT", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},  // extract signed > condition from arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux, arg2=mem
		{name: "SETGEstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "SETGE", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"}, // extract signed >= condition from arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux, arg2=mem
		{name: "SETBstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "SETCS", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},  // extract unsigned < condition from arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux, arg2=mem
		{name: "SETBEstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "SETLS", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"}, // extract unsigned <= condition from arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux, arg2=mem
		{name: "SETAstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "SETHI", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},  // extract unsigned > condition from arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux, arg2=mem
		{name: "SETAEstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "SETCC", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"}, // extract unsigned >= condition from arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux, arg2=mem
		// Need different opcodes for floating point conditions because
		// any comparison involving a NaN is always FALSE and thus
		// the patterns for inverting conditions cannot be used.
		{name: "SETEQF", argLength: 1, reg: flagsgpax, asm: "SETEQ", clobberFlags: true}, // extract == condition from arg0
		{name: "SETNEF", argLength: 1, reg: flagsgpax, asm: "SETNE", clobberFlags: true}, // extract != condition from arg0
		{name: "SETORD", argLength: 1, reg: flagsgp, asm: "SETPC"},                       // extract "ordered" (No Nan present) condition from arg0
		{name: "SETNAN", argLength: 1, reg: flagsgp, asm: "SETPS"},                       // extract "unordered" (Nan present) condition from arg0

		{name: "SETGF", argLength: 1, reg: flagsgp, asm: "SETHI"},  // extract floating > condition from arg0
		{name: "SETGEF", argLength: 1, reg: flagsgp, asm: "SETCC"}, // extract floating >= condition from arg0

		{name: "MOVBQSX", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "MOVBQSX"}, // sign extend arg0 from int8 to int64
		{name: "MOVBQZX", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "MOVBLZX"}, // zero extend arg0 from int8 to int64
		{name: "MOVWQSX", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "MOVWQSX"}, // sign extend arg0 from int16 to int64
		{name: "MOVWQZX", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "MOVWLZX"}, // zero extend arg0 from int16 to int64
		{name: "MOVLQSX", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "MOVLQSX"}, // sign extend arg0 from int32 to int64
		{name: "MOVLQZX", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "MOVL"},    // zero extend arg0 from int32 to int64

		{name: "MOVLconst", reg: gp01, asm: "MOVL", typ: "UInt32", aux: "Int32", rematerializeable: true}, // 32 low bits of auxint
		{name: "MOVQconst", reg: gp01, asm: "MOVQ", typ: "UInt64", aux: "Int64", rematerializeable: true}, // auxint

		{name: "CVTTSD2SL", argLength: 1, reg: fpgp, asm: "CVTTSD2SL"}, // convert float64 to int32
		{name: "CVTTSD2SQ", argLength: 1, reg: fpgp, asm: "CVTTSD2SQ"}, // convert float64 to int64
		{name: "CVTTSS2SL", argLength: 1, reg: fpgp, asm: "CVTTSS2SL"}, // convert float32 to int32
		{name: "CVTTSS2SQ", argLength: 1, reg: fpgp, asm: "CVTTSS2SQ"}, // convert float32 to int64
		{name: "CVTSL2SS", argLength: 1, reg: gpfp, asm: "CVTSL2SS"},   // convert int32 to float32
		{name: "CVTSL2SD", argLength: 1, reg: gpfp, asm: "CVTSL2SD"},   // convert int32 to float64
		{name: "CVTSQ2SS", argLength: 1, reg: gpfp, asm: "CVTSQ2SS"},   // convert int64 to float32
		{name: "CVTSQ2SD", argLength: 1, reg: gpfp, asm: "CVTSQ2SD"},   // convert int64 to float64
		{name: "CVTSD2SS", argLength: 1, reg: fp11, asm: "CVTSD2SS"},   // convert float64 to float32
		{name: "CVTSS2SD", argLength: 1, reg: fp11, asm: "CVTSS2SD"},   // convert float32 to float64

		// Move values between int and float registers, with no conversion.
		// TODO: should we have generic versions of these?
		{name: "MOVQi2f", argLength: 1, reg: gpfp, typ: "Float64"}, // move 64 bits from int to float reg
		{name: "MOVQf2i", argLength: 1, reg: fpgp, typ: "UInt64"},  // move 64 bits from float to int reg
		{name: "MOVLi2f", argLength: 1, reg: gpfp, typ: "Float32"}, // move 32 bits from int to float reg
		{name: "MOVLf2i", argLength: 1, reg: fpgp, typ: "UInt32"},  // move 32 bits from float to int reg, zero extend

		{name: "PXOR", argLength: 2, reg: fp21, asm: "PXOR", commutative: true, resultInArg0: true}, // exclusive or, applied to X regs for float negation.

		{name: "LEAQ", argLength: 1, reg: gp11sb, asm: "LEAQ", aux: "SymOff", rematerializeable: true, symEffect: "Addr"},      // arg0 + auxint + offset encoded in aux
		{name: "LEAL", argLength: 1, reg: gp11sb, asm: "LEAL", aux: "SymOff", rematerializeable: true, symEffect: "Addr"},      // arg0 + auxint + offset encoded in aux
		{name: "LEAW", argLength: 1, reg: gp11sb, asm: "LEAW", aux: "SymOff", rematerializeable: true, symEffect: "Addr"},      // arg0 + auxint + offset encoded in aux
		{name: "LEAQ1", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sb, asm: "LEAQ", scale: 1, commutative: true, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Addr"}, // arg0 + arg1 + auxint + aux
		{name: "LEAL1", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sb, asm: "LEAL", scale: 1, commutative: true, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Addr"}, // arg0 + arg1 + auxint + aux
		{name: "LEAW1", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sb, asm: "LEAW", scale: 1, commutative: true, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Addr"}, // arg0 + arg1 + auxint + aux
		{name: "LEAQ2", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sb, asm: "LEAQ", scale: 2, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Addr"},                    // arg0 + 2*arg1 + auxint + aux
		{name: "LEAL2", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sb, asm: "LEAL", scale: 2, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Addr"},                    // arg0 + 2*arg1 + auxint + aux
		{name: "LEAW2", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sb, asm: "LEAW", scale: 2, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Addr"},                    // arg0 + 2*arg1 + auxint + aux
		{name: "LEAQ4", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sb, asm: "LEAQ", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Addr"},                    // arg0 + 4*arg1 + auxint + aux
		{name: "LEAL4", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sb, asm: "LEAL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Addr"},                    // arg0 + 4*arg1 + auxint + aux
		{name: "LEAW4", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sb, asm: "LEAW", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Addr"},                    // arg0 + 4*arg1 + auxint + aux
		{name: "LEAQ8", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sb, asm: "LEAQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Addr"},                    // arg0 + 8*arg1 + auxint + aux
		{name: "LEAL8", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sb, asm: "LEAL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Addr"},                    // arg0 + 8*arg1 + auxint + aux
		{name: "LEAW8", argLength: 2, reg: gp21sb, asm: "LEAW", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Addr"},                    // arg0 + 8*arg1 + auxint + aux
		// Note: LEAx{1,2,4,8} must not have OpSB as either argument.

		// auxint+aux == add auxint and the offset of the symbol in aux (if any) to the effective address
		{name: "MOVBload", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, asm: "MOVBLZX", aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt8", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"},  // load byte from arg0+auxint+aux. arg1=mem.  Zero extend.
		{name: "MOVBQSXload", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, asm: "MOVBQSX", aux: "SymOff", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"},             // ditto, sign extend to int64
		{name: "MOVWload", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, asm: "MOVWLZX", aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt16", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // load 2 bytes from arg0+auxint+aux. arg1=mem.  Zero extend.
		{name: "MOVWQSXload", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, asm: "MOVWQSX", aux: "SymOff", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"},             // ditto, sign extend to int64
		{name: "MOVLload", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, asm: "MOVL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"},    // load 4 bytes from arg0+auxint+aux. arg1=mem.  Zero extend.
		{name: "MOVLQSXload", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, asm: "MOVLQSX", aux: "SymOff", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"},             // ditto, sign extend to int64
		{name: "MOVQload", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, asm: "MOVQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt64", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"},    // load 8 bytes from arg0+auxint+aux. arg1=mem
		{name: "MOVBstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "MOVB", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},    // store byte in arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVWstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "MOVW", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},    // store 2 bytes in arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVLstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "MOVL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},    // store 4 bytes in arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVQstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "MOVQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},    // store 8 bytes in arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVOload", argLength: 2, reg: fpload, asm: "MOVUPS", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Int128", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"},  // load 16 bytes from arg0+auxint+aux. arg1=mem
		{name: "MOVOstore", argLength: 3, reg: fpstore, asm: "MOVUPS", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},  // store 16 bytes in arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux. arg2=mem

		// indexed loads/stores
		{name: "MOVBloadidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVBLZX", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt8", symEffect: "Read"},  // load a byte from arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVWloadidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVWLZX", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt16", symEffect: "Read"}, // load 2 bytes from arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVWloadidx2", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, asm: "MOVWLZX", scale: 2, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt16", symEffect: "Read"},                    // load 2 bytes from arg0+2*arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVLloadidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt32", symEffect: "Read"},    // load 4 bytes from arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVLloadidx4", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, asm: "MOVL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt32", symEffect: "Read"},                       // load 4 bytes from arg0+4*arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVLloadidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, asm: "MOVL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt32", symEffect: "Read"},                       // load 4 bytes from arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVQloadidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt64", symEffect: "Read"},    // load 8 bytes from arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVQloadidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, asm: "MOVQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt64", symEffect: "Read"},                       // load 8 bytes from arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		// TODO: sign-extending indexed loads
		{name: "MOVBstoreidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVB", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"}, // store byte in arg2 to arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVWstoreidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVW", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"}, // store 2 bytes in arg2 to arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVWstoreidx2", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "MOVW", scale: 2, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"},                    // store 2 bytes in arg2 to arg0+2*arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVLstoreidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"}, // store 4 bytes in arg2 to arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVLstoreidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "MOVL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"},                    // store 4 bytes in arg2 to arg0+4*arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVLstoreidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "MOVL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"},                    // store 4 bytes in arg2 to arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVQstoreidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"}, // store 8 bytes in arg2 to arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVQstoreidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "MOVQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"},                    // store 8 bytes in arg2 to arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		// TODO: add size-mismatched indexed loads, like MOVBstoreidx4.

		// For storeconst ops, the AuxInt field encodes both
		// the value to store and an address offset of the store.
		// Cast AuxInt to a ValAndOff to extract Val and Off fields.
		{name: "MOVBstoreconst", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "MOVB", aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},   // store low byte of ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val() to arg0+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux.  arg1=mem
		{name: "MOVWstoreconst", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "MOVW", aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},   // store low 2 bytes of ...
		{name: "MOVLstoreconst", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "MOVL", aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},   // store low 4 bytes of ...
		{name: "MOVQstoreconst", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "MOVQ", aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"},   // store 8 bytes of ...
		{name: "MOVOstoreconst", argLength: 2, reg: gpstoreconst, asm: "MOVUPS", aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"}, // store 16 bytes of ...

		{name: "MOVBstoreconstidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVB", scale: 1, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", symEffect: "Write"}, // store low byte of ValAndOff(AuxInt).Val() to arg0+1*arg1+ValAndOff(AuxInt).Off()+aux.  arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVWstoreconstidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVW", scale: 1, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", symEffect: "Write"}, // store low 2 bytes of ... arg1 ...
		{name: "MOVWstoreconstidx2", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "MOVW", scale: 2, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", symEffect: "Write"},                    // store low 2 bytes of ... 2*arg1 ...
		{name: "MOVLstoreconstidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVL", scale: 1, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", symEffect: "Write"}, // store low 4 bytes of ... arg1 ...
		{name: "MOVLstoreconstidx4", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "MOVL", scale: 4, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", symEffect: "Write"},                    // store low 4 bytes of ... 4*arg1 ...
		{name: "MOVQstoreconstidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", symEffect: "Write"}, // store 8 bytes of ... arg1 ...
		{name: "MOVQstoreconstidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gpstoreconstidx, asm: "MOVQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymValAndOff", typ: "Mem", symEffect: "Write"},                    // store 8 bytes of ... 8*arg1 ...

		// arg0 = pointer to start of memory to zero
		// arg1 = mem
		// auxint = # of bytes to zero
		// returns mem
			name:      "DUFFZERO",
			aux:       "Int64",
			argLength: 2,
			reg: regInfo{
				inputs:   []regMask{buildReg("DI")},
				clobbers: buildReg("DI"),
			faultOnNilArg0: true,
			unsafePoint:    true, // FP maintenance around DUFFCOPY can be clobbered by interrupts

		// arg0 = address of memory to zero
		// arg1 = # of 8-byte words to zero
		// arg2 = value to store (will always be zero)
		// arg3 = mem
		// returns mem
			name:      "REPSTOSQ",
			argLength: 4,
			reg: regInfo{
				inputs:   []regMask{buildReg("DI"), buildReg("CX"), buildReg("AX")},
				clobbers: buildReg("DI CX"),
			faultOnNilArg0: true,

		// With a register ABI, the actual register info for these instructions (i.e., what is used in regalloc) is augmented with per-call-site bindings of additional arguments to specific in and out registers.
		{name: "CALLstatic", argLength: -1, reg: regInfo{clobbers: callerSave}, aux: "CallOff", clobberFlags: true, call: true},                                              // call static function aux.(*obj.LSym).  last arg=mem, auxint=argsize, returns mem
		{name: "CALLtail", argLength: -1, reg: regInfo{clobbers: callerSave}, aux: "CallOff", clobberFlags: true, call: true, tailCall: true},                                // tail call static function aux.(*obj.LSym).  last arg=mem, auxint=argsize, returns mem
		{name: "CALLclosure", argLength: -1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpsp, buildReg("DX"), 0}, clobbers: callerSave}, aux: "CallOff", clobberFlags: true, call: true}, // call function via closure.  arg0=codeptr, arg1=closure, last arg=mem, auxint=argsize, returns mem
		{name: "CALLinter", argLength: -1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp}, clobbers: callerSave}, aux: "CallOff", clobberFlags: true, call: true},                        // call fn by pointer.  arg0=codeptr, last arg=mem, auxint=argsize, returns mem

		// arg0 = destination pointer
		// arg1 = source pointer
		// arg2 = mem
		// auxint = # of bytes to copy, must be multiple of 16
		// returns memory
			name:      "DUFFCOPY",
			aux:       "Int64",
			argLength: 3,
			reg: regInfo{
				inputs:   []regMask{buildReg("DI"), buildReg("SI")},
				clobbers: buildReg("DI SI X0"), // uses X0 as a temporary
			clobberFlags:   true,
			faultOnNilArg0: true,
			faultOnNilArg1: true,
			unsafePoint:    true, // FP maintenance around DUFFCOPY can be clobbered by interrupts

		// arg0 = destination pointer
		// arg1 = source pointer
		// arg2 = # of 8-byte words to copy
		// arg3 = mem
		// returns memory
			name:      "REPMOVSQ",
			argLength: 4,
			reg: regInfo{
				inputs:   []regMask{buildReg("DI"), buildReg("SI"), buildReg("CX")},
				clobbers: buildReg("DI SI CX"),
			faultOnNilArg0: true,
			faultOnNilArg1: true,

		// (InvertFlags (CMPQ a b)) == (CMPQ b a)
		// So if we want (SETL (CMPQ a b)) but we can't do that because a is a constant,
		// then we do (SETL (InvertFlags (CMPQ b a))) instead.
		// Rewrites will convert this to (SETG (CMPQ b a)).
		// InvertFlags is a pseudo-op which can't appear in assembly output.
		{name: "InvertFlags", argLength: 1}, // reverse direction of arg0

		// Pseudo-ops
		{name: "LoweredGetG", argLength: 1, reg: gp01}, // arg0=mem
		// Scheduler ensures LoweredGetClosurePtr occurs only in entry block,
		// and sorts it to the very beginning of the block to prevent other
		// use of DX (the closure pointer)
		{name: "LoweredGetClosurePtr", reg: regInfo{outputs: []regMask{buildReg("DX")}}, zeroWidth: true},
		// LoweredGetCallerPC evaluates to the PC to which its "caller" will return.
		// I.e., if f calls g "calls" getcallerpc,
		// the result should be the PC within f that g will return to.
		// See runtime/stubs.go for a more detailed discussion.
		{name: "LoweredGetCallerPC", reg: gp01, rematerializeable: true},
		// LoweredGetCallerSP returns the SP of the caller of the current function.
		{name: "LoweredGetCallerSP", reg: gp01, rematerializeable: true},
		//arg0=ptr,arg1=mem, returns void.  Faults if ptr is nil.
		{name: "LoweredNilCheck", argLength: 2, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gpsp}}, clobberFlags: true, nilCheck: true, faultOnNilArg0: true},
		// LoweredWB invokes runtime.gcWriteBarrier. arg0=destptr, arg1=srcptr, arg2=mem, aux=runtime.gcWriteBarrier
		// It saves all GP registers if necessary, but may clobber others.
		{name: "LoweredWB", argLength: 3, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{buildReg("DI"), buildReg("AX CX DX BX BP SI R8 R9")}, clobbers: callerSave &^ (gp | g)}, clobberFlags: true, aux: "Sym", symEffect: "None"},

		{name: "LoweredHasCPUFeature", argLength: 0, reg: gp01, rematerializeable: true, typ: "UInt64", aux: "Sym", symEffect: "None"},

		// There are three of these functions so that they can have three different register inputs.
		// When we check 0 <= c <= cap (A), then 0 <= b <= c (B), then 0 <= a <= b (C), we want the
		// default registers to match so we don't need to copy registers around unnecessarily.
		{name: "LoweredPanicBoundsA", argLength: 3, aux: "Int64", reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{dx, bx}}, typ: "Mem", call: true}, // arg0=idx, arg1=len, arg2=mem, returns memory. AuxInt contains report code (see PanicBounds in generic.go).
		{name: "LoweredPanicBoundsB", argLength: 3, aux: "Int64", reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{cx, dx}}, typ: "Mem", call: true}, // arg0=idx, arg1=len, arg2=mem, returns memory. AuxInt contains report code (see PanicBounds in generic.go).
		{name: "LoweredPanicBoundsC", argLength: 3, aux: "Int64", reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{ax, cx}}, typ: "Mem", call: true}, // arg0=idx, arg1=len, arg2=mem, returns memory. AuxInt contains report code (see PanicBounds in generic.go).

		// Constant flag values. For any comparison, there are 5 possible
		// outcomes: the three from the signed total order (<,==,>) and the
		// three from the unsigned total order. The == cases overlap.
		// Note: there's a sixth "unordered" outcome for floating-point
		// comparisons, but we don't use such a beast yet.
		// These ops are for temporary use by rewrite rules. They
		// cannot appear in the generated assembly.
		{name: "FlagEQ"},     // equal
		{name: "FlagLT_ULT"}, // signed < and unsigned <
		{name: "FlagLT_UGT"}, // signed < and unsigned >
		{name: "FlagGT_UGT"}, // signed > and unsigned >
		{name: "FlagGT_ULT"}, // signed > and unsigned <

		// Atomic loads.  These are just normal loads but return <value,memory> tuples
		// so they can be properly ordered with other loads.
		// load from arg0+auxint+aux.  arg1=mem.
		{name: "MOVBatomicload", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, asm: "MOVB", aux: "SymOff", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "MOVLatomicload", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, asm: "MOVL", aux: "SymOff", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"},
		{name: "MOVQatomicload", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, asm: "MOVQ", aux: "SymOff", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"},

		// Atomic stores and exchanges.  Stores use XCHG to get the right memory ordering semantics.
		// store arg0 to arg1+auxint+aux, arg2=mem.
		// These ops return a tuple of <old contents of *(arg1+auxint+aux), memory>.
		// Note: arg0 and arg1 are backwards compared to MOVLstore (to facilitate resultInArg0)!
		{name: "XCHGB", argLength: 3, reg: gpstorexchg, asm: "XCHGB", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, hasSideEffects: true, symEffect: "RdWr"},
		{name: "XCHGL", argLength: 3, reg: gpstorexchg, asm: "XCHGL", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, hasSideEffects: true, symEffect: "RdWr"},
		{name: "XCHGQ", argLength: 3, reg: gpstorexchg, asm: "XCHGQ", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, hasSideEffects: true, symEffect: "RdWr"},

		// Atomic adds.
		// *(arg1+auxint+aux) += arg0.  arg2=mem.
		// Returns a tuple of <old contents of *(arg1+auxint+aux), memory>.
		// Note: arg0 and arg1 are backwards compared to MOVLstore (to facilitate resultInArg0)!
		{name: "XADDLlock", argLength: 3, reg: gpstorexchg, asm: "XADDL", typ: "(UInt32,Mem)", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, hasSideEffects: true, symEffect: "RdWr"},
		{name: "XADDQlock", argLength: 3, reg: gpstorexchg, asm: "XADDQ", typ: "(UInt64,Mem)", aux: "SymOff", resultInArg0: true, clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg1: true, hasSideEffects: true, symEffect: "RdWr"},
		{name: "AddTupleFirst32", argLength: 2}, // arg1=tuple <x,y>.  Returns <x+arg0,y>.
		{name: "AddTupleFirst64", argLength: 2}, // arg1=tuple <x,y>.  Returns <x+arg0,y>.

		// Compare and swap.
		// arg0 = pointer, arg1 = old value, arg2 = new value, arg3 = memory.
		// if *(arg0+auxint+aux) == arg1 {
		//   *(arg0+auxint+aux) = arg2
		//   return (true, memory)
		// } else {
		//   return (false, memory)
		// }
		// Note that these instructions also return the old value in AX, but we ignore it.
		// TODO: have these return flags instead of bool.  The current system generates:
		//    CMPXCHGQ ...
		//    SETEQ AX
		//    CMPB  AX, $0
		//    JNE ...
		// instead of just
		//    CMPXCHGQ ...
		//    JEQ ...
		// but we can't do that because memory-using ops can't generate flags yet
		// (flagalloc wants to move flag-generating instructions around).
		{name: "CMPXCHGLlock", argLength: 4, reg: cmpxchg, asm: "CMPXCHGL", aux: "SymOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, hasSideEffects: true, symEffect: "RdWr"},
		{name: "CMPXCHGQlock", argLength: 4, reg: cmpxchg, asm: "CMPXCHGQ", aux: "SymOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, hasSideEffects: true, symEffect: "RdWr"},

		// Atomic memory updates.
		{name: "ANDBlock", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "ANDB", aux: "SymOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, hasSideEffects: true, symEffect: "RdWr"}, // *(arg0+auxint+aux) &= arg1
		{name: "ANDLlock", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "ANDL", aux: "SymOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, hasSideEffects: true, symEffect: "RdWr"}, // *(arg0+auxint+aux) &= arg1
		{name: "ORBlock", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "ORB", aux: "SymOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, hasSideEffects: true, symEffect: "RdWr"},   // *(arg0+auxint+aux) |= arg1
		{name: "ORLlock", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "ORL", aux: "SymOff", clobberFlags: true, faultOnNilArg0: true, hasSideEffects: true, symEffect: "RdWr"},   // *(arg0+auxint+aux) |= arg1

		// Prefetch instructions
		// Do prefetch arg0 address. arg0=addr, arg1=memory. Instruction variant selects locality hint
		{name: "PrefetchT0", argLength: 2, reg: prefreg, asm: "PREFETCHT0", hasSideEffects: true},
		{name: "PrefetchNTA", argLength: 2, reg: prefreg, asm: "PREFETCHNTA", hasSideEffects: true},

		// CPUID feature: BMI1.
		{name: "ANDNQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "ANDNQ", clobberFlags: true},     // arg0 &^ arg1
		{name: "ANDNL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "ANDNL", clobberFlags: true},     // arg0 &^ arg1
		{name: "BLSIQ", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BLSIQ", clobberFlags: true},     // arg0 & -arg0
		{name: "BLSIL", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BLSIL", clobberFlags: true},     // arg0 & -arg0
		{name: "BLSMSKQ", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BLSMSKQ", clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 ^ (arg0 - 1)
		{name: "BLSMSKL", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BLSMSKL", clobberFlags: true}, // arg0 ^ (arg0 - 1)
		{name: "BLSRQ", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BLSRQ", clobberFlags: true},     // arg0 & (arg0 - 1)
		{name: "BLSRL", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "BLSRL", clobberFlags: true},     // arg0 & (arg0 - 1)
		// count the number of trailing zero bits, prefer TZCNTQ over BSFQ, as TZCNTQ(0)==64
		// and BSFQ(0) is undefined. Same for TZCNTL(0)==32
		{name: "TZCNTQ", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "TZCNTQ", clobberFlags: true},
		{name: "TZCNTL", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "TZCNTL", clobberFlags: true},

		// CPUID feature: LZCNT.
		// count the number of leading zero bits.
		{name: "LZCNTQ", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "LZCNTQ", typ: "UInt64", clobberFlags: true},
		{name: "LZCNTL", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "LZCNTL", typ: "UInt32", clobberFlags: true},

		// CPUID feature: MOVBE
		// MOVBEWload does not satisfy zero extended, so only use MOVBEWstore
		{name: "MOVBEWstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "MOVBEW", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"}, // swap and store 2 bytes in arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVBELload", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, asm: "MOVBEL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // load and swap 4 bytes from arg0+auxint+aux. arg1=mem.  Zero extend.
		{name: "MOVBELstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "MOVBEL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"}, // swap and store 4 bytes in arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVBEQload", argLength: 2, reg: gpload, asm: "MOVBEQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt64", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // load and swap 8 bytes from arg0+auxint+aux. arg1=mem
		{name: "MOVBEQstore", argLength: 3, reg: gpstore, asm: "MOVBEQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Mem", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Write"}, // swap and store 8 bytes in arg1 to arg0+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		// indexed MOVBE loads
		{name: "MOVBELloadidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVBEL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt32", symEffect: "Read"}, // load and swap 4 bytes from arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem. Zero extend.
		{name: "MOVBELloadidx4", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, asm: "MOVBEL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt32", symEffect: "Read"},                    // load and swap 4 bytes from arg0+4*arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem. Zero extend.
		{name: "MOVBELloadidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, asm: "MOVBEL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt32", symEffect: "Read"},                    // load and swap 4 bytes from arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem. Zero extend.
		{name: "MOVBEQloadidx1", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVBEQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt64", symEffect: "Read"}, // load and swap 8 bytes from arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		{name: "MOVBEQloadidx8", argLength: 3, reg: gploadidx, asm: "MOVBEQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "UInt64", symEffect: "Read"},                    // load and swap 8 bytes from arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux. arg2=mem
		// indexed MOVBE stores
		{name: "MOVBEWstoreidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVBEW", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"}, // swap and store 2 bytes in arg2 to arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVBEWstoreidx2", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "MOVBEW", scale: 2, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"},                    // swap and store 2 bytes in arg2 to arg0+2*arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVBELstoreidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVBEL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"}, // swap and store 4 bytes in arg2 to arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVBELstoreidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "MOVBEL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"},                    // swap and store 4 bytes in arg2 to arg0+4*arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVBELstoreidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "MOVBEL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"},                    // swap and store 4 bytes in arg2 to arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVBEQstoreidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, commutative: true, asm: "MOVBEQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"}, // swap and store 8 bytes in arg2 to arg0+arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem
		{name: "MOVBEQstoreidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gpstoreidx, asm: "MOVBEQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", symEffect: "Write"},                    // swap and store 8 bytes in arg2 to arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux. arg3=mem

		// CPUID feature: BMI2.
		{name: "SARXQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "SARXQ"}, // signed arg0 >> arg1, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SARXL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "SARXL"}, // signed int32(arg0) >> arg1, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHLXQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "SHLXQ"}, // arg0 << arg1, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SHLXL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "SHLXL"}, // arg0 << arg1, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHRXQ", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "SHRXQ"}, // unsigned arg0 >> arg1, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SHRXL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "SHRXL"}, // unsigned uint32(arg0) >> arg1, shift amount is mod 32

		{name: "SARXLload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21shxload, asm: "SARXL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // signed *(arg0+auxint+aux) >> arg1, arg2=mem, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SARXQload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21shxload, asm: "SARXQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint64", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // signed *(arg0+auxint+aux) >> arg1, arg2=mem, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SHLXLload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21shxload, asm: "SHLXL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // *(arg0+auxint+aux) << arg1, arg2=mem, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHLXQload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21shxload, asm: "SHLXQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint64", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // *(arg0+auxint+aux) << arg1, arg2=mem, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SHRXLload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21shxload, asm: "SHRXL", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // unsigned *(arg0+auxint+aux) >> arg1, arg2=mem, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHRXQload", argLength: 3, reg: gp21shxload, asm: "SHRXQ", aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint64", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // unsigned *(arg0+auxint+aux) >> arg1, arg2=mem, shift amount is mod 64

		{name: "SARXLloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SARXL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // signed *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) >> arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SARXLloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SARXL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // signed *(arg0+4*arg1+auxint+aux) >> arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SARXLloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SARXL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // signed *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) >> arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SARXQloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SARXQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint64", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // signed *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) >> arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SARXQloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SARXQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint64", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // signed *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) >> arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SHLXLloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SHLXL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) << arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHLXLloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SHLXL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // *(arg0+4*arg1+auxint+aux) << arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHLXLloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SHLXL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) << arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHLXQloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SHLXQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint64", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) << arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SHLXQloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SHLXQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint64", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) << arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SHRXLloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SHRXL", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // unsigned *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) >> arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHRXLloadidx4", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SHRXL", scale: 4, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // unsigned *(arg0+4*arg1+auxint+aux) >> arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHRXLloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SHRXL", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint32", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // unsigned *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) >> arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 32
		{name: "SHRXQloadidx1", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SHRXQ", scale: 1, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint64", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // unsigned *(arg0+1*arg1+auxint+aux) >> arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 64
		{name: "SHRXQloadidx8", argLength: 4, reg: gp21shxloadidx, asm: "SHRXQ", scale: 8, aux: "SymOff", typ: "Uint64", faultOnNilArg0: true, symEffect: "Read"}, // unsigned *(arg0+8*arg1+auxint+aux) >> arg2, arg3=mem, shift amount is mod 64

	var AMD64blocks = []blockData{
		{name: "EQ", controls: 1},
		{name: "NE", controls: 1},
		{name: "LT", controls: 1},
		{name: "LE", controls: 1},
		{name: "GT", controls: 1},
		{name: "GE", controls: 1},
		{name: "OS", controls: 1},
		{name: "OC", controls: 1},
		{name: "ULT", controls: 1},
		{name: "ULE", controls: 1},
		{name: "UGT", controls: 1},
		{name: "UGE", controls: 1},
		{name: "EQF", controls: 1},
		{name: "NEF", controls: 1},
		{name: "ORD", controls: 1}, // FP, ordered comparison (parity zero)
		{name: "NAN", controls: 1}, // FP, unordered comparison (parity one)

		// JUMPTABLE implements jump tables.
		// Aux is the symbol (an *obj.LSym) for the jump table.
		// control[0] is the index into the jump table.
		// control[1] is the address of the jump table (the address of the symbol stored in Aux).
		{name: "JUMPTABLE", controls: 2, aux: "Sym"},

	archs = append(archs, arch{
		name:               "AMD64",
		pkg:                "cmd/internal/obj/x86",
		genfile:            "../../amd64/ssa.go",
		ops:                AMD64ops,
		blocks:             AMD64blocks,
		regnames:           regNamesAMD64,
		ParamIntRegNames:   "AX BX CX DI SI R8 R9 R10 R11",
		ParamFloatRegNames: "X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14",
		gpregmask:          gp,
		fpregmask:          fp,
		specialregmask:     x15,
		framepointerreg:    int8(num["BP"]),
		linkreg:            -1, // not used


go 源码目录


go 386Ops 源码

go ARM64Ops 源码

go ARMOps 源码

go LOONG64Ops 源码

go MIPS64Ops 源码

go MIPSOps 源码

go PPC64Ops 源码

go RISCV64Ops 源码

go S390XOps 源码

go WasmOps 源码

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