harmony 鸿蒙JS API Differences

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (574)

JS API Differences

This document describes the changes of APIs in OpenHarmony 3.1 Beta when compared with OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS.

Standard System API Changes

Module API Change Type Change Description
System Application - settings getUri(name: string): string Added Added the API for obtaining the URI of a string.
System Application - settings getValue(dataAbilityHelper: DataAbilityHelper, name: string, defValue: string): string Added Added the API for obtaining the value of a string in the database.
System Application - settings setValue(dataAbilityHelper: DataAbilityHelper, name: string, value: string): boolean Added Added the API for saving a string name and its value in the database.
Misc Services - systemTime getCurrentTime(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void Added Added the API for obtaining the number of milliseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch.
Misc Services - systemTime getCurrentTime(): Promise<number> Added Added the API for obtaining the number of milliseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch.
Misc Services - systemTime getCurrentTimeNs(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void Added Added the API for obtaining the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch.
Misc Services - systemTime getCurrentTimeNs(): Promise<number> Added Added the API for obtaining the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the Unix epoch.
Misc Services - systemTime getRealActiveTime(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void Added Added the API for obtaining the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system boot, excluding the deep sleep time.
Misc Services - systemTime getRealActiveTime(): Promise<number> Added Added the API for obtaining the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system boot, excluding the deep sleep time.
Misc Services - systemTime getRealActiveTimeNs(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void Added Added the API for obtaining the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the system boot, excluding the deep sleep time.
Misc Services - systemTime getRealActiveTimeNs(): Promise<number> Added Added the API for obtaining the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the system boot, excluding the deep sleep time.
Misc Services - systemTime getRealTime(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void Added Added the API for obtaining the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system boot, including the deep sleep time.
Misc Services - systemTime getRealTime(): Promise<number> Added Added the API for obtaining the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system boot, including the deep sleep time.
Misc Services - systemTime getRealTimeNs(callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void Added Added the API for obtaining the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the system boot, including the deep sleep time.
Misc Services - systemTime getRealTimeNs(): Promise<number> Added Added the API for obtaining the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the system boot, including the deep sleep time.
Misc Services - systemTime getDate(callback: AsyncCallback<Date>): void Added Added the API for obtaining the current time.
Misc Services - systemTime getDate(): Promise<Date> Added Added the API for obtaining the current time.
Misc Services - systemTime getTimeZone(callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void Added Added the API for obtaining the system time zone.
Misc Services - systemTime getTimeZone(): Promise<string> Added Added the API for obtaining the system time zone.
ArkUI Framework - Universal Events onAreaChange Added Added the event indicating component area (including the size and position) changes.
ArkUI Framework - Universal Attributes responseRegion Added Added the attribute for touch hotspot settings.
ArkUI Framework - Universal Attributes touchable Added Added the attribute that specifies whether a component is touchable.
ArkUI Framework - Universal Attributes stateStyle Added Added the attribute that specifies the styles of the pressed and disabled states of a component.
ArkUI Framework - Basic Gestures SwipeGesture Added Added the SwipeGesture module.
ArkUI Framework - Basic Components Marquee Added Added the <Marquee> component.
ArkUI Framework - Basic Components PluginComponent Added Added the <PluginComponent> component.
ArkUI Framework - Basic Components TextArea Added Added the <TextArea> component.
ArkUI Framework - Basic Components TextInput Added Added the <TextInput> component.
ArkUI Framework - Basic Components Toggle Added Added the <Toggle> component.
ArkUI Framework - Container Components ScrollBar Added Added the <ScrollBar> component.
ArkUI Framework - Container Components Navigation Added Added the <Navigation> component.
ArkUI Framework - Container Components Stepper Added Added the <Stepper> component.
ArkUI Framework - Container Components StepperItem Added Added the <StepperItem> component.
ArkUI Framework - Canvas Components Canvas Added Added the <Canvas> component.
ArkUI Framework - Canvas Components Lottie Added Added the support for the Lottie library.
ArkUI Framework - Global UI Methods ActionSheet Added Added the support for the list selection dialog box.
USB Service - USB getDevices(): Array<Readonly<USBDevice>> Added Added the API for obtaining USB devices.
USB Service - USB connectDevice(device: USBDevice): Readonly<USBDevicePipe> Added Added the API for opening a USB device based on the device information returned by getDevices().
USB Service - USB hasRight(deviceName: string): boolean Added Added the API for checking whether the caller has the permission to access the USB device.
USB Service - USB requestRight(deviceName: string): Promise<boolean> Added Added the API for requesting the temporary permission for the caller to access the USB device.
USB Service - USB claimInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface, force?: boolean): number Added Added the API for claiming a USB interface.
USB Service - USB releaseInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number Added Added the API for releasing a USB interface.
USB Service - USB setConfiguration(pipe: USBDevicePipe, config: USBConfig): number Added Added the API for setting USB device configurations.
USB Service - USB setInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number Added Added the API for setting USB device interfaces.
USB Service - USB getRawDescriptor(pipe: USBDevicePipe): Uint8Array Added Added the API for obtaining the raw USB descriptor.
USB Service - USB getFileDescriptor(pipe: USBDevicePipe): number Added Added the API for obtaining the file descriptor.
USB Service - USB controlTransfer(pipe: USBDevicePipe, contrlparam: USBControlParams, timeout?: number): Promise<number> Added Added the API for control transfer.
USB Service - USB bulkTransfer(pipe: USBDevicePipe, endpoint: USBEndpoint, buffer: Uint8Array, timeout?: number): Promise<number> Added Added the API for bulk transfer.
USB Service - USB closePipe(pipe: USBDevicePipe): number Added Added the API for closing the USB device pipe.
Application Framework - bundle cleanBundleCacheFiles(bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
cleanBundleCacheFiles(bundleName: string): Promise<void>;
Added Added the APIs for clearing the cache of an application.
Application Framework - bundle setApplicationEnabled(bundleName: string, isEnable: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
setApplicationEnabled(bundleName: string, isEnable: boolean): Promise<void>;
Added Added the API for setting whether to enable an application.
Application Framework - bundle setAbilityEnabled(info: AbilityInfo, isEnable: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
setAbilityEnabled(info: AbilityInfo, isEnable: boolean): Promise<void>;
Added Added the API for setting whether to enable an ability.
Application Framework - bundle.innerBundleManager getLauncherAbilityInfos(bundleName: string, userId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<LauncherAbilityInfo>>) : void;
getLauncherAbilityInfos(bundleName: string, userId: number) : Promise<Array<LauncherAbilityInfo>>;
Added Added the API for obtaining the launcher ability information by bundleName.
Application Framework - bundle.innerBundleManager on(type:“BundleStatusChange”, bundleStatusCallback : BundleStatusCallback, callback: AsyncCallback<string>) : void;
on(type:“BundleStatusChange”, bundleStatusCallback : BundleStatusCallback): Proimise<string>;
Added Added the API for subscribing to bundle status changes.
Application Framework - bundle.innerBundleManager off(type:“BundleStatusChange”, callback: AsyncCallback<string>) : void;
off(type:“BundleStatusChange”): Proimise<string>;
Added Added the APIs for unsubscribing from bundle status changes.
Application Framework - bundle.innerBundleManager getAllLauncherAbilityInfos(userId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<LauncherAbilityInfo>>) : void;
getAllLauncherAbilityInfos(userId: number) : Promise<Array<LauncherAbilityInfo>>;
Added Added the APIs for obtaining the application abilities on all launchers by userId.
Application Framework - bundle.innerBundleManager getShortcutInfos(bundleName :string, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<ShortcutInfo>>) : void;
getShortcutInfos(bundleName : string) : Promise<Array<ShortcutInfo>>;
Added Added the API for obtaining the application shortcut information by bundleName.
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel writeNoException(): void Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel readException(): void Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel writeRemoteObjectArray(objectArray: IRemoteObject[]): boolean Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel readSequenceableArray(sequenceableArray Sequenceable[]): void Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel readRemoteObjectArray(objects: IRemoteObject[]): void Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel readRemoteObjectArray(): IRemoteObject[] Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel static closeFileDescriptor(fd: number): void Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel static dupFileDescriptor(fd: number) :number Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel containFileDescriptors(): boolean Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel writeFileDescriptor(fd: number): boolean Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel readFileDescriptor(): number Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel writeAshmem(ashmem: Ashmem): boolean Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel readAshmem(): Ashmem Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel getRawDataCapacity(): number Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel writeRawData(rawData: number[], size: number): boolean Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageParcel readRawData(size: number): number[] Added -
DSoftBus - rpc interface SendRequestResult {
errCode: number;
code: number;
data: MessageParcel;
reply: MessageParcel;
Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem PROT_EXEC = 4 Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem PROT_NONE = 0 Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem PROT_READ = 1 Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem PROT_WRITE = 2 Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem static createAshmem(name: string, size: number): Ashmem Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem static createAshmemFromExisting(ashmem: Ashmem): Ashmem Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem closeAshmem(): void Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem unmapAshmem(): void Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem getAshmemSize(): number Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem mapAshmem(mapType: number): boolean Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem mapReadAndWriteAshmem(): boolean Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem mapReadOnlyAshmem(): boolean Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem setProtection(protectionType: number): boolean Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem writeToAshmem(buf: number[], size: number, offset: number): boolean Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Ashmem readFromAshmem(size: number, offset: number): number[] Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): boolean Deprecated Replaced by an asynchronous interface, which uses a promise or callback.
DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise<SendRequestResult> Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback<SendRequestResult>): void Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteProxy sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): boolean Deprecated Replaced by an asynchronous interface, which uses a promise or callback.
DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteProxy sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise<SendRequestResult> Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteProxy sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback<SendRequestResult>): void Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteObject sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): boolean Deprecated Replaced by an asynchronous interface, which uses a promise or callback.
DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteObject sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise<SendRequestResult> Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteObject sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption, callback: AsyncCallback<SendRequestResult>): void Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject PING_TRANSACTION Deleted Deleted since it is not implemented in API Version 7. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.
DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject DUMP_TRANSACTION Deleted Deleted since it is not implemented in API Version 7. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.
DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject INTERFACE_TRANSACTION Deleted Deleted since it is not implemented in API Version 7. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.
DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject MIN_TRANSACTION_ID Deleted Deleted since it is not implemented in API Version 7. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.
DSoftBus - rpc.IRemoteObject MAX_TRANSACTION_ID Deleted Deleted since it is not implemented in API Version 7. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.
DSoftBus - rpc.Sequenceable hasFileDescriptor(): boolean Deleted Deleted since this API will not be invoked by the RPC framework. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageOption constructor(syncFlags?: number, waitTime = TF_WAIT_TIME) Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageOption getFlags(): number Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageOption setFlags(flags: number): void Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageOption getWaitTime(): number Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageOption setWaitTime(waitTime: number): void Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.MessageOption MAX_WAIT_TIME = 3000 Deleted Deleted since it is not implemented in API Version 7. The deletion has no impact on existing applications.
DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteObject constructor(descriptor: string) Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.RemoteObject queryLocalInterface(descriptor: string): IRemoteBroker Modified Corrected the return type to IRemoteBroker. This change does not affect existing applications.
DSoftBus - rpc.Proxy PING_TRANSACTION Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Proxy DUMP_TRANSACTION Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Proxy INTERFACE_TRANSACTION Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Proxy MIN_TRANSACTION_ID = 0x1 Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Proxy MAX_TRANSACTION_ID = 0x00FFFFFF Added -
DSoftBus - rpc.Proxy queryLocalInterface(interface: string): IRemoteBroker Modified Corrected the return type to IRemoteBroker. This change does not affect existing applications.
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi getLinkedInfo(): Promise<WifiLinkedInfo>;
getLinkedInfo(callback: AsyncCallback<WifiLinkedInfo>): void;
Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi isConnected(): boolean; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi getSupportedFeatures(): number; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi isFeatureSupported(featureId: number): boolean; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi getDeviceMacAddress(): string[]; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi getIpInfo(): IpInfo; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi getCountryCode(): string; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi reassociate(): boolean; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi reconnect(): boolean; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi getDeviceConfigs(): Array<WifiDeviceConfig>; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi updateNetwork(config: WifiDeviceConfig): number; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi disableNetwork(netId: number): boolean; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi removeAllNetwork(): boolean; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi removeDevice(id: number): boolean; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi enableHotspot(): boolean; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi disableHotspot(): boolean; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi isHotspotActive(): boolean; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi setHotspotConfig(config: HotspotConfig): boolean; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi getHotspotConfig(): HotspotConfig; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi getStations(): Array<StationInfo>; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi on(type: “wifiStateChange”, callback: Callback<number>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi off(type: “wifiStateChange”, callback?: Callback<number>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi on(type: “wifiConnectionChange”, callback: Callback<number>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi off(type: “wifiConnectionChange”, callback?: Callback<number>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi on(type: “wifiScanStateChange”, callback: Callback<number>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi off(type: “wifiScanStateChange”, callback?: Callback<number>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi on(type: “wifiRssiChange”, callback: Callback<number>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi off(type: “wifiRssiChange”, callback?: Callback<number>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi on(type: “hotspotStateChange”, callback: Callback<number>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi off(type: “hotspotStateChange”, callback?: Callback<number>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi on(type: “hotspotStaJoin”, callback: Callback<StationInfo>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi off(type: “hotspotStaJoin”, callback?: Callback<StationInfo>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi on(type: “hotspotStaLeave”, callback: Callback<StationInfo>): void; Added -
DSoftBus - Wi-Fi off(type: “hotspotStaLeave”, callback?: Callback<StationInfo>): void; Added -
Globalization - resourceManager getRawFile(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Uint8Array>);
getRawFile(path: string): Promise<Uint8Array>;
Added -
Globalization - Intl RelativeTimeFormat.constructor(); Added Added this constructor.
Globalization - Intl RelativeTimeFormat.constructor(locale: string |Array<string>, options?: RelativeTimeFormatInputOptions); Added Added this constructor.
Globalization - Intl RelativeTimeFormat.format(value: number, unit: string): string; Added Added the API for formatting the relative time.
Globalization - Intl RelativeTimeFormat.formatToParts(value: number, unit: string): Array<object>; Added Added the API for formatting the relative time. The result is divided into multiple parts and stored separately.
Globalization - Intl RelativeTimeFormat.formatToParts(value: number, unit: string): Array<object>; Added Added the API for formatting the relative time. The result is divided into multiple parts and stored separately.
Globalization - Intl PluralRules.constructor(); Added Added this constructor.
Globalization - Intl PluralRules.constructor(locale: string |Array<string>, options?: PluralRulesOptions); Added Added this constructor.
Globalization - Intl PluralRules.select(n: number): string; Added Added the API for checking the singular-plural type of a number.
Globalization - Intl Collator.constructor(); Added Added this constructor.
Globalization - Intl Collator.constructor(locale: string |Array<string>, options?: CollatorOptions); Added Added this constructor.
Globalization - Intl Collator.compare(first: string, second: string): number; Added Added the API for comparing two strings.
Globalization - Intl Collator.resolvedOptions(): CollatorOptions; Added Added the API for obtaining the attributes of a sorting object.
Globalization - I18N unitConvert(fromUnit: UnitInfo, toUnit: UnitInfo, value: number, locale: string, style?: string): string; Added Added the API for unit conversion.
Globalization - I18N constructor(country: string, options?: PhoneNumberFormatOptions);
isValidNumber(number: string): boolean;
format(number: string): string;
Added Added the APIs for formatting phone numbers.
Globalization - I18N setTime(date: Date);
setTime(time: number);
set(year: number, month: number, date:number, hour?: number, minute?: number, second?: number);
setTimeZone(timezone: string);
getTimeZone(): string;
getFirstDayOfWeek(): number;
setFirstDayOfWeek(value: number);
getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(): number;
setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(value: number);
get(field: string): number;
getDisplayName(locale: string): string;
isWeekend(date?: Date): boolean;
export getCalendar(locale: string, type?: string): Calendar;
Added Added the APIs for the calendar.
Globalization - I18N isRTL(locale: string): boolean; Added Added the API for checking whether the localized script for the specified language is displayed from right to left.
Globalization - I18N getLineInstance(locale: string): BreakIterator;
current(): number;
first(): number;
last(): number;
next(index?: number): number;
previous(): number;
setLineBreakText(text: string): void;
following(offset: number): number;
getLineBreakText(): string;
isBoundary(offset: number): boolean;
Added Added the APIs for line feed.
Globalization - I18N getInstance(locale?:string): IndexUtil;
getIndexList(): Array<string>;
Added Added the APIs for obtaining the alphabet index.
Globalization - I18N addLocale(locale: string);
getIndex(text: string): string;
isDigit(char: string): boolean;
isSpaceChar(char: string): boolean;
isWhitespace(char: string): boolean;
isRTL(char: string): boolean;
isIdeograph(char: string): boolean;
isLetter(char: string): boolean;
isLowerCase(char: string): boolean;
isUpperCase(char: string): boolean;
getType(char: string): string;
Added Added the APIs for obtaining character attributes.
Event Notification - DoNotDisturbDate type: notification.DoNotDisturbType Added Added the do-not-disturb (DND) time type.
Event Notification - DoNotDisturbDate begin: Date Added Added the DND start time setting.
Event Notification - DoNotDisturbDate end: Date Added Added the DND end time setting.
Event Notification - DoNotDisturbDate export enum DoNotDisturbType {
TYPE_NONE = 0, // Non-notification DND type
TYPE_ONCE = 1, // One-shot DND at the specified time segment
TYPE_DAILY = 2, // Daily DND at the specified time segment (only the hour and minute specified)
TYPE_CLEARLY = 3, // DND at the specified time segment (the year, month, day, hour, and minute specified)
Added Added the DND time type.
Event Notification - notification setDoNotDisturbDate(date DoNotDisturbDate, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void Added Added the API for setting the DND time segment.
Event Notification - notification setDoNotDisturbDate(date DoNotDisturbDate): Promise<void> Added Added the API for setting the DND time segment.
Event Notification - notification getDoNotDisturbDate(callback: AsyncCallback<DoNotDisturbDate>): void Added Added the API for obtaining the DND time segment.
Event Notification - notification getDoNotDisturbDate(): Promise<DoNotDisturbDate> Added Added the API for obtaining the DND time segment.
Event Notification - notification supportDoNotDisturbMode(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void Added Added the API for checking whether DND is supported.
Event Notification - notification supportDoNotDisturbMode(): Promise<boolean> Added Added the API for checking whether DND is supported.
Event Notification - notification cancelGroup(groupName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void Added Added the API for canceling a notification group of the current application.
Event Notification - notification cancelGroup(groupName: string): Promise<void> Added Added the API for canceling a notification group of the current application.
Event Notification - notification removeGroupByBundle(bundle: BundleOption, groupName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void Added Added the API for removing a notification group of a specified application.
Event Notification - notification removeGroupByBundle(bundle: BundleOption, groupName: string): Promise<void> Added Added the API for removing a notification group of a specified application.
Event Notification - NotificationSubscriber onDoNotDisturbDateChange?:(mode: notification.DoNotDisturbDate) => void Added Added the API for subscribing to DND setting changes.
Event Notification - NotificationRequest smallIcon?: image.PixelMap Added Added the small notification icon.
Event Notification - NotificationRequest largeIcon?: image.PixelMap; Added Added the large notification icon.
Event Notification - NotificationRequest groupName?: string; Added Added the notification group name.
Event Notification - NotificationUserInput Added Added the user input object.
Event Notification - NotificationUserInput inputKey: string Added Added a key to identify the user input.
Event Notification - NotificationActionButton userInput?: NotificationUserInput Added Added the user input object.
Event notification - emitter on(event: InnerEvent, callback: Callback<EventData>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to an event in persistent manner and receiving the event callback.
Event notification - emitter once(event: InnerEvent, callback: Callback<EventData>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to an event in one-shot manner and unsubscribing from it after the event is received via a callback.
Event notification - emitter off(eventId: number): void Added Added the API for unsubscribing from an event.
Event notification - emitter emit(event: InnerEvent, data?: EventData): void Added Added the API for emitting an event to the event queue.
Distributed File - statfs getFreeBytes(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void Added Added the API for obtaining the free space (in bytes) of a device using an asynchronous callback.
Distributed File - statfs getFreeBytes(path: string): Promise<number> Added Added the API for obtaining the free space (in bytes) of a device using a promise.
Distributed File - statfs getTotalBytes(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void Added Added the API for obtaining the total space (in bytes) of a device using an asynchronous callback.
Distributed File - statfs getTotalBytes(path: string): Promise<number> Added Added the API for obtaining the total space (in bytes) of a device using a promise.
Distributed Scheduler - featureAbility continueAbility(options: ContinueAbilityOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
continueAbility(options: ContinueAbilityOptions): Promise<void>;
Added -
Multi-language Runtime - URI constructor(uri: string); Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI toString(): string Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI equals(other: URI): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI checkIsAbsolute(): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI normalize(): URI; Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI scheme: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI userinfo: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI host: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI port: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI path: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI query: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI query: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI authority: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - URI ssp: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber constructor(numerator: number, denominator: number); Added
Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber static createRationalFromString(rationalString: string): RationalNumber; Added
Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber compareTo(another :RationalNumber): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber equals(obj: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber valueOf(): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber static getCommonDivisor(number1: number, number2: number): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber getDenominator(): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber getNumerator(): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber isFinite() : boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber isNaN(): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber isZero(): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - RationalNumber toString(): string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer constructor(capacity?:number); Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer updateCapacity(newCapacity: number):void Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer toString():string Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer length:number Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer getCapacity(): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer clear(): void; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer getCreateCount(): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer getMissCount(): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer getRemovalCount(): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer getMatchCount(): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer getPutCount(): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer isEmpty(): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer get(key: K): V |undefined; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer put(key: K, value: V): V; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer values(): V[]; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer keys(): K[]; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer remove(key: K): V |undefined; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer afterRemoval(isEvict: boolean, key: K, value: V, newValue: V): void; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer contains(key: K): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer createDefault(key: K): V; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>; Added
Multi-language Runtime - LruBuffer [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V]>; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Scope constructor(lowerObj: ScopeType, upperObj: ScopeType); Added
Multi-language Runtime - Scope toString(): string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Scope intersect(range: Scope): Scope; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Scope intersect(lowerObj: ScopeType, upperObj: ScopeType): Scope; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Scope getUpper(): ScopeType; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Scope getLower(): ScopeType; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Scope expand(lowerObj: ScopeType, upperObj: ScopeType): Scope; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Scope expand(range: Scope): Scope; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Scope expand(value: ScopeType): Scope; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Scope contains(value: ScopeType): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Scope contains(range: Scope): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Scope clamp(value: ScopeType): ScopeType; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Base64 constructor(); Added
Multi-language Runtime - Base64 encodeSync(src: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Base64 encodeToStringSync(src: Uint8Array): string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Base64 decodeSync(src: Uint8Array |string): Uint8Array; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Base64 encode(src: Uint8Array): Promise<Uint8Array>; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Base64 encodeToString(src: Uint8Array): Promise<string>; Added
Multi-language Runtime - Base64 decode(src: Uint8Array |string): Promise<Uint8Array>; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types constructor(); Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isAnyArrayBuffer(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isArrayBufferView(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isArgumentsObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isArrayBuffer(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isAsyncFunction(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isBigInt64Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isBigUint64Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isBooleanObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isBoxedPrimitive(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isDataView(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isDate(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isExternal(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isFloat32Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isFloat64Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isGeneratorFunction(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isGeneratorObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isInt8Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isInt16Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isInt32Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isMap(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isMapIterator(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isModuleNamespaceObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isNativeError(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isNumberObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isPromise(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isProxy(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isRegExp(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isSet(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isSetIterator(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isSharedArrayBuffer(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isStringObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isSymbolObject(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isTypedArray(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isUint8Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isUint8ClampedArray(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isUint16Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isUint32Array(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isWeakMap(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - types isWeakSet(value: Object): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - process const tid: number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - process isIsolatedProcess(): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - process isAppUid(v: number): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - process is64Bit(): boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - process getUidForName(v: string): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - process getThreadPriority(v: number): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - process getStartRealtime(): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - process getAvailableCores(): number[]; Added
Multi-language Runtime - process getPastCpuTime(): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - process getSystemConfig(name: number): number; Added
Multi-language Runtime - process getEnvironmentVar(name: string): string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions trim: boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions ignoreDeclaration?: boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions ignoreInstruction?: boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions ignoreAttributes?: boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions ignoreComment?: boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions ignoreCdata?: boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions ignoreDoctype?: boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions ignoreText?: boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions declarationKey: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions instructionKey: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions attributesKey: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions textKey: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions cdataKey: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions doctypeKey: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions commentKey: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions parentKey: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions typeKey: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions nameKey: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertOptions elementsKey: string; Added
Multi-language Runtime - ConvertXML convert(xml: string, options?: ConvertOptions) : Object; Added
Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer constructor(buffer: ArrayBuffer |DataView, encoding?: string); Added
Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer setAttributes(name: string, value: string): void; Added
Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer addEmptyElement(name: string): void; Added
Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer setDeclaration(): void; Added
Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer startElement(name: string): void; Added
Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer endElement(): void; Added
Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer setNamespace(prefix: string, namespace: string): void; Added
Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer setCommnet(text: string): void; Added
Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer setCData(text: string): void; Added
Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer setText(text: string): void; Added
Multi-language Runtime - XmlSerializer setDocType(text: string): void; Added
Multi-language Runtime -ParseOptions supportDoctype?: boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime -ParseOptions ignoreNameSpace?: boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime -ParseOptions tagValueCallbackFunction?: (name: string, value: string) => boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime -ParseOptions attributeValueCallbackFunction?: (name: string, value: string) => boolean; Added
Multi-language Runtime -ParseOptions tokenValueCallbackFunction?: (eventType: EventType, value: ParseInfo) => boolean; Added
Account - account.appAccount createAppAccountManager Added Added the API for obtaining an AppAccountManager instance.
Account - account.appAccount addAccount(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
addAccount(name: string, extraInfo: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
addAccount(name: string, extraInfo?: string): Promise<void>;
Added Added the APIs for adding an application account.
Account - account.appAccount deleteAccount(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
deleteAccount(name: string): Promise<void>;
Added Added the APIs for deleting an application account.
Account - account.appAccount disableAppAccess(name: string, bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
disableAppAccess(name: string, bundleName: string): Promise<void>;
Added Added the APIs for disabling an application account from accessing a third-party application with the given bundle name.
Account - account.appAccount enableAppAccess(name: string, bundleName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
enableAppAccess(name: string, bundleName: string): Promise<void>;
Added Added the APIs for enabling an application account to access a third-party application with the given bundle name.
Account - account.appAccount checkAppAccountSyncEnable(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void;
checkAppAccountSyncEnable(name: string): Promise<boolean>;
Added Added the APIs for checking whether an application account allows application data synchronization.
Account - account.appAccount setAccountCredential(name: string, credentialType: string, credential: string,
callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
setAccountCredential(name: string, credentialType: string, credential: string): Promise<void>;
Added Added the APIs for setting a credential for an application account.
Account - account.appAccount setAccountExtraInfo(name: string, extraInfo: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
setAccountExtraInfo(name: string, extraInfo: string): Promise<void>;
Added Added the APIs for setting additional information for an application account.
Account - account.appAccount setAppAccountSyncEnable(name: string, isEnable: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
setAppAccountSyncEnable(name: string, isEnable: boolean): Promise<void>;
Added Added the APIs for setting whether to enable application data synchronization for an application account.
Account - account.appAccount setAssociatedData(name: string, key: string, value: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
setAssociatedData(name: string, key: string, value: string): Promise<void>;
Added Added the APIs for setting data to be associated with an application account.
Account - account.appAccount getAllAccessibleAccounts(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<AppAccountInfo>>): void;
getAllAccessibleAccounts(): Promise<Array<AppAccountInfo>>;
Added Added the APIs for obtaining the account information of this application and the information about the third-party application account that has been authorized to the current application.
Account - account.appAccount getAllAccounts(owner: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<AppAccountInfo>>): void;
getAllAccounts(owner: string): Promise<Array<AppAccountInfo>>;
Added Added the APIs for obtaining all account information of this application.
Account - account.appAccount getAccountCredential(name: string, credentialType: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getAccountCredential(name: string, credentialType: string): Promise<string>;
Added Added the APIs for obtaining the credential of an application account.
Account - account.appAccount getAccountExtraInfo(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getAccountExtraInfo(name: string): Promise<string>;
Added Added the APIs for obtaining additional information of an application account.
Account - account.appAccount getAssociatedData(name: string, key: string, callback: AsyncCallback<string>): void;
getAssociatedData(name: string, key: string): Promise<string>;
Added Added the APIs for obtaining data associated with an application account.
Account - account.appAccount on(type: ‘change’, owners: Array<string>, callback: Callback<Array<AppAccountInfo>>): void; Added Added the API for subscribing to application account changes.
Account - account.appAccount off(type: ‘change’, callback?: Callback<void>): void; Added Added the API for unsubscribing from application account changes.
Account - account.appAccount interface AppAccountInfo Added Added the AppAccountInfo interface.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER, callback: AsyncCallback<AccelerometerResponse>,options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to acceleration sensor data changes.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_LINEAR_ACCELERATION,callback:AsyncCallback<LinearAccelerometerResponse>, options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the linear acceleration sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER_UNCALIBRATED,callback:AsyncCallback<AccelerometerUncalibratedResponse>, options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the uncalibrated acceleration sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_GRAVITY, callback: AsyncCallback<GravityResponse>,options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the gravity sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_GYROSCOPE, callback: AsyncCallback<GyroscopeResponse>, options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the gyroscope sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED,callback:AsyncCallback<GyroscopeUncalibratedResponse>, options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the uncalibrated gyroscope sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION, callback: AsyncCallback<SignificantMotionResponse>, options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the significant motion sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_PEDOMETER_DETECTION, callback: AsyncCallback<PedometerDetectResponse>, options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the pedometer detection sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_PEDOMETER, callback: AsyncCallback<PedometerResponse>, options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the pedometer sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE,callback:AsyncCallback<AmbientTemperatureResponse>, options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the ambient temperature sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_MAGNETIC_FIELD, callback: AsyncCallback<MagneticFieldResponse>,options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the magnetic field sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED,callback:AsyncCallback<MagneticFieldUncalibratedResponse>, options: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the uncalibrated magnetic field sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_PROXIMITY, callback: AsyncCallback<ProximityResponse>,options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to proximity sensor data changes.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_HUMIDITY, callback: AsyncCallback<HumidityResponse>,options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to humidity sensor data changes.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_BAROMETER, callback: AsyncCallback<BarometerResponse>,options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to barometer sensor data changes.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_HALL, callback: AsyncCallback<HallResponse>, options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the Hall effect sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_AMBIENT_LIGHT, callback: AsyncCallback<LightResponse>, options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the ambient light sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ORIENTATION, callback: AsyncCallback<OrientationResponse>, options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to orientation sensor data changes.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ROTATION_VECTOR,callback:AsyncCallback<RotationVectorResponse>,options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to data changes of the rotation vector sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor on(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_WEAR_DETECTION, callback: AsyncCallback<WearDetectionResponse>,options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to wear detection data changes.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER, callback: AsyncCallback<AccelerometerResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the acceleration sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_LINEAR_ACCELERATION,callback:AsyncCallback<LinearAccelerometerResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the linear acceleration sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER_UNCALIBRATED,callback:AsyncCallback<AccelerometerUncalibratedResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the uncalibrated acceleration sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_GRAVITY, callback: AsyncCallback<GravityResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the gravity sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_GYROSCOPE, callback: AsyncCallback<GyroscopeResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the gyroscope sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED,callback:AsyncCallback<GyroscopeUncalibratedResponse>, options?: Options): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the uncalibrated gyroscope sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION, callback: AsyncCallback<SignificantMotionResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the significant motion sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_PEDOMETER_DETECTION, callback: AsyncCallback<PedometerDetectResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the pedometer detection sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_PEDOMETER, callback: AsyncCallback<PedometerResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the pedometer sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE,callback:AsyncCallback<AmbientTemperatureResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the ambient temperature sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_MAGNETIC_FIELD, callback: AsyncCallback<MagneticFieldResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the magnetic field sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED,callback:AsyncCallback<MagneticFieldUncalibratedResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the uncalibrated magnetic field sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_PROXIMITY, callback: AsyncCallback<ProximityResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the proximity sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_HUMIDITY, callback: AsyncCallback<HumidityResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the humidity sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_BAROMETER, callback: AsyncCallback<BarometerResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the barometer sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_HALL, callback: AsyncCallback<HallResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the Hall effect sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_AMBIENT_LIGHT, callback: AsyncCallback<LightResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the ambient light sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ORIENTATION, callback: AsyncCallback<OrientationResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the orientation sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type:SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ROTATION_VECTOR,callback:AsyncCallback<RotationVectorResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the rotation vector sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor once(type: SensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ID_WEAR_DETECTION, callback: AsyncCallback<WearDetectionResponse>): void Added Added the API for subscribing to only one data change of the wear detection sensor.
Pan-sensor - sensor off(type: SensorType, callback?: AsyncCallback<void>): void Added Added the API for unsubscribing from sensor data changes.
Pan-sensor - sensor getGeomagneticField(locationOptions: LocationOptions, timeMillis: number, callback: AsyncCallback<GeomagneticResponse>): void
getGeomagneticField(locationOptions: LocationOptions, timeMillis: number): Promise<GeomagneticResponse>
Added Added the APIs for obtaining the geomagnetic field of a geographic location.
Pan-sensor - vibrator vibrate(duration: number): Promise<void>
vibrate(duration: number, callback?: AsyncCallback<void>): void
Added Added the APIs for triggering vibration with a specific duration.
Pan-sensor - vibrator vibrate(effectId: EffectId): Promise<void>
vibrate(effectId: EffectId, callback?: AsyncCallback<void>): void
Added Added the APIs for triggering vibration with a specific effect.
Pan-sensor - vibrator stop(stopMode: VibratorStopMode): Promise<void>
stop(stopMode: VibratorStopMode, callback?: AsyncCallback<void>): void
Added Added the APIs for stopping vibration.


harmony 鸿蒙Changelog

harmony 鸿蒙Native API Differences

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