hugo commandeer 源码

  • 2022-10-23
  • 浏览 (675)

hugo commandeer 代码


// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package commands

import (

	hconfig ""



	jww ""





type commandeerHugoState struct {
	hugoSites *hugolib.HugoSites
	fsCreate  sync.Once
	created   chan struct{}

type commandeer struct {

	logger       loggers.Logger
	serverConfig *config.Server

	buildLock func() (unlock func(), err error)

	// Loading state
	mustHaveConfigFile bool
	failOnInitErr      bool
	running            bool

	// Currently only set when in "fast render mode". But it seems to
	// be fast enough that we could maybe just add it for all server modes.
	changeDetector *fileChangeDetector

	// We need to reuse these on server rebuilds.
	publishDirFs       afero.Fs
	publishDirStaticFs afero.Fs
	publishDirServerFs afero.Fs

	h    *hugoBuilderCommon
	ftch flagsToConfigHandler

	visitedURLs *types.EvictingStringQueue

	cfgInit func(c *commandeer) error

	// We watch these for changes.
	configFiles []string

	// Used in cases where we get flooded with events in server mode.
	debounce func(f func())

	serverPorts []serverPortListener

	languages          langs.Languages
	doLiveReload       bool
	renderStaticToDisk bool
	fastRenderMode     bool
	showErrorInBrowser bool
	wasError           bool

	configured bool
	paused     bool

	fullRebuildSem *semaphore.Weighted

	// Any error from the last build.
	buildErr error

type serverPortListener struct {
	p  int
	ln net.Listener

func newCommandeerHugoState() *commandeerHugoState {
	return &commandeerHugoState{
		created: make(chan struct{}),

func (c *commandeerHugoState) hugo() *hugolib.HugoSites {
	return c.hugoSites

func (c *commandeerHugoState) hugoTry() *hugolib.HugoSites {
	select {
	case <-c.created:
		return c.hugoSites
	case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 100):
		return nil

func (c *commandeer) errCount() int {
	return int(c.logger.LogCounters().ErrorCounter.Count())

func (c *commandeer) getErrorWithContext() any {
	errCount := c.errCount()

	if errCount == 0 {
		return nil

	m := make(map[string]any)

	//xwm["Error"] = errors.New(cleanErrorLog(removeErrorPrefixFromLog(c.logger.Errors())))
	m["Error"] = errors.New(cleanErrorLog(removeErrorPrefixFromLog(c.logger.Errors())))
	m["Version"] = hugo.BuildVersionString()
	ferrors := herrors.UnwrapFileErrorsWithErrorContext(c.buildErr)
	m["Files"] = ferrors

	return m

func (c *commandeer) Set(key string, value any) {
	if c.configured {
		panic("commandeer cannot be changed")
	c.Cfg.Set(key, value)

func (c *commandeer) initFs(fs *hugofs.Fs) error {
	c.publishDirFs = fs.PublishDir
	c.publishDirStaticFs = fs.PublishDirStatic
	c.publishDirServerFs = fs.PublishDirServer
	c.DepsCfg.Fs = fs

	return nil

func (c *commandeer) initClock(loc *time.Location) error {
	bt := c.Cfg.GetString("clock")
	if bt == "" {
		return nil

	t, err := cast.StringToDateInDefaultLocation(bt, loc)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf(`failed to parse "clock" flag: %s`, err)

	htime.Clock = clock.Start(t)
	return nil

func newCommandeer(mustHaveConfigFile, failOnInitErr, running bool, h *hugoBuilderCommon, f flagsToConfigHandler, cfgInit func(c *commandeer) error, subCmdVs ...*cobra.Command) (*commandeer, error) {
	var rebuildDebouncer func(f func())
	if running {
		// The time value used is tested with mass content replacements in a fairly big Hugo site.
		// It is better to wait for some seconds in those cases rather than get flooded
		// with rebuilds.
		rebuildDebouncer = debounce.New(4 * time.Second)

	out := ioutil.Discard
	if !h.quiet {
		out = os.Stdout

	c := &commandeer{
		h:                   h,
		ftch:                f,
		commandeerHugoState: newCommandeerHugoState(),
		cfgInit:             cfgInit,
		visitedURLs:         types.NewEvictingStringQueue(10),
		debounce:            rebuildDebouncer,
		fullRebuildSem:      semaphore.NewWeighted(1),

		// Init state
		mustHaveConfigFile: mustHaveConfigFile,
		failOnInitErr:      failOnInitErr,
		running:            running,

		// This will be replaced later, but we need something to log to before the configuration is read.
		logger: loggers.NewLogger(jww.LevelWarn, jww.LevelError, out, ioutil.Discard, running),

	return c, c.loadConfig()

type fileChangeDetector struct {
	current map[string]string
	prev    map[string]string

	irrelevantRe *regexp.Regexp

func (f *fileChangeDetector) OnFileClose(name, md5sum string) {
	defer f.Unlock()
	f.current[name] = md5sum

func (f *fileChangeDetector) changed() []string {
	if f == nil {
		return nil
	defer f.Unlock()
	var c []string
	for k, v := range f.current {
		vv, found := f.prev[k]
		if !found || v != vv {
			c = append(c, k)

	return f.filterIrrelevant(c)

func (f *fileChangeDetector) filterIrrelevant(in []string) []string {
	var filtered []string
	for _, v := range in {
		if !f.irrelevantRe.MatchString(v) {
			filtered = append(filtered, v)
	return filtered

func (f *fileChangeDetector) PrepareNew() {
	if f == nil {

	defer f.Unlock()

	if f.current == nil {
		f.current = make(map[string]string)
		f.prev = make(map[string]string)

	f.prev = make(map[string]string)
	for k, v := range f.current {
		f.prev[k] = v
	f.current = make(map[string]string)

func (c *commandeer) loadConfig() error {
	if c.DepsCfg == nil {
		c.DepsCfg = &deps.DepsCfg{}

	if c.logger != nil {
		// Truncate the error log if this is a reload.

	cfg := c.DepsCfg
	c.configured = false
	cfg.Running = c.running

	var dir string
	if c.h.source != "" {
		dir, _ = filepath.Abs(c.h.source)
	} else {
		dir, _ = os.Getwd()

	var sourceFs afero.Fs = hugofs.Os
	if c.DepsCfg.Fs != nil {
		sourceFs = c.DepsCfg.Fs.Source

	environment := c.h.getEnvironment(c.running)

	doWithConfig := func(cfg config.Provider) error {
		if c.ftch != nil {

		cfg.Set("workingDir", dir)
		cfg.Set("environment", environment)
		return nil

	cfgSetAndInit := func(cfg config.Provider) error {
		c.Cfg = cfg
		if c.cfgInit == nil {
			return nil
		err := c.cfgInit(c)
		return err

	configPath := c.h.source
	if configPath == "" {
		configPath = dir
	config, configFiles, err := hugolib.LoadConfig(
			Fs:           sourceFs,
			Logger:       c.logger,
			Path:         configPath,
			WorkingDir:   dir,
			Filename:     c.h.cfgFile,
			AbsConfigDir: c.h.getConfigDir(dir),
			Environment:  environment,

	if err != nil {
		// We should improve the error handling here,
		// but with hugo mod init and similar there is a chicken and egg situation
		// with modules already configured in config.toml, so ignore those errors.
		if c.mustHaveConfigFile || (c.failOnInitErr && !moduleNotFoundRe.MatchString(err.Error())) {
			return err
		} else {
			// Just make it a warning.
	} else if c.mustHaveConfigFile && len(configFiles) == 0 {
		return hugolib.ErrNoConfigFile

	c.configFiles = configFiles

	var ok bool
	loc := time.Local
	c.languages, ok = c.Cfg.Get("languagesSorted").(langs.Languages)
	if ok {
		loc = langs.GetLocation(c.languages[0])

	err = c.initClock(loc)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Set some commonly used flags
	c.doLiveReload = c.running && !c.Cfg.GetBool("disableLiveReload")
	c.fastRenderMode = c.doLiveReload && !c.Cfg.GetBool("disableFastRender")
	c.showErrorInBrowser = c.doLiveReload && !c.Cfg.GetBool("disableBrowserError")

	// This is potentially double work, but we need to do this one more time now
	// that all the languages have been configured.
	if c.cfgInit != nil {
		if err := c.cfgInit(c); err != nil {
			return err

	logger, err := c.createLogger(config)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cfg.Logger = logger
	c.logger = logger
	c.serverConfig, err = hconfig.DecodeServer(cfg.Cfg)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	createMemFs := config.GetBool("renderToMemory")
	c.renderStaticToDisk = config.GetBool("renderStaticToDisk")

	if createMemFs {
		// Rendering to memoryFS, publish to Root regardless of publishDir.
		config.Set("publishDir", "/")
		config.Set("publishDirStatic", "/")
	} else if c.renderStaticToDisk {
		// Hybrid, render dynamic content to Root.
		config.Set("publishDirStatic", config.Get("publishDir"))
		config.Set("publishDir", "/")


	c.fsCreate.Do(func() {
		// Assume both source and destination are using same filesystem.
		fs := hugofs.NewFromSourceAndDestination(sourceFs, sourceFs, config)

		if c.publishDirFs != nil {
			// Need to reuse the destination on server rebuilds.
			fs.PublishDir = c.publishDirFs
			fs.PublishDirStatic = c.publishDirStaticFs
			fs.PublishDirServer = c.publishDirServerFs
		} else {
			if c.renderStaticToDisk {
				publishDirStatic := config.GetString("publishDirStatic")
				workingDir := config.GetString("workingDir")
				absPublishDirStatic := paths.AbsPathify(workingDir, publishDirStatic)

				fs = hugofs.NewFromSourceAndDestination(sourceFs, afero.NewMemMapFs(), config)
				// Writes the dynamic output to memory,
				// while serve others directly from /public on disk.
				dynamicFs := fs.PublishDir
				staticFs := afero.NewBasePathFs(afero.NewOsFs(), absPublishDirStatic)

				// Serve from both the static and dynamic fs,
				// the first will take priority.
				// THis is a read-only filesystem,
				// we do all the writes to
				// fs.Destination and fs.DestinationStatic.
				fs.PublishDirServer = overlayfs.New(
						Fss: []afero.Fs{
				fs.PublishDirStatic = staticFs
			} else if createMemFs {
				// Hugo writes the output to memory instead of the disk.
				fs = hugofs.NewFromSourceAndDestination(sourceFs, afero.NewMemMapFs(), config)

		if c.fastRenderMode {
			// For now, fast render mode only. It should, however, be fast enough
			// for the full variant, too.
			changeDetector := &fileChangeDetector{
				// We use this detector to decide to do a Hot reload of a single path or not.
				// We need to filter out source maps and possibly some other to be able
				// to make that decision.
				irrelevantRe: regexp.MustCompile(`\.map$`),

			fs.PublishDir = hugofs.NewHashingFs(fs.PublishDir, changeDetector)
			fs.PublishDirStatic = hugofs.NewHashingFs(fs.PublishDirStatic, changeDetector)
			c.changeDetector = changeDetector

		if c.Cfg.GetBool("logPathWarnings") {
			// Note that we only care about the "dynamic creates" here,
			// so skip the static fs.
			fs.PublishDir = hugofs.NewCreateCountingFs(fs.PublishDir)

		// To debug hard-to-find path issues.
		// fs.Destination = hugofs.NewStacktracerFs(fs.Destination, `fr/fr`)

		err = c.initFs(fs)
		if err != nil {

		var h *hugolib.HugoSites

		var createErr error
		h, createErr = hugolib.NewHugoSites(*c.DepsCfg)
		if h == nil || c.failOnInitErr {
			err = createErr

		c.hugoSites = h
		// TODO(bep) improve.
		if c.buildLock == nil && h != nil {
			c.buildLock = h.LockBuild

	if err != nil {
		return err

	cacheDir, err := helpers.GetCacheDir(sourceFs, config)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	config.Set("cacheDir", cacheDir)

	return nil


hugo 源码目录


hugo commands 源码

hugo config 源码

hugo convert 源码

hugo deploy 源码

hugo env 源码

hugo gen 源码

hugo genchromastyles 源码

hugo gendoc 源码

hugo gendocshelper 源码

hugo genman 源码

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