harmony 鸿蒙JS API Changes of the DFX Subsystem

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (628)

JS API Changes of the DFX Subsystem

The table below lists the APIs changes of the DFX subsystem in OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta3 over OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta2.

API Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant Change Type
ohos.hiAppEvent hiAppEvent function clearData(): void; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent hiAppEvent function removeWatcher(watcher: Watcher): void; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent hiAppEvent function addWatcher(watcher: Watcher): AppEventPackageHolder; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent Watcher onTrigger?: (curRow: number, curSize:number, holder:AppEventPackageHolder) => void; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent Watcher appEventFilters?: AppEventFilter[]; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent Watcher triggerCondition?: TriggerCondition; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent Watcher name: string; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventFilter eventTypes?: EventType[]; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventFilter domain: string; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent TriggerCondition timeOut?: number; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent TriggerCondition size?: number; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent TriggerCondition row?: number; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventPackageHolder takeNext(): AppEventPackage; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventPackageHolder setSize(size: number): void; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventPackageHolder constructor(watcherName: string); Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventPackage data: string[]; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventPackage size: number; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventPackage row: number; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventPackage packageId: number; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventInfo params: object; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventInfo eventType: EventType; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventInfo name: string; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent AppEventInfo domain: string; Added
ohos.hiAppEvent hiAppEvent function write(eventName: string, eventType: EventType, keyValues: object): Promise<void>;
function write(eventName: string, eventType: EventType, keyValues: object, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
function write(info: AppEventInfo): Promise<void>;
function write(info: AppEventInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;


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