harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.app.form.formObserver (formObserver)

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (382)

@ohos.app.form.formObserver (formObserver)

The formObserver module provides APIs related to widget listeners. You can use the APIs to subscribe to and unsubscribe from widget addition, removal, and visibility change events, and obtain information about running widgets.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 10. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. The APIs provided by this module are system APIs.

Modules to Import

import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';


on(type: ‘formAdd’, observerCallback: Callback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>): void

Subscribes to widget addition events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The value ‘formAdd’ indicates a widget addition event.
observerCallback Callback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo> Yes Callback used to return RunningFormInfo of the widget.


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';

formObserver.on('formAdd', (data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo) => {
  console.log(`a new form added, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);


on(type: ‘formAdd’, hostBundleName: string, observerCallback: Callback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>): void

Subscribes to widget addition events for a given bundle that functions as the widget host. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The value ‘formAdd’ indicates a widget addition event.
hostBundleName string Yes Name of the bundle that functions as the widget host. If no value is passed in, widget addition events of all widget hosts are subscribed to.
observerCallback Callback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo> Yes Callback used to return RunningFormInfo of the widget.


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';

let bundleName: string = 'ohos.samples.FormApplication';

formObserver.on('formAdd', bundleName, (data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo) => {
  console.log(`a new form added, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);


off(type: “formAdd”, hostBundleName?: string, observerCallback?: Callback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>): void

Unsubscribes from widget addition events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The value ‘formAdd’ indicates a widget addition event.
hostBundleName string No Name of the bundle that functions as the widget host.
To cancel the subscription for a given bundle name, this parameter must be set to the same value as bundleName in on(‘formAdd’).
If no value is passed in, the subscriptions for all the widget hosts are canceled.
observerCallback Callback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo> No Callback used to return RunningFormInfo of the widget. If no value is passed in, all the subscriptions to the specified event are canceled.
To cancel the subscription with a given callback, this parameter must be set to the same value as callback in on(‘formAdd’).


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';

let bundleName: string = 'ohos.samples.FormApplication';
formObserver.off('formAdd', bundleName, (data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo) => {
  console.log(`a new form added, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);

NOTE on(‘formAdd’, callback) and off(‘formAdd’, callback) must be used in pairs. on(‘formAdd’, bundleName, callback) and off(‘formAdd’, bundleName, callback) must be used in pairs. To cancel the subscription with a given callback or for a given bundle name, the callback or bundleName parameter in off() must be set to the same value as that in on().


on(type: ‘formRemove’, observerCallback: Callback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>): void

Subscribes to widget removal events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The value ‘formRemove’ indicates a widget removal event.
observerCallback Callback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo> Yes Callback used to return RunningFormInfo of the widget.


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';

formObserver.on('formRemove', (data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo) => {
  console.log(`form deleted, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);


on(type: ‘formRemove’, hostBundleName: string, observerCallback: Callback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>): void

Subscribes to widget removal events for a given bundle, which functions as the widget host. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The value ‘formRemove’ indicates a widget removal event.
hostBundleName string Yes Name of the bundle that functions as the widget host. If no value is passed in, widget removal events of all widget hosts are subscribed to.
observerCallback Callback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo> Yes Callback used to return RunningFormInfo of the widget.


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';

let bundleName: string = 'ohos.samples.FormApplication';
formObserver.on('formRemove', bundleName, (data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo) => {
  console.log(`form deleted, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);


off(type: “formRemove”, hostBundleName?: string, observerCallback?: Callback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>): void

Unsubscribes from widget removal events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. The value ‘formRemove’ indicates a widget removal event.
hostBundleName string No Name of the bundle that functions as the widget host.
To cancel the subscription for a given bundle name, this parameter must be set to the same value as bundleName in on(‘formRemove’).
If no value is passed in, the subscriptions for all the widget hosts are canceled.
observerCallback Callback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo> No Callback used to return RunningFormInfo of the widget. If no value is passed in, all the subscriptions to the specified event are canceled.
To cancel the subscription with a given callback, this parameter must be set to the same value as callback in on(‘formRemove’).


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';

let bundleName: string = 'ohos.samples.FormApplication';
formObserver.off('formRemove', bundleName, (data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo) => {
  console.log(`a new form added, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);

NOTE on(‘formRemove’, callback) and off(‘formRemove’, callback) must be used in pairs. on(‘formRemove’, bundleName, callback) and off(‘formRemove’, bundleName, callback) must be used in pairs. To cancel the subscription with a given callback or for a given bundle name, the callback or bundleName parameter in off() must be set to the same value as that in on().


on(type: ‘notifyVisible’, observerCallback: Callback<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>>): void

Subscribes to events indicating that a widget becomes visible.

​This event is triggered when notifyVisibleForms is called to make a widget visible.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. This value ‘notifyVisible’ indicates a widget visibility event.
observerCallback Callback <Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>> Yes Callback used to return RunningFormInfo of the widget.


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';

formObserver.on('notifyVisible', (data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo[]) => {
  console.log(`form change visibility, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);


on(type: ‘notifyVisible’, hostBundleName: string, observerCallback: Callback<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>>): void

Subscribes to events indicating that a widget becomes visible for a given bundle, which functions as the widget host.

​This event is triggered when notifyVisibleForms is called to make a widget visible.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. This value ‘notifyVisible’ indicates a widget visibility event.
hostBundleName string Yes Name of the bundle that functions as the widget host, on which the widget visibility state changes are subscribed.
observerCallback Callback <Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>> Yes Callback used to return RunningFormInfo of the widget.


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';

let bundleName: string = 'ohos.samples.FormApplication';
formObserver.on('notifyVisible', bundleName, (data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo[]) => {
  console.log(`form change visibility, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);


off(type: “notifyVisible”, hostBundleName?: string, observerCallback?: Callback<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>>): void

Unsubscribes from events indicating that a widget becomes visible.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. This value ‘notifyVisible’ indicates a widget visibility event.
hostBundleName string No Name of the bundle that functions as the widget host, on which the widget visibility state changes are subscribed.
To cancel the subscription for a given bundle name, this parameter must be set to the same value as bundleName in on(‘notifyVisible’).
observerCallback Callback <Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>> No Callback registered during the subscription. If no value is passed in, all the subscriptions to the specified event are canceled.
To cancel the subscription with a given callback, this parameter must be set to the same value as callback in on(‘notifyVisible’).


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';

let bundleName: string = 'ohos.samples.FormApplication';
formObserver.off('notifyVisible', bundleName, (data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo[]) => {
  console.log(`form change visibility, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);

NOTE on(‘notifyVisible’, callback) and off(‘notifyVisible’, callback) must be used in pairs. on(‘notifyVisible’, bundleName, callback) and off(‘notifyVisible’, bundleName, callback) must be used in pairs. To cancel the subscription with a given callback or for a given bundle name, the callback or bundleName parameter in off() must be set to the same value as that in on().


on(type: ‘notifyInvisible’, observerCallback: Callback<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>>): void

Subscribes to events indicating that a widget becomes invisible.

​This event is triggered when notifyInvisibleForms is called to make a widget invisible.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. This value ‘notifyInvisible’ indicates a widget invisibility event.
observerCallback Callback <Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>> Yes Callback used to return RunningFormInfo of the widget.


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';

formObserver.on('notifyInvisible', (data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo[]) => {
  console.log(`form change invisibility, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);


on(type: ‘notifyInvisible’, hostBundleName: string, observerCallback: Callback<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>>): void

Subscribes to events indicating that a widget becomes invisible for a given bundle, which functions as the widget host.

​This event is triggered when notifyInvisibleForms is called to make a widget invisible.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. This value ‘notifyInvisible’ indicates a widget invisibility event.
hostBundleName string Yes Name of the bundle that functions as the widget host, on which the widget visibility state changes are subscribed.
observerCallback Callback <Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>> Yes Callback used to return RunningFormInfo of the widget.


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';

let bundleName: string = 'ohos.samples.FormApplication';
formObserver.on('notifyInvisible', bundleName, (data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo[]) => {
  console.log(`form change invisibility, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);


off(type: “notifyInvisible”, hostBundleName?: string, observerCallback?: Callback<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>>): void

Unsubscribes from events indicating that a widget becomes invisible.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type. This value ‘notifyInvisible’ indicates a widget invisibility event.
hostBundleName string No Name of the bundle that functions as the widget host, on which the widget visibility state changes are subscribed.
To cancel the subscription for a given bundle name, this parameter must be set to the same value as bundleName in on(‘notifyInvisible’).
observerCallback Callback <Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>> No Callback registered during the subscription. If no value is passed in, all the subscriptions to the specified event are canceled.
To cancel the subscription with a given callback, this parameter must be set to the same value as callback in on(‘notifyInvisible’).


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';

let bundleName: string = 'ohos.samples.FormApplication';
formObserver.off('notifyInvisible', bundleName, (data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo[]) => {
  console.log(`form change invisibility, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);

NOTE on(‘notifyInvisible’, callback) and off(‘notifyInvisible’, callback) must be used in pairs. on(‘notifyInvisible’, bundleName, callback) and off(‘notifyInvisible’, bundleName, callback) must be used in pairs. To cancel the subscription with a given callback or for a given bundle name, the callback or bundleName parameter in off() must be set to the same value as that in on().


getRunningFormInfos(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>>, hostBundleName?: string): void

Obtains information about all non-temporary widgets running on the device. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the widget information is obtained, error is undefined and data is the information obtained.
hostBundleName string No Name of the bundle that functions as the widget host. If a value is passed in, only the information about the non-temporary widgets that are running under the widget host is returned.
If no value is passed in, information about all running non-temporary widgets on the device is returned.

Error codes For details about the error codes, see Form Error Codes.

ID Error Message
16500050 An IPC connection error happened.
16500060 A service connection error happened, please try again later.


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';
import Base from '@ohos.base';

try {
  formObserver.getRunningFormInfos((error: Base.BusinessError, data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo[]) => {
    if (error) {
      console.error(`error, code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
    } else {
      console.log(`formObserver getRunningFormInfos, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
  }, 'com.example.ohos.formjsdemo');
} catch(error) {
  console.error(`catch error, code: ${(error as Base.BusinessError).code}, message: ${(error as Base.BusinessError).message}`);


getRunningFormInfos(hostBundleName?: string): Promise<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>>

Obtains information about all non-temporary widgets running on the device. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
hostBundleName string No Name of the bundle that functions as the widget host. If a value is passed in, only the information about the non-temporary widgets that are running under the widget host is returned.
If no value is passed in, information about all running non-temporary widgets on the device is returned.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>> Promise used to return the information obtained.

Error codes For details about the error codes, see Form Error Codes.

ID Error Message
16500050 An IPC connection error happened.
16500060 A service connection error happened, please try again later.


import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';
import Base from '@ohos.base';

try {
  formObserver.getRunningFormInfos('com.example.ohos.formjsdemo').then((data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo[]) => {
    console.log(`formObserver getRunningFormInfos, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
  }).catch((error: Base.BusinessError) => {
    console.error(`error, code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
} catch(error) {
  console.error(`catch error, code: ${(error as Base.BusinessError).code}, message: ${(error as Base.BusinessError).message}`);


getRunningFormInfosByFilter(formProviderFilter: formInfo.FormProviderFilter): Promise<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>>

Obtains the information about widget hosts based on the widget provider information. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Model restriction: This API can be used only in the stage model.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
formProviderFilter formInfo.FormProviderFilter Yes Information about the widget provider.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>> Promise used to return the widget host information obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Form Error Codes.

ID Error Message
201 Permissions denied.
202 The application is not a system application.
401 If the input parameter is not valid parameter.
16500050 An IPC connection error happened.
16500100 Failed to obtain the configuration information.
16501000 An internal functional error occurred.
import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';
import Base from '@ohos.base';

let formInstanceFilter: formInfo.FormProviderFilter = {
  bundleName: "com.example.formprovide",
  abilityName: "EntryFormAbility",
  formName: "widget",
  moduleName: "entry"
try {
  formObserver.getRunningFormInfosByFilter(formInstanceFilter).then((data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo[]) => {
    console.info('formObserver getRunningFormInfosByFilter success, data:' + JSON.stringify(data));
  }).catch((error: Base.BusinessError) => {
    console.error(`error, code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
} catch(error) {
  console.error(`catch error, code: ${(error as Base.BusinessError).code}, message: ${(error as Base.BusinessError).message}`);


getRunningFormInfosByFilter(formProviderFilter: formInfo.FormProviderFilter, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>>): void

Obtains the information about widget hosts based on the widget provider information. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Model restriction: This API can be used only in the stage model.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
formProviderFilter formInfo.FormProviderFilter Yes Information about the widget provider.
callback AsyncCallback<Array<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the widget host information is obtained, error is undefined and data is the information obtained; otherwise, error is an error object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Form Error Codes.

ID Error Message
201 Permissions denied.
202 The application is not a system application.
401 If the input parameter is not valid parameter.
16500050 An IPC connection error happened.
16500100 Failed to obtain the configuration information.
16501000 An internal functional error occurred.
import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';
import Base from '@ohos.base';

let formInstanceFilter: formInfo.FormProviderFilter = {
  bundleName: "com.example.formprovide",
  abilityName: "EntryFormAbility",
  formName: "widget",
  moduleName: "entry"
try {
  formObserver.getRunningFormInfosByFilter(formInstanceFilter,(error: Base.BusinessError, data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo[]) => {
    if (error) {
      console.error(`error, code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
    } else {
      console.log(`formObserver getRunningFormInfosByFilter, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
} catch(error) {
  console.error(`catch error, code: ${(error as Base.BusinessError).code}, message: ${(error as Base.BusinessError).message}`);


getRunningFormInfoById(formId: string): Promise<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>

Obtains the information about widget hosts based on the widget ID. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Model restriction: This API can be used only in the stage model.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
formId string Yes Widget ID.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<formInfo.RunningFormInfo> Promise used to return the widget host information obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Form Error Codes.

ID Error Message
201 Permissions denied.
202 The application is not a system application.
401 If the input parameter is not valid parameter.
16500050 An IPC connection error happened.
16500100 Failed to obtain the configuration information.
16501000 An internal functional error occurred.
import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';
import Base from '@ohos.base';

let formId: string = '12400633174999288';
try {
  formObserver.getRunningFormInfoById(formId).then((data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo) => {
    console.info('formObserver getRunningFormInfoById success, data:' + JSON.stringify(data));
  }).catch((error: Base.BusinessError) => {
    console.error(`error, code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
} catch(error) {
  console.error(`catch error, code: ${(error as Base.BusinessError).code}, message: ${(error as Base.BusinessError).message}`);


getRunningFormInfoById(formId: string, callback: AsyncCallback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo>): void

Obtains the information about widget hosts based on the widget provider information. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Model restriction: This API can be used only in the stage model.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.OBSERVE_FORM_RUNNING

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.Form


Name Type Mandatory Description
formId string Yes Widget ID.
callback AsyncCallback<formInfo.RunningFormInfo> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the widget host information is obtained, error is undefined and data is the information obtained; otherwise, error is an error object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Form Error Codes.

ID Error Message
201 Permissions denied.
202 The application is not a system application.
401 If the input parameter is not valid parameter.
16500050 An IPC connection error happened.
16500100 Failed to obtain the configuration information.
16501000 An internal functional error occurred.
import formObserver from '@ohos.app.form.formObserver';
import formInfo from '@ohos.app.form.formInfo';
import Base from '@ohos.base';

let formId: string = '12400633174999288';
try {
  formObserver.getRunningFormInfoById(formId,(error: Base.BusinessError, data: formInfo.RunningFormInfo) => {
    if (error) {
      console.error(`error, code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
    } else {
      console.log(`formObserver getRunningFormInfoById, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
} catch(error) {
  console.error(`catch error, code: ${(error as Base.BusinessError).code}, message: ${(error as Base.BusinessError).message}`);


harmony 鸿蒙APIs

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