tidb bootstrap 源码
tidb bootstrap 代码
// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package handle
import (
func (h *Handle) initStatsMeta4Chunk(is infoschema.InfoSchema, cache *statsCache, iter *chunk.Iterator4Chunk) {
for row := iter.Begin(); row != iter.End(); row = iter.Next() {
physicalID := row.GetInt64(1)
table, ok := h.getTableByPhysicalID(is, physicalID)
if !ok {
logutil.BgLogger().Debug("unknown physical ID in stats meta table, maybe it has been dropped", zap.Int64("ID", physicalID))
tableInfo := table.Meta()
newHistColl := statistics.HistColl{
PhysicalID: physicalID,
HavePhysicalID: true,
Count: row.GetInt64(3),
ModifyCount: row.GetInt64(2),
Columns: make(map[int64]*statistics.Column, len(tableInfo.Columns)),
Indices: make(map[int64]*statistics.Index, len(tableInfo.Indices)),
tbl := &statistics.Table{
HistColl: newHistColl,
Version: row.GetUint64(0),
Name: getFullTableName(is, tableInfo),
cache.Put(physicalID, tbl)
func (h *Handle) initStatsMeta(is infoschema.InfoSchema) (statsCache, error) {
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnStats)
sql := "select HIGH_PRIORITY version, table_id, modify_count, count from mysql.stats_meta"
rc, err := h.mu.ctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor).ExecuteInternal(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return statsCache{}, errors.Trace(err)
defer terror.Call(rc.Close)
tables := newStatsCache()
req := rc.NewChunk(nil)
iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(req)
for {
err := rc.Next(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return statsCache{}, errors.Trace(err)
if req.NumRows() == 0 {
h.initStatsMeta4Chunk(is, &tables, iter)
return tables, nil
func (h *Handle) initStatsHistograms4Chunk(is infoschema.InfoSchema, cache *statsCache, iter *chunk.Iterator4Chunk) {
for row := iter.Begin(); row != iter.End(); row = iter.Next() {
tblID, statsVer := row.GetInt64(0), row.GetInt64(8)
table, ok := cache.Get(tblID)
if !ok {
id, ndv, nullCount, version, totColSize := row.GetInt64(2), row.GetInt64(3), row.GetInt64(5), row.GetUint64(4), row.GetInt64(7)
lastAnalyzePos := row.GetDatum(11, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeBlob))
tbl, _ := h.getTableByPhysicalID(is, table.PhysicalID)
if row.GetInt64(1) > 0 {
var idxInfo *model.IndexInfo
for _, idx := range tbl.Meta().Indices {
if idx.ID == id {
idxInfo = idx
if idxInfo == nil {
cms, topN, err := statistics.DecodeCMSketchAndTopN(row.GetBytes(6), nil)
if err != nil {
cms = nil
hist := statistics.NewHistogram(id, ndv, nullCount, version, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeBlob), chunk.InitialCapacity, 0)
index := &statistics.Index{
Histogram: *hist,
CMSketch: cms,
TopN: topN,
Info: idxInfo,
StatsVer: statsVer,
Flag: row.GetInt64(10),
PhysicalID: tblID,
if statsVer != statistics.Version0 {
index.StatsLoadedStatus = statistics.NewStatsFullLoadStatus()
table.Indices[hist.ID] = index
} else {
var colInfo *model.ColumnInfo
for _, col := range tbl.Meta().Columns {
if col.ID == id {
colInfo = col
if colInfo == nil {
var topnCount int64
// If this is stats of the Version2, we need to consider the topn's count as well.
// See the comments of Version2 for more details.
if statsVer >= statistics.Version2 {
var err error
topnCount, err = h.initTopNCountSum(tblID, id)
if err != nil {
hist := statistics.NewHistogram(id, ndv, nullCount, version, &colInfo.FieldType, 0, totColSize)
hist.Correlation = row.GetFloat64(9)
col := &statistics.Column{
Histogram: *hist,
PhysicalID: table.PhysicalID,
Info: colInfo,
Count: nullCount + topnCount,
IsHandle: tbl.Meta().PKIsHandle && mysql.HasPriKeyFlag(colInfo.GetFlag()),
Flag: row.GetInt64(10),
StatsVer: statsVer,
table.Columns[hist.ID] = col
cache.Put(tblID, table)
func (h *Handle) initStatsHistograms(is infoschema.InfoSchema, cache *statsCache) error {
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnStats)
sql := "select HIGH_PRIORITY table_id, is_index, hist_id, distinct_count, version, null_count, cm_sketch, tot_col_size, stats_ver, correlation, flag, last_analyze_pos from mysql.stats_histograms"
rc, err := h.mu.ctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor).ExecuteInternal(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
defer terror.Call(rc.Close)
req := rc.NewChunk(nil)
iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(req)
for {
err := rc.Next(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if req.NumRows() == 0 {
h.initStatsHistograms4Chunk(is, cache, iter)
return nil
func (h *Handle) initStatsTopN4Chunk(cache *statsCache, iter *chunk.Iterator4Chunk) {
affectedIndexes := make(map[*statistics.Index]struct{})
for row := iter.Begin(); row != iter.End(); row = iter.Next() {
table, ok := cache.Get(row.GetInt64(0))
if !ok {
idx, ok := table.Indices[row.GetInt64(1)]
if !ok || (idx.CMSketch == nil && idx.StatsVer <= statistics.Version1) {
if idx.TopN == nil {
idx.TopN = statistics.NewTopN(32)
affectedIndexes[idx] = struct{}{}
data := make([]byte, len(row.GetBytes(2)))
copy(data, row.GetBytes(2))
idx.TopN.AppendTopN(data, row.GetUint64(3))
for idx := range affectedIndexes {
func (h *Handle) initStatsTopN(cache *statsCache) error {
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnStats)
sql := "select HIGH_PRIORITY table_id, hist_id, value, count from mysql.stats_top_n where is_index = 1"
rc, err := h.mu.ctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor).ExecuteInternal(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
defer terror.Call(rc.Close)
req := rc.NewChunk(nil)
iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(req)
for {
err := rc.Next(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if req.NumRows() == 0 {
h.initStatsTopN4Chunk(cache, iter)
return nil
func (h *Handle) initStatsFMSketch4Chunk(cache *statsCache, iter *chunk.Iterator4Chunk) {
for row := iter.Begin(); row != iter.End(); row = iter.Next() {
table, ok := cache.Get(row.GetInt64(0))
if !ok {
fms, err := statistics.DecodeFMSketch(row.GetBytes(3))
if err != nil {
fms = nil
isIndex := row.GetInt64(1)
id := row.GetInt64(2)
if isIndex == 1 {
if idxStats, ok := table.Indices[id]; ok {
idxStats.FMSketch = fms
} else {
if colStats, ok := table.Columns[id]; ok {
colStats.FMSketch = fms
func (h *Handle) initStatsFMSketch(cache *statsCache) error {
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnStats)
sql := "select HIGH_PRIORITY table_id, is_index, hist_id, value from mysql.stats_fm_sketch"
rc, err := h.mu.ctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor).ExecuteInternal(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
defer terror.Call(rc.Close)
req := rc.NewChunk(nil)
iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(req)
for {
err := rc.Next(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if req.NumRows() == 0 {
h.initStatsFMSketch4Chunk(cache, iter)
return nil
func (h *Handle) initStatsBuckets4Chunk(cache *statsCache, iter *chunk.Iterator4Chunk) {
for row := iter.Begin(); row != iter.End(); row = iter.Next() {
tableID, isIndex, histID := row.GetInt64(0), row.GetInt64(1), row.GetInt64(2)
table, ok := cache.Get(tableID)
if !ok {
var lower, upper types.Datum
var hist *statistics.Histogram
if isIndex > 0 {
index, ok := table.Indices[histID]
if !ok {
hist = &index.Histogram
lower, upper = types.NewBytesDatum(row.GetBytes(5)), types.NewBytesDatum(row.GetBytes(6))
} else {
column, ok := table.Columns[histID]
if !ok {
column.Count += row.GetInt64(3)
if !mysql.HasPriKeyFlag(column.Info.GetFlag()) {
hist = &column.Histogram
d := types.NewBytesDatum(row.GetBytes(5))
var err error
lower, err = d.ConvertTo(h.mu.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, &column.Info.FieldType)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Debug("decode bucket lower bound failed", zap.Error(err))
delete(table.Columns, histID)
d = types.NewBytesDatum(row.GetBytes(6))
upper, err = d.ConvertTo(h.mu.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx, &column.Info.FieldType)
if err != nil {
logutil.BgLogger().Debug("decode bucket upper bound failed", zap.Error(err))
delete(table.Columns, histID)
hist.AppendBucketWithNDV(&lower, &upper, row.GetInt64(3), row.GetInt64(4), row.GetInt64(7))
func (h *Handle) initTopNCountSum(tableID, colID int64) (int64, error) {
// Before stats ver 2, histogram represents all data in this column.
// In stats ver 2, histogram + TopN represent all data in this column.
// So we need to add TopN total count here.
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnStats)
selSQL := "select sum(count) from mysql.stats_top_n where table_id = %? and is_index = 0 and hist_id = %?"
rs, err := h.mu.ctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor).ExecuteInternal(ctx, selSQL, tableID, colID)
if rs != nil {
defer terror.Call(rs.Close)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
req := rs.NewChunk(nil)
iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(req)
err = rs.Next(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if req.NumRows() == 0 {
return 0, nil
return iter.Begin().GetMyDecimal(0).ToInt()
func (h *Handle) initStatsBuckets(cache *statsCache) error {
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnStats)
sql := "select HIGH_PRIORITY table_id, is_index, hist_id, count, repeats, lower_bound, upper_bound, ndv from mysql.stats_buckets order by table_id, is_index, hist_id, bucket_id"
rc, err := h.mu.ctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor).ExecuteInternal(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
defer terror.Call(rc.Close)
req := rc.NewChunk(nil)
iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(req)
for {
err := rc.Next(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if req.NumRows() == 0 {
h.initStatsBuckets4Chunk(cache, iter)
lastVersion := uint64(0)
for _, table := range cache.Values() {
lastVersion = mathutil.Max(lastVersion, table.Version)
for _, idx := range table.Indices {
for i := 1; i < idx.Len(); i++ {
idx.Buckets[i].Count += idx.Buckets[i-1].Count
for _, col := range table.Columns {
for i := 1; i < col.Len(); i++ {
col.Buckets[i].Count += col.Buckets[i-1].Count
cache.version = lastVersion
return nil
// InitStats will init the stats cache using full load strategy.
func (h *Handle) InitStats(is infoschema.InfoSchema) (err error) {
loadFMSketch := config.GetGlobalConfig().Performance.EnableLoadFMSketch
ctx := kv.WithInternalSourceType(context.Background(), kv.InternalTxnStats)
defer func() {
_, err1 := h.mu.ctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor).ExecuteInternal(ctx, "commit")
if err == nil && err1 != nil {
err = err1
_, err = h.mu.ctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor).ExecuteInternal(ctx, "begin")
if err != nil {
return err
cache, err := h.initStatsMeta(is)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
err = h.initStatsHistograms(is, &cache)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
err = h.initStatsTopN(&cache)
if err != nil {
return err
if loadFMSketch {
err = h.initStatsFMSketch(&cache)
if err != nil {
return err
err = h.initStatsBuckets(&cache)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// Set columns' stats status.
for _, table := range cache.Values() {
for _, col := range table.Columns {
if col.StatsVer != statistics.Version0 || col.Count > 0 {
if mysql.HasPriKeyFlag(col.Info.GetFlag()) {
col.StatsLoadedStatus = statistics.NewStatsFullLoadStatus()
} else {
col.StatsLoadedStatus = statistics.NewStatsAllEvictedStatus()
v := h.statsCache.Load()
if v == nil {
return nil
healthyChange := &statsHealthyChange{}
for _, tbl := range v.(statsCache).Values() {
if healthy, ok := tbl.GetStatsHealthy(); ok {
return nil
func getFullTableName(is infoschema.InfoSchema, tblInfo *model.TableInfo) string {
for _, schema := range is.AllSchemas() {
if t, err := is.TableByName(schema.Name, tblInfo.Name); err == nil {
if t.Meta().ID == tblInfo.ID {
return schema.Name.O + "." + tblInfo.Name.O
return strconv.FormatInt(tblInfo.ID, 10)
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