harmony 鸿蒙top

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (793)


Command Function

This command is used to query process and thread information.


top [-a]


Table 1 Parameter description

Parameter Description
–help Displays the parameters supported by the top command.
-a Displays detailed information.

Usage Guidelines

If no parameter is specified, partial task information is displayed by default.


Currently, the shell does not support this command. mksh supports it. To switch to mksh, run cd bin and ./mksh.


Run top.


Command output

OHOS:/$ top
  allCpu(%):    4.68 sys,  195.32 idle
  PID  PPID PGID       UID  Status VirtualMem ShareMem PhysicalMem CPUUSE10s  PName
    1    -1    1         0 Pending   0x33b000  0xbb000     0x4e01c      0.0   init
    2    -1    2         0 Pending   0xd838c0        0    0xd838c0      1.16  KProcess
    3     1    3         7 Pending   0x72e000 0x1a3000    0x1d29dc      0.0   foundation
    4     1    4         8 Pending   0x362000  0xbb000     0x5cc19      0.0   bundle_daemon
    5     1    5         1 Pending   0xdfa000 0x2e7000    0x148a0a      0.0   appspawn
    6     1    6         0 Pending   0x688000 0x137000    0x11c1ba      0.0   media_server
    7     1    7         0 Pending   0x9d2000 0x103000     0xa21f9      0.87  wms_server
    8     1    8         2 Pending   0x1f5000  0x48000     0x462dc      0.0   mksh
   11     1   11         0 Pending   0x4d4000 0x112000     0xe0d9c      0.0   deviceauth_service
   12     1   12         0 Pending   0x34f000  0xbd000     0x51cb3      0.0   sensor_service
   13     1   13         2 Pending   0x34e000  0xb3000     0x5269e      0.0   ai_server
   14     1   14         0 Pending   0x61f000 0x13b000    0x16858b      0.45  softbus_server
   43     8   43         2 Running   0x1d7000  0x3a000     0x1e9f5      0.0   toybox
  TID  PID Affi CPU       Status StackSize WaterLine CPUUSE10s    MEMUSE  TaskName
   23    1  0x3  -1      Pending    0x3000     0xcf4      0.0           0  init
    1    2  0x1  -1      Pending    0x4000     0x2c4      0.33          0  Swt_Task
    2    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x4000     0x204      0.0           0  system_wq
    3    2  0x2  -1      Pending    0x4000     0x514      0.75          0  Swt_Task
    4    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x1000     0x3ac      0.0           0  ResourcesTask
    7    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x4e20     0xa5c      0.0           0  PlatformWorkerThread
    8    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x4e20     0xa6c      0.0           0  PlatformWorkerThread
    9    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x4e20     0xbf4      0.0           0  PlatformWorkerThread
   10    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x3000     0x4dc      0.0           0  bcache_async_task
   11    2  0x3  -1     PendTime    0x4000     0x3e4      0.5           0  hi_vdec_thread
   12    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x2710     0x224      0.0           0  LiteOS usb pnp notify handle kt
   13    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x3000     0x37c      0.0           0  bcache_async_task
   14    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x4000     0x204      0.0           0  vibrator_queue
   15    2  0x3  -1      Pending   0x20000     0x35c      0.0           0  eth_irq_Task
   16    2  0x3  -1     PendTime    0x2000     0x354      0.0           0  MessageDispatcher
   18    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x2710     0x200      0.0           0  GPIO_IRQ_TSK_0_4
   19    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x4000     0x204      0.0           0  dispWQ
   20    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x4000     0x204      0.0           0  hdf_sensor_test_work_queue
   21    2  0x3  -1     PendTime    0x6000     0x40c      0.2           0  tcpip_thread
   22    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x4000     0x36c      0.0           0  SendToSer
   61    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x4000     0x244      0.0           0  USB_GIANT_Task
   63    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x4000     0x244      0.0           0  USB_NGIAN_ISOC_Task
   64    2  0x3  -1      Pending    0x4000     0x244      0.0           0  USB_NGIAN_BULK_TasK

Table 2 Output description

Parameter Description
PID Process ID.
PPID Parent process ID.
PGID Process group ID.
UID User ID.
Status Current task status.
CPUUSE10s CPU usage within last 10 seconds.
PName Name of the process.
TID Task ID.
StackSize Size of the task stack.
WaterLine Peak value of the stack used.
MEMUSE Memory usage.
TaskName Task name.


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