开源鸿蒙 @Watch
@Watch is used to listen for changes of state variables. The syntax structure is as follows:
@State @Watch("onChanged") count : number = 0
As shown above, add an @Watch decorator to the target state variable to register an onChanged callback. When the state variable count is changed, the onChanged callback will be triggered.
@Watch can be used to listen for changes of variables decorated by @State, @Prop, @Link, @ObjectLink, @Provide, @Consume, @StorageProp, or @StorageLink.
struct CompA {
@State @Watch("onBasketUpdated") shopBasket : Array<number> = [ 7, 12, 47, 3 ];
@State totalPurchase : number = 0;
updateTotal() : number {
let sum = 0;
this.shopBasket.forEach((i) => { sum += i; });
// Calculate the total amount of items in the shopping basket. If the amount exceeds CNY100, the specified discount will be applied.
this.totalPurchase = (sum < 100) ? sum : 0.9 * sum;
return this.totalPurchase;
// @Watch cb
onBasketUpdated(propName: string) : void {
build() {
Column() {
Button("add to basket").onClick(() => { this.shopBasket.push(Math.round(100 * Math.random())) })
开源鸿蒙 Multi-Language Capability
- 所属分类: 后端技术
- 本文标签:
2、 - 优质文章
3、 gate.io
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦