echarts VisualMapModel 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (626)

echarts VisualMapModel 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import visualDefault from '../../visual/visualDefault';
import VisualMapping, { VisualMappingOption } from '../../visual/VisualMapping';
import * as visualSolution from '../../visual/visualSolution';
import * as modelUtil from '../../util/model';
import * as numberUtil from '../../util/number';
import {
} from '../../util/types';
import ComponentModel from '../../model/Component';
import Model from '../../model/Model';
import GlobalModel from '../../model/Global';
import SeriesModel from '../../model/Series';
import SeriesData from '../../data/SeriesData';

const mapVisual = VisualMapping.mapVisual;
const eachVisual = VisualMapping.eachVisual;
const isArray = zrUtil.isArray;
const each = zrUtil.each;
const asc = numberUtil.asc;
const linearMap = numberUtil.linearMap;

type VisualOptionBase = {[key in BuiltinVisualProperty]?: any};

type LabelFormatter = (min: OptionDataValue, max?: OptionDataValue) => string;

type VisualState = VisualMapModel['stateList'][number];
export interface VisualMapOption<T extends VisualOptionBase = VisualOptionBase> extends
    BorderOptionMixin {

    mainType?: 'visualMap'

    show?: boolean

    align?: string

    realtime?: boolean
     * 'all' or null/undefined: all series.
     * A number or an array of number: the specified series.
     * set min: 0, max: 200, only for campatible with ec2.
     * In fact min max should not have default value.
    seriesIndex?: 'all' | number[] | number

     * min value, must specified if pieces is not specified.
    min?: number

     * max value, must specified if pieces is not specified.
    max?: number
     * Dimension to be encoded
    dimension?: number

     * Visual configuration for the data in selection
    inRange?: T
     * Visual configuration for the out of selection
    outOfRange?: T

    controller?: {
        inRange?: T
        outOfRange?: T
    target?: {
        inRange?: T
        outOfRange?: T

     * Width of the display item
    itemWidth?: number
     * Height of the display item
    itemHeight?: number

    inverse?: boolean

    orient?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'

    backgroundColor?: ZRColor
    contentColor?: ZRColor

    inactiveColor?: ZRColor

     * Padding of the component. Can be an array similar to CSS
    padding?: number[] | number
     * Gap between text and item
    textGap?: number

    precision?: number

     * @deprecated
     * Option from version 2
    color?: ColorString[]

    formatter?: string | LabelFormatter

     * Text on the both end. Such as ['High', 'Low']
    text?: string[]

    textStyle?: LabelOption

    categories?: unknown

export interface VisualMeta {
    stops: { value: number, color: ColorString}[]
    outerColors: ColorString[]

    dimension?: DimensionIndex

class VisualMapModel<Opts extends VisualMapOption = VisualMapOption> extends ComponentModel<Opts> {

    static type = 'visualMap';
    type = VisualMapModel.type;

    static readonly dependencies = ['series'];

    readonly stateList = ['inRange', 'outOfRange'] as const;

    readonly replacableOptionKeys = [
        'inRange', 'outOfRange', 'target', 'controller', 'color'
    ] as const;

    readonly layoutMode = {
        type: 'box', ignoreSize: true
    } as const;

     * [lowerBound, upperBound]
    dataBound = [-Infinity, Infinity];

    protected _dataExtent: [number, number];

    targetVisuals = {} as ReturnType<typeof visualSolution.createVisualMappings>;

    controllerVisuals = {} as ReturnType<typeof visualSolution.createVisualMappings>;

    textStyleModel: Model<LabelOption>;

    itemSize: number[];

    init(option: Opts, parentModel: Model, ecModel: GlobalModel) {
        this.mergeDefaultAndTheme(option, ecModel);

     * @protected
    optionUpdated(newOption: Opts, isInit?: boolean) {
        const thisOption = this.option;

        !isInit && visualSolution.replaceVisualOption(
            thisOption, newOption, this.replacableOptionKeys

        this.textStyleModel = this.getModel('textStyle');



     * @protected
        supplementVisualOption: (this: this, mappingOption: VisualMappingOption, state: string) => void
    ) {
        const stateList = this.stateList;
        supplementVisualOption = zrUtil.bind(supplementVisualOption, this);

        this.controllerVisuals = visualSolution.createVisualMappings(
            this.option.controller, stateList, supplementVisualOption
        this.targetVisuals = visualSolution.createVisualMappings(
  , stateList, supplementVisualOption

     * @public
    getItemSymbol(): string {
        return null;

     * @protected
     * @return {Array.<number>} An array of series indices.
    getTargetSeriesIndices() {
        const optionSeriesIndex = this.option.seriesIndex;
        let seriesIndices: number[] = [];

        if (optionSeriesIndex == null || optionSeriesIndex === 'all') {
            this.ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel, index) {
        else {
            seriesIndices = modelUtil.normalizeToArray(optionSeriesIndex);

        return seriesIndices;

     * @public
        callback: (this: Ctx, series: SeriesModel) => void,
        context?: Ctx
    ) {
        zrUtil.each(this.getTargetSeriesIndices(), function (seriesIndex) {
            const seriesModel = this.ecModel.getSeriesByIndex(seriesIndex);
            if (seriesModel) {
      , seriesModel);
        }, this);

     * @pubilc
    isTargetSeries(seriesModel: SeriesModel) {
        let is = false;
        this.eachTargetSeries(function (model) {
            model === seriesModel && (is = true);
        return is;

     * @example
     * this.formatValueText(someVal); // format single numeric value to text.
     * this.formatValueText(someVal, true); // format single category value to text.
     * this.formatValueText([min, max]); // format numeric min-max to text.
     * this.formatValueText([this.dataBound[0], max]); // using data lower bound.
     * this.formatValueText([min, this.dataBound[1]]); // using data upper bound.
     * @param value Real value, or this.dataBound[0 or 1].
     * @param isCategory Only available when value is number.
     * @param edgeSymbols Open-close symbol when value is interval.
     * @protected
        value: number | string | number[],
        isCategory?: boolean,
        edgeSymbols?: string[]
    ): string {
        const option = this.option;
        const precision = option.precision;
        const dataBound = this.dataBound;
        const formatter = option.formatter;
        let isMinMax: boolean;
        edgeSymbols = edgeSymbols || ['<', '>'] as [string, string];

        if (zrUtil.isArray(value)) {
            value = value.slice();
            isMinMax = true;

        const textValue = isCategory
            ? value as string   // Value is string when isCategory
            : (isMinMax
                ? [toFixed((value as number[])[0]), toFixed((value as number[])[1])]
                : toFixed(value as number)

        if (zrUtil.isString(formatter)) {
            return formatter
                .replace('{value}', isMinMax ? (textValue as string[])[0] : textValue as string)
                .replace('{value2}', isMinMax ? (textValue as string[])[1] : textValue as string);
        else if (zrUtil.isFunction(formatter)) {
            return isMinMax
                ? formatter((value as number[])[0], (value as number[])[1])
                : formatter(value as number);

        if (isMinMax) {
            if ((value as number[])[0] === dataBound[0]) {
                return edgeSymbols[0] + ' ' + textValue[1];
            else if ((value as number[])[1] === dataBound[1]) {
                return edgeSymbols[1] + ' ' + textValue[0];
            else {
                return textValue[0] + ' - ' + textValue[1];
        else { // Format single value (includes category case).
            return textValue as string;

        function toFixed(val: number) {
            return val === dataBound[0]
                ? 'min'
                : val === dataBound[1]
                ? 'max'
                : (+val).toFixed(Math.min(precision, 20));

     * @protected
    resetExtent() {
        const thisOption = this.option;

        // Can not calculate data extent by data here.
        // Because series and data may be modified in processing stage.
        // So we do not support the feature "auto min/max".

        const extent = asc([thisOption.min, thisOption.max] as [number, number]);

        this._dataExtent = extent;

     * PENDING:
     * delete this method if no outer usage.
     * Return  Concrete dimention. If return null/undefined, no dimension used.
    // getDataDimension(data: SeriesData) {
    //     const optDim = this.option.dimension;

    //     if (optDim != null) {
    //         return data.getDimension(optDim);
    //     }

    //     const dimNames = data.dimensions;
    //     for (let i = dimNames.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    //         const dimName = dimNames[i];
    //         const dimInfo = data.getDimensionInfo(dimName);
    //         if (!dimInfo.isCalculationCoord) {
    //             return dimName;
    //         }
    //     }
    // }

    getDataDimensionIndex(data: SeriesData): DimensionIndex {
        const optDim = this.option.dimension;

        if (optDim != null) {
            return data.getDimensionIndex(optDim);

        const dimNames = data.dimensions;
        for (let i = dimNames.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            const dimName = dimNames[i];
            const dimInfo = data.getDimensionInfo(dimName);
            if (!dimInfo.isCalculationCoord) {
                return dimInfo.storeDimIndex;

    getExtent() {
        return this._dataExtent.slice() as [number, number];

    completeVisualOption() {

        const ecModel = this.ecModel;
        const thisOption = this.option;
        const base = {
            inRange: thisOption.inRange,
            outOfRange: thisOption.outOfRange

        const target = || ( = {});
        const controller = thisOption.controller || (thisOption.controller = {});

        zrUtil.merge(target, base); // Do not override
        zrUtil.merge(controller, base); // Do not override

        const isCategory = this.isCategory();, target);, controller);, target, 'inRange', 'outOfRange');
        //, target, 'outOfRange', 'inRange');, controller);

        function completeSingle(this: VisualMapModel, base: VisualMapOption['target']) {
            // Compatible with ec2 dataRange.color.
            // The mapping order of dataRange.color is: [high value, ..., low value]
            // whereas inRange.color and outOfRange.color is [low value, ..., high value]
            // Notice: ec2 has no inverse.
            if (isArray(thisOption.color)
                // If there has been inRange: {symbol: ...}, adding color is a mistake.
                // So adding color only when no inRange defined.
                && !base.inRange
            ) {
                base.inRange = {color: thisOption.color.slice().reverse()};

            // Compatible with previous logic, always give a defautl color, otherwise
            // simple config with no inRange and outOfRange will not work.
            // Originally we use visualMap.color as the default color, but setOption at
            // the second time the default color will be erased. So we change to use
            // constant DEFAULT_COLOR.
            // If user do not want the default color, set inRange: {color: null}.
            base.inRange = base.inRange || {color: ecModel.get('gradientColor')};

        function completeInactive(
            this: VisualMapModel,
            base: VisualMapOption['target'],
            stateExist: VisualState,
            stateAbsent: VisualState
        ) {
            const optExist = base[stateExist];
            let optAbsent = base[stateAbsent];

            if (optExist && !optAbsent) {
                optAbsent = base[stateAbsent] = {};
                each(optExist, function (visualData, visualType: BuiltinVisualProperty) {
                    if (!VisualMapping.isValidType(visualType)) {

                    const defa = visualDefault.get(visualType, 'inactive', isCategory);

                    if (defa != null) {
                        optAbsent[visualType] = defa;

                        // Compatibable with ec2:
                        // Only inactive color to rgba(0,0,0,0) can not
                        // make label transparent, so use opacity also.
                        if (visualType === 'color'
                            && !optAbsent.hasOwnProperty('opacity')
                            && !optAbsent.hasOwnProperty('colorAlpha')
                        ) {
                            optAbsent.opacity = [0, 0];

        function completeController(this: VisualMapModel, controller?: VisualMapOption['controller']) {
            const symbolExists = (controller.inRange || {}).symbol
                || (controller.outOfRange || {}).symbol;
            const symbolSizeExists = (controller.inRange || {}).symbolSize
                || (controller.outOfRange || {}).symbolSize;
            const inactiveColor = this.get('inactiveColor');
            const itemSymbol = this.getItemSymbol();
            const defaultSymbol = itemSymbol || 'roundRect';

            each(this.stateList, function (state: VisualState) {

                const itemSize = this.itemSize;
                let visuals = controller[state];

                // Set inactive color for controller if no other color
                // attr (like colorAlpha) specified.
                if (!visuals) {
                    visuals = controller[state] = {
                        color: isCategory ? inactiveColor : [inactiveColor]

                // Consistent symbol and symbolSize if not specified.
                if (visuals.symbol == null) {
                    visuals.symbol = symbolExists
                        && zrUtil.clone(symbolExists)
                        || (isCategory ? defaultSymbol : [defaultSymbol]);
                if (visuals.symbolSize == null) {
                    visuals.symbolSize = symbolSizeExists
                        && zrUtil.clone(symbolSizeExists)
                        || (isCategory ? itemSize[0] : [itemSize[0], itemSize[0]]);

                // Filter none
                visuals.symbol = mapVisual(visuals.symbol, function (symbol) {
                    return symbol === 'none' ? defaultSymbol : symbol;

                // Normalize symbolSize
                const symbolSize = visuals.symbolSize;

                if (symbolSize != null) {
                    let max = -Infinity;
                    // symbolSize can be object when categories defined.
                    eachVisual(symbolSize, function (value) {
                        value > max && (max = value);
                    visuals.symbolSize = mapVisual(symbolSize, function (value) {
                        return linearMap(value, [0, max], [0, itemSize[0]], true);

            }, this);

    resetItemSize() {
        this.itemSize = [
            parseFloat(this.get('itemWidth') as unknown as string),
            parseFloat(this.get('itemHeight') as unknown as string)

    isCategory() {
        return !!this.option.categories;

     * @public
     * @abstract
    setSelected(selected?: any) {}

    getSelected(): any {
        return null;

     * @public
     * @abstract
    getValueState(value: any): VisualMapModel['stateList'][number] {
        return null;

     * FIXME
     * Do not publish to thirt-part-dev temporarily
     * util the interface is stable. (Should it return
     * a function but not visual meta?)
     * @pubilc
     * @abstract
     * @param getColorVisual
     *        params: value, valueState
     *        return: color
     * @return {Object} visualMeta
     *        should includes {stops, outerColors}
     *        outerColor means [colorBeyondMinValue, colorBeyondMaxValue]
    getVisualMeta(getColorVisual: (value: number, valueState: VisualState) => string): VisualMeta {
        return null;

    static defaultOption: VisualMapOption = {
        show: true,

        // zlevel: 0,
        z: 4,

        seriesIndex: 'all',

        min: 0,
        max: 200,

        left: 0,
        right: null,
        top: null,
        bottom: 0,

        itemWidth: null,
        itemHeight: null,
        inverse: false,
        orient: 'vertical',        // 'horizontal' ¦ 'vertical'

        backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
        borderColor: '#ccc',       // 值域边框颜色
        contentColor: '#5793f3',
        inactiveColor: '#aaa',
        borderWidth: 0,
        padding: 5,
                                    // 接受数组分别设定上右下左边距,同css
        textGap: 10,               //
        precision: 0,              // 小数精度,默认为0,无小数点

        textStyle: {
            color: '#333'          // 值域文字颜色

export default VisualMapModel;


echarts 源码目录


echarts ContinuousModel 源码

echarts ContinuousView 源码

echarts PiecewiseModel 源码

echarts PiecewiseView 源码

echarts VisualMapView 源码

echarts helper 源码

echarts install 源码

echarts installCommon 源码

echarts installVisualMapContinuous 源码

echarts installVisualMapPiecewise 源码

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