echarts MarkAreaView 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (596)

echarts MarkAreaView 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

// TODO Optimize on polar

import * as colorUtil from 'zrender/src/tool/color';
import SeriesData from '../../data/SeriesData';
import * as numberUtil from '../../util/number';
import * as graphic from '../../util/graphic';
import { toggleHoverEmphasis, setStatesStylesFromModel } from '../../util/states';
import * as markerHelper from './markerHelper';
import MarkerView from './MarkerView';
import { retrieve, mergeAll, map, curry, filter, HashMap, extend, isString } from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import { ScaleDataValue, ZRColor } from '../../util/types';
import { CoordinateSystem, isCoordinateSystemType } from '../../coord/CoordinateSystem';
import MarkAreaModel, { MarkArea2DDataItemOption } from './MarkAreaModel';
import SeriesModel from '../../model/Series';
import Cartesian2D from '../../coord/cartesian/Cartesian2D';
import SeriesDimensionDefine from '../../data/SeriesDimensionDefine';
import GlobalModel from '../../model/Global';
import ExtensionAPI from '../../core/ExtensionAPI';
import MarkerModel from './MarkerModel';
import { makeInner } from '../../util/model';
import { getVisualFromData } from '../../visual/helper';
import { setLabelStyle, getLabelStatesModels } from '../../label/labelStyle';
import { getECData } from '../../util/innerStore';
import Axis2D from '../../coord/cartesian/Axis2D';
import { parseDataValue } from '../../data/helper/dataValueHelper';

interface MarkAreaDrawGroup {
    group: graphic.Group

const inner = makeInner<{
    data: SeriesData<MarkAreaModel>
}, MarkAreaDrawGroup>();

// Merge two ends option into one.
type MarkAreaMergedItemOption = Omit<MarkArea2DDataItemOption[number], 'coord'> & {
    coord: MarkArea2DDataItemOption[number]['coord'][]
    x0: number | string
    y0: number | string
    x1: number | string
    y1: number | string

const markAreaTransform = function (
    seriesModel: SeriesModel,
    coordSys: CoordinateSystem,
    maModel: MarkAreaModel,
    item: MarkArea2DDataItemOption
): MarkAreaMergedItemOption {
    const lt = markerHelper.dataTransform(seriesModel, item[0]);
    const rb = markerHelper.dataTransform(seriesModel, item[1]);

    // FIXME make sure lt is less than rb
    const ltCoord = lt.coord;
    const rbCoord = rb.coord;
    ltCoord[0] = retrieve(ltCoord[0], -Infinity);
    ltCoord[1] = retrieve(ltCoord[1], -Infinity);

    rbCoord[0] = retrieve(rbCoord[0], Infinity);
    rbCoord[1] = retrieve(rbCoord[1], Infinity);

    // Merge option into one
    const result: MarkAreaMergedItemOption = mergeAll([{}, lt, rb]);

    result.coord = [
        lt.coord, rb.coord
    result.x0 = lt.x;
    result.y0 = lt.y;
    result.x1 = rb.x;
    result.y1 = rb.y;
    return result;

function isInfinity(val: ScaleDataValue) {
    return !isNaN(val as number) && !isFinite(val as number);

// If a markArea has one dim
function ifMarkAreaHasOnlyDim(
    dimIndex: number,
    fromCoord: ScaleDataValue[],
    toCoord: ScaleDataValue[],
    coordSys: CoordinateSystem
) {
    const otherDimIndex = 1 - dimIndex;
    return isInfinity(fromCoord[otherDimIndex]) && isInfinity(toCoord[otherDimIndex]);

function markAreaFilter(coordSys: CoordinateSystem, item: MarkAreaMergedItemOption) {
    const fromCoord = item.coord[0];
    const toCoord = item.coord[1];
    const item0 = {
        coord: fromCoord,
        x: item.x0,
        y: item.y0
    const item1 = {
        coord: toCoord,
        x: item.x1,
        y: item.y1
    if (isCoordinateSystemType<Cartesian2D>(coordSys, 'cartesian2d')) {
        // In case
        // {
        //  markArea: {
        //    data: [{ yAxis: 2 }]
        //  }
        // }
        if (
            fromCoord && toCoord
            && (ifMarkAreaHasOnlyDim(1, fromCoord, toCoord, coordSys)
            || ifMarkAreaHasOnlyDim(0, fromCoord, toCoord, coordSys))
        ) {
            return true;
        // Directly returning true may also do the work,
        // because markArea will not be shown automatically
        // when it's not included in coordinate system.
        // But filtering ahead can avoid keeping rendering markArea
        // when there are too many of them.
        return markerHelper.zoneFilter(coordSys, item0, item1);
    return markerHelper.dataFilter(coordSys, item0)
        || markerHelper.dataFilter(coordSys, item1);

// dims can be ['x0', 'y0'], ['x1', 'y1'], ['x0', 'y1'], ['x1', 'y0']
function getSingleMarkerEndPoint(
    data: SeriesData<MarkAreaModel>,
    idx: number,
    dims: typeof dimPermutations[number],
    seriesModel: SeriesModel,
    api: ExtensionAPI
) {
    const coordSys = seriesModel.coordinateSystem;
    const itemModel = data.getItemModel<MarkAreaMergedItemOption>(idx);

    let point;
    const xPx = numberUtil.parsePercent(itemModel.get(dims[0]), api.getWidth());
    const yPx = numberUtil.parsePercent(itemModel.get(dims[1]), api.getHeight());
    if (!isNaN(xPx) && !isNaN(yPx)) {
        point = [xPx, yPx];
    else {
        // Chart like bar may have there own marker positioning logic
        if (seriesModel.getMarkerPosition) {
            // Consider the case that user input the right-bottom point first
            // Pick the larger x and y as 'x1' and 'y1'
            const pointValue0 = data.getValues(['x0', 'y0'], idx);
            const pointValue1 = data.getValues(['x1', 'y1'], idx);
            const clampPointValue0 = coordSys.clampData(pointValue0);
            const clampPointValue1 = coordSys.clampData(pointValue1);
            const pointValue = [];
            if (dims[0] === 'x0') {
                pointValue[0] = (clampPointValue0[0] > clampPointValue1[0]) ? pointValue1[0] : pointValue0[0];
            else {
                pointValue[0] = (clampPointValue0[0] > clampPointValue1[0]) ? pointValue0[0] : pointValue1[0];
            if (dims[1] === 'y0') {
                pointValue[1] = (clampPointValue0[1] > clampPointValue1[1]) ? pointValue1[1] : pointValue0[1];
            else {
                pointValue[1] = (clampPointValue0[1] > clampPointValue1[1]) ? pointValue0[1] : pointValue1[1];
            // Use the getMarkerPoisition
            point = seriesModel.getMarkerPosition(
                pointValue, dims, true
        else {
            const x = data.get(dims[0], idx) as number;
            const y = data.get(dims[1], idx) as number;
            const pt = [x, y];
            coordSys.clampData && coordSys.clampData(pt, pt);
            point = coordSys.dataToPoint(pt, true);
        if (isCoordinateSystemType<Cartesian2D>(coordSys, 'cartesian2d')) {
            // TODO: TYPE ts@4.1 may still infer it as Axis instead of Axis2D. Not sure if it's a bug
            const xAxis = coordSys.getAxis('x') as Axis2D;
            const yAxis = coordSys.getAxis('y') as Axis2D;
            const x = data.get(dims[0], idx) as number;
            const y = data.get(dims[1], idx) as number;
            if (isInfinity(x)) {
                point[0] = xAxis.toGlobalCoord(xAxis.getExtent()[dims[0] === 'x0' ? 0 : 1]);
            else if (isInfinity(y)) {
                point[1] = yAxis.toGlobalCoord(yAxis.getExtent()[dims[1] === 'y0' ? 0 : 1]);

        // Use x, y if has any
        if (!isNaN(xPx)) {
            point[0] = xPx;
        if (!isNaN(yPx)) {
            point[1] = yPx;

    return point;

export const dimPermutations = [['x0', 'y0'], ['x1', 'y0'], ['x1', 'y1'], ['x0', 'y1']] as const;

class MarkAreaView extends MarkerView {

    static type = 'markArea';
    type = MarkAreaView.type;

    markerGroupMap: HashMap<MarkAreaDrawGroup>;

    updateTransform(markAreaModel: MarkAreaModel, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI) {
        ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel) {
            const maModel = MarkerModel.getMarkerModelFromSeries(seriesModel, 'markArea') as MarkAreaModel;
            if (maModel) {
                const areaData = maModel.getData();
                areaData.each(function (idx) {
                    const points = map(dimPermutations, function (dim) {
                        return getSingleMarkerEndPoint(areaData, idx, dim, seriesModel, api);
                    // Layout
                    areaData.setItemLayout(idx, points);
                    const el = areaData.getItemGraphicEl(idx) as graphic.Polygon;
                    el.setShape('points', points);
        }, this);

        seriesModel: SeriesModel,
        maModel: MarkAreaModel,
        ecModel: GlobalModel,
        api: ExtensionAPI
    ) {
        const coordSys = seriesModel.coordinateSystem;
        const seriesId =;
        const seriesData = seriesModel.getData();

        const areaGroupMap = this.markerGroupMap;
        const polygonGroup = areaGroupMap.get(seriesId)
            || areaGroupMap.set(seriesId, {group: new graphic.Group()});;

        const areaData = createList(coordSys, seriesModel, maModel);

        // Line data for tooltip and formatter

        // Update visual and layout of line
        areaData.each(function (idx) {
            // Layout
            const points = map(dimPermutations, function (dim) {
                return getSingleMarkerEndPoint(areaData, idx, dim, seriesModel, api);
            const xAxisScale = coordSys.getAxis('x').scale;
            const yAxisScale = coordSys.getAxis('y').scale;
            const xAxisExtent = xAxisScale.getExtent();
            const yAxisExtent = yAxisScale.getExtent();
            const xPointExtent = [xAxisScale.parse(areaData.get('x0', idx)), xAxisScale.parse(areaData.get('x1', idx))];
            const yPointExtent = [yAxisScale.parse(areaData.get('y0', idx)), yAxisScale.parse(areaData.get('y1', idx))];
            const overlapped = !(xAxisExtent[0] > xPointExtent[1] || xAxisExtent[1] < xPointExtent[0]
                                || yAxisExtent[0] > yPointExtent[1] || yAxisExtent[1] < yPointExtent[0]);
            // If none of the area is inside coordSys, allClipped is set to be true
            // in layout so that label will not be displayed. See #12591
            const allClipped = !overlapped;
            areaData.setItemLayout(idx, {
                points: points,
                allClipped: allClipped

            const style = areaData.getItemModel<MarkAreaMergedItemOption>(idx).getModel('itemStyle').getItemStyle();
            const color = getVisualFromData(seriesData, 'color') as ZRColor;
            if (!style.fill) {
                style.fill = color;
                if (isString(style.fill)) {
                    style.fill = colorUtil.modifyAlpha(style.fill, 0.4);
            if (!style.stroke) {
                style.stroke = color;
            // Visual
            areaData.setItemVisual(idx, 'style', style);

            .add(function (idx) {
                const layout = areaData.getItemLayout(idx);
                if (!layout.allClipped) {
                    const polygon = new graphic.Polygon({
                        shape: {
                            points: layout.points
                    areaData.setItemGraphicEl(idx, polygon);
            .update(function (newIdx, oldIdx) {
                let polygon = inner(polygonGroup).data.getItemGraphicEl(oldIdx) as graphic.Polygon;
                const layout = areaData.getItemLayout(newIdx);
                if (!layout.allClipped) {
                    if (polygon) {
                        graphic.updateProps(polygon, {
                            shape: {
                                points: layout.points
                        }, maModel, newIdx);
                    else {
                        polygon = new graphic.Polygon({
                            shape: {
                                points: layout.points
                    areaData.setItemGraphicEl(newIdx, polygon);
                else if (polygon) {
            .remove(function (idx) {
                const polygon = inner(polygonGroup).data.getItemGraphicEl(idx);

        areaData.eachItemGraphicEl(function (polygon: graphic.Polygon, idx) {
            const itemModel = areaData.getItemModel<MarkAreaMergedItemOption>(idx);
            const style = areaData.getItemVisual(idx, 'style');
            polygon.useStyle(areaData.getItemVisual(idx, 'style'));

                polygon, getLabelStatesModels(itemModel),
                    labelFetcher: maModel,
                    labelDataIndex: idx,
                    defaultText: areaData.getName(idx) || '',
                    inheritColor: isString(style.fill)
                        ? colorUtil.modifyAlpha(style.fill, 1) : '#000'

            setStatesStylesFromModel(polygon, itemModel);

            toggleHoverEmphasis(polygon, null, null, itemModel.get(['emphasis', 'disabled']));

            getECData(polygon).dataModel = maModel;

        inner(polygonGroup).data = areaData; = maModel.get('silent') || seriesModel.get('silent');

function createList(
    coordSys: CoordinateSystem,
    seriesModel: SeriesModel,
    maModel: MarkAreaModel
) {

    let areaData: SeriesData<MarkAreaModel>;
    let dataDims: SeriesDimensionDefine[];
    const dims = ['x0', 'y0', 'x1', 'y1'];
    if (coordSys) {
        const coordDimsInfos: SeriesDimensionDefine[] = map(coordSys && coordSys.dimensions, function (coordDim) {
            const data = seriesModel.getData();
            const info = data.getDimensionInfo(
            ) || {};
            // In map series data don't have lng and lat dimension. Fallback to same with coordSys
            return extend(extend({}, info), {
                name: coordDim,
                // DON'T use ordinalMeta to parse and collect ordinal.
                ordinalMeta: null
        dataDims = map(dims, (dim, idx) => ({
            name: dim,
            type: coordDimsInfos[idx % 2].type
        areaData = new SeriesData(dataDims, maModel);
    else {
        dataDims = [{
            name: 'value',
            type: 'float'
        areaData = new SeriesData(dataDims, maModel);

    let optData = map(maModel.get('data'), curry(
        markAreaTransform, seriesModel, coordSys, maModel
    if (coordSys) {
        optData = filter(
            optData, curry(markAreaFilter, coordSys)

    const dimValueGetter: markerHelper.MarkerDimValueGetter<MarkAreaMergedItemOption> = coordSys
        ? function (item, dimName, dataIndex, dimIndex) {
            // TODO should convert to ParsedValue?
            const rawVal = item.coord[Math.floor(dimIndex / 2)][dimIndex % 2];
            return parseDataValue(rawVal, dataDims[dimIndex]);
        : function (item, dimName, dataIndex, dimIndex) {
            return parseDataValue(item.value, dataDims[dimIndex]);
    areaData.initData(optData, null, dimValueGetter);
    areaData.hasItemOption = true;
    return areaData;

export default MarkAreaView;


echarts 源码目录


echarts MarkAreaModel 源码

echarts MarkLineModel 源码

echarts MarkLineView 源码

echarts MarkPointModel 源码

echarts MarkPointView 源码

echarts MarkerModel 源码

echarts MarkerView 源码

echarts checkMarkerInSeries 源码

echarts installMarkArea 源码

echarts installMarkLine 源码

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