harmony 鸿蒙Updates (OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta2 -> OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta3)

  • 2023-02-03
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Updates (OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta2 -> OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta3)

Bundle Management Framework

The privilege control capability is added for preset applications. The capability can be divided into two parts: permission control for preset applications and configuration of preset applications. Application privileges are high-level capabilities of an application, for example, restricting an application from being uninstalled or restricting application data from being deleted. OpenHarmony provides both general and device-specific application privileges. The latter can be configured by device vendors for applications on different devices. OpenHarmony supports differentiated configuration of preset applications on different devices. In addition, OpenHarmony provides GetCfgDirList for your application to obtain the preset directories, such as system, chipset, sys_prod, and chip_prod, in ascending order of priority. For example, the priority of chip_prod is higher than that of system.

Changed Installation Mode for Preset Applications

In earlier versions, preset applications are installed by automatically scanning and installing HAP files in the /system/app directory. From this version, preset applications are configured based on the trustlist. Specifically, only the HAP file configured with app-dir in the install_list.json file can be automatically installed as a preset application.

Change Impacts

JS and native APIs are not involved, and application development is not affected.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

Configure related fields in the /system/etc/app/install_list.json file. The app_dir field specifies the directory where the HAP file is located, and removable specifies whether the HAP file can be uninstalled after being installed.


    "install_list" : [
            "app_dir" : "/system/app/com.ohos.systemui",
            "removable" : false
            "app_dir" : "/system/app/demo.hap",
            "removable" : true

Changes in General Application Privilege Control

For a specific application, the general application privileges remain unchanged on all types of devices. The general application privileges are as follows: |Permission|Description | |—————-|————————————————————| |AllowAppDataNotCleared|Allows application data to be deleted.| |AllowAppMultiProcess|Allows the application to run on multiple processes.| |AllowAppDesktopIconHide|Allows the application icon to be hidden from the home screen.| |AllowAbilityPriorityQueried|Allows an ability to configure and query the priority. | |AllowAbilityExcludeFromMissions|Allows an ability to be hidden in the mission stack.| |AllowAppUsePrivilegeExtension|Allows the application to use ServiceExtensionAbilities and DataExtensionAbilities.| |AllowFormVisibleNotify|Allows a widget to be visible on the home screen.|

In earlier versions, these privileges are configured in the config.json or module.json file and distinguished based on the application type (preset or system application). From this version, the privileges are configured based on the signing certificate and preset trustlist.

Change Impacts

JS and native APIs are not involved. If your application needs to use any of these privileges, apply for it. For details about how to apply for and configure the privileges, see Application Privilege Configuration.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

See Application Privilege Configuration.

    "version-name": "1.0.0",
    "bundle-info": {
        "developer-id": "OpenHarmony",
    "issuer": "pki_internal",
    "app-privilege-capabilities": ["AllowAppDataNotCleared", "AllowAppDesktopIconHide"] // The application data cannot be deleted, and the icon can be hidden on the home screen.

Changes in Device-specific Application Privilege Control

In addition to general application privileges, device vendors can define device-specific privileges for an application, as described in the table below.

Permission Type Default Value Description
removable bool true Allows the application to be uninstalled. This permission takes effect only for preset applications.
keepAlive bool false Allows the application to remain resident in the background.
singleton bool false Allows the application to be installed for a single user (User 0).
allowCommonEvent string[] - Allows the application to be started by a static broadcast.
associatedWakeUp bool false Allows the application in the FA model to be woken up by an associated application.
runningResourcesApply bool false Allows the application to request running resources, such as CPU, event notifications, and Bluetooth.

In earlier versions, these privileges are configured in the config.json or module.json file and distinguished based on the application type (preset or system application). From this version, the privileges can be configured based on the preset trustlist. For details, see install_list_capability.json.

Change Impacts

JS and native APIs are not involved. If your application needs to use any of these privileges, apply for it. For details, see Configuration Mode.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

See Configuration Mode.

    "install_list": [
            "bundleName": "com.example.kikakeyboard",
            "singleton": true, // The application is installed for a single user.
            "keepAlive": true, // The application remains resident in the background.
            "runningResourcesApply": true, // The application can apply for running resources such as CPU, event notifications, and Bluetooth.
            "associatedWakeUp": true, // The application in the FA model can be woken up by an associated application.
            "app_signature": ["8E93863FC32EE238060BF69A9B37E2608FFFB21F93C862DD511CBAC"], // The setting takes effect only when the configured certificate fingerprint is the same as the HAP certificate fingerprint.
            "allowCommonEvent": ["usual.event.SCREEN_ON", "usual.event.THERMAL_LEVEL_CHANGED"]

Fingerprint Verification for Pre-authorization Trustlist

The pre-authorization file install_list_permissions.json is moved from system/etc/permission to system/etc/app/ on the development board. The app_signature field is added to specify the fingerprint of the HAP file. Multiple fingerprints can be configured. Authorization can be performed only when the fingerprint is matched.

Change Impacts

JS and native APIs are not involved. If your application uses pre-authorization, add the fingerprint to the pre-authorization file.

Key API/Component Changes


Adaptation Guide

Refer to the following code:

        "bundleName" : "com.ohos.screenshot",
        "app_signature" : ["8E93863FC32EE238060BF69A9B37E2608FFFB21F93C862DD511CBAC9F30024B5"],
        "permissions" : [
                "name" : "ohos.permission.MEDIA_LOCATION",
                "userCancellable" : true
                "name" : "ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA",
                "userCancellable" : true
                "name" : "ohos.permission.WRITE_MEDIA",
                "userCancellable" : true

ArkUI Development Framework

Rectified Variable Sharing Issue of the Common Module in Release HAP Mode During Building in the FA Model

Assume that two pages depend on the same object (foodData) of a file. If page A modifies the object, page B obtains the new value when reading the object. This implements object sharing for the common module.

Change Impacts

Application compilation is not affected, and no interface adaptation is required.

Key API/Component Changes


Restrictions on Declaring Multiple Data Types of State Variables

If a @State, @Provide, @Link, or @Consume decorated state variable supports multiple data types, they must be all simple data types or references at one time.


struct Index {
  // Incorrect: @State message: string|Resource = 'Hello World'
  @State message: string = 'Hello World'

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Text(`${ this.message }`)

Change Impacts

When the defined state variable type contains both the simple data types and references, an error is reported during compilation.

Key API/Component Changes

If the defined state variable type contains both the simple data types and references, change the type to one of them, as shown in the preceding sample code.

Globalization Subsystem

Added Validity Verification for Color Values in Color.json

Validity verification is added for color values in the color.json file. The verification rules are as follows:

  • The hexadecimal color code is used in any of the following formats:
    • #rgb: red(0-f) green(0-f) blue(0-f)
    • #argb: transparency(0-f) red(0-f) green(0-f) blue(0-f)
    • #rrggbb: red(00-ff) green(00-ff) blue(00-ff)
    • #aarrggbb: transparency(00-ff) red(00-ff) green(00-ff) blue(00-ff)
  • The dollar sign ($) is used to reference resources defined in the application. The format is as follows:
    • $color:xxx

Change Impacts

If the verification rules are not met, an error is reported during compilation.

Key API/Component Changes


Power Management Subsystem

File Name Changed

The name of the API declaration file is changed from @ohos.batteryinfo.d.ts to @ohos.batteryInfo.d.ts.

Change Impacts

When you reference the statement in a JS or TS file, use import batteryInfo from ‘@ohos.batteryInfo’; instead of import batteryInfo from ‘@ohos.batteryinfo’.

Key API/Component Changes


File Name Changed

The name of the API declaration file is changed from @ohos.runninglock.d.ts to @ohos.runningLock.d.ts.

Change Impacts

When you reference the statement in a JS or TS file, use import runningLock from ‘@ohos.runningLock’; instead of import runningLock from ‘@ohos.runninglock’;.

Key API/Component Changes



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