harmony 鸿蒙HiSysEvent Query

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (693)

HiSysEvent Query


HiSysEvent allows you to query system events by specifying search criteria. For example, for a power consumption module, you can query required system events for analysis.

How to Develop

Available APIs

C++ APIs

HiSysEvent query is implemented using the API provided by the HiSysEventManager class. For details, see the API Header Files.


For details about HiSysEventRecord in the OnQuery() API of HiSysEventQueryCallback, see Table 4 in HiSysEvent Listening.

Table 1 Description of the C++ HiSysEvent query API

Name Description
int32_t Query(struct QueryArg& arg,
std::vector<QueryRule>& rules,
std::shared_ptr<HiSysEventQueryCallback> callback)
Queries system events by search criteria such as the time segment, event domain, and event name.
Input arguments:
- arg: event query parameter.
- rules: event filtering rules.
- callback: callback object for event query.
Return value:
- 0: Query is successful.
- A negative value: Query has failed.

Table 2 Description of QueryArg objects

Field Type Description
beginTime long long Start time for query. The value is a Unix timestamp, in milliseconds.
endTime long long End time for query. The value is a Unix timestamp, in milliseconds.
maxEvents int Maximum number of returned events.

Table 3 Description of EventType enums

Event Type Value Description
FAULT 1 Fault type.
STATISTIC 2 Statistical type.
SECURITY 3 Security type.
BEHAVIOR 4 User behavior type.

Table 4 RuleType enum values

Rule Type Value Description
WHOLE_WORD 1 Whole word matching.
PREFIX 2 Prefix matching.
REGULAR 3 Regular expression matching.

Table 5 Description of QueryRule objects

Name Description
QueryRule(const std::string& domain,
const std::vector<std::string>& eventList,
RuleType ruleType,
uint32_t eventType,
const std::string& cond)
Constructor used to create a QueryRule object.
Input arguments:
- domain: domain to which the event of the QueryRule object belongs, in the string format. By default, an empty string indicates that the domain is successfully matched.
eventList: event name list, in the std::vector<std::string> format. By default, an empty string indicates that the event names on the list are successfully matched.
- ruleType: rule type. For details, see Table 4.
- eventType: system event type. The value is of the uint32_t type. For details about the system event types, see Table 3. When eventType is set to 0, all types of events are queried.
- cond: query criteria. The value is of the string type.

The condition parameter must be in the specified JSON string format. For example:

  • The version field is mandatory, indicating the supported version of the input condition. Currently, only V1 is supported.
  • The condition field is mandatory, indicating the input condition.
    • The and field is optional, indicating the AND relationship between conditions.
    • The param field is mandatory, indicating the parameter name for condition matching. The value must be a string.
    • The op field is mandatory, indicating the parameter comparison operator for condition matching. The value must be a string. Supported comparison operators include the following: =, >, <, >=, and <=.
    • The value field is mandatory, indicating the parameter value for condition matching. The value must be a string or an integer.

Table 6 Description of HiSysEventQueryCallback objects

Name Description
void&nbsp;HiSysEventQueryCallback::OnQuery(std::shared_ptr&lt;std::vector&lt;HiSysEventRecord&gt;&gt;&nbsp;sysEvents) Callback object for event query.
Input arguments:
- sysEvents: event list.
void&nbsp;HiSysEventQueryCallback::OnComplete(int32_t&nbsp;reason,&nbsp;int32_t&nbsp;total) Callback object for completion of event query.
Input arguments:
- reason: reason for completion of event query. The value 0 indicates that the query is normal, and any other value indicates that the query has failed.
- total: total number of events returned in this query.


HiSysEvent query is implemented using the API provided in the following table. For details, see the API Header Files.

Table 7 Description of the C HiSysEvent query API

Name Description
int OH_HiSysEvent_Query(const HiSysEventQueryArg& arg, HiSysEventQueryRule rules[], size_t ruleSize, HiSysEventQueryCallback& callback); Queries system events by search criteria such as the time segment, event domain, event name, and event parameter.
Input arguments:
- arg: event query parameter.
- rules: event filtering rules.
- ruleSize: number of event filtering rules.
- callback: callback object for event query.
Return value:
- 0: Query is successful.
- A negative value: Query has failed.

Table 8 Description of the HiSysEventQueryArg structure

Field Type Description
beginTime int64_t Start time for query. The value is a Unix timestamp, in milliseconds.
endTime int64_t End time for query. The value is a Unix timestamp, in milliseconds.
maxEvents int32_t Maximum number of returned events.

Table 9 Description of the HiSysEventQueryRule structure

Field Type Description
domain char[] Event domain.
eventList char[][] Event name list.
eventListSize size_t Size of the event name list.
condition char* Custom event parameter conditions for the query.

Table 10 Description of the HiSysEventQueryCallback structure

Field Type Description
OnQuery void (*)(HiSysEventRecord records[], size_t size); Callback object for event query.
Input arguments:
- records: event list.
- size: size of the event list.
OnComplete void (*)(int32_t reason, int32_t total); Callback object for completion of event query.
Input arguments:
- reason: reason for completion of event query. The value 0 indicates that the query is normal, and any other value indicates that the query has failed.
- total: total number of events returned in this query.

Table 11 Description of the HiSysEventRecord event structure

Field Type Description
domain char[] Event domain.
eventName char[] Event name.
type HiSysEventEventType Event type.
time uint64_t Event timestamp.
tz char[] Event time zone.
pid int64_t Process ID of the event.
tid int64_t Thread ID of the event.
uid int64_t User ID of the event.
traceId uint64_t Distributed call chain trace ID of the event.
spandId uint64_t Span ID for the distributed call chain trace of the event.
pspanId uint64_t Parent span ID for the distributed call chain trace of the event.
traceFlag int Distributed call chain trace flag of the event.
level char* Event level.
tag char* Event tag.
jsonStr char* Event content.

Table 12 Description of HiSysEventRecord APIs

void OH_HiSysEvent_GetParamNames(const HiSysEventRecord& record, char*** params, size_t& len); Obtains all parameter names of an event.
Input arguments:
- record: event structure.
- params: parameter name array.
- len: size of the parameter name array.
int OH_HiSysEvent_GetParamInt64Value(const HiSysEventRecord& record, const char* name, int64_t& value); Parses the parameter value in the event to an int64_t value and assigns the value to value.
Input arguments:
- record: event structure.
- name: parameter name.
- value: parameter value of the int64_t type.
int OH_HiSysEvent_GetParamUint64Value(const HiSysEventRecord& record, const char* name, uint64_t& value); Parses the parameter value in the event to a uint64_t value and assigns the value to value.
Input arguments:
- record: event structure.
- name: parameter name.
- value: parameter value of the uint64_t type.
int OH_HiSysEvent_GetParamDoubleValue(const HiSysEventRecord& record, const char* name, double& value); Parses the parameter value in the event to a double value and assigns the value to value.
Input arguments:
- record: event structure.
- name: parameter name.
- value: parameter value of the double type.
int OH_HiSysEvent_GetParamStringValue(const HiSysEventRecord& record, const char* name, char** value); Parses the parameter value in the event to a char array value and assigns the value to value. You need to release the memory manually after usage.
Input arguments:
- record: event structure.
- name: parameter name.
- value: char* reference.
int OH_HiSysEvent_GetParamInt64Values(const HiSysEventRecord& record, const char* name, int64_t** value, size_t& len); Parses the parameter value in the event to a int64_t array value and assigns the value to value. You need to release the memory manually after usage.
Input arguments:
- record: event structure.
- name: parameter name.
- value: int64_t* reference.
- len: array size.
int OH_HiSysEvent_GetParamUint64Values(const HiSysEventRecord& record, const char* name, uint64_t** value, size_t& len); Parses the parameter value in the event to a uint64_t array value and assigns the value to value. You need to release the memory manually after usage.
Input arguments:
- record: event structure.
- name: parameter name.
- value: uint64_t* reference.
- len: array size.
int OH_HiSysEvent_GetParamDoubleValues(const HiSysEventRecord& record, const char* name, double** value, size_t& len); Parses the parameter value in the event to a double array value and assigns the value to value. You need to release the memory manually after usage.
Input arguments:
- record: event structure.
- name: parameter name.
- value: double* reference.
- len: array size.
int OH_HiSysEvent_GetParamStringValues(const HiSysEventRecord& record, const char* name, char*** value, size_t& len); Parses the parameter value in the event to a char* array value and assigns the value to value. You need to release the memory manually after usage.
Input arguments:
- record: event structure.
- name: parameter name.
- value: char** reference.
- len: array size.

The return values of the HiSysEventRecord APIs are described as follows:

  • 0: The parsing is successful.
  • -1: The event fails to be initialized.
  • -2: The parameter name does not exist.
  • -3: The type of the parameter value to be parsed does not match the type of the input parameter value.

How to Develop

C++ HiSysEvent Query

  1. Import the corresponding header file.

    #include "hisysevent_manager.h"
  2. Implement the callback API for the service domain.

    class TestQueryCallback : public HiSysEventQueryCallback {
        void OnQuery(std::shared_ptr<std::vector<HiSysEventRecord>> sysEvents) override
            if (sysEvents == nullptr) {
            for_each((*sysEvents).cbegin(), (*sysEvents).cend(), [](const HiSysEventRecord& event) {
                std::cout << event.AsJson() << std::endl;
        void OnComplete(int32_t reason, int32_t total) override
            std::cout << "Query completed" << std::endl;
  3. Call the query API while passing in QueryArg, QueryRule, and QueryCallback.

    // Create a QueryArg object.
    long long startTime = 0;
    long long endTime = 1668245644000; //2022-11-12 09:34:04
    int queryCount = 10;
    QueryArg arg(startTime, endTime, queryCount);
    // Create a QueryRule object.
    QueryRule rule("HIVIEWDFX", { "PLUGIN_LOAD" });
    std::vector<QueryRule> queryRules = { rule };
    // Create a QueryCallback object.
    auto queryCallback = std::make_shared<TestQueryCallback>();
    // Call the query API.
    HiSysEventManager::Query(arg, queryRules, queryCallback);

C HiSysEvent Query

  1. Import the corresponding header file.

    #include "hisysevent_manager_c.h"
  2. Implement the callback API for the service domain.

    void OnQueryTest(HiSysEventRecord records[], size_t size)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            printf("OnQuery: event=%s", records[i].jsonStr);
    void OnCompleteTest(int32_t reason, int32_t total)
        printf("OnCompleted, res=%d, total=%d\n", reason, total);
  3. Call the query API while passing in HiSysEventQueryArg, HiSysEventQueryRule, and HiSysEventQueryCallback.

    // Create a HiSysEventQueryArg object.
    HiSysEventQueryArg arg;
    arg.beginTime = 0;
    arg.endTime = 1668245644000; //2022-11-12 09:34:04
    arg.maxEvents = 10;
    // Create a HiSysEventQueryRule object.
    constexpr char TEST_DOMAIN[] = "HIVIEWDFX";
    constexpr char TEST_NAME[] = "PLUGIN_LOAD";
    HiSysEventQueryRule rule;
    (void)strcpy_s(rule.domain, strlen(TEST_DOMAIN) + 1, TEST_DOMAIN);
    (void)strcpy_s(rule.eventList[0], strlen(TEST_NAME) + 1, TEST_NAME);
    rule.eventListSize = 1;
    rule.condition = nullptr;
    HiSysEventQueryRule rules[] = { rule };
    // Create a HiSysEventQueryCallback object.
    HiSysEventQueryCallback callback;
    callback.OnQuery = OnQueryTest;
    callback.OnComplete = OnCompleteTest;
    // Call the query API.
    OH_HiSysEvent_Query(arg, rules, sizeof(rules) / sizeof(HiSysEventQueryRule), callback);

Development Examples

C++ HiSysEvent Query

Suppose you want to query all events generated up to the current time with domain being HIVIEWDFX and name being PLUGIN_LOAD. The sample code is as follows:

  1. Add the libhisysevent and libhisyseventmanager dependencies of the hisysevent component to the BUILD.gn file of the service module.

    external_deps = [
  2. Call the query API in the TestQuery() function of the service module.

    #include "hisysevent_manager.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <unistd.h>
    using namespace OHOS::HiviewDFX;
    class TestQueryCallback : public HiSysEventQueryCallback {
        void OnQuery(std::shared_ptr<std::vector<HiSysEventRecord>> sysEvents) override
            if (sysEvents == nullptr) {
            for_each((*sysEvents).cbegin(), (*sysEvents).cend(), [](const HiSysEventRecord& event) {
                std::cout << event.AsJson() << std::endl;
        void OnComplete(int32_t reason, int32_t total) override
            std::cout << "Query completed" << std::endl;
    int64_t GetMilliseconds()
        auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
        auto millisecs = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now.time_since_epoch());
        return millisecs.count();
    void TestQuery()
        long long startTime = 0;
        long long endTime = GetMilliseconds();
        int maxEvents = 100;
        QueryArg arg(startTime, endTime, maxEvents);
        QueryRule rule("HIVIEWDFX", { "PLUGIN_LOAD" });
        std::vector<QueryRule> queryRules = { rule };
        auto queryCallback = std::make_shared<TestQueryCallback>();
        int ret = HiSysEventManager::Query(arg, queryRules, queryCallback);

C HiSysEvent Query

Suppose you want to query all events generated up to the current time with domain being HIVIEWDFX and name being PLUGIN_LOAD. The sample code is as follows:

  1. Add the libhisyseventmanager dependency of the hisysevent component to the BUILD.gn file of the service module.
    external_deps = [ "hisysevent:libhisyseventmanager" ]

    // for strcpy_s
    deps = [ "//third_party/bounds_checking_function:libsec_shared" ]
  1. Call the query API in the TestQuery() function of the service module.

    #include "hisysevent_manager_c.h"
    #include <securec.h>
    #include <time.h>
    void OnQueryTest(HiSysEventRecord records[], size_t size)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            printf("OnQuery: event=%s", records[i].jsonStr);
    void OnCompleteTest(int32_t reason, int32_t total)
        printf("OnCompleted, res=%d, total=%d\n", reason, total);
    int64_t GetMilliseconds()
        return time(NULL);
    void TestQuery()
        HiSysEventQueryArg arg;
        arg.beginTime = 0;
        arg.endTime = GetMilliseconds();
        arg.maxEvents = 100;
        constexpr char TEST_DOMAIN[] = "HIVIEWDFX";
        constexpr char TEST_NAME[] = "PLUGIN_LOAD";
        HiSysEventQueryRule rule;
        (void)strcpy_s(rule.domain, strlen(TEST_DOMAIN) + 1, TEST_DOMAIN);
        (void)strcpy_s(rule.eventList[0], strlen(TEST_NAME) + 1, TEST_NAME);
        rule.eventListSize = 1;
        rule.condition = nullptr;
        HiSysEventQueryRule rules[] = { rule };
        HiSysEventQueryCallback callback;
        callback.OnQuery = OnQueryTest;
        callback.OnComplete = OnCompleteTest;
        int ret = OH_HiSysEvent_Query(arg, rules, sizeof(rules) / sizeof(HiSysEventQueryRule), callback);


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