harmony 鸿蒙Multimedia Subsystem Changelog
Multimedia Subsystem Changelog
cl.multimedia.1 Deleted content from getAudioEffectInfoArray
The input parameter content is deleted from getAudioEffectInfoArray.
Change Impact
Applications that use the involved APIs may have compatibility issues.
Key API/Component Changes
Before change:
getAudioEffectInfoArray(content: ContentType, usage: StreamUsage, callback: AsyncCallback<AudioEffectInfoArray>): void;
getAudioEffectInfoArray(content: ContentType, usage: StreamUsage): Promise<AudioEffectInfoArray>;
After change:
getAudioEffectInfoArray(usage: StreamUsage, callback: AsyncCallback<AudioEffectInfoArray>): void;
getAudioEffectInfoArray(usage: StreamUsage): Promise<AudioEffectInfoArray>;
Adaptation Guide
When calling this API, pass in only the input parameter usage. If getAudioEffectInfoArray is used in your application code, delete the content parameter.
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- 所属分类: 后端技术
- 本文标签:
2、 - 优质文章
3、 gate.io
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦