harmony 鸿蒙Full SDK Compilation

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (814)

Full SDK Compilation

The full SDK provides a full set of APIs available in OpenHarmony, including system APIs required by system applications. Vendors can use this SDK to develop applications.

Since OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta5, the full SDK is not provided with the version. You can obtain the full SDK by compiling the source code.

Compiling the Full SDK


  1. Register an SSH public key for access to Gitee.
  2. Configure the server environment. For details, see Setting Up the Ubuntu Environment.


  1. Download and initialize the manifest repository: repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest.git -b $manifest_branch –no-repo-verify –repo-url=https://gitee.com/oschina/repo –no-clone-bundle

  2. Download source code based on the downloaded manifest repository: repo sync -c -d –force-sync

  3. Perform precompilation:

yes y|apt install libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev && rm -rf prebuilts/clang/ohos/darwin-x86_64/clang-480513 && rm -rf prebuilts/clang/ohos/windows-x86_64/clang-480513 && rm -rf prebuilts/clang/ohos/linux-x86_64/clang-480513 && apt-get update -qqy && apt-get install doxygen -y –force-yes

  1. Perform compilation on Windows:

./build.sh –product-name ohos-sdk

  1. Perform compilation on macOS:

./build.sh –product-name ohos-sdk –gn-args full_mini_debug=false –keep-ninja-going –gn-args=is_use_check_deps=false

If the compilation is successful, export the files in the out/sdk/packages/ohos-sdk/ directory.

Replacing the SDK

After the full SDK is compiled, switch to it in DevEco Studio. For details, see Switching to Full SDK.


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