kubernetes state 源码
kubernetes state 代码
Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package state
import (
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
// MemoryTable contains memory information
type MemoryTable struct {
TotalMemSize uint64 `json:"total"`
SystemReserved uint64 `json:"systemReserved"`
Allocatable uint64 `json:"allocatable"`
Reserved uint64 `json:"reserved"`
Free uint64 `json:"free"`
// NUMANodeState contains NUMA node related information
type NUMANodeState struct {
// NumberOfAssignments contains a number memory assignments from this node
// When the container requires memory and hugepages it will increase number of assignments by two
NumberOfAssignments int `json:"numberOfAssignments"`
// MemoryTable contains NUMA node memory related information
MemoryMap map[v1.ResourceName]*MemoryTable `json:"memoryMap"`
// Cells contains the current NUMA node and all other nodes that are in a group with current NUMA node
// This parameter indicates if the current node is used for the multiple NUMA node memory allocation
// For example if some container has pinning 0,1,2, NUMA nodes 0,1,2 under the state will have
// this parameter equals to [0, 1, 2]
Cells []int `json:"cells"`
// NUMANodeMap contains memory information for each NUMA node.
type NUMANodeMap map[int]*NUMANodeState
// Clone returns a copy of NUMANodeMap
func (nm NUMANodeMap) Clone() NUMANodeMap {
clone := make(NUMANodeMap)
for node, s := range nm {
if s == nil {
clone[node] = nil
clone[node] = &NUMANodeState{}
clone[node].NumberOfAssignments = s.NumberOfAssignments
clone[node].Cells = append([]int{}, s.Cells...)
if s.MemoryMap == nil {
clone[node].MemoryMap = map[v1.ResourceName]*MemoryTable{}
for memoryType, memoryTable := range s.MemoryMap {
clone[node].MemoryMap[memoryType] = &MemoryTable{
Allocatable: memoryTable.Allocatable,
Free: memoryTable.Free,
Reserved: memoryTable.Reserved,
SystemReserved: memoryTable.SystemReserved,
TotalMemSize: memoryTable.TotalMemSize,
return clone
// Block is a data structure used to represent a certain amount of memory
type Block struct {
// NUMAAffinity contains the string that represents NUMA affinity bitmask
NUMAAffinity []int `json:"numaAffinity"`
Type v1.ResourceName `json:"type"`
Size uint64 `json:"size"`
// ContainerMemoryAssignments stores memory assignments of containers
type ContainerMemoryAssignments map[string]map[string][]Block
// Clone returns a copy of ContainerMemoryAssignments
func (as ContainerMemoryAssignments) Clone() ContainerMemoryAssignments {
clone := make(ContainerMemoryAssignments)
for pod := range as {
clone[pod] = make(map[string][]Block)
for container, blocks := range as[pod] {
clone[pod][container] = append([]Block{}, blocks...)
return clone
// Reader interface used to read current memory/pod assignment state
type Reader interface {
// GetMachineState returns Memory Map stored in the State
GetMachineState() NUMANodeMap
// GetMemoryBlocks returns memory assignments of a container
GetMemoryBlocks(podUID string, containerName string) []Block
// GetMemoryAssignments returns ContainerMemoryAssignments
GetMemoryAssignments() ContainerMemoryAssignments
type writer interface {
// SetMachineState stores NUMANodeMap in State
SetMachineState(memoryMap NUMANodeMap)
// SetMemoryBlocks stores memory assignments of a container
SetMemoryBlocks(podUID string, containerName string, blocks []Block)
// SetMemoryAssignments sets ContainerMemoryAssignments by using the passed parameter
SetMemoryAssignments(assignments ContainerMemoryAssignments)
// Delete deletes corresponding Blocks from ContainerMemoryAssignments
Delete(podUID string, containerName string)
// ClearState clears machineState and ContainerMemoryAssignments
// State interface provides methods for tracking and setting memory/pod assignment
type State interface {
kubernetes state_checkpoint 源码
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