hugo page 源码

  • 2022-10-23
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hugo page 代码


// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Package page contains the core interfaces and types for the Page resource,
// a core component in Hugo.
package page

import (





// Clear clears any global package state.
func Clear() error {
	return nil

// AlternativeOutputFormatsProvider provides alternative output formats for a
// Page.
type AlternativeOutputFormatsProvider interface {
	// AlternativeOutputFormats gives the alternative output formats for the
	// current output.
	// Note that we use the term "alternative" and not "alternate" here, as it
	// does not necessarily replace the other format, it is an alternative representation.
	AlternativeOutputFormats() OutputFormats

// AuthorProvider provides author information.
type AuthorProvider interface {
	// Deprecated.
	Author() Author
	// Deprecated.
	Authors() AuthorList

// ChildCareProvider provides accessors to child resources.
type ChildCareProvider interface {
	Pages() Pages

	// RegularPages returns a list of pages of kind 'Page'.
	// In Hugo 0.57 we changed the Pages method so it returns all page
	// kinds, even sections. If you want the old behaviour, you can
	// use RegularPages.
	RegularPages() Pages

	// RegularPagesRecursive returns all regular pages below the current
	// section.
	RegularPagesRecursive() Pages

	Resources() resource.Resources

// ContentProvider provides the content related values for a Page.
type ContentProvider interface {
	Content() (any, error)

	// Plain returns the Page Content stripped of HTML markup.
	Plain() string

	// PlainWords returns a string slice from splitting Plain using
	PlainWords() []string

	// Summary returns a generated summary of the content.
	// The breakpoint can be set manually by inserting a summary separator in the source file.
	Summary() template.HTML

	// Truncated returns whether the Summary  is truncated or not.
	Truncated() bool

	// FuzzyWordCount returns the approximate number of words in the content.
	FuzzyWordCount() int

	// WordCount returns the number of words in the content.
	WordCount() int

	// ReadingTime returns the reading time based on the length of plain text.
	ReadingTime() int

	// Len returns the length of the content.
	Len() int

// FileProvider provides the source file.
type FileProvider interface {
	File() source.File

// GetPageProvider provides the GetPage method.
type GetPageProvider interface {
	// GetPage looks up a page for the given ref.
	//    {{ with .GetPage "blog" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}
	// This will return nil when no page could be found, and will return
	// an error if the ref is ambiguous.
	GetPage(ref string) (Page, error)

	// GetPageWithTemplateInfo is for internal use only.
	GetPageWithTemplateInfo(info tpl.Info, ref string) (Page, error)

// GitInfoProvider provides Git info.
type GitInfoProvider interface {
	GitInfo() *gitmap.GitInfo
	CodeOwners() []string

// InSectionPositioner provides section navigation.
type InSectionPositioner interface {
	NextInSection() Page
	PrevInSection() Page

// InternalDependencies is considered an internal interface.
type InternalDependencies interface {
	// GetRelatedDocsHandler is for internal use only.
	GetRelatedDocsHandler() *RelatedDocsHandler

// OutputFormatsProvider provides the OutputFormats of a Page.
type OutputFormatsProvider interface {
	OutputFormats() OutputFormats

// Page is the core interface in Hugo.
type Page interface {

// PageMetaProvider provides page metadata, typically provided via front matter.
type PageMetaProvider interface {
	// The 4 page dates

	// Aliases forms the base for redirects generation.
	Aliases() []string

	// BundleType returns the bundle type: `leaf`, `branch` or an empty string.
	BundleType() files.ContentClass

	// A configured description.
	Description() string

	// Whether this is a draft. Will only be true if run with the --buildDrafts (-D) flag.
	Draft() bool

	// IsHome returns whether this is the home page.
	IsHome() bool

	// Configured keywords.
	Keywords() []string

	// The Page Kind. One of page, home, section, taxonomy, term.
	Kind() string

	// The configured layout to use to render this page. Typically set in front matter.
	Layout() string

	// The title used for links.
	LinkTitle() string

	// IsNode returns whether this is an item of one of the list types in Hugo,
	// i.e. not a regular content
	IsNode() bool

	// IsPage returns whether this is a regular content
	IsPage() bool

	// Param looks for a param in Page and then in Site config.
	Param(key any) (any, error)

	// Path gets the relative path, including file name and extension if relevant,
	// to the source of this Page. It will be relative to any content root.
	Path() string

	// This is just a temporary bridge method. Use Path in templates.
	// Pathc is for internal usage only.
	Pathc() string

	// The slug, typically defined in front matter.
	Slug() string

	// This page's language code. Will be the same as the site's.
	Lang() string

	// IsSection returns whether this is a section
	IsSection() bool

	// Section returns the first path element below the content root.
	Section() string

	// Returns a slice of sections (directories if it's a file) to this
	// Page.
	SectionsEntries() []string

	// SectionsPath is SectionsEntries joined with a /.
	SectionsPath() string

	// Sitemap returns the sitemap configuration for this page.
	Sitemap() config.Sitemap

	// Type is a discriminator used to select layouts etc. It is typically set
	// in front matter, but will fall back to the root section.
	Type() string

	// The configured weight, used as the first sort value in the default
	// page sort if non-zero.
	Weight() int

// PageRenderProvider provides a way for a Page to render content.
type PageRenderProvider interface {
	Render(layout ...string) (template.HTML, error)
	RenderString(args ...any) (template.HTML, error)

// PageWithoutContent is the Page without any of the content methods.
type PageWithoutContent interface {

	// For pages backed by a file.


	// Output formats

	// Tree navigation

	// Horizontal navigation

	// TODO(bep)

	// Page lookups/refs



	// Helper methods

	// Scratch returns a Scratch that can be used to store temporary state.
	// Note that this Scratch gets reset on server rebuilds. See Store() for a variant that survives.

	// Store returns a Scratch that can be used to store temporary state.
	// In contrast to Scratch(), this Scratch is not reset on server rebuilds.
	Store() *maps.Scratch


	// GetTerms gets the terms of a given taxonomy,
	// e.g. GetTerms("categories")
	GetTerms(taxonomy string) Pages

	// Used in change/dependency tracking.


// Positioner provides next/prev navigation.
type Positioner interface {
	Next() Page
	Prev() Page

	// Deprecated: Use Prev. Will be removed in Hugo 0.57
	PrevPage() Page

	// Deprecated: Use Next. Will be removed in Hugo 0.57
	NextPage() Page

// RawContentProvider provides the raw, unprocessed content of the page.
type RawContentProvider interface {
	RawContent() string

// RefProvider provides the methods needed to create reflinks to pages.
type RefProvider interface {
	Ref(argsm map[string]any) (string, error)

	// RefFrom is for internal use only.
	RefFrom(argsm map[string]any, source any) (string, error)

	RelRef(argsm map[string]any) (string, error)

	// RefFrom is for internal use only.
	RelRefFrom(argsm map[string]any, source any) (string, error)

// RelatedKeywordsProvider allows a Page to be indexed.
type RelatedKeywordsProvider interface {
	// Make it indexable as a related.Document
	// RelatedKeywords is meant for internal usage only.
	RelatedKeywords(cfg related.IndexConfig) ([]related.Keyword, error)

// ShortcodeInfoProvider provides info about the shortcodes in a Page.
type ShortcodeInfoProvider interface {
	// HasShortcode return whether the page has a shortcode with the given name.
	// This method is mainly motivated with the Hugo Docs site's need for a list
	// of pages with the `todo` shortcode in it.
	HasShortcode(name string) bool

// SitesProvider provide accessors to get sites.
type SitesProvider interface {
	Site() Site
	Sites() Sites

// TableOfContentsProvider provides the table of contents for a Page.
type TableOfContentsProvider interface {
	TableOfContents() template.HTML

// TranslationsProvider provides access to any translations.
type TranslationsProvider interface {

	// IsTranslated returns whether this content file is translated to
	// other language(s).
	IsTranslated() bool

	// AllTranslations returns all translations, including the current Page.
	AllTranslations() Pages

	// Translations returns the translations excluding the current Page.
	Translations() Pages

// TreeProvider provides section tree navigation.
type TreeProvider interface {

	// IsAncestor returns whether the current page is an ancestor of the given
	// Note that this method is not relevant for taxonomy lists and taxonomy terms pages.
	IsAncestor(other any) (bool, error)

	// CurrentSection returns the page's current section or the page itself if home or a section.
	// Note that this will return nil for pages that is not regular, home or section pages.
	CurrentSection() Page

	// IsDescendant returns whether the current page is a descendant of the given
	// Note that this method is not relevant for taxonomy lists and taxonomy terms pages.
	IsDescendant(other any) (bool, error)

	// FirstSection returns the section on level 1 below home, e.g. "/docs".
	// For the home page, this will return itself.
	FirstSection() Page

	// InSection returns whether the given page is in the current section.
	// Note that this will always return false for pages that are
	// not either regular, home or section pages.
	InSection(other any) (bool, error)

	// Parent returns a section's parent section or a page's section.
	// To get a section's subsections, see Page's Sections method.
	Parent() Page

	// Sections returns this section's subsections, if any.
	// Note that for non-sections, this method will always return an empty list.
	Sections() Pages

	// Page returns a reference to the Page itself, kept here mostly
	// for legacy reasons.
	Page() Page

// DeprecatedWarningPageMethods lists deprecated Page methods that will trigger
// a WARNING if invoked.
// This was added in Hugo 0.55.
type DeprecatedWarningPageMethods any // This was emptied in Hugo 0.93.0.

// Move here to trigger ERROR instead of WARNING.
// TODO(bep) create wrappers and put into the Page once it has some methods.
type DeprecatedErrorPageMethods any


hugo 源码目录


hugo page_author 源码

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hugo page_nop 源码

hugo page_outputformat 源码

hugo page_paths 源码

hugo page_wrappers.autogen 源码

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