kubernetes cgroup_manager_linux 源码

  • 2022-09-18
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kubernetes cgroup_manager_linux 代码


Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package cm

import (

	libcontainercgroups "github.com/opencontainers/runc/libcontainer/cgroups"
	cgroupsystemd "github.com/opencontainers/runc/libcontainer/cgroups/systemd"
	libcontainerconfigs "github.com/opencontainers/runc/libcontainer/configs"
	v1helper "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/v1/helper"

	utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
	cmutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/cm/util"

const (
	// systemdSuffix is the cgroup name suffix for systemd
	systemdSuffix string = ".slice"
	// MemoryMin is memory.min for cgroup v2
	MemoryMin string = "memory.min"
	// MemoryHigh is memory.high for cgroup v2
	MemoryHigh string = "memory.high"

var RootCgroupName = CgroupName([]string{})

// NewCgroupName composes a new cgroup name.
// Use RootCgroupName as base to start at the root.
// This function does some basic check for invalid characters at the name.
func NewCgroupName(base CgroupName, components ...string) CgroupName {
	for _, component := range components {
		// Forbit using "_" in internal names. When remapping internal
		// names to systemd cgroup driver, we want to remap "-" => "_",
		// so we forbid "_" so that we can always reverse the mapping.
		if strings.Contains(component, "/") || strings.Contains(component, "_") {
			panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid character in component [%q] of CgroupName", component))
	return CgroupName(append(append([]string{}, base...), components...))

func escapeSystemdCgroupName(part string) string {
	return strings.Replace(part, "-", "_", -1)

func unescapeSystemdCgroupName(part string) string {
	return strings.Replace(part, "_", "-", -1)

// cgroupName.ToSystemd converts the internal cgroup name to a systemd name.
// For example, the name {"kubepods", "burstable", "pod1234-abcd-5678-efgh"} becomes
// "/kubepods.slice/kubepods-burstable.slice/kubepods-burstable-pod1234_abcd_5678_efgh.slice"
// This function always expands the systemd name into the cgroupfs form. If only
// the last part is needed, use path.Base(...) on it to discard the rest.
func (cgroupName CgroupName) ToSystemd() string {
	if len(cgroupName) == 0 || (len(cgroupName) == 1 && cgroupName[0] == "") {
		return "/"
	newparts := []string{}
	for _, part := range cgroupName {
		part = escapeSystemdCgroupName(part)
		newparts = append(newparts, part)

	result, err := cgroupsystemd.ExpandSlice(strings.Join(newparts, "-") + systemdSuffix)
	if err != nil {
		// Should never happen...
		panic(fmt.Errorf("error converting cgroup name [%v] to systemd format: %v", cgroupName, err))
	return result

func ParseSystemdToCgroupName(name string) CgroupName {
	driverName := path.Base(name)
	driverName = strings.TrimSuffix(driverName, systemdSuffix)
	parts := strings.Split(driverName, "-")
	result := []string{}
	for _, part := range parts {
		result = append(result, unescapeSystemdCgroupName(part))
	return CgroupName(result)

func (cgroupName CgroupName) ToCgroupfs() string {
	return "/" + path.Join(cgroupName...)

func ParseCgroupfsToCgroupName(name string) CgroupName {
	components := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(name, "/"), "/")
	if len(components) == 1 && components[0] == "" {
		components = []string{}
	return CgroupName(components)

func IsSystemdStyleName(name string) bool {
	return strings.HasSuffix(name, systemdSuffix)

// CgroupSubsystems holds information about the mounted cgroup subsystems
type CgroupSubsystems struct {
	// Cgroup subsystem mounts.
	// e.g.: "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu" -> ["cpu", "cpuacct"]
	Mounts []libcontainercgroups.Mount

	// Cgroup subsystem to their mount location.
	// e.g.: "cpu" -> "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu"
	MountPoints map[string]string

// cgroupManagerImpl implements the CgroupManager interface.
// Its a stateless object which can be used to
// update,create or delete any number of cgroups
// It relies on runc/libcontainer cgroup managers.
type cgroupManagerImpl struct {
	// subsystems holds information about all the
	// mounted cgroup subsystems on the node
	subsystems *CgroupSubsystems

	// useSystemd tells if systemd cgroup manager should be used.
	useSystemd bool

// Make sure that cgroupManagerImpl implements the CgroupManager interface
var _ CgroupManager = &cgroupManagerImpl{}

// NewCgroupManager is a factory method that returns a CgroupManager
func NewCgroupManager(cs *CgroupSubsystems, cgroupDriver string) CgroupManager {
	return &cgroupManagerImpl{
		subsystems: cs,
		useSystemd: cgroupDriver == "systemd",

// Name converts the cgroup to the driver specific value in cgroupfs form.
// This always returns a valid cgroupfs path even when systemd driver is in use!
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) Name(name CgroupName) string {
	if m.useSystemd {
		return name.ToSystemd()
	return name.ToCgroupfs()

// CgroupName converts the literal cgroupfs name on the host to an internal identifier.
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) CgroupName(name string) CgroupName {
	if m.useSystemd {
		return ParseSystemdToCgroupName(name)
	return ParseCgroupfsToCgroupName(name)

// buildCgroupPaths builds a path to each cgroup subsystem for the specified name.
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) buildCgroupPaths(name CgroupName) map[string]string {
	cgroupFsAdaptedName := m.Name(name)
	cgroupPaths := make(map[string]string, len(m.subsystems.MountPoints))
	for key, val := range m.subsystems.MountPoints {
		cgroupPaths[key] = path.Join(val, cgroupFsAdaptedName)
	return cgroupPaths

// buildCgroupUnifiedPath builds a path to the specified name.
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) buildCgroupUnifiedPath(name CgroupName) string {
	cgroupFsAdaptedName := m.Name(name)
	return path.Join(cmutil.CgroupRoot, cgroupFsAdaptedName)

// libctCgroupConfig converts CgroupConfig to libcontainer's Cgroup config.
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) libctCgroupConfig(in *CgroupConfig, needResources bool) *libcontainerconfigs.Cgroup {
	config := &libcontainerconfigs.Cgroup{
		Systemd: m.useSystemd,
	if needResources {
		config.Resources = m.toResources(in.ResourceParameters)
	} else {
		config.Resources = &libcontainerconfigs.Resources{}

	if !config.Systemd {
		// For fs cgroup manager, we can either set Path or Name and Parent.
		// Setting Path is easier.
		config.Path = in.Name.ToCgroupfs()

		return config

	// For systemd, we have to set Name and Parent, as they are needed to talk to systemd.
	// Setting Path is optional as it can be deduced from Name and Parent.

	// TODO(filbranden): This logic belongs in libcontainer/cgroup/systemd instead.
	// It should take a libcontainerconfigs.Cgroup.Path field (rather than Name and Parent)
	// and split it appropriately, using essentially the logic below.
	// This was done for cgroupfs in opencontainers/runc#497 but a counterpart
	// for systemd was never introduced.
	dir, base := path.Split(in.Name.ToSystemd())
	if dir == "/" {
		dir = "-.slice"
	} else {
		dir = path.Base(dir)
	config.Parent = dir
	config.Name = base

	return config

// Validate checks if all subsystem cgroups already exist
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) Validate(name CgroupName) error {
	if libcontainercgroups.IsCgroup2UnifiedMode() {
		cgroupPath := m.buildCgroupUnifiedPath(name)
		neededControllers := getSupportedUnifiedControllers()
		enabledControllers, err := readUnifiedControllers(cgroupPath)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("could not read controllers for cgroup %q: %w", name, err)
		difference := neededControllers.Difference(enabledControllers)
		if difference.Len() > 0 {
			return fmt.Errorf("cgroup %q has some missing controllers: %v", name, strings.Join(difference.List(), ", "))
		return nil // valid V2 cgroup

	// Get map of all cgroup paths on the system for the particular cgroup
	cgroupPaths := m.buildCgroupPaths(name)

	// the presence of alternative control groups not known to runc confuses
	// the kubelet existence checks.
	// ideally, we would have a mechanism in runc to support Exists() logic
	// scoped to the set control groups it understands.  this is being discussed
	// in https://github.com/opencontainers/runc/issues/1440
	// once resolved, we can remove this code.
	allowlistControllers := sets.NewString("cpu", "cpuacct", "cpuset", "memory", "systemd", "pids")

	if _, ok := m.subsystems.MountPoints["hugetlb"]; ok {
	var missingPaths []string
	// If even one cgroup path doesn't exist, then the cgroup doesn't exist.
	for controller, path := range cgroupPaths {
		// ignore mounts we don't care about
		if !allowlistControllers.Has(controller) {
		if !libcontainercgroups.PathExists(path) {
			missingPaths = append(missingPaths, path)

	if len(missingPaths) > 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("cgroup %q has some missing paths: %v", name, strings.Join(missingPaths, ", "))

	return nil // valid V1 cgroup

// Exists checks if all subsystem cgroups already exist
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) Exists(name CgroupName) bool {
	return m.Validate(name) == nil

// Destroy destroys the specified cgroup
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) Destroy(cgroupConfig *CgroupConfig) error {
	start := time.Now()
	defer func() {

	libcontainerCgroupConfig := m.libctCgroupConfig(cgroupConfig, false)
	manager, err := manager.New(libcontainerCgroupConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Delete cgroups using libcontainers Managers Destroy() method
	if err = manager.Destroy(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to destroy cgroup paths for cgroup %v : %v", cgroupConfig.Name, err)

	return nil

// getCpuWeight converts from the range [2, 262144] to [1, 10000]
func getCpuWeight(cpuShares *uint64) uint64 {
	if cpuShares == nil {
		return 0
	if *cpuShares >= 262144 {
		return 10000
	return 1 + ((*cpuShares-2)*9999)/262142

// readUnifiedControllers reads the controllers available at the specified cgroup
func readUnifiedControllers(path string) (sets.String, error) {
	controllersFileContent, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(path, "cgroup.controllers"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	controllers := strings.Fields(string(controllersFileContent))
	return sets.NewString(controllers...), nil

var (
	availableRootControllersOnce sync.Once
	availableRootControllers     sets.String

// getSupportedUnifiedControllers returns a set of supported controllers when running on cgroup v2
func getSupportedUnifiedControllers() sets.String {
	// This is the set of controllers used by the Kubelet
	supportedControllers := sets.NewString("cpu", "cpuset", "memory", "hugetlb", "pids")
	// Memoize the set of controllers that are present in the root cgroup
	availableRootControllersOnce.Do(func() {
		var err error
		availableRootControllers, err = readUnifiedControllers(cmutil.CgroupRoot)
		if err != nil {
			panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot read cgroup controllers at %s", cmutil.CgroupRoot))
	// Return the set of controllers that are supported both by the Kubelet and by the kernel
	return supportedControllers.Intersection(availableRootControllers)

func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) toResources(resourceConfig *ResourceConfig) *libcontainerconfigs.Resources {
	resources := &libcontainerconfigs.Resources{
		SkipDevices:     true,
		SkipFreezeOnSet: true,
	if resourceConfig == nil {
		return resources
	if resourceConfig.Memory != nil {
		resources.Memory = *resourceConfig.Memory
	if resourceConfig.CpuShares != nil {
		if libcontainercgroups.IsCgroup2UnifiedMode() {
			resources.CpuWeight = getCpuWeight(resourceConfig.CpuShares)
		} else {
			resources.CpuShares = *resourceConfig.CpuShares
	if resourceConfig.CpuQuota != nil {
		resources.CpuQuota = *resourceConfig.CpuQuota
	if resourceConfig.CpuPeriod != nil {
		resources.CpuPeriod = *resourceConfig.CpuPeriod
	if resourceConfig.PidsLimit != nil {
		resources.PidsLimit = *resourceConfig.PidsLimit

	m.maybeSetHugetlb(resourceConfig, resources)

	// Ideally unified is used for all the resources when running on cgroup v2.
	// It doesn't make difference for the memory.max limit, but for e.g. the cpu controller
	// you can specify the correct setting without relying on the conversions performed by the OCI runtime.
	if resourceConfig.Unified != nil && libcontainercgroups.IsCgroup2UnifiedMode() {
		resources.Unified = make(map[string]string)
		for k, v := range resourceConfig.Unified {
			resources.Unified[k] = v
	return resources

func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) maybeSetHugetlb(resourceConfig *ResourceConfig, resources *libcontainerconfigs.Resources) {
	// Check if hugetlb is supported.
	if libcontainercgroups.IsCgroup2UnifiedMode() {
		if !getSupportedUnifiedControllers().Has("hugetlb") {
			klog.V(6).InfoS("Optional subsystem not supported: hugetlb")
	} else if _, ok := m.subsystems.MountPoints["hugetlb"]; !ok {
		klog.V(6).InfoS("Optional subsystem not supported: hugetlb")

	// For each page size enumerated, set that value.
	pageSizes := sets.NewString()
	for pageSize, limit := range resourceConfig.HugePageLimit {
		sizeString, err := v1helper.HugePageUnitSizeFromByteSize(pageSize)
		if err != nil {
			klog.InfoS("Invalid pageSize", "err", err)
		resources.HugetlbLimit = append(resources.HugetlbLimit, &libcontainerconfigs.HugepageLimit{
			Pagesize: sizeString,
			Limit:    uint64(limit),
	// for each page size omitted, limit to 0
	for _, pageSize := range libcontainercgroups.HugePageSizes() {
		if pageSizes.Has(pageSize) {
		resources.HugetlbLimit = append(resources.HugetlbLimit, &libcontainerconfigs.HugepageLimit{
			Pagesize: pageSize,
			Limit:    uint64(0),

// Update updates the cgroup with the specified Cgroup Configuration
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) Update(cgroupConfig *CgroupConfig) error {
	start := time.Now()
	defer func() {

	libcontainerCgroupConfig := m.libctCgroupConfig(cgroupConfig, true)
	manager, err := manager.New(libcontainerCgroupConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create cgroup manager: %v", err)
	return manager.Set(libcontainerCgroupConfig.Resources)

// Create creates the specified cgroup
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) Create(cgroupConfig *CgroupConfig) error {
	start := time.Now()
	defer func() {

	libcontainerCgroupConfig := m.libctCgroupConfig(cgroupConfig, true)
	manager, err := manager.New(libcontainerCgroupConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Apply(-1) is a hack to create the cgroup directories for each resource
	// subsystem. The function [cgroups.Manager.apply()] applies cgroup
	// configuration to the process with the specified pid.
	// It creates cgroup files for each subsystems and writes the pid
	// in the tasks file. We use the function to create all the required
	// cgroup files but not attach any "real" pid to the cgroup.
	if err := manager.Apply(-1); err != nil {
		return err

	// it may confuse why we call set after we do apply, but the issue is that runc
	// follows a similar pattern.  it's needed to ensure cpu quota is set properly.
	if err := manager.Set(libcontainerCgroupConfig.Resources); err != nil {
		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("cgroup manager.Set failed: %w", err))

	return nil

// Scans through all subsystems to find pids associated with specified cgroup.
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) Pids(name CgroupName) []int {
	// we need the driver specific name
	cgroupFsName := m.Name(name)

	// Get a list of processes that we need to kill
	pidsToKill := sets.NewInt()
	var pids []int
	for _, val := range m.subsystems.MountPoints {
		dir := path.Join(val, cgroupFsName)
		_, err := os.Stat(dir)
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			// The subsystem pod cgroup is already deleted
			// do nothing, continue
		// Get a list of pids that are still charged to the pod's cgroup
		pids, err = getCgroupProcs(dir)
		if err != nil {

		// WalkFunc which is called for each file and directory in the pod cgroup dir
		visitor := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
			if err != nil {
				klog.V(4).InfoS("Cgroup manager encountered error scanning cgroup path", "path", path, "err", err)
				return filepath.SkipDir
			if !info.IsDir() {
				return nil
			pids, err = getCgroupProcs(path)
			if err != nil {
				klog.V(4).InfoS("Cgroup manager encountered error getting procs for cgroup path", "path", path, "err", err)
				return filepath.SkipDir
			return nil
		// Walk through the pod cgroup directory to check if
		// container cgroups haven't been GCed yet. Get attached processes to
		// all such unwanted containers under the pod cgroup
		if err = filepath.Walk(dir, visitor); err != nil {
			klog.V(4).InfoS("Cgroup manager encountered error scanning pids for directory", "path", dir, "err", err)
	return pidsToKill.List()

// ReduceCPULimits reduces the cgroup's cpu shares to the lowest possible value
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) ReduceCPULimits(cgroupName CgroupName) error {
	// Set lowest possible CpuShares value for the cgroup
	minimumCPUShares := uint64(MinShares)
	resources := &ResourceConfig{
		CpuShares: &minimumCPUShares,
	containerConfig := &CgroupConfig{
		Name:               cgroupName,
		ResourceParameters: resources,
	return m.Update(containerConfig)

// MemoryUsage returns the current memory usage of the specified cgroup,
// as read from cgroupfs.
func (m *cgroupManagerImpl) MemoryUsage(name CgroupName) (int64, error) {
	var path, file string
	if libcontainercgroups.IsCgroup2UnifiedMode() {
		path = m.buildCgroupUnifiedPath(name)
		file = "memory.current"
	} else {
		mp, ok := m.subsystems.MountPoints["memory"]
		if !ok { // should not happen
			return -1, errors.New("no cgroup v1 mountpoint for memory controller found")
		path = mp + "/" + m.Name(name)
		file = "memory.usage_in_bytes"
	val, err := fscommon.GetCgroupParamUint(path, file)
	return int64(val), err


kubernetes 源码目录


kubernetes cgroup_manager_linux_test 源码

kubernetes cgroup_manager_test 源码

kubernetes cgroup_manager_unsupported 源码

kubernetes container_manager 源码

kubernetes container_manager_linux 源码

kubernetes container_manager_linux_test 源码

kubernetes container_manager_stub 源码

kubernetes container_manager_unsupported 源码

kubernetes container_manager_windows 源码

kubernetes fake_container_manager 源码

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