go pkg_test 源码
golang pkg_test 代码
package load
import (
func TestPkgDefaultExecName(t *testing.T) {
oldModulesEnabled := cfg.ModulesEnabled
defer func() { cfg.ModulesEnabled = oldModulesEnabled }()
for _, tt := range []struct {
in string
files []string
wantMod string
wantGopath string
{"example.com/mycmd", []string{}, "mycmd", "mycmd"},
{"example.com/mycmd/v0", []string{}, "v0", "v0"},
{"example.com/mycmd/v1", []string{}, "v1", "v1"},
{"example.com/mycmd/v2", []string{}, "mycmd", "v2"}, // Semantic import versioning, use second last element in module mode.
{"example.com/mycmd/v3", []string{}, "mycmd", "v3"}, // Semantic import versioning, use second last element in module mode.
{"mycmd", []string{}, "mycmd", "mycmd"},
{"mycmd/v0", []string{}, "v0", "v0"},
{"mycmd/v1", []string{}, "v1", "v1"},
{"mycmd/v2", []string{}, "mycmd", "v2"}, // Semantic import versioning, use second last element in module mode.
{"v0", []string{}, "v0", "v0"},
{"v1", []string{}, "v1", "v1"},
{"v2", []string{}, "v2", "v2"},
{"command-line-arguments", []string{"output.go", "foo.go"}, "output", "output"},
} {
cfg.ModulesEnabled = true
pkg := new(Package)
pkg.ImportPath = tt.in
pkg.GoFiles = tt.files
pkg.Internal.CmdlineFiles = len(tt.files) > 0
gotMod := pkg.DefaultExecName()
if gotMod != tt.wantMod {
t.Errorf("pkg.DefaultExecName with ImportPath = %q in module mode = %v; want %v", tt.in, gotMod, tt.wantMod)
cfg.ModulesEnabled = false
pkg := new(Package)
pkg.ImportPath = tt.in
pkg.GoFiles = tt.files
pkg.Internal.CmdlineFiles = len(tt.files) > 0
gotGopath := pkg.DefaultExecName()
if gotGopath != tt.wantGopath {
t.Errorf("pkg.DefaultExecName with ImportPath = %q in gopath mode = %v; want %v", tt.in, gotGopath, tt.wantGopath)
func TestIsVersionElement(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range []struct {
in string
want bool
{"v0", false},
{"v05", false},
{"v1", false},
{"v2", true},
{"v3", true},
{"v9", true},
{"v10", true},
{"v11", true},
{"v", false},
{"vx", false},
} {
got := isVersionElement(tt.in)
if got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("isVersionElement(%q) = %v; want %v", tt.in, got, tt.want)
2、 - 优质文章
3、 gate.io
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦