harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.base (Public Callback Information)

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (725)

@ohos.base (Public Callback Information)

The Base module defines the public callback types of ArkTS APIs, including the common and error callbacks.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 6. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import base from '@ohos.base';


Callback<T> {

(data: T): void;


Defines a common callback.

You can set data to customize the data type of the information returned by the callback.

System capability: SystemCapability.Base

Name Type Mandatory Description
data T Yes Common callback information.


ErrorCallback<T extends Error = BusinessError> {

(err: T): void;


Defines a common callback that carries an error parameter.

The information returned by the callback is of the BusinessError type.

System capability: SystemCapability.Base


Name Type Mandatory Description
err T Yes Common error information about the API invoking failure.


AsyncCallback<T, E = void> {

(err: BusinessError, data: T): void;


Defines a common callback that carries an error parameter and asynchronous return value.

The error parameter is of the BusinessError type.

The type of the asynchronous return value is defined by the developer.

System capability: SystemCapability.Base

Name Type Mandatory Description
err BusinessError Yes Common error information about the API invoking failure.
data T Yes Common callback information.


BusinessError<T = void> extends Error {

code: number;

data?: T; }

Defines the error parameter.

System capability: SystemCapability.Base

Name Type Mandatory Description
code number Yes Common error information about the API invoking failure.
data T No Common callback information. If this parameter is left empty, no related information is returned.


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