airflow stats 源码
airflow stats 代码
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
import logging
import socket
import string
import time
from functools import wraps
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, TypeVar, cast
from airflow.configuration import conf
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowConfigException, InvalidStatsNameException
from airflow.typing_compat import Protocol
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TimerProtocol(Protocol):
"""Type protocol for StatsLogger.timer"""
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def start(self):
"""Start the timer"""
def stop(self, send=True):
"""Stop, and (by default) submit the timer to StatsD"""
class StatsLogger(Protocol):
"""This class is only used for TypeChecking (for IDEs, mypy, etc)"""
def incr(cls, stat: str, count: int = 1, rate: int = 1) -> None:
"""Increment stat"""
def decr(cls, stat: str, count: int = 1, rate: int = 1) -> None:
"""Decrement stat"""
def gauge(cls, stat: str, value: float, rate: int = 1, delta: bool = False) -> None:
"""Gauge stat"""
def timing(cls, stat: str, dt: float | datetime.timedelta) -> None:
"""Stats timing"""
def timer(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> TimerProtocol:
"""Timer metric that can be cancelled"""
class Timer:
Timer that records duration, and optional sends to StatsD backend.
This class lets us have an accurate timer with the logic in one place (so
that we don't use datetime math for duration -- it is error prone).
Example usage:
.. code-block:: python
with Stats.timer() as t:
# Something to time
frob_the_foos()"Frobbing the foos took %.2f", t.duration)
Or without a context manager:
.. code-block:: python
timer = Stats.timer().start()
# Something to time
timer.end()"Frobbing the foos took %.2f", timer.duration)
To send a metric:
.. code-block:: python
with Stats.timer("foos.frob"):
# Something to time
Or both:
.. code-block:: python
with Stats.timer("foos.frob") as t:
# Something to time
frob_the_foos()"Frobbing the foos took %.2f", t.duration)
# pystatsd and dogstatsd both have a timer class, but present different API
# so we can't use this as a mixin on those, instead this class is contains the "real" timer
_start_time: int | None
duration: int | None
def __init__(self, real_timer=None):
self.real_timer = real_timer
def __enter__(self):
return self.start()
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def start(self):
"""Start the timer"""
if self.real_timer:
self._start_time = time.perf_counter()
return self
def stop(self, send=True):
"""Stop the timer, and optionally send it to stats backend"""
self.duration = time.perf_counter() - self._start_time
if send and self.real_timer:
class DummyStatsLogger:
"""If no StatsLogger is configured, DummyStatsLogger is used as a fallback"""
def incr(cls, stat, count=1, rate=1):
"""Increment stat"""
def decr(cls, stat, count=1, rate=1):
"""Decrement stat"""
def gauge(cls, stat, value, rate=1, delta=False):
"""Gauge stat"""
def timing(cls, stat, dt):
"""Stats timing"""
def timer(cls, *args, **kwargs):
"""Timer metric that can be cancelled"""
return Timer()
# Only characters in the character set are considered valid
# for the stat_name if stat_name_default_handler is used.
ALLOWED_CHARACTERS = set(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_.-')
def stat_name_default_handler(stat_name, max_length=250) -> str:
"""A function that validate the StatsD stat name, apply changes to the stat name
if necessary and return the transformed stat name.
if not isinstance(stat_name, str):
raise InvalidStatsNameException('The stat_name has to be a string')
if len(stat_name) > max_length:
raise InvalidStatsNameException(
f"The stat_name ({stat_name}) has to be less than {max_length} characters."
if not all((c in ALLOWED_CHARACTERS) for c in stat_name):
raise InvalidStatsNameException(
f"The stat name ({stat_name}) has to be composed with characters in {ALLOWED_CHARACTERS}."
return stat_name
def get_current_handler_stat_name_func() -> Callable[[str], str]:
"""Get Stat Name Handler from airflow.cfg"""
return conf.getimport('metrics', 'stat_name_handler') or stat_name_default_handler
T = TypeVar("T", bound=Callable)
def validate_stat(fn: T) -> T:
"""Check if stat name contains invalid characters.
Log and not emit stats if name is invalid
def wrapper(_self, stat=None, *args, **kwargs):
if stat is not None:
handler_stat_name_func = get_current_handler_stat_name_func()
stat = handler_stat_name_func(stat)
return fn(_self, stat, *args, **kwargs)
except InvalidStatsNameException:
log.error('Invalid stat name: %s.', stat, exc_info=True)
return None
return cast(T, wrapper)
class AllowListValidator:
"""Class to filter unwanted stats"""
def __init__(self, allow_list=None):
if allow_list:
self.allow_list = tuple(item.strip().lower() for item in allow_list.split(','))
self.allow_list = None
def test(self, stat):
"""Test if stat is in the Allow List"""
if self.allow_list is not None:
return stat.strip().lower().startswith(self.allow_list)
return True # default is all metrics allowed
class SafeStatsdLogger:
"""StatsD Logger"""
def __init__(self, statsd_client, allow_list_validator=AllowListValidator()):
self.statsd = statsd_client
self.allow_list_validator = allow_list_validator
def incr(self, stat, count=1, rate=1):
"""Increment stat"""
if self.allow_list_validator.test(stat):
return self.statsd.incr(stat, count, rate)
return None
def decr(self, stat, count=1, rate=1):
"""Decrement stat"""
if self.allow_list_validator.test(stat):
return self.statsd.decr(stat, count, rate)
return None
def gauge(self, stat, value, rate=1, delta=False):
"""Gauge stat"""
if self.allow_list_validator.test(stat):
return self.statsd.gauge(stat, value, rate, delta)
return None
def timing(self, stat, dt):
"""Stats timing"""
if self.allow_list_validator.test(stat):
return self.statsd.timing(stat, dt)
return None
def timer(self, stat=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""Timer metric that can be cancelled"""
if stat and self.allow_list_validator.test(stat):
return Timer(self.statsd.timer(stat, *args, **kwargs))
return Timer()
class SafeDogStatsdLogger:
"""DogStatsd Logger"""
def __init__(self, dogstatsd_client, allow_list_validator=AllowListValidator()):
self.dogstatsd = dogstatsd_client
self.allow_list_validator = allow_list_validator
def incr(self, stat, count=1, rate=1, tags=None):
"""Increment stat"""
if self.allow_list_validator.test(stat):
tags = tags or []
return self.dogstatsd.increment(metric=stat, value=count, tags=tags, sample_rate=rate)
return None
def decr(self, stat, count=1, rate=1, tags=None):
"""Decrement stat"""
if self.allow_list_validator.test(stat):
tags = tags or []
return self.dogstatsd.decrement(metric=stat, value=count, tags=tags, sample_rate=rate)
return None
def gauge(self, stat, value, rate=1, delta=False, tags=None):
"""Gauge stat"""
if self.allow_list_validator.test(stat):
tags = tags or []
return self.dogstatsd.gauge(metric=stat, value=value, tags=tags, sample_rate=rate)
return None
def timing(self, stat, dt: float | datetime.timedelta, tags: list[str] | None = None):
"""Stats timing"""
if self.allow_list_validator.test(stat):
tags = tags or []
if isinstance(dt, datetime.timedelta):
dt = dt.total_seconds()
return self.dogstatsd.timing(metric=stat, value=dt, tags=tags)
return None
def timer(self, stat=None, *args, tags=None, **kwargs):
"""Timer metric that can be cancelled"""
if stat and self.allow_list_validator.test(stat):
tags = tags or []
return Timer(self.dogstatsd.timed(stat, *args, tags=tags, **kwargs))
return Timer()
class _Stats(type):
factory = None
instance: StatsLogger | None = None
def __getattr__(cls, name):
if not cls.instance:
cls.instance = cls.factory()
except (socket.gaierror, ImportError) as e:
log.error("Could not configure StatsClient: %s, using DummyStatsLogger instead.", e)
cls.instance = DummyStatsLogger()
return getattr(cls.instance, name)
def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls.__class__.factory is None:
is_datadog_enabled_defined = conf.has_option('metrics', 'statsd_datadog_enabled')
if is_datadog_enabled_defined and conf.getboolean('metrics', 'statsd_datadog_enabled'):
cls.__class__.factory = cls.get_dogstatsd_logger
elif conf.getboolean('metrics', 'statsd_on'):
cls.__class__.factory = cls.get_statsd_logger
cls.__class__.factory = DummyStatsLogger
def get_statsd_logger(cls):
"""Returns logger for StatsD"""
# no need to check for the scheduler/statsd_on -> this method is only called when it is set
# and previously it would crash with None is callable if it was called without it.
from statsd import StatsClient
stats_class = conf.getimport('metrics', 'statsd_custom_client_path', fallback=None)
if stats_class:
if not issubclass(stats_class, StatsClient):
raise AirflowConfigException(
"Your custom StatsD client must extend the statsd.StatsClient in order to ensure "
"backwards compatibility."
else:"Successfully loaded custom StatsD client")
stats_class = StatsClient
statsd = stats_class(
host=conf.get('metrics', 'statsd_host'),
port=conf.getint('metrics', 'statsd_port'),
prefix=conf.get('metrics', 'statsd_prefix'),
allow_list_validator = AllowListValidator(conf.get('metrics', 'statsd_allow_list', fallback=None))
return SafeStatsdLogger(statsd, allow_list_validator)
def get_dogstatsd_logger(cls):
"""Get DataDog StatsD logger"""
from datadog import DogStatsd
dogstatsd = DogStatsd(
host=conf.get('metrics', 'statsd_host'),
port=conf.getint('metrics', 'statsd_port'),
namespace=conf.get('metrics', 'statsd_prefix'),
dogstatsd_allow_list = conf.get('metrics', 'statsd_allow_list', fallback=None)
allow_list_validator = AllowListValidator(dogstatsd_allow_list)
return SafeDogStatsdLogger(dogstatsd, allow_list_validator)
def get_constant_tags(cls):
"""Get constant DataDog tags to add to all stats"""
tags = []
tags_in_string = conf.get('metrics', 'statsd_datadog_tags', fallback=None)
if tags_in_string is None or tags_in_string == '':
return tags
for key_value in tags_in_string.split(','):
return tags
Stats: StatsLogger
class Stats(metaclass=_Stats):
"""Empty class for Stats - we use metaclass to inject the right one"""
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