tidb ranger 源码
tidb ranger 代码
// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ranger
import (
driver "github.com/pingcap/tidb/types/parser_driver"
func validInterval(sctx sessionctx.Context, low, high *point) (bool, error) {
sc := sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
l, err := codec.EncodeKey(sc, nil, low.value)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Trace(err)
if low.excl {
l = kv.Key(l).PrefixNext()
r, err := codec.EncodeKey(sc, nil, high.value)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Trace(err)
if !high.excl {
r = kv.Key(r).PrefixNext()
return bytes.Compare(l, r) < 0, nil
// convertPoints does some preprocessing on rangePoints to make them ready to build ranges. Preprocessing includes converting
// points to the specified type, validating intervals and skipping impossible intervals.
func convertPoints(sctx sessionctx.Context, rangePoints []*point, tp *types.FieldType, skipNull bool, tableRange bool) ([]*point, error) {
i := 0
numPoints := len(rangePoints)
var minValueDatum, maxValueDatum types.Datum
if tableRange {
// Currently, table's kv range cannot accept encoded value of MaxValueDatum. we need to convert it.
isUnsigned := mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(tp.GetFlag())
if isUnsigned {
} else {
for j := 0; j < numPoints; j += 2 {
startPoint, err := convertPoint(sctx, rangePoints[j], tp)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if tableRange {
if startPoint.value.Kind() == types.KindNull {
startPoint.value = minValueDatum
startPoint.excl = false
} else if startPoint.value.Kind() == types.KindMinNotNull {
startPoint.value = minValueDatum
endPoint, err := convertPoint(sctx, rangePoints[j+1], tp)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if tableRange {
if endPoint.value.Kind() == types.KindMaxValue {
endPoint.value = maxValueDatum
if skipNull && endPoint.value.Kind() == types.KindNull {
less, err := validInterval(sctx, startPoint, endPoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if !less {
rangePoints[i] = startPoint
rangePoints[i+1] = endPoint
i += 2
return rangePoints[:i], nil
// points2Ranges build index ranges from range points.
// Only one column is built there. If there're multiple columns, use appendPoints2Ranges.
// rangeMaxSize is the max memory limit for ranges. O indicates no memory limit.
// If the second return value is true, it means that the estimated memory usage of ranges exceeds rangeMaxSize and it falls back to full range.
func points2Ranges(sctx sessionctx.Context, rangePoints []*point, tp *types.FieldType, rangeMaxSize int64) ([]*Range, bool, error) {
convertedPoints, err := convertPoints(sctx, rangePoints, tp, mysql.HasNotNullFlag(tp.GetFlag()), false)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, errors.Trace(err)
ranges := make(Ranges, 0, len(convertedPoints)/2)
for i := 0; i < len(convertedPoints); i += 2 {
startPoint, endPoint := convertedPoints[i], convertedPoints[i+1]
ran := &Range{
LowVal: []types.Datum{startPoint.value},
LowExclude: startPoint.excl,
HighVal: []types.Datum{endPoint.value},
HighExclude: endPoint.excl,
Collators: []collate.Collator{collate.GetCollator(tp.GetCollate())},
if len(ranges) == 0 && rangeMaxSize > 0 && ran.MemUsage()*int64(len(convertedPoints))/2 > rangeMaxSize {
var fullRange Ranges
if mysql.HasNotNullFlag(tp.GetFlag()) {
fullRange = FullNotNullRange()
} else {
fullRange = FullRange()
return fullRange, true, nil
ranges = append(ranges, ran)
return ranges, false, nil
func convertPoint(sctx sessionctx.Context, point *point, tp *types.FieldType) (*point, error) {
sc := sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
switch point.value.Kind() {
case types.KindMaxValue, types.KindMinNotNull:
return point, nil
casted, err := point.value.ConvertTo(sc, tp)
if err != nil {
if sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.InPreparedPlanBuilding {
// do not ignore these errors if in prepared plan building for safety
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if tp.GetType() == mysql.TypeYear && terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrWarnDataOutOfRange) {
// see issue #20101: overflow when converting integer to year
} else if tp.GetType() == mysql.TypeBit && terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrDataTooLong) {
// see issue #19067: we should ignore the types.ErrDataTooLong when we convert value to TypeBit value
} else if tp.GetType() == mysql.TypeNewDecimal && terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrOverflow) {
// Ignore the types.ErrOverflow when we convert TypeNewDecimal values.
// A trimmed valid boundary point value would be returned then. Accordingly, the `excl` of the point
// would be adjusted. Impossible ranges would be skipped by the `validInterval` call later.
} else if point.value.Kind() == types.KindMysqlTime && tp.GetType() == mysql.TypeTimestamp && terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrWrongValue) {
// See issue #28424: query failed after add index
// Ignore conversion from Date[Time] to Timestamp since it must be either out of range or impossible date, which will not match a point select
} else if tp.GetType() == mysql.TypeEnum && terror.ErrorEqual(err, types.ErrTruncated) {
// Ignore the types.ErrorTruncated when we convert TypeEnum values.
// We should cover Enum upper overflow, and convert to the biggest value.
if point.value.GetInt64() > 0 {
upperEnum, err := types.ParseEnumValue(tp.GetElems(), uint64(len(tp.GetElems())))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
casted.SetMysqlEnum(upperEnum, tp.GetCollate())
} else if terror.ErrorEqual(err, charset.ErrInvalidCharacterString) {
// The invalid string can be produced by changing datum's underlying bytes directly.
// For example, newBuildFromPatternLike calculates the end point by adding 1 to bytes.
// We need to skip these invalid strings.
return point, nil
} else {
return point, errors.Trace(err)
valCmpCasted, err := point.value.Compare(sc, &casted, collate.GetCollator(tp.GetCollate()))
if err != nil {
return point, errors.Trace(err)
npoint := point.Clone(casted)
if valCmpCasted == 0 {
return npoint, nil
if npoint.start {
if npoint.excl {
if valCmpCasted < 0 {
// e.g. "a > 1.9" convert to "a >= 2".
npoint.excl = false
} else {
if valCmpCasted > 0 {
// e.g. "a >= 1.1 convert to "a > 1"
npoint.excl = true
} else {
if npoint.excl {
if valCmpCasted > 0 {
// e.g. "a < 1.1" convert to "a <= 1"
npoint.excl = false
} else {
if valCmpCasted < 0 {
// e.g. "a <= 1.9" convert to "a < 2"
npoint.excl = true
return npoint, nil
// appendPoints2Ranges appends additional column ranges for multi-column index.
// The additional column ranges can only be appended to point ranges.
// for example we have an index (a, b), if the condition is (a > 1 and b = 2)
// then we can not build a conjunctive ranges for this index.
func appendPoints2Ranges(sctx sessionctx.Context, origin []*Range, rangePoints []*point,
ft *types.FieldType) ([]*Range, error) {
convertedPoints, err := convertPoints(sctx, rangePoints, ft, false, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
var newIndexRanges []*Range
for i := 0; i < len(origin); i++ {
oRange := origin[i]
if !oRange.IsPoint(sctx) {
newIndexRanges = append(newIndexRanges, oRange)
} else {
newRanges, err := appendPoints2IndexRange(oRange, convertedPoints, ft)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
newIndexRanges = append(newIndexRanges, newRanges...)
return newIndexRanges, nil
func appendPoints2IndexRange(origin *Range, rangePoints []*point, ft *types.FieldType) ([]*Range, error) {
newRanges := make([]*Range, 0, len(rangePoints)/2)
for i := 0; i < len(rangePoints); i += 2 {
startPoint, endPoint := rangePoints[i], rangePoints[i+1]
lowVal := make([]types.Datum, len(origin.LowVal)+1)
copy(lowVal, origin.LowVal)
lowVal[len(origin.LowVal)] = startPoint.value
highVal := make([]types.Datum, len(origin.HighVal)+1)
copy(highVal, origin.HighVal)
highVal[len(origin.HighVal)] = endPoint.value
collators := make([]collate.Collator, len(origin.Collators)+1)
copy(collators, origin.Collators)
collators[len(origin.Collators)] = collate.GetCollator(ft.GetCollate())
ir := &Range{
LowVal: lowVal,
LowExclude: startPoint.excl,
HighVal: highVal,
HighExclude: endPoint.excl,
Collators: collators,
newRanges = append(newRanges, ir)
return newRanges, nil
func appendRanges2PointRanges(pointRanges []*Range, ranges []*Range) []*Range {
if len(ranges) == 0 {
return pointRanges
newRanges := make([]*Range, 0, len(pointRanges)*len(ranges))
for _, pointRange := range pointRanges {
for _, r := range ranges {
lowVal := append(pointRange.LowVal, r.LowVal...)
highVal := append(pointRange.HighVal, r.HighVal...)
collators := append(pointRange.Collators, r.Collators...)
newRange := &Range{
LowVal: lowVal,
LowExclude: r.LowExclude,
HighVal: highVal,
HighExclude: r.HighExclude,
Collators: collators,
newRanges = append(newRanges, newRange)
return newRanges
// points2TableRanges build ranges for table scan from range points.
// It will remove the nil and convert MinNotNull and MaxValue to MinInt64 or MinUint64 and MaxInt64 or MaxUint64.
// rangeMaxSize is the max memory limit for ranges. O indicates no memory limit.
// If the second return value is true, it means that the estimated memory usage of ranges exceeds rangeMaxSize and it falls back to full range.
func points2TableRanges(sctx sessionctx.Context, rangePoints []*point, tp *types.FieldType, rangeMaxSize int64) ([]*Range, bool, error) {
convertedPoints, err := convertPoints(sctx, rangePoints, tp, true, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, errors.Trace(err)
ranges := make(Ranges, 0, len(convertedPoints)/2)
for i := 0; i < len(convertedPoints); i += 2 {
startPoint, endPoint := convertedPoints[i], convertedPoints[i+1]
ran := &Range{
LowVal: []types.Datum{startPoint.value},
LowExclude: startPoint.excl,
HighVal: []types.Datum{endPoint.value},
HighExclude: endPoint.excl,
Collators: []collate.Collator{collate.GetCollator(tp.GetCollate())},
if len(ranges) == 0 && rangeMaxSize > 0 && ran.MemUsage()*int64(len(rangePoints))/2 > rangeMaxSize {
return FullIntRange(mysql.HasUnsignedFlag(tp.GetFlag())), true, nil
ranges = append(ranges, ran)
return ranges, false, nil
// buildColumnRange builds range from CNF conditions.
// rangeMaxSize is the max memory limit for ranges. O indicates no memory limit.
// The second return value is the conditions used to build ranges and the third return value is the remained conditions.
func buildColumnRange(accessConditions []expression.Expression, sctx sessionctx.Context, tp *types.FieldType, tableRange bool,
colLen int, rangeMaxSize int64) (Ranges, []expression.Expression, []expression.Expression, error) {
rb := builder{sc: sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx}
rangePoints := getFullRange()
for _, cond := range accessConditions {
collator := collate.GetCollator(tp.GetCollate())
rangePoints = rb.intersection(rangePoints, rb.build(cond, collator), collator)
if rb.err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, errors.Trace(rb.err)
var (
ranges Ranges
rangeFallback bool
err error
newTp := newFieldType(tp)
if tableRange {
ranges, rangeFallback, err = points2TableRanges(sctx, rangePoints, newTp, rangeMaxSize)
} else {
ranges, rangeFallback, err = points2Ranges(sctx, rangePoints, newTp, rangeMaxSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
if rangeFallback {
return ranges, nil, accessConditions, nil
if colLen != types.UnspecifiedLength {
for _, ran := range ranges {
// If the length of the last column of LowVal is equal to the prefix length, LowExclude should be set false.
// For example, `col_varchar > 'xx'` should be converted to range [xx, +inf) when the prefix index length of
// `col_varchar` is 2. Otherwise we would miss values like 'xxx' if we execute (xx, +inf) index range scan.
if CutDatumByPrefixLen(&ran.LowVal[0], colLen, tp) || ReachPrefixLen(&ran.LowVal[0], colLen, tp) {
ran.LowExclude = false
if CutDatumByPrefixLen(&ran.HighVal[0], colLen, tp) {
ran.HighExclude = false
ranges, err = UnionRanges(sctx, ranges, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
return ranges, accessConditions, nil, nil
// BuildTableRange builds range of PK column for PhysicalTableScan.
// rangeMaxSize is the max memory limit for ranges. O indicates no memory limit.
// The second return value is the conditions used to build ranges and the third return value is the remained conditions.
// If you use the function to build ranges for some access path, you need to update the path's access conditions and filter
// conditions by the second and third return values respectively.
// If you ask that all conds must be used for building ranges, set rangeMemQuota to 0 to avoid range fallback.
func BuildTableRange(accessConditions []expression.Expression, sctx sessionctx.Context, tp *types.FieldType,
rangeMaxSize int64) (Ranges, []expression.Expression, []expression.Expression, error) {
return buildColumnRange(accessConditions, sctx, tp, true, types.UnspecifiedLength, rangeMaxSize)
// BuildColumnRange builds range from access conditions for general columns.
// rangeMaxSize is the max memory limit for ranges. O indicates no memory limit.
// The second return value is the conditions used to build ranges and the third return value is the remained conditions.
// If you use the function to build ranges for some access path, you need to update the path's access conditions and filter
// conditions by the second and third return values respectively.
// If you ask that all conds must be used for building ranges, set rangeMemQuota to 0 to avoid range fallback.
func BuildColumnRange(conds []expression.Expression, sctx sessionctx.Context, tp *types.FieldType, colLen int,
rangeMemQuota int64) (Ranges, []expression.Expression, []expression.Expression, error) {
if len(conds) == 0 {
return FullRange(), nil, nil, nil
return buildColumnRange(conds, sctx, tp, false, colLen, rangeMemQuota)
func (d *rangeDetacher) buildRangeOnColsByCNFCond(newTp []*types.FieldType,
eqAndInCount int, accessCondition []expression.Expression) ([]*Range, error) {
rb := builder{sc: d.sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx}
var (
ranges []*Range
err error
for i := 0; i < eqAndInCount; i++ {
// Build ranges for equal or in access conditions.
point := rb.build(accessCondition[i], collate.GetCollator(newTp[i].GetCollate()))
if rb.err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(rb.err)
if i == 0 {
// TODO: restrict the mem usage of ranges
ranges, _, err = points2Ranges(d.sctx, point, newTp[i], 0)
} else {
ranges, err = appendPoints2Ranges(d.sctx, ranges, point, newTp[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
rangePoints := getFullRange()
// Build rangePoints for non-equal access conditions.
for i := eqAndInCount; i < len(accessCondition); i++ {
collator := collate.GetCollator(newTp[eqAndInCount].GetCollate())
rangePoints = rb.intersection(rangePoints, rb.build(accessCondition[i], collator), collator)
if rb.err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(rb.err)
if eqAndInCount == 0 {
// TODO: restrict the mem usage of ranges
ranges, _, err = points2Ranges(d.sctx, rangePoints, newTp[0], 0)
} else if eqAndInCount < len(accessCondition) {
ranges, err = appendPoints2Ranges(d.sctx, ranges, rangePoints, newTp[eqAndInCount])
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return ranges, nil
// buildCNFIndexRange builds the range for index where the top layer is CNF.
func (d *rangeDetacher) buildCNFIndexRange(newTp []*types.FieldType,
eqAndInCount int, accessCondition []expression.Expression) ([]*Range, error) {
ranges, err := d.buildRangeOnColsByCNFCond(newTp, eqAndInCount, accessCondition)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Take prefix index into consideration.
if hasPrefix(d.lengths) {
if fixPrefixColRange(ranges, d.lengths, newTp) {
ranges, err = UnionRanges(d.sctx, ranges, d.mergeConsecutive)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return ranges, nil
type sortRange struct {
originalValue *Range
encodedStart []byte
encodedEnd []byte
// UnionRanges sorts `ranges`, union adjacent ones if possible.
// For two intervals [a, b], [c, d], we have guaranteed that a <= c. If b >= c. Then two intervals are overlapped.
// And this two can be merged as [a, max(b, d)].
// Otherwise they aren't overlapped.
func UnionRanges(sctx sessionctx.Context, ranges Ranges, mergeConsecutive bool) (Ranges, error) {
sc := sctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
if len(ranges) == 0 {
return nil, nil
objects := make([]*sortRange, 0, len(ranges))
for _, ran := range ranges {
left, err := codec.EncodeKey(sc, nil, ran.LowVal...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if ran.LowExclude {
left = kv.Key(left).PrefixNext()
right, err := codec.EncodeKey(sc, nil, ran.HighVal...)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if !ran.HighExclude {
right = kv.Key(right).PrefixNext()
objects = append(objects, &sortRange{originalValue: ran, encodedStart: left, encodedEnd: right})
slices.SortFunc(objects, func(i, j *sortRange) bool {
return bytes.Compare(i.encodedStart, j.encodedStart) < 0
ranges = ranges[:0]
lastRange := objects[0]
for i := 1; i < len(objects); i++ {
if (mergeConsecutive && bytes.Compare(lastRange.encodedEnd, objects[i].encodedStart) >= 0) ||
(!mergeConsecutive && bytes.Compare(lastRange.encodedEnd, objects[i].encodedStart) > 0) {
if bytes.Compare(lastRange.encodedEnd, objects[i].encodedEnd) < 0 {
lastRange.encodedEnd = objects[i].encodedEnd
lastRange.originalValue.HighVal = objects[i].originalValue.HighVal
lastRange.originalValue.HighExclude = objects[i].originalValue.HighExclude
} else {
ranges = append(ranges, lastRange.originalValue)
lastRange = objects[i]
ranges = append(ranges, lastRange.originalValue)
return ranges, nil
func hasPrefix(lengths []int) bool {
for _, l := range lengths {
if l != types.UnspecifiedLength {
return true
return false
// fixPrefixColRange checks whether the range of one column exceeds the length and needs to be cut.
// It specially handles the last column of each range point. If the last one need to be cut, it will
// change the exclude status of that point and return `true` to tell
// that we need do a range merging since that interval may have intersection.
// e.g. if the interval is (-inf -inf, a xxxxx), (a xxxxx, +inf +inf) and the length of the last column is 3,
// then we'll change it to (-inf -inf, a xxx], [a xxx, +inf +inf). You can see that this two interval intersect,
// so we need a merge operation.
// Q: only checking the last column to decide whether the endpoint's exclude status needs to be reset is enough?
// A: Yes, suppose that the interval is (-inf -inf, a xxxxx b) and only the second column needs to be cut.
// The result would be (-inf -inf, a xxx b) if the length of it is 3. Obviously we only need to care about the data
// whose the first two key is `a` and `xxx`. It read all data whose index value begins with `a` and `xxx` and the third
// value less than `b`, covering the values begin with `a` and `xxxxx` and the third value less than `b` perfectly.
// So in this case we don't need to reset its exclude status. The right endpoint case can be proved in the same way.
func fixPrefixColRange(ranges []*Range, lengths []int, tp []*types.FieldType) bool {
var hasCut bool
for _, ran := range ranges {
lowTail := len(ran.LowVal) - 1
for i := 0; i < lowTail; i++ {
hasCut = CutDatumByPrefixLen(&ran.LowVal[i], lengths[i], tp[i]) || hasCut
lowCut := CutDatumByPrefixLen(&ran.LowVal[lowTail], lengths[lowTail], tp[lowTail])
// If the length of the last column of LowVal is equal to the prefix length, LowExclude should be set false.
// For example, `col_varchar > 'xx'` should be converted to range [xx, +inf) when the prefix index length of
// `col_varchar` is 2. Otherwise we would miss values like 'xxx' if we execute (xx, +inf) index range scan.
if lowCut || ReachPrefixLen(&ran.LowVal[lowTail], lengths[lowTail], tp[lowTail]) {
ran.LowExclude = false
highTail := len(ran.HighVal) - 1
for i := 0; i < highTail; i++ {
hasCut = CutDatumByPrefixLen(&ran.HighVal[i], lengths[i], tp[i]) || hasCut
highCut := CutDatumByPrefixLen(&ran.HighVal[highTail], lengths[highTail], tp[highTail])
if highCut {
ran.HighExclude = false
hasCut = hasCut || lowCut || highCut
return hasCut
// CutDatumByPrefixLen cuts the datum according to the prefix length.
// If it's binary or ascii encoded, we will cut it by bytes rather than characters.
func CutDatumByPrefixLen(v *types.Datum, length int, tp *types.FieldType) bool {
if (v.Kind() == types.KindString || v.Kind() == types.KindBytes) && length != types.UnspecifiedLength {
colCharset := tp.GetCharset()
colValue := v.GetBytes()
if colCharset == charset.CharsetBin || colCharset == charset.CharsetASCII {
if len(colValue) > length {
// truncate value and limit its length
if v.Kind() == types.KindBytes {
} else {
v.SetString(v.GetString()[:length], tp.GetCollate())
return true
} else if utf8.RuneCount(colValue) > length {
rs := bytes.Runes(colValue)
truncateStr := string(rs[:length])
// truncate value and limit its length
v.SetString(truncateStr, tp.GetCollate())
return true
return false
// ReachPrefixLen checks whether the length of v is equal to the prefix length.
func ReachPrefixLen(v *types.Datum, length int, tp *types.FieldType) bool {
if (v.Kind() == types.KindString || v.Kind() == types.KindBytes) && length != types.UnspecifiedLength {
colCharset := tp.GetCharset()
colValue := v.GetBytes()
if colCharset == charset.CharsetBin || colCharset == charset.CharsetASCII {
return len(colValue) == length
return utf8.RuneCount(colValue) == length
return false
// We cannot use the FieldType of column directly. e.g. the column a is int32 and we have a > 1111111111111111111.
// Obviously the constant is bigger than MaxInt32, so we will get overflow error if we use the FieldType of column a.
func newFieldType(tp *types.FieldType) *types.FieldType {
switch tp.GetType() {
// To avoid overflow error.
case mysql.TypeTiny, mysql.TypeShort, mysql.TypeInt24, mysql.TypeLong, mysql.TypeLonglong:
newTp := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeLonglong)
return newTp
// To avoid data truncate error.
case mysql.TypeFloat, mysql.TypeDouble, mysql.TypeBlob, mysql.TypeTinyBlob, mysql.TypeMediumBlob, mysql.TypeLongBlob,
mysql.TypeString, mysql.TypeVarchar, mysql.TypeVarString:
newTp := types.NewFieldTypeWithCollation(tp.GetType(), tp.GetCollate(), types.UnspecifiedLength)
return newTp
return tp
// points2EqOrInCond constructs a 'EQUAL' or 'IN' scalar function based on the
// 'points'. `col` is the target column to construct the Equal or In condition.
// NOTE:
// 1. 'points' should not be empty.
func points2EqOrInCond(ctx sessionctx.Context, points []*point, col *expression.Column) expression.Expression {
// len(points) cannot be 0 here, since we impose early termination in ExtractEqAndInCondition
// Constant and Column args should have same RetType, simply get from first arg
retType := col.GetType()
args := make([]expression.Expression, 0, len(points)/2)
args = append(args, col)
for i := 0; i < len(points); i = i + 2 {
value := &expression.Constant{
Value: points[i].value,
RetType: retType,
args = append(args, value)
funcName := ast.EQ
if len(args) > 2 {
funcName = ast.In
return expression.NewFunctionInternal(ctx, funcName, col.GetType(), args...)
// DetachCondAndBuildRangeForPartition will detach the index filters from table filters.
// The returned values are encapsulated into a struct DetachRangeResult, see its comments for explanation.
func DetachCondAndBuildRangeForPartition(sctx sessionctx.Context, conditions []expression.Expression, cols []*expression.Column,
lengths []int) (*DetachRangeResult, error) {
d := &rangeDetacher{
sctx: sctx,
allConds: conditions,
cols: cols,
lengths: lengths,
mergeConsecutive: false,
return d.detachCondAndBuildRangeForCols()
// RangesToString print a list of Ranges into a string which can appear in an SQL as a condition.
func RangesToString(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, rans []*Range, colNames []string) (string, error) {
for _, ran := range rans {
if len(ran.LowVal) != len(ran.HighVal) {
return "", errors.New("range length mismatch")
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for i, ran := range rans {
for j := range ran.LowVal {
// The `Exclude` information is only useful for the last columns.
// If it's not the last column, it should always be false, which means it's inclusive.
lowExclude := false
if ran.LowExclude && j == len(ran.LowVal)-1 {
lowExclude = true
highExclude := false
if ran.HighExclude && j == len(ran.LowVal)-1 {
highExclude = true
// sanity check: only last column of the `Range` can be an interval
if j < len(ran.LowVal)-1 {
cmp, err := ran.LowVal[j].Compare(sc, &ran.HighVal[j], ran.Collators[j])
if err != nil {
return "", errors.New("comparing values error: " + err.Error())
if cmp != 0 {
return "", errors.New("unexpected form of range")
str, err := RangeSingleColToString(sc, ran.LowVal[j], ran.HighVal[j], lowExclude, highExclude, colNames[j], ran.Collators[j])
if err != nil {
return "false", err
if j < len(ran.LowVal)-1 {
// Conditions on different columns of a range are implicitly connected with AND.
buffer.WriteString(" and ")
if i < len(rans)-1 {
// Conditions of different ranges are implicitly connected with OR.
buffer.WriteString(" or ")
result := buffer.String()
// Simplify some useless conditions.
if matched, err := regexp.MatchString(`^\(*true\)*$`, result); matched || (err != nil) {
return "true", nil
return result, nil
// RangeSingleColToString prints a single column of a Range into a string which can appear in an SQL as a condition.
func RangeSingleColToString(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, lowVal, highVal types.Datum, lowExclude, highExclude bool, colName string, collator collate.Collator) (string, error) {
// case 1: low and high are both special values(null, min not null, max value)
lowKind := lowVal.Kind()
highKind := highVal.Kind()
if (lowKind == types.KindNull || lowKind == types.KindMinNotNull || lowKind == types.KindMaxValue) &&
(highKind == types.KindNull || highKind == types.KindMinNotNull || highKind == types.KindMaxValue) {
if lowKind == types.KindNull && highKind == types.KindNull && !lowExclude && !highExclude {
return colName + " is null", nil
if lowKind == types.KindNull && highKind == types.KindMaxValue && !lowExclude {
return "true", nil
if lowKind == types.KindMinNotNull && highKind == types.KindMaxValue {
return colName + " is not null", nil
return "false", nil
var buf bytes.Buffer
restoreCtx := format.NewRestoreCtx(format.DefaultRestoreFlags, &buf)
// case 2: low value and high value are the same, and low value and high value are both inclusive.
cmp, err := lowVal.Compare(sc, &highVal, collator)
if err != nil {
return "false", errors.Trace(err)
if cmp == 0 && !lowExclude && !highExclude && !lowVal.IsNull() {
buf.WriteString(" = ")
lowValExpr := driver.ValueExpr{Datum: lowVal}
err := lowValExpr.Restore(restoreCtx)
if err != nil {
return "false", errors.Trace(err)
return buf.String(), nil
// case 3: it's an interval.
useOR := false
noLowerPart := false
// Handle the low value part.
if lowKind == types.KindNull {
buf.WriteString(colName + " is null")
useOR = true
} else if lowKind == types.KindMinNotNull {
noLowerPart = true
} else {
if lowExclude {
buf.WriteString(" > ")
} else {
buf.WriteString(" >= ")
lowValExpr := driver.ValueExpr{Datum: lowVal}
err := lowValExpr.Restore(restoreCtx)
if err != nil {
return "false", errors.Trace(err)
if !noLowerPart {
if useOR {
buf.WriteString(" or ")
} else {
buf.WriteString(" and ")
// Handle the high value part
if highKind == types.KindMaxValue {
} else {
if highExclude {
buf.WriteString(" < ")
} else {
buf.WriteString(" <= ")
highValExpr := driver.ValueExpr{Datum: highVal}
err := highValExpr.Restore(restoreCtx)
if err != nil {
return "false", errors.Trace(err)
return buf.String(), nil
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