harmony 鸿蒙Web Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (492)

Web Subsystem Changelog

Compared with earlier versions, OpenHarmony has the following API changes in its web subsystem:

cl.web.1 HitTestTypeV9 Name Change

Renamed the enum class HitTestTypeV9 WebHitTestType to meet the naming conventions.

Change Impact

The enum class HitTestTypeV9 and APIs that use HitTestTypeV9 as a parameter or return value cannot be used in OpenHarmony and later versions.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Involved APIs:

enum HitTestTypeV9

  • Before change:
  enum HitTestTypeV9
  • After change:
  enum WebHitTestType

Adaptation Guide

Replace HitTestTypeV9 with WebHitTestType.

cl.web.2 HeaderV9 Name Change

Renamed the struct HeaderV9 WebHeader to meet the naming conventions.

Change Impact

The struct HeaderV9 and APIs that use HeaderV9 as a parameter or return value cannot be used in OpenHarmony and later versions.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Involved APIs:

interface HeaderV9

  • Before change:
  interface HeaderV9
  • After change:
  interface WebHeader

Adaptation Guide

Replace HeaderV9 with WebHeader.

cl.web.3 Member Change of HitTestValue

Rename the member variable HitTestTypeV9 in the HitTestValue struct WebHitTestType to meet the naming conventions.

Change Impact

The struct HitTestValue and APIs that use HitTestValue as a parameter or return value cannot be used in OpenHarmony and later versions.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Involved APIs:

interface HitTestValue

  • Before change:
  interface HitTestValue {

      * Get the hit test type.
      * @since 9
    type: HitTestTypeV9;

      * Get the hit test extra data.
      * @since 9
    extra: string;
  • After change:
  interface HitTestValue {

      * Get the hit test type.
      * @since 9
    type: WebHitTestType;

      * Get the hit test extra data.
      * @since 9
    extra: string;

Adaptation Guide

Replace HitTestTypeV9 with WebHitTestType.

cl.web.4 Parameter Type Change of loadUrl

Changed the type of the headers parameter in loadUrl to WebHeader to meet the naming conventions.

Change Impact

The loadUrl API that uses the headers parameter cannot be used in OpenHarmony and later versions.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Involved APIs:

loadUrl(url: string|Resource, headers?: Array<HeaderV9>): void

  • Before change:
  loadUrl(url: string|Resource, headers?: Array<HeaderV9>): void
  • After change:
  loadUrl(url: string|Resource, headers?: Array<WebHeader>): void

Adaptation Guide

Change the type of the headers parameter in loadUrl from HeaderV9 to WebHeader.

cl.web.5 Return Value Type Change of getHitTest

Changed the return value type of the getHitTest API to WebHitTest to meet the naming conventions.

Change Impact

The getHitTest API cannot be used in OpenHarmony and later versions.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Involved APIs:

getHitTest(): HitTestTypeV9

  • Before change:
  getHitTest(): HitTestTypeV9
  • After change:
  getHitTest(): WebHitTestType

Adaptation Guide

Change the return value type of the getHitTest API from HitTestTypeV9 to WebHitTestType.

cl.web.6 Moving of the WebMessagePort Class

Moved the WebMessagePort class to @ohos.web.webview.d.ts and added error throwing.

Change Impact

If your application is developed based on earlier versions, note that the d.ts file storage location and the name of the module to be imported are changed. In addition, be mindful of the error codes now that the APIs in the class support error code processing.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Involved APIs:

postMessageEvent(message: WebMessageEvent): void; onMessageEvent(callback: (result: string) => void): void;

  • Before change:
  postMessageEvent(message: WebMessageEvent): void;
  onMessageEvent(callback: (result: string) => void): void;
  • After change:
  postMessageEvent(message: WebMessage): void;
  onMessageEvent(callback: (result: WebMessage) => void): void;

Adaptation Guide

Instead of importing APIs from the original WebMessagePort class, import APIs from @ohos.web.webview as follows:

  import web_webview from '@ohos.web.webview';

cl.web.7 Moving of the HitTestValue Class

Moved the HitTestValue class to @ohos.web.webview.d.ts; changed HitTestValue from a class to an API; changed the getType and getExtra from APIs to attributes.

Change Impact

If your application is developed based on earlier versions, note that the d.ts file storage location and the name of the module to be imported are changed.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Involved APIs:

getType(): HitTestType; getExtra(): string;

  • Before change:
  getType(): HitTestType;
  getExtra(): string;
  • After change:
  type: WebHitTestType;
  extra: string;

Adaptation Guide

Instead of importing APIs from the original HitTestValue class, import APIs from @ohos.web.webview as follows:

  import web_webview from '@ohos.web.webview';

cl.web.8 Moving of API Version 9 APIs Under WebCookie

Moved APIs of API version 9 in the WebCookie class to web.webview.webview.WebCookieManager and added error throwing.

Change Impact

If your application is developed based on earlier versions, note that the d.ts file storage location and the name of the module to be imported are changed. In addition, be mindful of the error codes now that the APIs in the class support error code processing. The APIs in the class are static.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Involved APIs:

isCookieAllowed(): boolean; isThirdPartyCookieAllowed(): boolean; putAcceptCookieEnabled(accept: boolean): void; putAcceptThirdPartyCookieEnabled(accept: boolean): void; setCookie(url: string, value: string): boolean; saveCookieSync(): boolean; getCookie(url: string): string; existCookie(): boolean; deleteEntireCookie(): void; deleteSessionCookie(): void;

  • Before change:
  isCookieAllowed(): boolean;
  isThirdPartyCookieAllowed(): boolean;
  putAcceptCookieEnabled(accept: boolean): void;
  putAcceptThirdPartyCookieEnabled(accept: boolean): void;
  setCookie(url: string, value: string): boolean;
  saveCookieSync(): boolean;
  getCookie(url: string): string;
  existCookie(): boolean;
  deleteEntireCookie(): void;
  deleteSessionCookie(): void;
  • After change:
  static isCookieAllowed(): boolean;
  static isThirdPartyCookieAllowed(): boolean;
  static putAcceptCookieEnabled(accept: boolean): void;
  static putAcceptThirdPartyCookieEnabled(accept: boolean): void;
  static setCookie(url: string, value: string): void;
  static saveCookieAsync(): Promise<void>;
  static saveCookieAsync(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
  static getCookie(url: string): string;
  static existCookie(): boolean;
  static deleteEntireCookie(): void;
  static deleteSessionCookie(): void;

Adaptation Guide

Instead of importing APIs from the original WebCookie class, import APIs from @ohos.web.webview as follows:

  import web_webview from '@ohos.web.webview';

cl.web.9 Moving of API Version 9 APIs Under WebController

Moved APIs of API version 9 in the WebController class to web.webview.webview.WebviewController and added error throwing.

Change Impact

If your application is developed based on earlier versions, note that the d.ts file storage location and the name of the module to be imported are changed. In addition, be mindful of the error codes now that the APIs in the class support error code processing. The getDefaultUserAgent API is renamed getUserAgent.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Involved APIs:

zoomIn(): boolean; zoomOut(): boolean; createWebMessagePorts(): Array<WebMessagePort>; postMessage(options: { message: WebMessageEvent, uri: string}): void; getHitTestValue(): HitTestValue; getWebId(): number; getDefaultUserAgent(): string; getTitle(): string; getPageHeight(): number; backOrForward(step: number): void; searchAllAsync(searchString: string): void; clearMatches(): void; searchNext(forward: boolean): void; clearSslCache(): void; clearClientAuthenticationCache(): void; getUrl(): string;

  • Before change:
  zoomIn(): boolean;
  zoomOut(): boolean;
  createWebMessagePorts(): Array<WebMessagePort>;
  postMessage(options: { message: WebMessageEvent, uri: string}): void;
  getHitTestValue(): HitTestValue;
  getWebId(): number;
  getDefaultUserAgent(): string;
  getTitle(): string;
  getPageHeight(): number;
  backOrForward(step: number): void;
  searchAllAsync(searchString: string): void;
  clearMatches(): void;
  searchNext(forward: boolean): void;
  clearSslCache(): void;
  clearClientAuthenticationCache(): void;
  getUrl(): string;
  • After change:
  zoomIn(): void;
  zoomOut(): void;
  createWebMessagePorts(): Array<WebMessagePort>;
  postMessage(name: string, ports: Array<WebMessagePort>, uri: string): void;
  getHitTestValue(): HitTestValue;
  getWebId(): number;
  getUserAgent(): string;
  getTitle(): string;
  getPageHeight(): number;
  backOrForward(step: number): void;
  searchAllAsync(searchString: string): void;
  clearMatches(): void;
  searchNext(forward: boolean): void;
  clearSslCache(): void;
  clearClientAuthenticationCache(): void;
  getUrl(): string;

Adaptation Guide

Instead of importing APIs from the original WebController class, import APIs from @ohos.web.webview as follows:

  import web_webview from '@ohos.web.webview';

cl.web.10 Moving of the WebAsyncController Class

Moved the APIs in the WebAsyncController class to the web.webview.webview.WebviewController class and added error throwing.

Change Impact

If your application is developed based on earlier versions, pay attention to error code processing.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Involved APIs:

storeWebArchive(baseName: string, autoName: boolean): Promise<string>; storeWebArchive(baseName: string, autoName: boolean, callback : AsyncCallback<string>): void;

  • Before change:
  storeWebArchive(baseName: string, autoName: boolean): Promise<string>;
  storeWebArchive(baseName: string, autoName: boolean, callback : AsyncCallback<string>): void;
  • After change:
  storeWebArchive(baseName: string, autoName: boolean): Promise<string>;
  storeWebArchive(baseName: string, autoName: boolean, callback : AsyncCallback<string>): void;

Adaptation Guide


  // xxx.ets
  import web_webview from '@ohos.web.webview'

  struct WebComponent {
    controller: web_webview.WebviewController = new web_webview.WebviewController();

    build() {
      Column() {
          .onClick(() => {
            try {
              this.controller.storeWebArchive("/data/storage/el2/base/", true, (error, filename) => {
                if (error) {
                  console.info(`save web archive error: ` + JSON.stringify(error))
                if (filename != null) {
                  console.info(`save web archive success: ${filename}`)
            } catch (error) {
              console.error(`ErrorCode: ${error.code},  Message: ${error.message}`);
        Web({ src: 'www.example.com', controller: this.controller })

cl.web.11 Removal of webDebuggingAccess

The definition of the webDebuggingAccess API is inappropriate. This API should take effect for all Web instances. In light of this, it is removed and replaced by the new API setWebDebuggingAccess.

Change Impacts

This API must be deprecated and replaced with the setWebDebuggingAccess API.

Key API/Component Changes

|Class|API Type|Declaration|Change Type| | –|–|–|–| |WebAttribute|method|webDebugggingAccess(webDebugggingAccess: boolean): WebAttribute|Deleted|

Adaptation Guide

Use the new API setWebDebuggingAccess.

cl.web.12 Adding of setWebDebuggingAccess

Added the static API setWebDebuggingAccess to WebviewController. It sets whether to enable web debugging works for all Web instances.

Change Impacts

The original webDebugggingAccess API must be replaced with the new API in the application.

Key API/Component Changes

|Class|API Type|Declaration|Change Type| | –|–|–|–| |webview.WebviewController|method|static setWebDebugggingAccess(webDebugggingAccess: boolean): void|Added|

Adaptation Guide

The following exemplifies how to enable web debugging:

// xxx.ets
import web_webview from '@ohos.web.webview';

struct WebComponent {
  controller: web_webview.WebviewController = new web_webview.WebviewController();

  aboutToAppear():void {
    try {
    } catch(error) {
      console.error(`ErrorCode: ${error.code},  Message: ${error.message}`);

  build() {
    Column() {
      Web({ src: 'www.example.com', controller: this.controller })


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