harmony 鸿蒙JS API Changes of the Power Management Subsystem

  • 2023-02-03
  • 浏览 (629)

JS API Changes of the Power Management Subsystem

The table below lists the APIs changes of the power management subsystem in OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta1 over OpenHarmony 3.1 Release.

API Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant Change Type
ohos.batteryinfo CommonEventBatteryChangedCode EXTRA_TECHNOLOGY Added
ohos.batteryinfo CommonEventBatteryChangedCode EXTRA_PRESENT Added
ohos.batteryinfo CommonEventBatteryChangedCode EXTRA_CHARGE_COUNTER Added
ohos.batteryinfo CommonEventBatteryChangedCode EXTRA_CHARGE_STATE Added
ohos.batteryinfo CommonEventBatteryChangedCode EXTRA_MAX_VOLTAGE Added
ohos.batteryinfo CommonEventBatteryChangedCode EXTRA_MAX_CURRENT Added
ohos.batteryinfo CommonEventBatteryChangedCode EXTRA_PLUGGED_TYPE Added
ohos.batteryinfo CommonEventBatteryChangedCode EXTRA_HEALTH_STATE Added
ohos.batteryinfo CommonEventBatteryChangedCode EXTRA_TEMPERATURE Added
ohos.batteryinfo CommonEventBatteryChangedCode EXTRA_VOLTAGE Added
ohos.batteryinfo CommonEventBatteryChangedCode EXTRA_SOC = 0 Added
ohos.batteryinfo BatteryCapacityLevel LEVEL_CRITICAL Added
ohos.batteryinfo BatteryCapacityLevel LEVEL_LOW Added
ohos.batteryinfo BatteryCapacityLevel LEVEL_NORMAL Added
ohos.batteryinfo BatteryCapacityLevel LEVEL_HIGH Added
ohos.batteryinfo BatteryCapacityLevel LEVEL_FULL Added
ohos.batteryinfo BatteryCapacityLevel LEVEL_NONE Added
ohos.batteryinfo batteryInfo const remainingEnergy: number; Added
ohos.batteryinfo batteryInfo const nowCurrent: number; Added
ohos.batteryinfo batteryInfo const totalEnergy: number; Added
ohos.batteryinfo batteryInfo const estimatedRemainingChargeTime: number; Added
ohos.batteryinfo batteryInfo const batteryCapacityLevel: BatteryCapacityLevel; Added
ohos.power DevicePowerMode MODE_EXTREME_POWER_SAVE Added
ohos.power DevicePowerMode MODE_PERFORMANCE Added
ohos.power DevicePowerMode MODE_POWER_SAVE Added
ohos.power DevicePowerMode MODE_NORMAL = 600 Added
ohos.power power setPowerMode(mode: DevicePowerMode, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
setPowerMode(mode: DevicePowerMode): Promise<void>;
ohos.power power getPowerMode(callback: AsyncCallback<DevicePowerMode>): void;
getPowerMode(): Promise<DevicePowerMode>;
ohos.power power suspendDevice(): void; Added
ohos.power power wakeupDevice(detail: string): void; Added


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