go builtins0 源码

  • 2022-07-15
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golang builtins0 代码


// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// builtin calls

package builtins

import "unsafe"

func f0() {}

func append1() {
	var b byte
	var x int
	var s []byte
	_ = append() // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = append("foo" /* ERROR must be a slice */ )
	_ = append(nil /* ERROR must be a slice */ , s)
	_ = append(x /* ERROR must be a slice */ , s)
	_ = append(s)
	_ = append(s, nil...)
	append /* ERROR not used */ (s)

	_ = append(s, b)
	_ = append(s, x /* ERROR cannot use x */ )
	_ = append(s, s /* ERROR cannot use s */ )
	_ = append(s /* ERROR not enough arguments */ ...)
	_ = append(s, b, s /* ERROR too many arguments */ ... )
	_ = append(s, 1, 2, 3)
	_ = append(s, 1, 2, 3, x /* ERROR cannot use x */ , 5, 6, 6)
	_ = append(s, 1, 2 /* ERROR too many arguments */ , s... )
	_ = append([]interface{}(nil), 1, 2, "foo", x, 3.1425, false)

	type S []byte
	type T string
	var t T
	_ = append(s, "foo" /* ERROR cannot use .* in argument to append */ )
	_ = append(s, "foo"...)
	_ = append(S(s), "foo" /* ERROR cannot use .* in argument to append */ )
	_ = append(S(s), "foo"...)
	_ = append(s, t /* ERROR cannot use t */ )
	_ = append(s, t...)
	_ = append(s, T("foo")...)
	_ = append(S(s), t /* ERROR cannot use t */ )
	_ = append(S(s), t...)
	_ = append(S(s), T("foo")...)
	_ = append([]string{}, t /* ERROR cannot use t */ , "foo")
	_ = append([]T{}, t, "foo")

// from the spec
func append2() {
	s0 := []int{0, 0}
	s1 := append(s0, 2)                // append a single element     s1 == []int{0, 0, 2}
	s2 := append(s1, 3, 5, 7)          // append multiple elements    s2 == []int{0, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7}
	s3 := append(s2, s0...)            // append a slice              s3 == []int{0, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 0, 0}
	s4 := append(s3[3:6], s3[2:]...)   // append overlapping slice    s4 == []int{3, 5, 7, 2, 3, 5, 7, 0, 0}

	var t []interface{}
	t = append(t, 42, 3.1415, "foo")   //                             t == []interface{}{42, 3.1415, "foo"}

	var b []byte
	b = append(b, "bar"...)            // append string contents      b == []byte{'b', 'a', 'r' }

	_ = s4

func append3() {
	f1 := func() (s []int) { return }
	f2 := func() (s []int, x int) { return }
	f3 := func() (s []int, x, y int) { return }
	f5 := func() (s []interface{}, x int, y float32, z string, b bool) { return }
	ff := func() (int, float32) { return 0, 0 }
	_ = append(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	_ = append(f1())
	_ = append(f2())
	_ = append(f3())
	_ = append(f5())
	_ = append(ff /* ERROR must be a slice */ ()) // TODO(gri) better error message

func cap1() {
	var a [10]bool
	var p *[20]int
	var c chan string
	_ = cap() // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = cap(1, 2) // ERROR too many arguments
	_ = cap(42 /* ERROR invalid */)
	const _3 = cap(a)
	assert(_3 == 10)
	const _4 = cap(p)
	assert(_4 == 20)
	_ = cap(c)
	cap /* ERROR not used */ (c)

	// issue 4744
	type T struct{ a [10]int }
	const _ = cap(((*T)(nil)).a)

	var s [][]byte
	_ = cap(s)
	_ = cap(s... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func cap2() {
	f1a := func() (a [10]int) { return }
	f1s := func() (s []int) { return }
	f2 := func() (s []int, x int) { return }
	_ = cap(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	_ = cap(f1a())
	_ = cap(f1s())
	_ = cap(f2()) // ERROR too many arguments

// test cases for issue 7387
func cap3() {
	var f = func() int { return 0 }
	var x = f()
	const (
		_ = cap([4]int{})
		_ = cap([4]int{x})
		_ = cap /* ERROR not constant */ ([4]int{f()})
		_ = cap /* ERROR not constant */ ([4]int{cap([]int{})})
		_ = cap([4]int{cap([4]int{})})
	var y float64
	var z complex128
	const (
		_ = cap([4]float64{})
		_ = cap([4]float64{y})
		_ = cap([4]float64{real(2i)})
		_ = cap /* ERROR not constant */ ([4]float64{real(z)})
	var ch chan [10]int
	const (
		_ = cap /* ERROR not constant */ (<-ch)
		_ = cap /* ERROR not constant */ ([4]int{(<-ch)[0]})

func close1() {
	var c chan int
	var r <-chan int
	close() // ERROR not enough arguments
	close(1, 2) // ERROR too many arguments
	close(42 /* ERROR cannot close non-channel */)
	close(r /* ERROR receive-only channel */)
	_ = close /* ERROR used as value */ (c)

	var s []chan int
	close(s... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func close2() {
	f1 := func() (ch chan int) { return }
	f2 := func() (ch chan int, x int) { return }
	close(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	close(f2()) // ERROR too many arguments

func complex1() {
	var i32 int32
	var f32 float32
	var f64 float64
	var c64 complex64
	var c128 complex128
	_ = complex() // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = complex(1) // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = complex(true /* ERROR mismatched types */ , 0)
	_ = complex(i32 /* ERROR expected floating-point */ , 0)
	_ = complex("foo" /* ERROR mismatched types */ , 0)
	_ = complex(c64 /* ERROR expected floating-point */ , 0)
	_ = complex(0 /* ERROR mismatched types */ , true)
	_ = complex(0 /* ERROR expected floating-point */ , i32)
	_ = complex(0 /* ERROR mismatched types */ , "foo")
	_ = complex(0 /* ERROR expected floating-point */ , c64)
	_ = complex(f32, f32)
	_ = complex(f32, 1)
	_ = complex(f32, 1.0)
	_ = complex(f32, 'a')
	_ = complex(f64, f64)
	_ = complex(f64, 1)
	_ = complex(f64, 1.0)
	_ = complex(f64, 'a')
	_ = complex(f32 /* ERROR mismatched types */ , f64)
	_ = complex(f64 /* ERROR mismatched types */ , f32)
	_ = complex(1, 1)
	_ = complex(1, 1.1)
	_ = complex(1, 'a')
	complex /* ERROR not used */ (1, 2)

	var _ complex64 = complex(f32, f32)
	var _ complex64 = complex /* ERROR cannot use .* in variable declaration */ (f64, f64)

	var _ complex128 = complex /* ERROR cannot use .* in variable declaration */ (f32, f32)
	var _ complex128 = complex(f64, f64)

	// untyped constants
	const _ int = complex(1, 0)
	const _ float32 = complex(1, 0)
	const _ complex64 = complex(1, 0)
	const _ complex128 = complex(1, 0)
	const _ = complex(0i, 0i)
	const _ = complex(0i, 0)
	const _ int = 1.0 + complex(1, 0i)

	const _ int = complex /* ERROR int */ (1.1, 0)
	const _ float32 = complex /* ERROR float32 */ (1, 2)

	// untyped values
	var s uint
	_ = complex(1 /* ERROR integer */ <<s, 0)
	const _ = complex /* ERROR not constant */ (1 /* ERROR integer */ <<s, 0)
	var _ int = complex /* ERROR cannot use .* in variable declaration */ (1 /* ERROR integer */ <<s, 0)

	// floating-point argument types must be identical
	type F32 float32
	type F64 float64
	var x32 F32
	var x64 F64
	c64 = complex(x32, x32)
	_ = complex(x32 /* ERROR mismatched types */ , f32)
	_ = complex(f32 /* ERROR mismatched types */ , x32)
	c128 = complex(x64, x64)
	_ = c128
	_ = complex(x64 /* ERROR mismatched types */ , f64)
	_ = complex(f64 /* ERROR mismatched types */ , x64)

	var t []float32
	_ = complex(t... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func complex2() {
	f1 := func() (x float32) { return }
	f2 := func() (x, y float32) { return }
	f3 := func() (x, y, z float32) { return }
	_ = complex(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	_ = complex(f1()) // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = complex(f2())
	_ = complex(f3()) // ERROR too many arguments

func copy1() {
	copy() // ERROR not enough arguments
	copy("foo") // ERROR not enough arguments
	copy([ /* ERROR copy expects slice arguments */ ...]int{}, []int{})
	copy([ /* ERROR copy expects slice arguments */ ]int{}, [...]int{})
	copy([ /* ERROR different element types */ ]int8{}, "foo")

	// spec examples
	var a = [...]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
	var s = make([]int, 6)
	var b = make([]byte, 5)
	n1 := copy(s, a[0:])            // n1 == 6, s == []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
	n2 := copy(s, s[2:])            // n2 == 4, s == []int{2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5}
	n3 := copy(b, "Hello, World!")  // n3 == 5, b == []byte("Hello")
	_, _, _ = n1, n2, n3

	var t [][]int
	copy(t, t)
	copy(t /* ERROR copy expects slice arguments */ , nil)
	copy(nil /* ERROR copy expects slice arguments */ , t)
	copy(nil /* ERROR copy expects slice arguments */ , nil)
	copy(t... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func copy2() {
	f1 := func() (a []int) { return }
	f2 := func() (a, b []int) { return }
	f3 := func() (a, b, c []int) { return }
	copy(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	copy(f1()) // ERROR not enough arguments
	copy(f3()) // ERROR too many arguments

func delete1() {
	var m map[string]int
	var s string
	delete() // ERROR not enough arguments
	delete(1) // ERROR not enough arguments
	delete(1, 2, 3) // ERROR too many arguments
	delete(m, 0 /* ERROR cannot use */)
	delete(m, s)
	_ = delete /* ERROR used as value */ (m, s)

	var t []map[string]string
	delete(t... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func delete2() {
	f1 := func() (m map[string]int) { return }
	f2 := func() (m map[string]int, k string) { return }
	f3 := func() (m map[string]int, k string, x float32) { return }
	delete(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	delete(f1()) // ERROR not enough arguments
	delete(f3()) // ERROR too many arguments

func imag1() {
	var f32 float32
	var f64 float64
	var c64 complex64
	var c128 complex128
	_ = imag() // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = imag(1, 2) // ERROR too many arguments
	_ = imag(10)
	_ = imag(2.7182818)
	_ = imag("foo" /* ERROR expected complex */)
	_ = imag('a')
	const _5 = imag(1 + 2i)
	assert(_5 == 2)
	f32 = _5
	f64 = _5
	const _6 = imag(0i)
	assert(_6 == 0)
	f32 = imag(c64)
	f64 = imag(c128)
	f32 = imag /* ERROR cannot use .* in assignment */ (c128)
	f64 = imag /* ERROR cannot use .* in assignment */ (c64)
	imag /* ERROR not used */ (c64)
	_, _ = f32, f64

	// complex type may not be predeclared
	type C64 complex64
	type C128 complex128
	var x64 C64
	var x128 C128
	f32 = imag(x64)
	f64 = imag(x128)

	var a []complex64
	_ = imag(a... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

	// if argument is untyped, result is untyped
	const _ byte = imag(1.2 + 3i)
	const _ complex128 = imag(1.2 + 3i)

	// lhs constant shift operands are typed as complex128
	var s uint
	_ = imag(1 /* ERROR must be integer */ << s)

func imag2() {
	f1 := func() (x complex128) { return }
	f2 := func() (x, y complex128) { return }
	_ = imag(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	_ = imag(f1())
	_ = imag(f2()) // ERROR too many arguments

func len1() {
	const c = "foobar"
	var a [10]bool
	var p *[20]int
	var m map[string]complex128
	_ = len() // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = len(1, 2) // ERROR too many arguments
	_ = len(42 /* ERROR invalid */)
	const _3 = len(c)
	assert(_3 == 6)
	const _4 = len(a)
	assert(_4 == 10)
	const _5 = len(p)
	assert(_5 == 20)
	_ = len(m)
	len /* ERROR not used */ (c)

	// esoteric case
	var t string
	var hash map[interface{}][]*[10]int
	const n = len /* ERROR not constant */ (hash[recover()][len(t)])
	assert(n == 10) // ok because n has unknown value and no error is reported
	var ch <-chan int
	const nn = len /* ERROR not constant */ (hash[<-ch][len(t)])

	// issue 4744
	type T struct{ a [10]int }
	const _ = len(((*T)(nil)).a)

	var s [][]byte
	_ = len(s)
	_ = len(s... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func len2() {
	f1 := func() (x []int) { return }
	f2 := func() (x, y []int) { return }
	_ = len(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	_ = len(f1())
	_ = len(f2()) // ERROR too many arguments

// test cases for issue 7387
func len3() {
	var f = func() int { return 0 }
	var x = f()
	const (
		_ = len([4]int{})
		_ = len([4]int{x})
		_ = len /* ERROR not constant */ ([4]int{f()})
		_ = len /* ERROR not constant */ ([4]int{len([]int{})})
		_ = len([4]int{len([4]int{})})
	var y float64
	var z complex128
	const (
		_ = len([4]float64{})
		_ = len([4]float64{y})
		_ = len([4]float64{real(2i)})
		_ = len /* ERROR not constant */ ([4]float64{real(z)})
	var ch chan [10]int
	const (
		_ = len /* ERROR not constant */ (<-ch)
		_ = len /* ERROR not constant */ ([4]int{(<-ch)[0]})

func make1() {
	var n int
	var m float32
	var s uint

	_ = make() // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = make(1 /* ERROR not a type */)
	_ = make(int /* ERROR cannot make */)

	// slices
	_ = make/* ERROR arguments */ ([]int)
	_ = make/* ERROR arguments */ ([]int, 2, 3, 4)
	_ = make([]int, int /* ERROR not an expression */)
	_ = make([]int, 10, float32 /* ERROR not an expression */)
	_ = make([]int, "foo" /* ERROR cannot convert */)
	_ = make([]int, 10, 2.3 /* ERROR truncated */)
	_ = make([]int, 5, 10.0)
	_ = make([]int, 0i)
	_ = make([]int, 1.0)
	_ = make([]int, 1.0<<s)
	_ = make([]int, 1.1 /* ERROR int */ <<s)
	_ = make([]int, - /* ERROR must not be negative */ 1, 10)
	_ = make([]int, 0, - /* ERROR must not be negative */ 1)
	_ = make([]int, - /* ERROR must not be negative */ 1, - /* ERROR must not be negative */ 1)
	_ = make([]int, 1 /* ERROR overflows */ <<100, 1 /* ERROR overflows */ <<100)
	_ = make([]int, 10 /* ERROR length and capacity swapped */ , 9)
	_ = make([]int, 1 /* ERROR overflows */ <<100, 12345)
	_ = make([]int, m /* ERROR must be integer */ )
        _ = &make /* ERROR cannot take address */ ([]int, 0)

	// maps
	_ = make /* ERROR arguments */ (map[int]string, 10, 20)
	_ = make(map[int]float32, int /* ERROR not an expression */)
	_ = make(map[int]float32, "foo" /* ERROR cannot convert */)
	_ = make(map[int]float32, 10)
	_ = make(map[int]float32, n)
	_ = make(map[int]float32, int64(n))
	_ = make(map[string]bool, 10.0)
	_ = make(map[string]bool, 10.0<<s)
        _ = &make /* ERROR cannot take address */ (map[string]bool)

	// channels
	_ = make /* ERROR arguments */ (chan int, 10, 20)
	_ = make(chan int, int /* ERROR not an expression */)
	_ = make(chan<- int, "foo" /* ERROR cannot convert */)
	_ = make(chan int, - /* ERROR must not be negative */ 10)
	_ = make(<-chan float64, 10)
	_ = make(chan chan int, n)
	_ = make(chan string, int64(n))
	_ = make(chan bool, 10.0)
	_ = make(chan bool, 10.0<<s)
        _ = &make /* ERROR cannot take address */ (chan bool)

	make /* ERROR not used */ ([]int, 10)

	var t []int
	_ = make([]int, t[0], t[1])
	_ = make([]int, t... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func make2() {
	f1 := func() (x []int) { return }
	_ = make(f0 /* ERROR not a type */ ())
	_ = make(f1 /* ERROR not a type */ ())

func new1() {
	_ = new() // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = new(1, 2) // ERROR too many arguments
	_ = new("foo" /* ERROR not a type */)
	p := new(float64)
	_ = new(struct{ x, y int })
	q := new(*float64)
	_ = *p == **q
	new /* ERROR not used */ (int)
        _ = &new /* ERROR cannot take address */ (int)

	_ = new(int... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func new2() {
	f1 := func() (x []int) { return }
	_ = new(f0 /* ERROR not a type */ ())
	_ = new(f1 /* ERROR not a type */ ())

func panic1() {
	panic() // ERROR not enough arguments
	panic(1, 2) // ERROR too many arguments
	panic(1 << /* ERROR constant shift overflow */ 1000)
	_ = panic /* ERROR used as value */ (0)

	var s []byte
	panic(s... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func panic2() {
	f1 := func() (x int) { return }
	f2 := func() (x, y int) { return }
	panic(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	panic(f2()) // ERROR too many arguments

func print1() {
	print(1, 2)
	print(1 << /* ERROR constant shift overflow */ 1000)
	println(nil /* ERROR untyped nil */ )

	var s []int
	print(s... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )
	_ = print /* ERROR used as value */ ()

func print2() {
	f1 := func() (x int) { return }
	f2 := func() (x, y int) { return }
	f3 := func() (x int, y float32, z string) { return }
	print(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())

func println1() {
	println(1, 2)
	println(1 << /* ERROR constant shift overflow */ 1000)
	println(nil /* ERROR untyped nil */ )

	var s []int
	println(s... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )
	_ = println /* ERROR used as value */ ()

func println2() {
	f1 := func() (x int) { return }
	f2 := func() (x, y int) { return }
	f3 := func() (x int, y float32, z string) { return }
	println(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())

func real1() {
	var f32 float32
	var f64 float64
	var c64 complex64
	var c128 complex128
	_ = real() // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = real(1, 2) // ERROR too many arguments
	_ = real(10)
	_ = real(2.7182818)
	_ = real("foo" /* ERROR expected complex */)
	const _5 = real(1 + 2i)
	assert(_5 == 1)
	f32 = _5
	f64 = _5
	const _6 = real(0i)
	assert(_6 == 0)
	f32 = real(c64)
	f64 = real(c128)
	f32 = real /* ERROR cannot use .* in assignment */ (c128)
	f64 = real /* ERROR cannot use .* in assignment */ (c64)
	real /* ERROR not used */ (c64)

	// complex type may not be predeclared
	type C64 complex64
	type C128 complex128
	var x64 C64
	var x128 C128
	f32 = imag(x64)
	f64 = imag(x128)
	_, _ = f32, f64

	var a []complex64
	_ = real(a... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

	// if argument is untyped, result is untyped
	const _ byte = real(1 + 2.3i)
	const _ complex128 = real(1 + 2.3i)

	// lhs constant shift operands are typed as complex128
	var s uint
	_ = real(1 /* ERROR must be integer */ << s)

func real2() {
	f1 := func() (x complex128) { return }
	f2 := func() (x, y complex128) { return }
	_ = real(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	_ = real(f1())
	_ = real(f2()) // ERROR too many arguments

func recover1() {
	_ = recover()
	_ = recover(10) // ERROR too many arguments

	var s []int
	recover(s... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func recover2() {
	f1 := func() (x int) { return }
	f2 := func() (x, y int) { return }
	_ = recover(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	_ = recover(f1()) // ERROR too many arguments
	_ = recover(f2()) // ERROR too many arguments

// assuming types.DefaultPtrSize == 8
type S0 struct{      // offset
	a bool       //  0
	b rune       //  4
	c *int       //  8
	d bool       // 16
	e complex128 // 24
}                    // 40

type S1 struct{   // offset
	x float32 //  0
	y string  //  8
	z *S1     // 24
	S0        // 32
}                 // 72

type S2 struct{ // offset
	*S1     //  0
}               //  8

type S3 struct { // offset
	a int64  //  0
	b int32  //  8
}                // 12

type S4 struct { // offset
	S3       //  0
	int32    // 12
}                // 16

type S5 struct {   // offset
	a [3]int32 //  0
	b int32    // 12
}                  // 16

func (S2) m() {}

func Alignof1() {
	var x int
	_ = unsafe.Alignof() // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = unsafe.Alignof(1, 2) // ERROR too many arguments
	_ = unsafe.Alignof(int /* ERROR not an expression */)
	_ = unsafe.Alignof(42)
	_ = unsafe.Alignof(new(struct{}))
	_ = unsafe.Alignof(1<<10)
	_ = unsafe.Alignof(1 << /* ERROR constant shift overflow */ 1000)
	_ = unsafe.Alignof(nil /* ERROR "untyped nil */ )
	unsafe /* ERROR not used */ .Alignof(x)

	var y S0
	assert(unsafe.Alignof(y.a) == 1)
	assert(unsafe.Alignof(y.b) == 4)
	assert(unsafe.Alignof(y.c) == 8)
	assert(unsafe.Alignof(y.d) == 1)
	assert(unsafe.Alignof(y.e) == 8)

	var s []byte
	_ = unsafe.Alignof(s)
	_ = unsafe.Alignof(s... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func Alignof2() {
	f1 := func() (x int32) { return }
	f2 := func() (x, y int32) { return }
	_ = unsafe.Alignof(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	assert(unsafe.Alignof(f1()) == 4)
	_ = unsafe.Alignof(f2()) // ERROR too many arguments

func Offsetof1() {
	var x struct{ f int }
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof() // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof(1, 2) // ERROR too many arguments
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof(int /* ERROR not a selector expression */ )
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof(x /* ERROR not a selector expression */ )
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof(nil /* ERROR not a selector expression */ )
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof(x.f)
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof((x.f))
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof((((((((x))).f)))))
	unsafe /* ERROR not used */ .Offsetof(x.f)

	var y0 S0
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y0.a) == 0)
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y0.b) == 4)
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y0.c) == 8)
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y0.d) == 16)
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y0.e) == 24)

	var y1 S1
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.x) == 0)
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.y) == 8)
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.z) == 24)
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.S0) == 32)

	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.S0.a) == 0) // relative to S0
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.a) == 32)   // relative to S1
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.b) == 36)   // relative to S1
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.c) == 40)   // relative to S1
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.d) == 48)   // relative to S1
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1.e) == 56)   // relative to S1

	var y1p *S1
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y1p.S0) == 32)

	type P *S1
	var p P = y1p
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(p.S0) == 32)

	var y2 S2
	assert(unsafe.Offsetof(y2.S1) == 0)
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof(y2 /* ERROR embedded via a pointer */ .x)
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof(y2 /* ERROR method value */ .m)

	var s []byte
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof(s... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func Offsetof2() {
	f1 := func() (x int32) { return }
	f2 := func() (x, y int32) { return }
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof(f0 /* ERROR not a selector expression */ ())
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof(f1 /* ERROR not a selector expression */ ())
	_ = unsafe.Offsetof(f2 /* ERROR not a selector expression */ ())

func Sizeof1() {
	var x int
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof() // ERROR not enough arguments
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(1, 2) // ERROR too many arguments
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(int /* ERROR not an expression */)
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(42)
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(new(complex128))
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(1<<10)
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(1 << /* ERROR constant shift overflow */ 1000)
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(nil /* ERROR untyped nil */ )
	unsafe /* ERROR not used */ .Sizeof(x)

	// basic types have size guarantees
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(byte(0)) == 1)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(uint8(0)) == 1)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(int8(0)) == 1)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(uint16(0)) == 2)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(int16(0)) == 2)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(uint32(0)) == 4)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)) == 4)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(float32(0)) == 4)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(uint64(0)) == 8)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(int64(0)) == 8)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(float64(0)) == 8)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(complex64(0)) == 8)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(complex128(0)) == 16)

	var y0 S0
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y0.a) == 1)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y0.b) == 4)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y0.c) == 8)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y0.d) == 1)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y0.e) == 16)
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y0) == 40)

	var y1 S1
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y1) == 72)

	var y2 S2
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y2) == 8)

	var y3 S3
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y3) == 12)

	var y4 S4
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y4) == 16)

	var y5 S5
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(y5) == 16)

	var a3 [10]S3
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(a3) == 156)

	// test case for issue 5670
	type T struct {
		a int32
		_ int32
		c int32
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(T{}) == 12)

	var s []byte
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(s)
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(s... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func Sizeof2() {
	f1 := func() (x int64) { return }
	f2 := func() (x, y int64) { return }
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	assert(unsafe.Sizeof(f1()) == 8)
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(f2()) // ERROR too many arguments

// self-testing only
func assert1() {
	var x int
	assert() /* ERROR not enough arguments */
	assert(1, 2) /* ERROR too many arguments */
	assert("foo" /* ERROR boolean constant */ )
	assert(x /* ERROR boolean constant */)
	assert /* ERROR failed */ (false)
	_ = assert(true)

	var s []byte
	assert(s... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func assert2() {
	f1 := func() (x bool) { return }
	f2 := func() (x bool) { return }
	assert(f0 /* ERROR used as value */ ())
	assert(f1 /* ERROR boolean constant */ ())
	assert(f2 /* ERROR boolean constant */ ())

// self-testing only
func trace1() {
	// Uncomment the code below to test trace - will produce console output
	// _ = trace /* ERROR no value */ ()
	// _ = trace(1)
	// _ = trace(true, 1.2, '\'', "foo", 42i, "foo" <= "bar")

	var s []byte
	trace(s... /* ERROR invalid use of \.\.\. */ )

func trace2() {
	f1 := func() (x int) { return }
	f2 := func() (x int, y string) { return }
	f3 := func() (x int, y string, z []int) { return }
	_ = f1
	_ = f2
	_ = f3
	// Uncomment the code below to test trace - will produce console output
	// trace(f0())
	// trace(f1())
	// trace(f2())
	// trace(f3())
	// trace(f0(), 1)
	// trace(f1(), 1, 2)
	// trace(f2(), 1, 2, 3)
	// trace(f3(), 1, 2, 3, 4)


go 源码目录


go blank 源码

go builtins1 源码

go chans 源码

go compliterals 源码

go const0 源码

go const1 源码

go constdecl 源码

go conversions0 源码

go conversions1 源码

go cycles0 源码

0  赞