harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.nfc.cardEmulation (Standard NFC Card Emulation)

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (957)

@ohos.nfc.cardEmulation (Standard NFC Card Emulation)

The cardEmulation module implements Near-Field Communication (NFC) card emulation. You can use the APIs provided by this module to determine the card emulation type supported and implement Host-based Card Emulation (HCE).


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 6. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import cardEmulation from '@ohos.nfc.cardEmulation';


Enumerates the NFC card emulation types.

NOTE This parameter is supported since API version 6 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use hasHceCapability.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation

Name Value Description
UICC 1 Subscriber identity module (SIM) card emulation.
ESE 2 embedded Secure Element (eSE) emulation.


Enumerates the types of services used by the card emulation application.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation

Name Value Description
PAYMENT “payment” Payment type.
OTHER “other” Other types.


isSupported(feature: number): boolean

Checks whether a certain type of card emulation is supported.

NOTE This parameter is supported since API version 6 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use hasHceCapability.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation


Name Type Mandatory Description
feature number Yes Card emulation type. For details, see FeatureType.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the card emulation type is supported; returns false otherwise.


hasHceCapability(): boolean

Checks whether HCE is supported.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if HCE is supported; returns false otherwise.


isDefaultService(elementName: ElementName, type: CardType): boolean

Checks whether an application is the default application of the specified service type.

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION


Name Type Mandatory Description
elementName ElementName Yes Application description, which consists of the bundle name and component name.
type CardType Yes Card emulation service type.

Return value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the application is the default payment application; returns false otherwise.


Implements HCE, including receiving Application Protocol Data Units (APDUs) from the peer card reader and sending a response. Before using HCE-related APIs, check whether the device supports HCE. This API is used only for declaration and cannot be used currently.


startHCE(aidList: string[]): boolean

Starts HCE, including setting the application to be foreground preferred and dynamically registering the application identifier (AID) list. This API is used only for declaration and cannot be used currently.

NOTE This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use start.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation


Name Type Mandatory Description
aidList string[] Yes AID list to register.


start(elementName: ElementName, aidList: string[]): void

Starts HCE, including setting the application to be foreground preferred and dynamically registering the application identifier (AID) list. This API is used only for declaration and cannot be used currently.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation


Name Type Mandatory Description
elementName ElementName Yes Element name of a service capability.
aidList string[] Yes AID list to register.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100301 Card emulation running state is abnormal in service.


stopHCE(): boolean

Stops HCE, including removing the foreground preferred attribute and releasing the dynamically registered AID list. This API is used only for declaration and cannot be used currently.

NOTE This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use stop.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation


stop(elementName: ElementName): void;

Stops HCE, including removing the foreground preferred attribute and releasing the dynamically registered AID list. This API is used only for declaration and cannot be used currently.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation


Name Type Mandatory Description
elementName ElementName Yes Element name of a service capability.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100301 Card emulation running state is abnormal in service.


on(type: “hceCmd”, callback: AsyncCallback): void;

Registers a callback to receive APDUs from the peer card reader. This API is used only for declaration and cannot be used currently.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Event type to subscribe to. The value is hceCmd.
callback AsyncCallback Yes Callback invoked to return the APDU, which consists of hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.


sendResponse(responseApdu: number[]): void;

Sends a response to the peer card reader. This API is used only for declaration and cannot be used currently.

NOTE This API is supported since API version 8 and deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use transmit.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation


Name Type Mandatory Description
responseApdu number[] Yes Response APDU sent to the peer card reader. The value consists of hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.


transmit(response: number[]): Promise<void>;

Sends a response to the peer card reader. This API is used only for declaration and cannot be used currently.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation


Name Type Mandatory Description
responseApdu number[] Yes Response APDU sent to the peer card reader. The value consists of hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise that returns no value.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100301 Card emulation running state is abnormal in service.


transmit(response: number[], callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;

Sends a response to the peer card reader. This API is used only for declaration and cannot be used currently.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.NFC_CARD_EMULATION

System capability: SystemCapability.Communication.NFC.CardEmulation


Name Type Mandatory Description
responseApdu number[] Yes Response APDU sent to the peer card reader. The value consists of hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback that returns no value.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see NFC Error Codes.

ID Error Message
3100301 Card emulation running state is abnormal in service.


import cardEmulation from '@ohos.nfc.cardEmulation';
import bundleManager from '@ohos.bundle.bundleManager';

let isHceSupported = cardEmulation.isSupported(cardEmulation.FeatureType.HCE);
if (!isHceSupported) {
    console.log('this device is not supported for HCE, ignore it.');

let hasHceCap = cardEmulation.hasHceCapability();
if (!hasHceCap) {
    console.log('this device hasHceCapability false, ignore it.');

let elementName: bundleManager.ElementName = {
    bundleName : "com.example.myapplication",
    abilityName : "EntryAbility",
let isDefaultService = cardEmulation.isDefaultService(elementName, cardEmulation.CardType.PAYMENT);
console.log('is the app is default service for this card type: ' + isDefaultService);


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