kubernetes defaults 源码
kubernetes defaults 代码
Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package v1beta2
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
const (
// DefaultServiceDNSDomain defines default cluster-internal domain name for Services and Pods
DefaultServiceDNSDomain = "cluster.local"
// DefaultServicesSubnet defines default service subnet range
DefaultServicesSubnet = ""
// DefaultClusterDNSIP defines default DNS IP
DefaultClusterDNSIP = ""
// DefaultKubernetesVersion defines default kubernetes version
DefaultKubernetesVersion = "stable-1"
// DefaultAPIBindPort defines default API port
DefaultAPIBindPort = 6443
// DefaultCertificatesDir defines default certificate directory
DefaultCertificatesDir = "/etc/kubernetes/pki"
// DefaultImageRepository defines default image registry
// (previously this defaulted to k8s.gcr.io)
DefaultImageRepository = "registry.k8s.io"
// DefaultManifestsDir defines default manifests directory
DefaultManifestsDir = "/etc/kubernetes/manifests"
// DefaultClusterName defines the default cluster name
DefaultClusterName = "kubernetes"
// DefaultEtcdDataDir defines default location of etcd where static pods will save data to
DefaultEtcdDataDir = "/var/lib/etcd"
// DefaultProxyBindAddressv4 is the default bind address when the advertise address is v4
DefaultProxyBindAddressv4 = ""
// DefaultProxyBindAddressv6 is the default bind address when the advertise address is v6
DefaultProxyBindAddressv6 = "::"
// DefaultDiscoveryTimeout specifies the default discovery timeout for kubeadm (used unless one is specified in the JoinConfiguration)
DefaultDiscoveryTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
var (
// DefaultAuditPolicyLogMaxAge is defined as a var so its address can be taken
// It is the number of days to store audit logs
DefaultAuditPolicyLogMaxAge = int32(2)
func addDefaultingFuncs(scheme *runtime.Scheme) error {
return RegisterDefaults(scheme)
// SetDefaults_InitConfiguration assigns default values for the InitConfiguration
func SetDefaults_InitConfiguration(obj *InitConfiguration) {
// SetDefaults_ClusterConfiguration assigns default values for the ClusterConfiguration
func SetDefaults_ClusterConfiguration(obj *ClusterConfiguration) {
if obj.KubernetesVersion == "" {
obj.KubernetesVersion = DefaultKubernetesVersion
if obj.Networking.ServiceSubnet == "" {
obj.Networking.ServiceSubnet = DefaultServicesSubnet
if obj.Networking.DNSDomain == "" {
obj.Networking.DNSDomain = DefaultServiceDNSDomain
if obj.CertificatesDir == "" {
obj.CertificatesDir = DefaultCertificatesDir
if obj.ImageRepository == "" {
obj.ImageRepository = DefaultImageRepository
if obj.ClusterName == "" {
obj.ClusterName = DefaultClusterName
// SetDefaults_APIServer assigns default values for the API Server
func SetDefaults_APIServer(obj *APIServer) {
if obj.TimeoutForControlPlane == nil {
obj.TimeoutForControlPlane = &metav1.Duration{
Duration: constants.DefaultControlPlaneTimeout,
// SetDefaults_DNS assigns default values for the DNS component
func SetDefaults_DNS(obj *ClusterConfiguration) {
if obj.DNS.Type == "" {
obj.DNS.Type = CoreDNS
// SetDefaults_Etcd assigns default values for the proxy
func SetDefaults_Etcd(obj *ClusterConfiguration) {
if obj.Etcd.External == nil && obj.Etcd.Local == nil {
obj.Etcd.Local = &LocalEtcd{}
if obj.Etcd.Local != nil {
if obj.Etcd.Local.DataDir == "" {
obj.Etcd.Local.DataDir = DefaultEtcdDataDir
// SetDefaults_JoinConfiguration assigns default values to a regular node
func SetDefaults_JoinConfiguration(obj *JoinConfiguration) {
if obj.CACertPath == "" {
obj.CACertPath = DefaultCACertPath
func SetDefaults_JoinControlPlane(obj *JoinControlPlane) {
if obj != nil {
// SetDefaults_Discovery assigns default values for the discovery process
func SetDefaults_Discovery(obj *Discovery) {
if len(obj.TLSBootstrapToken) == 0 && obj.BootstrapToken != nil {
obj.TLSBootstrapToken = obj.BootstrapToken.Token
if obj.Timeout == nil {
obj.Timeout = &metav1.Duration{
Duration: DefaultDiscoveryTimeout,
if obj.File != nil {
// SetDefaults_FileDiscovery assigns default values for file based discovery
func SetDefaults_FileDiscovery(obj *FileDiscovery) {
// Make sure file URL becomes path
if len(obj.KubeConfigPath) != 0 {
u, err := url.Parse(obj.KubeConfigPath)
if err == nil && u.Scheme == "file" {
obj.KubeConfigPath = u.Path
// SetDefaults_BootstrapTokens sets the defaults for the .BootstrapTokens field
// If the slice is empty, it's defaulted with one token. Otherwise it just loops
// through the slice and sets the defaults for the omitempty fields that are TTL,
// Usages and Groups. Token is NOT defaulted with a random one in the API defaulting
// layer, but set to a random value later at runtime if not set before.
func SetDefaults_BootstrapTokens(obj *InitConfiguration) {
if obj.BootstrapTokens == nil || len(obj.BootstrapTokens) == 0 {
obj.BootstrapTokens = []BootstrapToken{{}}
for i := range obj.BootstrapTokens {
// SetDefaults_BootstrapToken sets the defaults for an individual Bootstrap Token
func SetDefaults_BootstrapToken(bt *BootstrapToken) {
if bt.TTL == nil {
bt.TTL = &metav1.Duration{
Duration: constants.DefaultTokenDuration,
if len(bt.Usages) == 0 {
bt.Usages = constants.DefaultTokenUsages
if len(bt.Groups) == 0 {
bt.Groups = constants.DefaultTokenGroups
// SetDefaults_APIEndpoint sets the defaults for the API server instance deployed on a node.
func SetDefaults_APIEndpoint(obj *APIEndpoint) {
if obj.BindPort == 0 {
obj.BindPort = DefaultAPIBindPort
kubernetes bootstraptokenstring 源码
kubernetes bootstraptokenstring_test 源码
kubernetes defaults_windows 源码
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