hadoop CommandWithDestination 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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haddop CommandWithDestination 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.fs.shell;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CreateFlag;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FilterFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathExistsException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathIOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathIsDirectoryException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathIsNotDirectoryException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathNotFoundException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathOperationException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.NotInMountpointException;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils;

import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IO_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IO_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE_KEY;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CreateFlag.CREATE;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CreateFlag.LAZY_PERSIST;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CreateFlag.OVERWRITE;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options.OpenFileOptions.FS_OPTION_OPENFILE_READ_POLICY;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options.OpenFileOptions.FS_OPTION_OPENFILE_READ_POLICY_WHOLE_FILE;
import static org.apache.hadoop.util.functional.FutureIO.awaitFuture;

 * Provides: argument processing to ensure the destination is valid
 * for the number of source arguments.  A processPaths that accepts both
 * a source and resolved target.  Sources are resolved as children of
 * a destination directory.
abstract class CommandWithDestination extends FsCommand {

  protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

  protected PathData dst;
  private boolean overwrite = false;
  private boolean verifyChecksum = true;
  private boolean writeChecksum = true;
  private boolean lazyPersist = false;
  private boolean direct = false;

   * The name of the raw xattr namespace. It would be nice to use
   * XAttr.RAW.name() but we can't reference the hadoop-hdfs project.
  private static final String RAW = "raw.";

   * The name of the reserved raw directory.
  private static final String RESERVED_RAW = "/.reserved/raw";

   * This method is used to enable the force(-f)  option while copying the files.
   * @param flag true/false
  protected void setOverwrite(boolean flag) {
    overwrite = flag;
  protected void setLazyPersist(boolean flag) {
    lazyPersist = flag;

  protected void setVerifyChecksum(boolean flag) {
    verifyChecksum = flag;
  protected void setWriteChecksum(boolean flag) {
    writeChecksum = flag;

  protected void setDirectWrite(boolean flag) {
    direct = flag;

   * If true, the last modified time, last access time,
   * owner, group and permission information of the source
   * file will be preserved as far as target {@link FileSystem}
   * implementation allows.
   * @param preserve preserve.
  protected void setPreserve(boolean preserve) {
    if (preserve) {
    } else {
  protected enum FileAttribute {

    public static FileAttribute getAttribute(char symbol) {
      for (FileAttribute attribute : values()) {
        if (attribute.name().charAt(0) == Character.toUpperCase(symbol)) {
          return attribute;
      throw new NoSuchElementException("No attribute for " + symbol);
  private EnumSet<FileAttribute> preserveStatus = 
   * Checks if the input attribute should be preserved or not
   * @param attribute - Attribute to check
   * @return boolean true if attribute should be preserved, false otherwise
  private boolean shouldPreserve(FileAttribute attribute) {
    return preserveStatus.contains(attribute);
   * Add file attributes that need to be preserved. This method may be
   * called multiple times to add attributes.
   * @param fileAttribute - Attribute to add, one at a time
  protected void preserve(FileAttribute fileAttribute) {
    for (FileAttribute attribute : preserveStatus) {
      if (attribute.equals(fileAttribute)) {

   *  The last arg is expected to be a local path, if only one argument is
   *  given then the destination will be the current directory 
   *  @param args is the list of arguments
   * @throws IOException raised on errors performing I/O.
  protected void getLocalDestination(LinkedList<String> args)
  throws IOException {
    String pathString = (args.size() < 2) ? Path.CUR_DIR : args.removeLast();
    try {
      dst = new PathData(new URI(pathString), getConf());
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
      if (Path.WINDOWS) {
        // Unlike URI, PathData knows how to parse Windows drive-letter paths.
        dst = new PathData(pathString, getConf());
      } else {
        throw new IOException("unexpected URISyntaxException", e);

   *  The last arg is expected to be a remote path, if only one argument is
   *  given then the destination will be the remote user's directory 
   *  @param args is the list of arguments
   *  @throws PathIOException if path doesn't exist or matches too many times 
  protected void getRemoteDestination(LinkedList<String> args)
  throws IOException {
    if (args.size() < 2) {
      dst = new PathData(Path.CUR_DIR, getConf());
    } else {
      String pathString = args.removeLast();
      // if the path is a glob, then it must match one and only one path
      PathData[] items = PathData.expandAsGlob(pathString, getConf());
      switch (items.length) {
        case 0:
          throw new PathNotFoundException(pathString);
        case 1:
          dst = items[0];
          throw new PathIOException(pathString, "Too many matches");

  protected void processArguments(LinkedList<PathData> args)
  throws IOException {
    // if more than one arg, the destination must be a directory
    // if one arg, the dst must not exist or must be a directory
    if (args.size() > 1) {
      if (!dst.exists) {
        throw new PathNotFoundException(dst.toString());
      if (!dst.stat.isDirectory()) {
        throw new PathIsNotDirectoryException(dst.toString());
    } else if (dst.exists) {
      if (!dst.stat.isDirectory() && !overwrite) {
        LOG.debug("Destination file exists: {}", dst.stat);
        throw new PathExistsException(dst.toString());
    } else if (!dst.parentExists()) {
      throw new PathNotFoundException(dst.toString())

  protected void processPathArgument(PathData src)
  throws IOException {
    if (src.stat.isDirectory() && src.fs.equals(dst.fs)) {
      PathData target = getTargetPath(src);
      String srcPath = src.fs.makeQualified(src.path).toString();
      String dstPath = dst.fs.makeQualified(target.path).toString();
      if (dstPath.equals(srcPath)) {
        PathIOException e = new PathIOException(src.toString(),
            "are identical");
        throw e;
      // When a path is normalized, all trailing slashes are removed
      // except for the root
      if(!srcPath.endsWith(Path.SEPARATOR)) {
        srcPath += Path.SEPARATOR;

      if(dstPath.startsWith(srcPath)) {
        PathIOException e = new PathIOException(src.toString(),
            "is a subdirectory of itself");
        throw e;

  protected void processPath(PathData src) throws IOException {
    processPath(src, getTargetPath(src));
   * Called with a source and target destination pair
   * @param src for the operation
   * @param dst for the operation
   * @throws IOException if anything goes wrong
  protected void processPath(PathData src, PathData dst) throws IOException {
    if (src.stat.isSymlink()) {
      // TODO: remove when FileContext is supported, this needs to either
      // copy the symlink or deref the symlink
      throw new PathOperationException(src.toString());        
    } else if (src.stat.isFile()) {
      copyFileToTarget(src, dst);
    } else if (src.stat.isDirectory() && !isRecursive()) {
      throw new PathIsDirectoryException(src.toString());

  protected void recursePath(PathData src) throws IOException {
    PathData savedDst = dst;
    try {
      // modify dst as we descend to append the basename of the
      // current directory being processed
      dst = getTargetPath(src);
      final boolean preserveRawXattrs =
          checkPathsForReservedRaw(src.path, dst.path);
      if (dst.exists) {
        if (!dst.stat.isDirectory()) {
          throw new PathIsNotDirectoryException(dst.toString());
      } else {
        if (!dst.fs.mkdirs(dst.path)) {
          // too bad we have no clue what failed
          PathIOException e = new PathIOException(dst.toString());
          throw e;
        dst.refreshStatus(); // need to update stat to know it exists now
      if (dst.stat.isDirectory()) {
        preserveAttributes(src, dst, preserveRawXattrs);
    } finally {
      dst = savedDst;
  protected PathData getTargetPath(PathData src) throws IOException {
    PathData target;
    // on the first loop, the dst may be directory or a file, so only create
    // a child path if dst is a dir; after recursion, it's always a dir
    if ((getDepth() > 0) || (dst.exists && dst.stat.isDirectory())) {
      target = dst.getPathDataForChild(src);
    } else if (dst.representsDirectory()) { // see if path looks like a dir
      target = dst.getPathDataForChild(src);
    } else {
      target = dst;
    return target;
   * Copies the source file to the target.
   * @param src item to copy
   * @param target where to copy the item
   * @throws IOException if copy fails
  protected void copyFileToTarget(PathData src, PathData target)
      throws IOException {
    final boolean preserveRawXattrs =
        checkPathsForReservedRaw(src.path, target.path);
    InputStream in = null;
    try {
      in = awaitFuture(src.fs.openFile(src.path)
      copyStreamToTarget(in, target);
      preserveAttributes(src, target, preserveRawXattrs);
    } finally {
   * Check the source and target paths to ensure that they are either both in
   * /.reserved/raw or neither in /.reserved/raw. If neither src nor target are
   * in /.reserved/raw, then return false, indicating not to preserve raw.*
   * xattrs. If both src/target are in /.reserved/raw, then return true,
   * indicating raw.* xattrs should be preserved. If only one of src/target is
   * in /.reserved/raw then throw an exception.
   * @param src The source path to check. This should be a fully-qualified
   *            path, not relative.
   * @param target The target path to check. This should be a fully-qualified
   *               path, not relative.
   * @return true if raw.* xattrs should be preserved.
   * @throws PathOperationException is only one of src/target are in
   * /.reserved/raw.
  private boolean checkPathsForReservedRaw(Path src, Path target)
      throws PathOperationException {
    final boolean srcIsRR = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(src).
    final boolean dstIsRR = Path.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority(target).
    boolean preserveRawXattrs = false;
    if (srcIsRR && !dstIsRR) {
      final String s = "' copy from '" + RESERVED_RAW + "' to non '" +
          RESERVED_RAW + "'. Either both source and target must be in '" +
          RESERVED_RAW + "' or neither.";
      throw new PathOperationException("'" + src.toString() + s);
    } else if (!srcIsRR && dstIsRR) {
      final String s = "' copy from non '" + RESERVED_RAW +"' to '" +
          RESERVED_RAW + "'. Either both source and target must be in '" +
          RESERVED_RAW + "' or neither.";
      throw new PathOperationException("'" + dst.toString() + s);
    } else if (srcIsRR && dstIsRR) {
      preserveRawXattrs = true;
    return preserveRawXattrs;

   * If direct write is disabled ,copies the stream contents to a temporary
   * file "target._COPYING_". If the copy is successful, the temporary file
   * will be renamed to the real path, else the temporary file will be deleted.
   * if direct write is enabled , then creation temporary file is skipped.
   * @param in     the input stream for the copy
   * @param target where to store the contents of the stream
   * @throws IOException if copy fails
  protected void copyStreamToTarget(InputStream in, PathData target)
  throws IOException {
    if (target.exists && (target.stat.isDirectory() || !overwrite)) {
      throw new PathExistsException(target.toString());
    TargetFileSystem targetFs = new TargetFileSystem(target.fs);
    try {
      PathData tempTarget = direct ? target : target.suffix("._COPYING_");
      targetFs.writeStreamToFile(in, tempTarget, lazyPersist, direct);
      if (!direct) {
        targetFs.rename(tempTarget, target);
    } finally {
      targetFs.close(); // last ditch effort to ensure temp file is removed

   * Preserve the attributes of the source to the target.
   * The method calls {@link #shouldPreserve(FileAttribute)} to check what
   * attribute to preserve.
   * @param src source to preserve
   * @param target where to preserve attributes
   * @param preserveRawXAttrs true if raw.* xattrs should be preserved
   * @throws IOException if fails to preserve attributes
  protected void preserveAttributes(PathData src, PathData target,
      boolean preserveRawXAttrs)
      throws IOException {
    if (shouldPreserve(FileAttribute.TIMESTAMPS)) {
    if (shouldPreserve(FileAttribute.OWNERSHIP)) {
    if (shouldPreserve(FileAttribute.PERMISSION) ||
        shouldPreserve(FileAttribute.ACL)) {
    if (shouldPreserve(FileAttribute.ACL)) {
      if (src.stat.hasAcl()) {
        FsPermission perm = src.stat.getPermission();
        List<AclEntry> srcEntries =
        List<AclEntry> srcFullEntries =
            AclUtil.getAclFromPermAndEntries(perm, srcEntries);
        target.fs.setAcl(target.path, srcFullEntries);
    final boolean preserveXAttrs = shouldPreserve(FileAttribute.XATTR);
    if (preserveXAttrs || preserveRawXAttrs) {
      Map<String, byte[]> srcXAttrs = src.fs.getXAttrs(src.path);
      if (srcXAttrs != null) {
        Iterator<Entry<String, byte[]>> iter = srcXAttrs.entrySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          Entry<String, byte[]> entry = iter.next();
          final String xattrName = entry.getKey();
          if (xattrName.startsWith(RAW) || preserveXAttrs) {
            target.fs.setXAttr(target.path, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

  // Helper filter filesystem that registers created files as temp files to
  // be deleted on exit unless successfully renamed
  private static class TargetFileSystem extends FilterFileSystem {
    TargetFileSystem(FileSystem fs) {

    void writeStreamToFile(InputStream in, PathData target,
        boolean lazyPersist, boolean direct)
        throws IOException {
      FSDataOutputStream out = null;
      try {
        out = create(target, lazyPersist);
        IOUtils.copyBytes(in, out, getConf(), true);
      } finally {
        if (!direct) {
        IOUtils.closeStream(out); // just in case copyBytes didn't
    // tag created files as temp files
    FSDataOutputStream create(PathData item, boolean lazyPersist)
        throws IOException {
      if (lazyPersist) {
        long defaultBlockSize;
        try {
          defaultBlockSize = getDefaultBlockSize();
        } catch (NotInMountpointException ex) {
          // ViewFileSystem#getDefaultBlockSize() throws an exception as it
          // needs a target FS to retrive the default block size from.
          // Hence, for ViewFs, we should call getDefaultBlockSize with the
          // target path.
          defaultBlockSize = getDefaultBlockSize(item.path);

        EnumSet<CreateFlag> createFlags =
            EnumSet.of(CREATE, LAZY_PERSIST, OVERWRITE);
        return create(item.path,
                      (short) 1,
      } else {
        return create(item.path, true);

    void rename(PathData src, PathData target) throws IOException {
      // the rename method with an option to delete the target is deprecated
      if (target.exists && !delete(target.path, false)) {
        // too bad we don't know why it failed
        PathIOException e = new PathIOException(target.toString());
        throw e;
      if (!rename(src.path, target.path)) {
        // too bad we don't know why it failed
        PathIOException e = new PathIOException(src.toString());
        throw e;
      // cancel delete on exit if rename is successful
    public void close() {
      // purge any remaining temp files, but don't close underlying fs


hadoop 源码目录


hadoop AclCommands 源码

hadoop Command 源码

hadoop CommandFactory 源码

hadoop CommandFormat 源码

hadoop CommandUtils 源码

hadoop Concat 源码

hadoop CopyCommandWithMultiThread 源码

hadoop CopyCommands 源码

hadoop Count 源码

hadoop Delete 源码

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