go p1 源码

  • 2022-07-15
  • 浏览 (1310)

golang p1 代码


package p1

import (
	ptwo "p2"

const (
	ConstChase2 = constChase // forward declaration to unexported ident
	constChase  = AIsLowerA  // forward declaration to exported ident

	A         = 1
	a         = 11
	A64 int64 = 1

	AIsLowerA = a // previously declared

const (
	ConversionConst = MyInt(5)

// Variables from function calls.
var (
	V      = ptwo.F()
	VError = BarE()
	V1     = Bar1(1, 2, 3)
	V2     = ptwo.G()

// Variables with conversions:
var (
	StrConv  = string("foo")
	ByteConv = []byte("foo")

var ChecksumError = ptwo.NewError("gzip checksum error")

const B0 = 2
const StrConst = "foo"
const FloatConst = 1.5

type myInt int

type MyInt int

type Time struct{}

type S struct {
	Public     *int
	private    *int
	PublicTime Time

type URL struct{}

type EmbedURLPtr struct {

type S2 struct {
	Extra bool

var X0 int64

var (
	Y int
	X I

type Namer interface {
	Name() string

type I interface {
	Set(name string, balance int64)
	Get(string) int64
	GetNamed(string) (balance int64)

type Public interface {

type Private interface {

type Error interface {
	Temporary() bool

func (myInt) privateTypeMethod()           {}
func (myInt) CapitalMethodUnexportedType() {}

func (s *S2) SMethod(x int8, y int16, z int64) {}

type s struct{}

func (s) method()
func (s) Method()

func (S) StructValueMethod()
func (ignored S) StructValueMethodNamedRecv()

func (s *S2) unexported(x int8, y int16, z int64) {}

func Bar(x int8, y int16, z int64)                  {}
func Bar1(x int8, y int16, z int64) uint64          {}
func Bar2(x int8, y int16, z int64) (uint8, uint64) {}
func BarE() Error                                   {}

func unexported(x int8, y int16, z int64) {}

func TakesFunc(f func(dontWantName int) int)

type Codec struct {
	Func func(x int, y int) (z int)

type SI struct {
	I int

var SIVal = SI{}
var SIPtr = &SI{}
var SIPtr2 *SI

type T struct {

type B struct {

type common struct {
	i int

type TPtrUnexported struct {

type TPtrExported struct {

type FuncType func(x, y int, s string) (b *B, err error)

type Embedded struct{}

func PlainFunc(x, y int, s string) (b *B, err error)

func (*Embedded) OnEmbedded() {}

func (*T) JustOnT()             {}
func (*B) JustOnB()             {}
func (*common) OnBothTandBPtr() {}
func (common) OnBothTandBVal()  {}

type EmbedSelector struct {

const (
	foo          = "foo"
	foo2  string = "foo2"
	truth        = foo == "foo" || foo2 == "foo2"

func ellipsis(...string) {}

func Now() Time {
	var now Time
	return now

var x = &S{
	Public:     nil,
	private:    nil,
	PublicTime: Now(),

var parenExpr = (1 + 5)

var funcLit = func() {}

var m map[string]int

var chanVar chan int

var ifaceVar any = 5

var assertVar = ifaceVar.(int)

var indexVar = m["foo"]

var Byte byte
var ByteFunc func(byte) rune

type ByteStruct struct {
	B byte
	R rune


go 源码目录


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