harmony 鸿蒙Tutorial Template

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (788)

Tutorial Template

A tutorial describes how to develop a complex task, feature, and application. Usually, the development process is divided into several sections, each with a series of steps. In addition, code examples are provided to help developers understand the specific feature implementation.

You should explain basic concepts mentioned in the tutorial, and suggest developers refer to specific corresponding topics in developer-oriented documents for in-depth concepts.

When you write the tutorial page, create a MarkDown file in the others directory.


Content: Describe the tasks that developers will do and the features and effects that developers will achieve after learning this tutorial. If multiple goals can be achieved, it is recommended that you use a bulleted list.

If possible, provide pictures or short videos to demonstrate the effect.


  • Provide the information about the required software, hardware, tools, and their version information.
  • Describe required permissions.

XXX (Key Task 1)

Break down the tutorial into several sequential critical tasks or parallel scenario-specific tasks.

  1. XXXX

       // Sample code
  2. XXXX

Comply with the following writing instructions on how to describe operations:

  1. Specify the operation scenario and purpose for each step, and clarify the actor of each action.
  2. Provide API descriptions and related sample codes if needed.
  3. Provide screenshots of GUI-based steps for better understanding.
  4. Ensure that code logic and syntax are correct.
  5. Provides comments for key steps in the code.
  6. Provide the output content if any.

XXX (Key Task 2)

  1. XXXX


Describe the subsequent development tasks that may be associated with this tutorial. If there are no associated tasks, skip this topic.


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