harmony 鸿蒙Vibrator Development

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (1015)

Vibrator Development

When to Use

You can set different vibration effects as needed, for example, customizing the vibration intensity, frequency, and duration for button touches, alarm clocks, and incoming calls.

For details about the APIs, see Vibrator.

Available APIs

Module API Description
ohos.vibrator startVibration(effect: VibrateEffect, attribute: VibrateAttribute): Promise<void> Starts vibration with the specified effect and attribute. This API uses a promise to return the result.
ohos.vibrator startVibration(effect: VibrateEffect, attribute: VibrateAttribute, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void Starts vibration with the specified effect and attribute. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
ohos.vibrator stopVibration(stopMode: VibratorStopMode): Promise<void> Stops vibration in the specified mode. This API uses a promise to return the result.
ohos.vibrator stopVibration(stopMode: VibratorStopMode, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void Stops vibration in the specified mode. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
ohos.vibrator stopVibration(): Promise<void> Stops vibration in all modes. This API uses a promise to return the result.
ohos.vibrator stopVibration(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void Stops vibration in all modes. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.
ohos.vibrator isSupportEffect(effectId: string): Promise<boolean> Checks whether an effect ID is supported. This API uses a promise to return the result. The value true means that the effect ID is supported, and false means the opposite.
ohos.vibrator isSupportEffect(effectId: string, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void Checks whether an effect ID is supported. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. The value true means that the effect ID is supported, and false means the opposite.

Vibration Effect Description

Currently, three types of vibration effects are supported.

Fixed-Duration Vibration

Only a fixed duration is passed in, and the device vibrates based on the default intensity and frequency. For details about the vibration effect, see VibrateTime.

Preset Vibration

Certain vibration effects are preset for fixed scenes. For example, the effect “haptic.clock.timer” is preset to provide feedback when a user adjusts the timer. For details about the vibration effect, see VibratePreset.

Custom Vibration

Custom vibration enables you to design vibration effects by customizing a vibration configuration file and orchestrating vibration forms based on the corresponding rules. For details about the vibration effect, see VibrateFromFile.

The custom vibration configuration file is in JSON format. An example file is as follows:

    "MetaData": {
        "Create": "2023-01-09",
        "Description": "a haptic case",
        "Version": 1.0,
        "ChannelNumber": 1
    "Channels": [
            "Parameters": {
                "Index": 1
            "Pattern": [
                    "Event": {
                        "Type": "transient",
                        "StartTime": 0,
                        "Parameters": {
                            "Intensity": 100,
                            "Frequency": 31
                    "Event": {
                        "Type": "continuous",
                        "StartTime": 100,
                        "Duration": 54,
                        "Parameters": {
                            "Intensity": 38,
                            "Frequency": 30

This JSON file contains two attributes: MetaData and Channels. - MetaData contains information about the file header. You can add the following attributes under MetaData: - Version: version number of the file format, which is forward compatible. Currently, only version 1.0 is supported. This parameter is mandatory. - ChannelNumber: number of channels for vibration. Currently, only one channel is supported, and the value is fixed at 1. This parameter is mandatory. - Create: time when the file was created. This parameter is optional. - Description: additional information such as the vibration effect and creation information. This parameter is optional. - Channels provides information about the vibration channel. It is a JSON array that holds information about each channel. It contains two attributes: Parameters and Pattern. - Parameters provides parameters related to the channel. Under it, Index indicates the channel ID. The value is fixed at 1 for a single channel. This parameter is mandatory. - Pattern indicates the vibration sequence. It is a JSON array. Under it, Event indicates a vibration event, which can be either of the following types: - transient: short vibration - continuous: long vibration

The table below describes the parameters under Event.

Parameter Description Value or Value Range
Type Type of the vibration event. This parameter is mandatory. transient or continuous
StartTime Start time of the vibration. This parameter is mandatory. [0, 1800 000], in ms, without overlapping
Duration Duration of the vibration. This parameter is valid only when Type is continuous. (10, 1600), in ms
Intensity Intensity of the vibration. This parameter is mandatory. [0, 100], a relative value that does not represent the actual vibration intensity.
Frequency Frequency of the vibration. This parameter is mandatory. [0, 100], a relative value that does not represent the actual vibration frequency.

The following requirements must be met:

Item Description
Number of vibration events No more than 128
Length of the vibration configuration file Not greater than 64 KB

How to Develop

  1. Before using the vibrator on a device, you must declare the ohos.permission.VIBRATE permission. For details about how to configure a permission, see Declaring Permissions.

  2. Start vibration with the specified effect and attribute.

  3. Scenario 1: Trigger vibration with the specified duration.

  import vibrator from '@ohos.vibrator';
  import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
  try {
    // Start vibration.
      type: 'time',
      duration: 1000,
    }, {
      id: 0,
      usage: 'alarm'
    }, (error: BusinessError) => {
      if (error) {
        console.error(`Failed to start vibration. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
      console.info('Succeed in starting vibration');
  } catch (err) {
    let e: BusinessError = err as BusinessError;
    console.error(`An unexpected error occurred. Code: ${e.code}, message: ${e.message}`);
  • Scenario 2: Trigger vibration with a preset effect. You can check whether the preset effect is supported before calling startVibration().
  import vibrator from '@ohos.vibrator';
  import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
  try {
    // Check whether 'haptic.clock.timer' is supported.
    vibrator.isSupportEffect('haptic.clock.timer', (err: BusinessError, state: boolean) => {
      if (err) {
        console.error(`Failed to query effect. Code: ${err.code}, message: ${err.message}`);
      console.info('Succeed in querying effect');
      if (state) {
        try {
          // Start vibration.
            type: 'preset',
            effectId: 'haptic.clock.timer',
            count: 1,
          }, {
            usage: 'unknown'
          }, (error: BusinessError) => {
            if (error) {
              console.error(`Failed to start vibration. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
            } else {
              console.info('Succeed in starting vibration');
        } catch (error) {
          let e: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
          console.error(`An unexpected error occurred. Code: ${e.code}, message: ${e.message}`);
  } catch (error) {
    let e: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
    console.error(`An unexpected error occurred. Code: ${e.code}, message: ${e.message}`);
  • Scenario 3: Trigger vibration according to a custom vibration configuration file.
  import vibrator from '@ohos.vibrator';
  import resourceManager from '@ohos.resourceManager';
  import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
  const fileName: string = 'xxx.json';
  // Obtain the file descriptor of the vibration configuration file.
  let rawFd: resourceManager.RawFileDescriptor = getContext().resourceManager.getRawFdSync(fileName);
  // Start vibration.
  try {
      type: "file",
      hapticFd: { fd: rawFd.fd, offset: rawFd.offset, length: rawFd.length }
    }, {
      id: 0,
      usage: 'alarm'
    }, (error: BusinessError) => {
      if (error) {
        console.error(`Failed to start vibration. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
      console.info('Succeed in starting vibration');
  } catch (err) {
    let e: BusinessError = err as BusinessError;
    console.error(`An unexpected error occurred. Code: ${e.code}, message: ${e.message}`);
  // Close the file descriptor of the vibration configuration file.
  1. Stop vibration.

  2. Method 1: Stop vibration in the specified mode. This method is invalid for custom vibration.

    • Stop fixed-duration vibration.
     import vibrator from '@ohos.vibrator';
     import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
     try {
       // Stop vibration in VIBRATOR_STOP_MODE_TIME mode.
       vibrator.stopVibration(vibrator.VibratorStopMode.VIBRATOR_STOP_MODE_TIME, (error: BusinessError) => {
         if (error) {
           console.error(`Failed to stop vibration. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
         console.info('Succeed in stopping vibration');
     } catch (err) {
       let e: BusinessError = err as BusinessError;
       console.error(`An unexpected error occurred. Code: ${e.code}, message: ${e.message}`);
    • Stop preset vibration.
     import vibrator from '@ohos.vibrator';
     import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
     try {
       // Stop vibration in VIBRATOR_STOP_MODE_PRESET mode.
       vibrator.stopVibration(vibrator.VibratorStopMode.VIBRATOR_STOP_MODE_PRESET, (error: BusinessError) => {
         if (error) {
           console.error(`Failed to stop vibration. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
         console.info('Succeed in stopping vibration');
     } catch (err) {
       let e: BusinessError = err as BusinessError;
       console.error(`An unexpected error occurred. Code: ${e.code}, message: ${e.message}`);
  3. Method 2: Stop vibration in all modes, including custom vibration.

   import vibrator from '@ohos.vibrator';
   import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
   try {
     // Stop vibration in all modes.
     vibrator.stopVibration((error: BusinessError) => {
       if (error) {
         console.error(`Failed to stop vibration. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
       console.info('Succeed in stopping vibration');
   } catch (error) {
     let e: BusinessError = error as BusinessError;
     console.error(`An unexpected error occurred. Code: ${e.code}, message: ${e.message}`);


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